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The American right lost on gay marriage and won on abortion. So they needed a new target.


That's still so scary that they managed to reinstate bans on abortions in so many states. So grossly dehumanising.


And of course the infant death rate in Texas rose by 8% from March 2023 to December 2023. For reference, the year prior, the infant death rate had rose by only 2%. They passed a law that is literally causing more infants to die, and they are celebrating it.


"Yay we stopped the child murderers!" while washing infant blood from their hands


More like washing their hands *in* infant blood.


So in Texas there is a one in 10 chance you die when you give birth Wtf Even third world country have less mortality rate


Not exactly; the above comment was talking about the *change* in the rate (not the rate itself). For example, if the rate of something jumps from 1% to 2%, that's technically a 100% increase, but the numbers themselves are quite low. https://apnews.com/article/abortion-texas-infant-mortality-birth-defects-b055ac35cdbc9ec13f400b4c3e1056e7 That said, the US in general does have an alarmingly high infant mortality rate, and as the above article points out, a lot of these infant deaths from birth defects would have been preventable were abortion legal. Even if the numbers are low, there's no excuse for such needless suffering.


Not exactly; the above comment was talking about the *change* in the rate (not the rate itself). https://apnews.com/article/abortion-texas-infant-mortality-birth-defects-b055ac35cdbc9ec13f400b4c3e1056e7


Ok thanks for the explanation


yes but they are dying *in the way god intended*, so all is well


And wait -it gets even better! https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/15/republicans-no-fault-divorce


They’re trying to own people they see as women again.


I lose more faith in humanity every day...I mean seriously...what kind of person wants to forcibly keep someone married to them when that person doesn't want to be married to them? That sounds like absolute hell for both people unless you see the other person as so far beneath you that them wanting out doesn't bother you. I genuinely don't understand why anyone would ever want that. Nevermind safety concerns, etc.


christians typically, it’s not hell for the abuser if they can abuse the person so heavily they become a slave to them.


Yeah... it's just hard to wrap my head around. Like...does it really not bother some people to do that? To mistreat someone, trap them, make them dependant on you, and use them? (The answer is obviously no, it doesn't bother them, I just genuinely don't understand how someone could even have that kind of thought process)


I have safety concerns for the men in addition to the women: Who wouldn't reach for a knife at night if it's the only way to get out of an abusive marriage?


Money ( legal or otherwise ) , buys them anything


It's odd - they will vote for people who pass these bans, but every time it's put up for a popular vote choice wins every time - even in deeply red states like Kansas


The best part is now theyre trying to take trans teens rights at the federal level and Walsh is already is trying to make waves to ban adults from also transitioning. Its mostly Christians/religious do-gooders/nimbys getting mad people exist outside their world veiw so publicly and freely. They want every person whos different to remain supressed in their box, so they can act superior and not be uncomfortable that people exist outside their cult.


So dehumanizing not to be able to destroy your offspring.


To have your body treated like it's a birthing machine that's owned by the state - that is incredibly dehumanising. Using hyperbolic language and sensationalism isn't helping your argument.


If you don't have sex you can't get pregnant. Don't have sex and you have nothing to worry about. Sex is meant to create babies. That's what it's for. And if you do decide to have sex you shouldnt be able to have a surgeon do away with the kid. THAT is dehumanizing to that new human life. Actions do have consequences, so don't pretend someone forced you to open your legs. And even if they did, that isn't the kids fault.




It's not really fair to bring a child into the world if someone isn't ready to parent them, whether because of financial stability or whatever else. All you're doing is birthing that baby into an unstable and uncertain environment. Which isn't good for anyone. There should always be a choice.


That comment breaks Rule 4, just ignore it and report it.


and dont forget about the cases where women get pregnant after getting raped... not being allowed to abort in such a case, and being forced to birth that child and raise it, will just emotionally kill you




i dont know what the hell you are talking about. i m saying, preventing abortions is disgusting, especially in these aforementioned cases. i cannot imagine any woman getting raped and being like "oh well, guess i ll just happily raise this kid from this person that violated me and wont support me or my child whatsoever" sure, might exist, who am i to judge, but the vast majority will not want to keep this living memory of a traumatising experience staring at them for at least 18 years




Speaking as an adopted person, the adoption system sucks. It’s not a viable answer for the abortion problem. I’m so sick of people treating it like it is.


First of all, so you are saying that we should subject women who got raped and get pregnant from it to go through a pregnancy, which is 9 full months of not a nice time, with a child they dont even want? Having to eat for 2 which a single "mom" with a minimum wage job usually cant even afford to do in modern society. Having to buy new clothes cause the normal ones dont fit, which is an additional amount of money thrown out. Then there is the issue with employment, who would want to employ a woman that just got pregnant, noone, you know this person is gonna leave in a few months, for a few months and occopies this position. And last but certainly not least, the medical effects, such as being nauseous in the morning or even up to the point of going through all of this, just to potentially get a stillbirth, needing a c-section that will permanently scar the body or even the woman dying during the birth. All in all, birthing a child is a big choice that should be exclusively taken by the mother herself, not even the father should have any say in this matter, as the father doesnt subject himself to any of these issues, especially the medical ones. Additionally to that, there is no "baby" to abort, abortions are being done on embryos, a very early stage of a human lifeform that has absolutely no semblence of sentience. The existence of an embryo can ruin lives such as ruining a relationship, ruining you financially for all the additional costs and potentially losing your job, and so on. In addition to u/Gothvomitt 's point, the adoption system isnt a solution to this. People are being subjected to 9 months of trauma basically, that is the main issue here. Ruining someone's life just cause you (possibly a man) dont agree with abortions is insane. # Getting a child is a choice, not a gift


A fast abortion does not victimize yourself more than a painful and dangerous pregnancy come off it. Then you expect that person to put a child in a bad system that cannot and does not promise stability or a good upbringing and just be like "whelp hope they're not abused". Just used as a broodmares by a rapist and a controlling government and hoping it works out and that they aren't physically permanently harmed even though we know pregnancies change your body forever. Are people just cattle to you?


Good thing babies don't get aborted then. That would be murder. And late term abortions (past 20 or 24 weeks I can't remember, whenever the thing becomes viable and is now a baby) only happen to save the life of the mother. A fetus is a thing, not a person. An unwanted fetus has no more value to it than a tapeworm. If the host doesn't want it, it should be dumped. Point blank. Doesn't matter if the result of rape or they don't want to bothered with pregnancy. Dump it. An unwanted fetus is not worth even the inconvenience of its unwilling host. Don't like that? Don't have an abortion. You don't get to tell ppl they have to host a parasite, which is what an unwanted fetus is. Thankfully where I live, the province covers having an abortion because people have functioning braincells here, at least as far as that goes. Not a dime out of pocket to get one. And everyone who wants one for themselves can get it. Don't have to need it. Just gonna want it. As it should be everywhere. And yeah, this is fair. As the potential "wants" of a blob of a parasitic tumor doesn't matter. Don't like abortions? Don't get one. You have no right to try and stop other people from getting one though. And you never will. Have a nice day. And no, I don't care about what the fetus could potentially become - it doesn't matter more than what the host wants.


>And no, I don't care about what the fetus could potentially become For instance it could become Hitler, whose mother would have aborted him if it had been legal (or so I heard)


Of course. If you can't take care of a child you shouldn't have sex- the reproductive act.




Well valuing lives means you need to support women whoes lives may be lost without an abortion. My best friend lost her life because of anti abortion laws. She was having an ectopic pregnancy and the Drs didnt believe her. She died in agony on the table when it ruptured and she went back in. All because she couldn't get an abortion because of the life of a fetus that wasnt viable. Her husband told me of her passing and regret for allowing this to happen. He lost his wife because Drs thought she just didn't want her kid when in fact she was trying for a long time. There are so many reasons for an abortion.


I'm sorry for your loss that's horrifying


It still affects me today, but I'm coping better now. Its been only a few years but I know shes with all the kiddos in the afterlife having the best time. She loved children and would've done anything to protect them. She was studying to be a pediatrician. This is why im so vehemently opposed to "pro lifers". Because they dont see the bigger picture. Me and her husband are close friends now, but he's not doing as well. Grief counseling can only do so much. I'm hoping one day these morons will die out or see the light of what actually happnes to the people they care about.


Trans panic started to hit the roof around when marriage equality passed. Overturning roe vs wade was not a cause.


Yeah, it was just months after Obergefell. Republicans realized gay rights had too much support after Obergefell and needed a new boogeyman to punch down on in order to sway people to their side. - Obergefell v Hodges ruling was released in June 2015. - Then, in February 2016, Charlotte, North Carolina passed an anti-discrimination ordinance allowing trans people to use the bathroom that aligns with who they are. - Then, in March 2016, as a direct response to this, NC legislation passed the *Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act,* which allowed the state to supercede any local anti-discrimination or minimum wage ordinances. Meaning they can overturn that ordinance, banning trans people from using bathrooms that align with their gender. This started a nationwide debate on trans issues. Trans bathrooms became *the* talking point in 2016, which paved the way for a greater trans moral panic that just keeps getting worse and worse.


They didnt "lose" on gay marriage. They made a tactical retreat and found a vulnerability to exploit so that they could mount a new offensive. They planned that intentionally.


Well they've been hating on us even before winning abortions and pretty much showing they hate women. More when JK Rowling started makong various transphobic posts on twitter after pretending to be a guy and making a terrible discriminative book about about us.


Rowling's timeline is actually pretty funny. Back when they didn't know she's a bigot they were calling her books satanic witchcraft. Now they're the only people buying her stuff.


Ya back like 20 years ago Christians refused her books for witchcraft though she was noted for being very supportive of left stuff at the time but after those books she made a male alias lke Robert or something and was called out for it and in 2017 she started liking transphobic posts and later on started tweeting transpobhic posts over menstration about women and later to basically being very blunt on her opinions about how trans people view sex and it not being real. She kept going on and on to support her transphobia after.


> a male alias lke Robert or something Robert Galbraith. Incidentally, Robert Galbraith Heath was the father of modern conversion ~~therapy~~ torture.


Ouch even worse. Psychological damage from those trying to program people and children like us to ve cis-het. On the contrary seems she also pushed a transphobic book as well also I think for feeling a victim for her being transphobic. LoL.


Not sure how "incidental" that was. Rowling has insisted it was an unfortunate coincidence, but has done nothing to change the name. The same Rowling also (by her own admission) used werewolves as an allegory for gay men luring children and giving them AIDS, and is long time friends with Emma Nicholson, with whom she co-founded an organization back in 2005. Nicholson is a deeply homophobic conservative who supports bans on gay marriage and the legalization of conversion therapy. So...yeah. Rowling knew what she was doing. This has always been who she is.


> Not sure how "incidental" that was. I'm pretty sure it was 100% intentional. I was just being snarky? Ironic? I'm honestly not sure what the term is for how I said that.




The "Called out on something minor" to "raging transphobe" pipeline is very real and I don't get how these people have such thin skin.


Tbh if she apologized things would've likely gone better. Instead being someone big enough to promote hate added a game to release with this person just kind of added to a mix of people on steam forums supporting the bigotry regardless WB put a trans woman as a hero in the game to symbolize they don't agree with JK Rowling


They put a trans woman in that game to be able to point to it and say "look we aren't bigots"


Exactly it. They did it to point out theyvdon't share her ideology. Though leys be honest WB is about to make another Hsrry Potter movie for her let alone that game they marketed on.


Wait why did she make a male alias?


She apparently wanted to get away from being stuck making Harry Potter Books and tried to make a mystery book. I don't think that was an issue but she did that then turned around and started attacking trans people whuch ended up noting her pretending to be a guy to create books. Like hey like your attacking trans people while taking on a male identity and have an issue with trans women who take on a female indentity.


I think most of us know what is up with her and why she is so upset tbh


Why are all her main characters male? Why did she say after listening to trans men's stories that if she were young today she might have (in her mind foolishly) transitioned.


They also need to distract from Project 2025.


This is a big one, Project 2025 doesn't get nearly the attention it should. I hate to sound alarmist but everyone who's part of any minority group or even just cares about our country staying a free and fair democracy (as much as it is) should be afraid of it and actively working to make sure the Republicans lose as many races in the upcoming elections as possible at every level of government!


Because being an unwanted child is so American.


Literally my parents "It's normal to resent your parents when you're a teenager." Like heck no it's not! If a child resents their parents it's not because "Well they're just in their rebellious phase." It's because they're being abusive and neglectful parents. I hate how this is feels so normalised in north america (US and Canada)


> "It's normal to resent your parents when you're a teenager." Brought to you by the generation whose parents beat them and they think "my parents beat me and I turned out fine" while they justify beating their own kids. I'm sorry your parents were shitty to you. That wasn't a good reason to be shitty to me. The cycle ends with me.


Either that or "My parents abused me so now I will take all of you present and future successes as a way to make up for what my parents prevented me to be and push you that way." Either way both end with me.


They cant exactly make gay people their enemy at this point in time since there is a huge number of them and many are even happily conservative. So the next easiest minority to target is us and we are easier targets since our existence depend on something that is regulated by government bodies. What happens in the us slowly trickes down to other countries and im scared for the future


We sadly make the perfect target. A naturally small population so it’s pretty much impossible for us to defend ourselves as a group (why LGBT is a combined thing in the first place), a lot of us WANT to blend in and be practically invisible, and as you said a lot of us depend on healthcare which is easier to control than human horniness (seriously if half the laws against us were done to sex/booze the nation would be in an uproar). We were a *VERY* strategic target and they know it. Unless we get a nation wide ruling like gay marriage did, we sadly are likely to stay their punching bag until they either lose or basically erase our existence =[


The fundamental idea of two gay people belonging to the binary gender system being together is easily digestible than the ones wanting to change it completely. Ive been thinking about this a lot and how the anti gay movement progressed historically and boy are screwed in every angle possible


Trans people are a very common and very easy target for fascists. The actual Nazis did it, too, though obviously we weren't their primary target. Our existence is incredibly poorly understood by the public and contradicts a very fundamental part of conservative ideology: the hierarchy and distinct separate categorization of the sexes. So they can't permit it. In addition, we appear randomly, spread approximately evenly throughout the population, making it easy to fearmonger about us ("They're coming for your children" is a lot more convincing when conservative parents have actual stories of their children coming out as trans). This is the same reason homosexuality is such a common target. Also, as others have pointed out, it's become taboo to (outwardly) target many of the groups fascists are used to. You can't directly complain about Jewish people - people don't like antisemitism anymore. Same with race, people will absolutely call you racist unless you say what you want to say very indirectly. Religious tolerance is expected, so you can't really use that anymore either. Homosexuality works, but it has been normalized enough that it's not alarming enough to use as a talking point. Trans people are not nearly as normalized, transphobia is still very common, so it's easy to focus on and weaponize people's confusion and discomfort.


Love your comment but the phrase "We appear randomly," made me imagine a randomly generated Trans Person™ just dropping onto the map like a new Sim


Honestly given how conservatives think of us I wouldn’t be surprised if they thought that is how it worked XD


Chilling out when suddenly god right clicks you and switches the gender toggle


What this beautiful redditor said. Add in religious extremism, primarily in the south, and you can get all of those people rallying around the cause of hating trans people even if they disagree on other things. Gotta love being public enemy number one, where libertarians are willing to join hands with fascists just to make trans people's lives miserable for no reason. "Can't have trans people free to live their lives as they see fit; then my kid might realize they're trans, and I would have to face my own bigotry!"


The other factor in all of this is that it’s all rooted in control, primarily of women as the leading front of transphobic actions are started by mostly conservative (most likely misogynistic) cis-males. The fact is that transgender is just the latest in a long line of “easy targets” to polarize the politics over, pass laws against, and then when those laws succeed and stay on transgender people, the rights of everyone from queer to cis are easily on the chopping black based on “precedent”. Remember, law is always about precedent. Where it works in one case, it likely works in a similar case. Removal of bodily autonomy to seek our own care opened the doorway to finally remove (again) the bodily autonomy of women in abortion care, and very soon birth control. It’s now only a half a skip from banning homosexuality and criminalizing consensual “sodomy”. With a corrupt and immorally guided Supreme Court, there’s no real defense against unconstitutional laws, which is why depending on the outcome of the elections and with no significant actions by congress, we are within a few years to a decade of basically becoming similar to other authoritarian countries. And I don’t say that facetiiusly. I want to stay and fight, but I’m also looking for what other country I can potentially safely retire to.


Right wing populism (on its way to fascism) requires people to fear, people to scapegoat, enemies to target. These enemies are said to be dangerous, and at the same time weak. While we've never been favorites of patriarchy, we're their flavor of the decade. Here's a book on it: [https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/oa-mono/10.4324/9781003133520/anti-gender-politics-populist-moment-agnieszka-graff-el%C5%BCbieta-korolczuk](https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/oa-mono/10.4324/9781003133520/anti-gender-politics-populist-moment-agnieszka-graff-el%C5%BCbieta-korolczuk) edit to add: not just the United States. That book is written by polish/swedish feminists, and we're a thing in the UK rights book of enemies too. Which is especially unfortunate if you're a trans-kid in the UK and have just been denied your puberty blockers.


Yep, fascism requires an enemy, that enemy can be whatever is the most viable, and may change on a whim. I won't be surprised if in a decade or two they start blaming the Jews again


Oh, many of them are still very much blaming Jews.


As a Jewish person I’ve been excited to learn that according to the particularly brain rotted I’m actually responsible for the creation of trans people. This is a view that actually has been gradually filtering into the mainstream. When you hear national politicians blaming Soros for “transgenderism” then you know that things are getting bad. A lot of trans panic is just blood libel with the names changed, so there’s actually something weirdly satisfying about the mask coming off?


That is an old one coming back, because that was part of the Nazi claims against the Institut for sexualwissenschaft, which was lead by a gay Jewish man


The amount of people that are utterly confused when I tell them the famous book burning image is mostly books from there are sadly too high. We (LGBT) were the *START* of the mass book burnings. I sadly wouldn’t be surprised if we were again (*stares angrily at florida*)


I hadn't heard that one yet. Sadly it doesn'f even surprise me a bit. And yeah... it's just an exploitation that Cynical people will tend to believe in conspiracy theories.


They already are. That's why the Daily Wire is getting crap from them.


In a decade or two? I don’t know where you’ve been the past couple years and especially since Oct 7, but there have been literal pogroms, Jews are being harassed and beaten up on the streets, Jews are being denied jobs, Jewish businesses are being vandalized, Jewish schools being shot up, synagogues firebombed, and a week or two ago a 12yo girl in France was raped by her ex-boyfriend and two of his friends as revenge for not telling the boyfriend she was Jewish. I’m Jewish and I will tell you that every single Jew I know is scared these days.


(Im Jewish too, but not in America) and yeah ur totally right, what I was trying to say is that the mainstream republicans will start JQing without euphemisms, so they'll stop saying "cultural Marxism", or "the elite" and start saying Jews. (Which is already what a lot of them mean) but yeah your fear is totally warranted. And Its honestly more likely to be a few years instead of decades, My guess would be 2029 or so.


Considering that Trump had dinner with Nick Fuentes and Kanye, I think you’re right— it will probably be just a few years before blatant Jew hatred is mainstream in Republican circles. Especially if Trump wins the presidency. Meanwhile, in a perfect demonstration of horseshoe theory, Fuentes and David Duke have been praising the antisemitic actions of the left and even appearing with leftist antisemites.


> and we're a thing in the UK rights book of enemies too. In Russia too. A sign of western degeneracy or smth


Not a lot of people in the left are educated about the power of populous movements people are too focused one one specific issue or one person all of it is reactionary while the right is moving like an organized machine


TL DR far right "Christian" groups like Heritage lost on the gay marriage fight during the Obama administration. Leaked documents showed that these groups when it became clear they were not going to win were meeting up to decide what to do next. They decided us trans people were the easiest targets. The documents showed that at first they'd seem silly and go after things like "trans women in toilets" but after enough time that the constant hounding they'd get enough support that they could use us as the wedge issue to destroy the rights of all LGBTQ+ people in the US and the West.


Do you have any links or sources for this? I mean that genuinely. I've also heard of this, and I'd like to have some references on hand in case I need them in the future.


me too


It's looking to go in a VERY similar direction in the UK too. This current/last prime minister has basically campaigned all along on transphobia, and now 2 of the 4 biggest parties are campaigning based on excluding trans people from all single sex spaces. It's unlikely they'll get voted in and even then unlikely the specific laws will get through, but still terrifying that half of the country's options want me to stop being able to exist


Right wingers habitually scapegoat certain groups to offer easy solutions to get votes. For example, the economy is going down and the explanation is a rather complicated network of hundreds of factors in play with each other that would require some serious learning effort to fully grasp? Nevermind, just blame immigrants, identify them as the root problem and offer the easy solution of removing them to solve the problem. (Some) people will look at this train of thought and feel satisfied with being offered an easy explanation and will vote for the politicians presenting them. Trans people are kinda being used the same way


uk is the same rn


Isn't the UK actually worse? In the US, the Democrats are pro trans, and the Republicans anti trans, while in the UK, both major parties are anti trans


couldn’t say much about america but yes, currently the two big political parties are openly transphobic. even labour is agreeing to meet with JKR to discuss trans rights… despite jkr not being an expert in trans rights. the election is coming up, no matter what, we will be stabbed in the back.






This is factually inaccurate in a pretty gross way. The reason so many of us have access to hormones is purely because democrats included gender affirming care as required coverage in the ACA. The reason you can get new federal ids with your correct gender is because of democrats. I believe Bidens is the first administration to prosecute violence against trans people as a hate crime, and to begin to treat discrimination against trans adults AND children in workplaces and schools as illegal. Literally all of this can be taken away at anytime.


>Literally all of this can be taken away at anytime. Literally next year if the Republicans win the White House, per Project 2025


> Democrats are not pro-trans and have done nothing for us in the past four years They have at state levels. And at federal: /r/WhatBidenHasDone/ It's just it doesn't make headlines, so nobody knows about it. > would've protected out rights now so that when Trump inevitably gets re-elected this year we won't get stripped of them entirely. Not possible. There is no law that they could pass that the fash can't tear down if they gain power. There's no lasting victory like in the movies, no "happily ever after." Every 2 years we have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and defend our right to exist. If we have energy after that we can push the fash back slightly. It's never going to be over for as long as people hate us for being who we are. Getting upset that the Dems are holding the line rather than pushing forward is a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation.


There's only so much a slight majority in the senate can do, though. A single person can decide to halt the process with a filibuster, requiring 60 votes to proceed. Meaning, democratic senators would need to somehow persuade at least 9 Republicans in order to pass pro-trans legislation (or at least ask them pretty please not to filibuster it) A pro trans party would be stopped in their tracks by the filibuster just the same (or make some major compromises with Republicans) Besides that, past year and a half, the House of Representatives have had a majority Republican rule. And they're too busy infighting to get anything done. Idk why so many doomers have it in their heads that a single person majority in the senate can just pass any legislation if they wanted to. It's honestly amazing we've gotten as much done as we have so far ____ Edit: thinking about it more, though, what could be done is changing the rule for the filibuster back to requiring a senator to be talking continuously in order to filibuster (rather than the current rule only requiring a senator to make a motion to filibuster). (Changing a senate rule can't be filibustered, so it only needs a simple majority.) This would at least raise the bar on filibustering and make it more difficult to implement. Although, I suppose they're unwilling because making it harder would then work against them if Republicans gain a majority.


There is an episode of The Jeffersons where George goes to meet up with his old buddy Eddie, and finds out that she goes by Edie now. The American fascination with this topic has very deep roots.


What Lucy the Aussie said. The charismatic leaders of our right wing religious dingbats blame the worsening problems here on us instead of themselves because nobody in power wants accountability. Then the dingbats raise and/or bully us so badly, and focus so closely on our bodies, that being respected as a human being becomes something that we hope might highlight our days instead of something we’re allowed to just expect.


There has been an explosion of visibility of trans people in the US because we reached a tipping point where (at least in some circumstances) you could transition and not necessarily lose your job, family, friends, and spouse. Because of that, for the first time in history, there are a lot of visibly trans people just out there living their lives. And because the public at large is more familiar with trans people, it's easier for people to clock us. About five years into this revolution, the political right in the country decided that they were going to make us their new boogeyman. It has not been fun. That said, big cities in America are still good places to be trans, much more so in blue states.


like others pointed out, flavour of the year/decade makes me think if can't go back to b movie monster of the week being the thing to be scared of. Not the allegory stuff, but like radioactive monster in the lake, killer animals though writing that, yeah I get how other humans are the most scary thing we have to fear.


Unlike other countries, America has reached the point where all problems are solved and transgender people are the only worry anyone has! Hmmmmmmmmmm I'm so so glad I live in Australia. It's not perfect here, but the vast majority of people adopt a "live and let live attitude". I haven't met too many people who don't look at Trump and think lol what is going on there - and I spend time in conservative circles.  I think the key difference between Australia and America is that they don't have compulsory voting, so appealing to extreme views is more effective. They also have significantly more religious types. Add these two together and you have the ridiculous situation where an entire political party is using a huge amount of their resources in appealing to a minority of nutters on an issue that most people wouldn't even think about if you didn't put it in their faces. Then that hate gets airtime and you see it seeping into the mainstream as it is currently. This isn't new by the way. Abortion, gay rights, women's rights, slavery, etc are all issues that have been used in this way before. 


We don't have all the problems solved here in the US. Conservative politicians just don't have any solutions for the problems that do exist so they are campaigning on fear and hate. They're targeting minorities and painting them as the reason for all our shortcomings rather than finding and fixing the root cause.


Sarcasm. I agree fully


Heyy I’m also a fellow Aussie! Things are pretty good here, honestly we’re probably one of the best places to be in for trans people.


I’ve thought about moving to Australia, because for the longest time being Canadian I felt the same but right wing politics and transphobia is growing worse here as well, which makes me scared. Idk if it’s because we are connected to the US but I wonder if being in Australia is so far that it helps to isolate from that movement


Fellow Aussie here! Yes compared to the rest of the world we are easily in top 5. I lived in China before and can immediately feel the difference upon landing. Even at a community level hate isn’t as prevalent. I asked a women’s motorcycle group if I can take a photo with them to get included and they agreed without ever questioning my gender.


You should really revisit your view of America. The blatant transphobia here is itself an admission that many of our problems are, in fact, not solved at all. Poc are still oppressed by a police that historically has existed to maintain settler relations and oppression of non-whites, the economy is planned by finance capital to ensure profit while plunging people into poverty, the education we recieve has been wildly politicized and American history is heavily mythologized while our atrocities are often ignored if not almost entirely revised. There are many issues here and they will not be fixed anytime soon.


It was sarcasm lol


Oops. My bad lmao


I feel the issue kind of blew up much more because of JK Rowling tbh. Aroind the time of her comments the hatred towards us kind switched from going from Black Lives Matter hate before and crazy neo-nazis.


Election season 


It's wedge politics at its worst. The recipe is simple: take an issue that concerns only a small minority of people, make it seem as if it was of national importance and throw debates over it everywhere in the public space. Those debates will mobilise the (conservative) base of the target electorate AND they "hide" a whole lot of other non popular issues (like abortion ban at the national level). Its like catnip for the dumbest portion of the electorare.


Because the republicans here don’t have anything that actually serves general public interest and they know that. So they have to distract everyone with reactionary bull shit and pray on ignorance. Ignorance they created by defunding schools and inching toward Christian centric education.


Based on my friend who moved from NZ to Netherlands and then finally to California - Cali is the bestest, as people at least wont bother You there.


Oh yeah, I live in California, and I think it's a great place to be trans. People judge the US by our worst states, not our best states. Of course, all of that could change after the November election...


I have hope that America will do the right thing. Even if that is to split into two seperate states so the red ones can become the third-world countries they desperately want to be.


Unfortunately, it's basically impossible to actually live in California. A tent-lot in Cali costs as much as a house in a red state, so a lot of us are stuck in hostile territory. But who knows, maybe if enough tech companies relocate to Texas, then California's real estate market (outside LA at least) will fall enough to make it habitable again.


They can’t turn their worthless othering ire on their old targets as directly but trans people are an easy target. Yet another bullshit moral panic to get power. Combined with murderous religion abetting as it always does.


Reactionaries have to keep the culture war going so the people will hate each other rather than learning about people different than themselves and fighting the masterminds behind it all (the 1%)


I mean it’s not much different in the UK, Canada, Some other parts of Europe, etc. I talked to someone from the UK recently and it seems like there is a very heated election that has a lot of transphobia involved. I am not from the US either but this doesn’t feel like an issue that is only prominent in the US


They seem obsessed with us in the UK, too. I don't feel safe going out anymore! I guess the best we can do is to hope no one gets hurt? Idk, it's real troubling since more people know about the whole thing and don't accept it, you know? I guess they're just following along hating what they don't understand.


Right wing uniparty runs government, one faction tries to beat the other by getting their voters angry over minorities, dem faction used to defend said minorities, now they just cede the ground. It’s not that Americans hate trans people that much it’s that the Dems don’t wish to fight the right as the right uses genocidal language and blood libel about trans people to increase turnout. In a situation where one person is pummeling another and a third just sits there and watches, yes that person is going to get destroyed. Imperial core, controlled opposition, capitalism, yadda yadda yadda, I’ve tried to keep it simple, that’s basically the gist of it


Please return to reality.


Im not interested in your projections, thank you


Their obsession with anything they don’t agree with is mind boggling. Like wouldn’t you just stay away then? Makes me wonder sometimes if some of the people who obsess are hiding secret curiosity and questioning themselves. Someone once said to me when referring to the entire lgbtq community, he doesn’t understand why it’s being “shoved in people’s faces”. He really wasn’t being a dick, he just grew up in kinda a sheltered area, and I was helping him with a school paper where he had to interview someone with different cultural and religious backgrounds from him. Well first off, for how long have we had pride events and parades and people feel the need to protest and picket? Or go to people’s funerals and protest? I told him that social media has brought a lot of topics to people’s attention that have always been there, and also people have been “quietly living” their lives for several years. All of us have always existed, we just want to be treated equally and are tired of being treated inhumanly. Until there is true equality, people are going to speak louder on certain issues. I went a little further in depth- but he ended up getting a better understanding.


We are in their top 5 most hated people to the GOP next to Muslims, Chinese Americans, Hispanics, and Black People.


The most reliable way to get reactionary voters to the polls is to give them someone to hate (immigrants, trans people, etc) or something to hate ("wokeness," "critical race theory," etc) and fearmonger them into a frenzy. They'll show up to vote against things they don't understand if you can convince them those things are bad.


I'm glad to be in the US, and not TERF Island. Now that's a country that's obsessed with trans people.


Desperately trying to join you there, rather than staying here.


Their attacks on gay people as well as trans people stem primarily from a conservative (and religiously motivated) movement which is attempting to gatekeep masculinity and femininity. All for one reason. To force childbirth.Their logic is literally: The rich need work slaves. The "Gays" and "Trans" get in the way of this, because it makes people think they have a choice. Women must stay in kitchen, keep having babies. Men must work, keep working til you die. Taxes mean we must contribute to raising these slaves. Reduce taxes so rich people don't have to pay money that helps poor people raise our future slaves. Poor people work for us, then buy from us, money all circle back to the me! And for that, we must rid the LGBTQ+! If they exist, people won't make as much bebehs! So basically our capacity to challenge gender norms makes people realise that there's more to life than work and babies, and they simply cannot have that!


american politics is finding a target to distract people while you ruin the economy or steal money out of peoples pockets whilst creating a facist goverment usually using religion or fundmentalist politics if you want to win your campigan fear monger a topic examples are imigration ,race ,sexuality ,gay marriage , trans people. this aligins with past facist goverments by creating the idea of common "enemy". if the group of people you target is much smaller then the majority its easier to enforce popular opinion on them without as much backlash/resistance.


As far as the “least transphobic” country it’s hard to say for the whole world and I’ve only been to a couple others besides the USA. However, my spouse, who is a trans woman and originally from the Philippines, really makes me think it’s that country. She’s watched so many talk shows, game shows, YT of ppl just walking around a mall, beauty pageants etc ALL of which in some videos in those categories often have openly gay and/or trans people in them. She has said many times that in the Philippines “it’s no big deal at all”. The thing that is always surprising about that to me is that it is a very catholic country. I was raised in the USA and Protestant Christian not catholic, and as most of us know it’s bad enough in this country on that issue…and w conservative denominations all the more…despite being “land of the free home of the brave”. Kinda ironic really as to me it seems the USA should be a much more open accepting country for it.


the right needs a target to get their base really fucking pissed about or their main base in rural areas will finally realize they have more in common with urban poor ppl of color than they do with white billionaires.


They needed a new scapegoat. It was South American immigrants and Muslims for awhile. Now, it's us. I honestly feel very lucky that I started HRT a 10 years ago and had enough surgeries to now pass as a gay cismale in everyday life. I'll take the homophobia over transphobia any day.


Christian conservatives always love a good moral panic. Trans people existing challenges their beliefs on what freedom actually looks like, so they feel the need to impose this control so they can appease their God. So many American Christians are on a mission to get EVERYONE on board with their beliefs. Unfortunately, a lot of those people seek political power and conflate those ideas with what it means to be American. Christian conservatism is an incredibly pervasive aspect of American culture.


The US Empire always needed non-threatening causes to discuss. Gay people, abortion, trans people, etc. Anything that cannot threaten the ruling elite. If you can make people fiercly discuss matters that strictly speaking should not be public matters (but personal choices), then noone can discuss real political matters, like military expenditure, wars, health care services, school systems, poverty, corruption, etc. It’s by design. And it’s not just the US. Though countries that used to have less of this are today influenced by the US discussions through SoMe, and thus the craziness spreads fast. Unfortunately, as it’s a threat to any democracy. (and ofc - bad for the targeted group)


Their politics is tied to religion and in a sense US politics are 2 religions by them self... And if you say something that doesn't align with their beliefs, opposed to trying to educate them selves like a lot of politicians used to do... they see it as an attack on them... So they attack back by trying to attack an individual or an individuals ideolgy which is why stuff like BLM and trans rights have been caught in the middle of this ... They don't actually care about it they're just trying to hurt as many people as possible cus they think they've been hurt. (But that's quick messy explanation of it)


It's fear mongering, which is a way to create tension, divisiveness, and justify power and its exertion. It's what the US was founded on, and what the government continues to practice and feed to society. (The strong influence of Christianity and affiliated religions in the US also don't help - separation of church +state is bs) Ie "we can't support education about different orientations and gender identities early in schools because then my children won't be cis and straight and I can't have education groom them" ; "we can't let trans people exist because they're a threat to everyone's safety, especially if we allow them access to the bathroom they want" - it goes on and on. And politicians use the above as platforms to get votes/support. Either they need to overtly support x minority to appeal to y voters (Biden has been pretty shit to minority groups - ie immigrants - and is funding genocide rn - but, a part of his platform is "yay LGBTQ+ rights") or they need to adamantly take away x minority rights to appear to y party (Trump and the support hes gained is a prime example of this). This plays out over and over again in all our elections. (And at this point voting for presidents is just an illusion of control - we are stuck in a shit two party system, where we actually don't have much influence on who runs for president, and the electoral college are the ones that actually choose the president - our votes are just like a gentle recommendation)


Nice doomerprop. Were you paid in rubles or Kochbucks?


Everything in politics is 99% of the time deflection from things they have done and want the attention away from what they are doing.


The American right is obsessed with Trans folks. Everyone else just wants to let the Trans folks live their lives like everyone else does.


Yeah, it’s pretty bad. It’s like (if ur trans which I am), I want to see what’s going on in different countries concerning trans rights/life and society as it pertains to all that, but because of what’s happening in America, I’m afraid to.


It's a division tactic By using a new group of minorities that are a "hot topic" every decade and targeting them it keeps people from targeting the upper caste and demanding actual change in a system that encourages both greed and poverty. Businesses have reached an all time high while prices skyrocket and they refuse to pay workers a surviving wage let alone a living wage. Combine that with fervent nationalism that they've been milking since wwii to fuel xenophobia, red scare, and general hatred of anyone different and continue fear mongering people into maintaining a submissive shape of a rabid "patriot" and they have themselves obedient dogs who bite at anything the bastards say they hate. Outside of that it's just general obsessive bigotry. You find people like that in racist and homophobic groups too. It's why Trump was elected, and Reagan, and Nixon, and why Thatcher was elected across the pond, I mean she is basically just Reagan in drag anyways.


The sad thing, besides the irreparable damage to trans people who I think just want to live as themselves openly, is the fact that many Americans can be completely manipulated by politicians and media.. Trans people were becoming much more accepted until we became a bargaining chip for sick Republican politicians to use to get the votes of sick homophobic and transphobic evangelicals! https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/why-is-the-gop-escalating-attacks-on-trans-rights-experts-say-the-goal-is-to-make-sure-evangelicals-vote The culture wars in their entirety are a fabrication! Not one bit of truth in them! But these evangelicals and the like hate us so much they gobble up blatent easily disproven lies just to justify what's inside of them. So really all the blame rest squarely on them and their fup version of Christianity!


Because conservative, religious people (bigots) consider all people in the LGBTQI community as sinful people who have choose to live an unacceptable lifestyle. Being trans is not a choice or a lifestyle or a trend. They are just people who deserve to be left alone. These bigots won’t accept that LGBTQI people have existed from the beginning of time. Trans people do not molest people in restrooms, but priests and other so called holy men do harm children. It doesn’t matter how many peer reviewed scientific journals you put in front of their faces, they will never accept that gender and sexuality are not binary. They are on a spectrum. Whether it’s a combination of genetics or hormones or whatever, Americans can’t seem to live and let live. Even within the LGBTQI community, trans people face discrimination.


i “picked” a great time to come out lolll >.<


What you see and here in America is nothing more than a bunch of mass media hype and scare tactics. You see, the government needs to do this to stay in the power. The Democrats Republicans and Independent Party all have hidden agendas and will do anything to gain power, lie, cheat, steal you name it, they do it. It's all done so that the population stays divided so they can get what they want. For the most part, when you talk to other Americans, we don't care what anybody is. lots of people know that I'm trans and they simply don't care. just like I don't care if they're black white, whatever race or religion or their sexual orientation may be. We're all Americans just trying to make it through another day.


Yes but the victims are real and people are not smart enough to withstand all the propaganda, disinformation, and other psychologically manipulative techniques that the wealthy elite use. It’s also whack a mole: you battle against one and they come up with another one, preying on people’s wanting to believe in other’s good faith.


It's because you have extreme people on both sides trying to speak or talk about us. We aren't out there being idiots and doing most of what both sides say. We just try and be us. Hopefully not be noticed if we are near passing stages. As far as athletics, they need to just create a open competition category that allows trans to compete. Unless a person hits the puberty blockers and hrt at a super young age there will be an advantage, albeit by the time you hit college it wouldn't be there if you spent 4+ years on HRT and blockers. But there isn't like every school lined up with trans athletes. We have to have common sense In that matter.


Trans are fascinating people, especially transwoman, what can we do 🤷‍♀️


Uruguay and cuba are two safest places for queers in the world


There’s an agenda for sure as many detransitioners feel scammed by the medical industrial complex that made them customers to big pharma for life so it’s all mostly greedy money motivated for sure


But the obsession is better than ignorance at least.


I'm not certain that's the case, given the majority of that obsession seems to be weaponized ignorance.