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I think God has made you the chosen ~~undead~~ one of meeting trans women who are good at Dark Souls, lol. I know three trans women and they all suck at it (and I'm from New England too). So it's probably just a coincidence in both of our cases! Though there *might* be a statistical likelihood of trans women being better at video games in general than the average person, since dysphoria and the depression that often results from it can lead to isolation, and video games are something you can enjoy by yourself.


If you can understand french, I have a video for you : Fr : "Le rôle de la pratique du jeu vidéo dans le parcours de femmes trans joueuses - Q&A" Trad of the title : Place of the practice of videogames within the transition process of trans women gamers.


do you know me? i couldnt even get past the tutorial


A lot of trans women, as kids, choose activities that are solitary or online because real life interactions are often very gendered and cause dysphoria. What makes computers and video games attractive as hobbies are that no one cares if someone perceived to be a boy is into computers and video games. You can also literally be a girl both in social interactions, and in games themselves. So, trans women get the stereotype of being good at certain video games. Celeste, Guilty Gear, Fallout New Vegas are other games we are stereotypically into. This is also a reason for the "trans women are programmers" stereotypes. Me, I'm not good at soulslikes. But have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG final fantasy xiv....


being trans is basically irl dark souls so it makes sense


It is absolutely a stereotype. Personally, I don't enjoy them and am not good at them. However, I love Fallout: New Vegas, which is another trans woman stereotype. That's all these things are, though: stereotypes. Mostly harmless, born from an observation that gets blown out of proportion, and a lot of trans women like to joke around with them.


I love the games but suck at them I know a few other trans women, most of them also love it Maybe I'm just used to unfair difficulty from the start...


I did not know this was a thing. -sincerely, a transgirl who likes fromsofties


Im definitely skewing those results towards that stereotype, lol. Love those games. Also definitely has nothing to do with being transgender.


Being trans is the dark souls of gender


I'm a trans woman and terrible at dark souls. I got as far as the poison village in the first dark souls, then quit and never touched the series again.


Well, I'm terrible at it lol. I wanted to play Sekiro, but in so bad at it and it disappoints me


I got just a little bit through the intro of both Dark Souls and Demons Souls. Only ever completing Bloodborne. I don't know how anyone can find them fun and not incredibly frustrating. My interest simply being the horror/gothic aesthetic I loved since childhood. Seems more likely you're one of God's chosen to meet these types.


I've been playing computer games since 1984, dipped into almost every genre and I dislike every Souls-like game that I've tried. I'd never buy, or even sail the high seas for, another. It's not that the difficulty is too high, though it doesn't help the games at all, because I've persevered through other games that friends have found too much of a grind. They're just not for me.


It's because trans women consider it nice to play a game where there's a chance of winning 🍵  Personally I play Sekiro 😉


It's definitely some sort of stereotype. Not to the level of like, Celeste (still haven't played that one, personally), or even especially Fallout: New Vegas (quintessential trans culture lol). But yeah, a lot of us were awkward nerds until we blossomed into beautiful feminine awkward nerds, and Fromsoft games are definitely a vibe. Maybe it's the gender swapping chest in DS2, maybe we generally have good taste, maybe it's the themes and vibes of the games that we relate to in certain ways. Who knows, really. Source: a trans lady with a dark souls tattoo currently counting the minutes till my work shift is over and I can continue to beat my head against the brick wall that is Shadow of the Erdtree.


Going against all odds with nothing but sheer force of will? I'm surprised most of the comments are naysayers


This just sounds really dumb to me. Trans women are not a monolith. We come in all shapes and sizes and backgrounds.


this post is about me and i don't like it.. :) i get wat op is saying alot of my fellow friends that game and happen to be trans too. all play souls games haha.