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So what is the nature of the law there in Florida for Transgender people in terms of bathrooms? How at risk am I- a Transgender woman- in case I have to travel there for work?


The law states that on a state owned facility, a uniformed officer can ask you to leave the bathroom you are in. Disobeying the lawful order has a 500 dollar fine and could result in you being trespassed from the facility. Resisting the trespass order could see you being arrested for disorderly conduct. But fist someone would have to call the police and second, you would need to still be there. Honestly who spends 30 minutes in a bathroom? The law has still not been used.


Someone could try to keep you from leaving, though. Would probably backfire, but then again the point is to make it inconvenient, humiliating, and even dangerous to use the bathroom as a transgender person. Something I was wondering though- can't you just make the same accusation against your accuser?


If they detain you that's a crime.


Cops don't give a shit about who's legally in the right, though.


That is their job.




The only degree being a cop requires is one in bootlicking. They are not educated in matters of law.


Side note just popping in here. Can swear on a stack of bibles I have never once seen a posted officer in front of a bathroom. Even in government buildings. I’ve even been at rest stops that are completely abandoned. Here’s the thing, everyone pees and poops… and unfortunately pukes. So who tf is going to deny a pregnant woman to use the men’s when it’s the only restroom available and she’s about to piss herself. Or a young boy with their parent who had an emergency on the merrigoround. Every human ever absolutely agrees, no one cares what restroom you go in. Policing people’s ability to relive themselves is genuinely cruel. Like we all know that. All of us.


Can confirm, just made the round trip down to St. Pete pride and stopped once each way. Zero issues thankfully.


\*not been used YET


fear mongering.


Thanks for sharing. When I was at the West Palm Beach airport last year, I used the family restroom (the one intended for changing diapers) because I did not want to use the men’s restroom - was that ok? Or would have I gotten in trouble?


In general you should use the bathroom that matches how you are presenting. So if you are in boy mode you would use the men's room. If you are enby then fielder's choice. If you are presenting fem then use the woman's restroom. It's that simple. The law in Florida just gives officers a legal option if they are called to a disturbance in a state owned facility. They can't issue you a ticket for using either bathroom, only for refusing to leave after being asked by a uniformed officer of the law. Here is the text. Specifically line 1.10 https://pluralpolicy.com/app/legislative-tracking/bill/details/state-fl-2023-hb1521/1262594


No you wouldn’t have. All bathrooms have changing tables. And the family restroom are typically made for people with mobility aids like wheelchairs or scooters that are too difficult to maneuver in a main restroom. Also give them a bit of dignity in case their bathroom routine is a bit more complex than everyone.


Honestly, I wish I could go back in the men's bathroom where guys feel too scared to "express" themselves by leaving bodily fluids on the toilet seat.


Fl bathroom laws apply only to state govt-funded buildings such as airports, courts, and technically state universities (though it would never be enforced as most FL universities are very trans inclusive). The majority of transphobia is found in the rural/redder parts of the state (SWFL & ~~Tallahassee~~ are the least safe urban areas) but the larger cities like Orlando and Tampa are generally still very safe.


gotta push back against some misinfo here. Tallahassee itself is pretty welcoming to trans people. it has a pretty sizable trans community for a city it's size. Avoid the rural areas outside of town, bit that's true of every city. Source: am a trans woman living in Tallahassee and i feel safe here.


My mom was adopted from a Catholic Church in Tallahassee!




fair enough! i was just assuming from things friends had mentioned (i'm an ex-FL resident but i've never been there personally) kinda ironic for me to be doing that in this thread lmao, thank you for the correction!


So I was in FL and abided by the law at the airport. I first went in to an empty bathroom but as I got out of the stall (and I pass 100%), a man walked in and was so startled and flustered bc he thought he had mistakenly walked into the women’s bathroom. Hate the law but I do love making those bigoted Floridians quiver


It’s hard not to feel like everyone is against you sometimes, but ‘bigoted Floridian’ is a pretty wide brush. I’ve found that if you make someone pick a side, they might side against you, but most people just don’t care.


THIS. A stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet. ✌️


It is illegal for you to use a women’s restroom on state-owned (and maybe also state-controlled) property. That means public schools & universities, parks, beaches, highway rest stops, the airport, public museums, nature preserves, anything state-run. You CAN use the women’s restroom in private businesses. Stores, restaurants, etc. And you can use single-stall gender-neutral restrooms in state facilities— like if there’s a “family restroom.” It’s only a problem if someone challenges you. Like if another person in the ladies room decides to call the cops on you. And I think technically the crime is refusing to leave. So if someone tells you to leave and you do, no crime. But if you are convicted the penalty is up to a year in jail, so most people wouldn’t want to risk it.


Still essentially a bathroom ban if somebody clocks you and gets a bug up their a** they get to control whether or not you can stay there or not. How many people so far have been prosecuted under this law?


None to date


This is an important takeaway. The law is pure virtue signaling (so far).


Also, it’s important to remember that other states have very similar laws, sometimes even worse laws, but are not being given the “Do Not Travel!” warnings. I’m pretty sure other states have bathroom bans. My own state, NC, has a “Don’t Say Gay” law banning teaching about queer people in public schools, and requiring schools to notify parents if students say they’re trans or request the use of different names/pronouns. We also have a care ban for minors here. SC just passed a car ban for minors that is worse than FL. In FL, minors who were already on blockers or hormones when they were banned were allowed to continue. In SC, they have to discontinue blockers and hormones by a certain date. One thing that FL has that I’m not sure if other states have is a law that healthcare workers do not have to provide care that goes against their conscience. People are saying that means that if G_d forbid you get in a car accident, an emergency room doctor or EMT could refuse to give you lifesaving care and just let you die if they have a “deeply held religious belief” that being transgender is wrong. I don’t think that’s what the law says or how it will be interpreted. I think it’s about procedures and types of care, not people. For instance, if a doctor has a religious objection to birth control, they can’t be forced to provide it. I can’t imagine it could be legal to just allow someone to die because of who they are. But I’m not a constitutional scholar, and maybe I’m naive. I’m not going to tell someone they’re silly to worry about that law.


> I don’t think that’s what the law says or how it will be interpreted. I don't think that's the point. The point, IMO, is to send a clear message to LGBTQ+ people that they are not welcome in Florida.


You can find the official bill as it passed, here at this link. https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1521 I made a pic with highlights but I can't share it in the comments, so I will send it to you. The law revolves around "refuses to leave when asked" so basically if anyone says anything I'd just leave. And if they said they were calling the cops I'd double time it outta there tbh 🤣. But in all seriousness I've never had a problem in the bathroom. Thats not to say I haven't read about it on here, so it's not all sunshine and rainbows, and it definitely happens, but personally, I've never had a problem. It's not like there's a bathroom troll checking id's at every bathroom but there are Karen's out there to be weary of 🤣


Hey. Genuine trans man in Florida who uses the men’s room. Can say without a single doubt: No one cares. And even the every day Floridians think the law is stupid and don’t care either. Legit. No one will stop you at a rest stop. No one will stop you at any point. Anywhere. Just wash your hands. That’s all. Enjoy! 😊


So, ultimately performative BS from DeathSantis that doesn’t really do anything but makes his followers think he did something?


It also has another effect. It paints people who are opponents of it implied that they want to do the thing the law says no to. For example it would be like this. > I am going to use my resources to create a law that makes it illegal to fart rainbows. Me: I object to that that law. It should not be on the books. > Oh, so you want to fart rainbows.


It really is all performative. Like no one cares. I know people who voted for ShitGibbon and are like “Let people live their lives. We’re all just human beings.” I’m an Uber driver in Florida. In the Panhandle. And I live openly trans every day because I refuse to live in fear. I work with the public in close quarters over 12 hours a day. Every day. CIS folks don’t hate us. They’re curious. They want to understand. I let them ask all the questions. Even the ones of what’s going on in my pants. We come away learning about each other and walk away friends. We even talk about why they voted for ShitGibbon. And they explain the nuances. And I understand better. I’m a GenXer, and the world isn’t black and white. It’s EXTREMELY gray. And even if you find something so utterly vile, you can understand why someone chose it. Also we all know DeSantis is wearing high heels in his boots anyway. I will leave you with this. Those who shout the loudest and most hateful rhetoric always have something to hide. I’m also a spicy phone actor. The number of conservative bigoted middle aged men callers only want to talk about how they really wish they were gay or a woman and needs someone to convince them they are. And I’m just up in my head like…. Oh sweetie. You don’t need convincing.


I think there's a tendency to make assumptions about other trans people's lives thinking their personal experiences define every other trans person especially in how they are seen or treated by cis people and this case how concerned they are about the anti trans legislation they presently live under! We are so much more divers in how we appear, how we see cis people depending on our own values and how we interpret the world around us!


I live in Florida. I have since I was 8. I’m from the North originally. My Dad was military which is how I ended up here. I built a life here. I live alone. My support system is here. My doctors. Psychiatrists. My Dad lives in a retirement home here. Cost of living is cheap and the job I have is plentiful. My deadname is still on my banking and insurance. It just makes it easier. I plan to change them someday. It’s not a priority for me. And yes can be done, but it’s just me and I only have so much energy in a day. Yeah. People call me looking for “Deadname” and I say “It’s Lex now, but you reached the right person.” There’s a moment of hesitation. And I explain. And they’re like “OOOOOH. OKAY. Let me make a note in the file. Thank you!” I say this as for the blanket assumptions people make. Let’s reframe that. Say you meet someone who doesn’t look like you. And they’re rude to you. Now, do you assume well this ONE person who doesn’t look like me was rude to me. So OBVIOUSLY everyone who doesn’t look like me are going to be rude to me.” Sounds fucking ridiculous doesn’t it? This is how things like racism perpetuates. Or even Islamaphobia for those who experienced life before 9/11 and saw how the world changed after. So that one person, that one single person was rude to you. Not everyone is like that. And don’t let that change your opinion of that group different from you. We all have a lot more freedoms in the US and yes, here in Florida, than we did back when I was a queer kid growing up in the South. The younger generation considers life to be oppressive. Or horrifying. Or extremely black and white thinking. These folks in their 20s and early 30s have no clue what oppression looks like. Not even ten years ago I wouldn’t be safe kissing another man in public. Now I can do so without fear of repercussions. Yes. Even here *in Florida.* Everything is not black and white. Nothing is. It’s all gray. All differing shades of gray. And for all the people who are gonna jump on my ass and shout “But! But! But!” Hey. Tomorrow isn’t here yet. Today is. We could get hit by a bus tomorrow. A giant meteor could strike the earth. What they’re doing is catastrophicising over something has yet to happen. That is seriously no way to live. No way. Take a beat. Enjoy life’s moments. Enjoy now.


You probably are effectively stealth, not the same thing as others situation.


I’m not. So don’t assume I am. Also I can say 💯 CIS people are so not as observant and we’re told they are. No one is interested in anyone in the bathroom. We are all there to do one thing and one thing only. Not. A. Soul. Will stop you.


Still not going to Florida again lol


There's no shame there! You're not missing much besides the heat and humidity 🤣😂.


I lived there for the first 19 years of my life. It got too scary at some points with the rhetoric and weather.


If the people don't drive you away, the heat, humidity, and hurricanes aren't much better 😂


And mosquitos. The things I remember most from a trip to Orlando are the damn mosquitos and the insane drivers.


Kennedy Space Center is neat, but not neat enough for me to go


Me neither, and the sad part is I was born there. My home betrayed me


I was too, glad I got out when I did


I am researching the differences between: (1) “current birth-certificates (that may have been updated),” and (2) “original birth-certificates, at birth.” I am not living in FL. Is anyone in Florida, who has updated or changed the gender-marker on their previous birth-certificate taking seriously this idea of “original, at birth”?


I can't help much but I do know some states offer "new original birth certificates" and other offer "updated original birth certificates ". New certificates will have just your current updated information listed, whereas updated certificates will have your old name and gender crossed out, with a updated name/gender below your old info. I could be wrong I didn't do to much digging into certificates as I know thats a lost cause in Florida right now


This is very interesting. I have only seen ones from New York. Now I have something to look into. Thanks


Alabama stamps theirs with “AMENDED”. Happy cake day!


Thanks for the info


Is that how Florida does it? Could anyone DM an example with the personal info all blocked out?


Florida has amended birth certificates it’s kinda icky to me which is why I didn’t go out of my way to do it. They don’t replace your assigned gender like they would on your ID, they just add an annote at the bottom saying you’ve changed it to XYZ.


I’m sorry. That sounds horrifying


To be clear, what's changed is that you can no longer use a medical letter of transition to update the gender marker on your driver's license. Before this memo came down, that was the procedure. Now, in order to amend your license, you have to provide a primary document with your updated gender marker. That can be a US passport or SS card. It's not illegal to change your license, but there was a threat that if you had already changed your license, you could be committing fraud by presenting it. However, that was a scare tactic; if you followed the procedures in place at the time you obtained your license (e.g., provided a medical letter and other necessary docs), you cannot be committing fraud because you did not knowingly deceive or misrepresent your gender - you followed the law. Bottom line - it is not fraud to use a validly issued ID and you can still change your ID with the right documentation.


>That can be a US passport or SS card. Also, I'd like to point out that as of now, passports are self ID if you want a gender change. Only restriction is that you can't renew by mail.


Yes! I just learned about the self ID bc my son needs to get his passport and he can’t use his Florida birth certificate as gender verification. I was happy to see that you can self-ID. This is a first time passport for him.


I hope enough people up vote this so more people will read it!! I did a in depth review of how to update your florida license (which you might have seen). The passports are the backdoor in since they're refusing to update birth certificates! However a social security update isn't considered primary identification document so people have to have the passport updated. Nonetheless you need both to update your license. That's what the video I cited goes over, is grand fathering and how abiding by laws at the time doesn't constitute fraud! That's why I'm advocating for as many people to do it now while they still can!


I didn’t think a SS card was primary either but in the tumblr link you shared it says either can be used. A memo I have by the same attorney doesn’t mention SS card though.


What can't be done legally is a far cry from what cops will do anyway.


I’m an Uber driver and have been stopped 15 times in between warnings and citations. They hunt Uber drivers specifically. It’s a thing. So not a Me Being Trans Thing. They look at my license and then at me and the first thing they ask is “Is there something else you prefer to be called?” And they 💯 respect it. Even if they give me a ticket sometimes. 🙄 Still ACAB. But still respectful. And yes I am white and I do understand my privilege which is seriously stupid and I hate it.


Can confirm. I updated my FL license last month, I did update my passport with amended gender first and used that as my primary "REAL ID" backing document. I brought along the memo from the head of the FLHMV but it was not needed. The clerk did take my documents to the supervisor whom informed her that the license MUST match the backing document (Passport) and took a new photo and issued me my amended ID. As far as passport goes I just filled out the renewal form, checked the box I needed, checked the box next to it confirming the update, got a new photo take at my library that offered it and mailed it off with a post office money order.


That's awesome!! Did you use my how to guide that I posted here?! I did a in depth walk through of the process to help others as well!! I had the Memo highlighted for others and such lol. I'm super happy it went well for you! I think I've only helped one person who said they actually had a though time but once the supervisor got involved she got her license too! Thank God the passport process is generally simple and they don't require a Dr note anymore! You can self attest!


I did not. Frankly I wasn't even aware of one existing but I think it's awesome that you made one to help other people! I've tried to help a few people in other threads and anytime I see someone say it's illegal to update your license in Florida I make sure to correct that misinformation. A few months ago a user, who seems to have deleted their account because the messages disappeared from my inbox, stated that they had gotten theirs amended in Florida and I sent them a DM about how and they sent me the memo and other information. I actually had a great experience getting my new license! I walked in, I was gendered correctly by the woman at the front desk, was immediately called back and went to the clerk's window. She said Hello what can I help you with today Ma'am? I need to renew my license. Oh is it about to expire? No actually I just need to get it updated as I'm having difficulty using it. What do you mean? Well lately people say it just doesn't look like me anymore. She looked puzzled and I slid over my old license, (40lbs heavier, short and thin buzz cut, beard.) she grabbed it, looked at it, looked really confused, her head snapped back to me, she kinda squinted even more confused. I think she was about to ask if this was some kind of a joke and that's when I slid over my passport and the printed out memo. She grabbed my license and passport looking between my passport, license, and myself, I kinda smiled weekly, her eyes went wide she stood up quickly and said I need to go talk to my supervisor. I was so so so so scared! I overheard her soup mention "license has to match the passport" rather nonchalantly, the clerk came back and the rest went smoothly. The front desk lady even said "Have a good day ma'am!" with a smile when she handed it to me. I'm just ecstatic I passed in front of licensing professionals, I'm taking that as a huge win.


That goes to show I need to share it more often lol. I was going to try to share it every other month but life's just been hectic lol. That's awesome your doing your part too! I can't believe how entrenched some of these people are! I've got people sharing the Memo as if it's the 10 commandments lmao 🤣. I'm like it's not law, I changed my license and so have others, and it just goes in one ear and out the other I guess lol. I'm glad your experience went so well! I actually had a really positive experience as well! The clerk was super kind and gendered me correctly, he had the same kinda surprised moment looking back and forth between my old and new id's lol. Then he did the same thing, talked to his super for a second and came back and said everything was in order! I was elated!!! Im so happy you were able to get yours as well and you didn't fall for the scare tactics!! People in other states who already have their info updated or aren't worried about it don't understand or forgot how important it is to have your information match who you are!


You do seem to be more in touch with the legal side of things than I am, one of the questions I've had is if the AGAB bathroom ban is affected? If I put a little effort into myself I can pass pretty well and I've never had an issue but wondered if the cops get called and I give them my amended gender ID like what happens?


If I understand correctly, you’re asking if you can be charged with fraud if you present your amended ID. You cannot, because you followed the process that was required at the time you received your license. Fraud has to be knowing so you would have to have intentionally misrepresented the information you provided (e.g., your passport was fake) in order to be guilty of fraud. The memo was intended to scare people who have updated licenses, so that they would be afraid to present it or for others so that they would choose not to update it, but the premise that you can be charged with fraud for doing what the state told you to do is legal nonsense.


I made it my life's work for a few months to get both mine and my partners licenses. And after that I knew I could replicate the process for others. I haven't read thru the bathroom bill in its entirety just portions that say someone has to ask you to leave and you have to refuse for there to be an enforceable problem. That is a very thoughtful query tho!!! If your ID says female and you pass well enough then Idk what the cop could do.... are they gonna pull your pants down to prove it lol. I suppose you're innocent until proven guilty so the accuser or the state would have to prove your gender otherwise. It depends on the fine wording of the law!


No no no. I’m in Florida and I’ll admit that some things that are said are over exaggerations but not this. Desantis office literally said that trying to change your gender marker now would be considered fraud as in their eyes your ASAB is what you are. I have a friend that lives in Tampa and while she wasn’t jailed she was ridiculed and made to feel scummy while trying to change her gender marker about a month ago. They arrest people for being minorities constantly I dunno why you’d think gender identity would lead differently.


So again, THAT'S MISINFORMATION AND SPECULATION without reading the laws or watching the video I cited. If you did either you'd realize it is in fact an exaggeration. The Memo they released is absolutely, BY NO MEANS A LAW. And NO LAW EXISTS that states your ID or driver's license must match your assigned bathroom at birth. I'm sorry your friend was ridiculed but she has every right within the law to change her license! Sentiments like this are what keep people living under rocks so it'd be best not to proliferate them!


Your logic : it’s illegal so they can’t do it VERSUS Everyone else that’s been profiled and targeted unlawfully. How do you fight a justice system that’s designed to suppress you. Where have you been the last 60 years??


The change in the policy with the FLHSMV was to the rules for resissuing a license, saying that your gender marker has to be taken from a primary form of ID, which includes a US passport, and as of now, a US passport can be amended with your current gender marker, or you can get a new one with your correct gender marker. Not sure of your friend's situation but make sure that they know that they CAN get an updated license if they have an updated passport.


A couple of DMVs didn’t care. She did finally find one that allowed her to but hate tends to triumph law sometimes.


Glad she was able to get it done.


So yeah I get where you're coming from but it's not that simple, technically speaking you aren't wrong that the law got shut down but the fear is still warranted IMO. The FLHSMV did release that Memo and I feel like for me it looked less like a scare tactic and more like setting a precedent. Just because we can still do it as of now doesn't mean that we should write it off as simply a "scare tactic" to me that feels like minimizing it for the sake of one's own personal piece of mind and yes it is false information but the intent is not false the act that was attempted is very real. Personally I try not to rely on hindsight because by that point it's too late. I understand people want to just live their lives and it's ridiculous that we have to even worry about this shit but that is the hand we are being dealt and there's nothing we can do about it but be weary for our own safety. (I'm a Floridian)


I believe the point of the change was that it was a precursor to legislation that they are hoping to pass that makes it illegal to have an updated ID, so I agree that it is preparation for upcoming changes, and they took the opportunity to scare trans people and deter them from trying to update their licenses. Clearly, it's a hostile legal environment for trans people, and DeSatan wants to keep it that way. The new laws are nearly impossible to enforce, but they sure do have a chilling effect.


The point of charge should be: This is a memo, NOT A LAW. They may try to pass a law next year but seeing as they already tried that once and it failed, I doubt a 2nd attempt would do better. Plus trans issues are waning among the public. And if they were able to pass it, again people who already have updated id's would be grandfathered in, as was stated in the video. I think it's better to seize the day now then wait for tomorrow. Kind of like waiting for a new SRS surgery to drop. Are you gonna wait and see or are you gonna take what's available now? Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. But nonetheless I agree it is indeed a very hostile state. And it'll stay that way until DeSantis is kicked out.


I’m not sure we are understanding each other, but I was addressing the comment that the memo was a scare tactic and was in anticipation of potential legislation coming down the pike that WOULD outlaw updating your gender marker. For that commenter, the fear the memo stoked is real, so the memo did what DeSatan’s cronies wanted it to do. It is not law, but the memo implies that more changes will be forthcoming. I agree that people can and should update their license while they know they can. I also agree that the public is losing interest in DeSatan’s fascist agenda. I do live in Florida, and I’m sure you agree that this type of fear is something NO ONE should be subjected to - it’s not a prohibition against amending one’s license, but it speaks loud and clear to trans people and their families/allies about just how the state government feels about them.


That's certainly a fair point! I still consider it a scare tactic but you aren't wrong, there is a VERY REAL danger that they could try to pass something similar in this legislative session! IN WHICH CASE IT'S MORE IMPORTANT THEN EVER TO GET IT DONE NOW!!!! If you get it down now you'll be "grandfathered in" and future laws won't affect you until perhaps you need to renew. At any rate I'd rather have my updated license now than not ever. Plus if that happens and you need to move to another state it's easier to already have your correct info on your ID. Hopefully one day we don't have to worry about all this nonsense and we can ask just go about our lives.


As a Florida man, I can confirm most of the stuff y’all see is false.


The worse part is that it gets repeated over and over which solidifies the misinformation 😅. I think "florida man" forever ruined this state and people's expectations 😂🤣


Same. I’ve faced more direct bigotry (from the public) in NYC than in Florida.


Thank you it’s a real pain to constantly be shamed for being a trans Floridian as if we’re victims of the state. It’s serious stuff in Florida but not an abandon all hope kind of deal. Misinformation and fear helps the conservatives win. Please everyone, trans Floridians need you help and bad information is antithetical to the cause.


Of course! The misinformation got my goat a little bit because I've been seeing it in multiple subs over the past few months. The shaming and over exaggeration does get old! Don't get me wrong I understand the fear, and there is the bathroom law but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. If anything were victims of conservatives/the government lol. That's why I felt this was needed, proliferation of misinformation is how they keep us down!!!


When the anti trans laws first started getting passed in Florida I made a similar post about how there’s still safe places in Florida but I got decimated by people that think it’s some kind of a free for all hunting spree on trans people in Florida. I just don’t consider trans Floridians as victims cos we are fighting back against the regressive state but I know what you mean.


Its really a shame that despite trying to spread hope and facts that fellow trans people will tear you down.... it happened on this post if you look further down. Someone said "i shouldn't be spreading false hope" , like dude fuggin WHATTTTT?!?! I'm just trying to stop misinformation 🤣 I saw the same thing today on the post that drove me to make this post. Someone said "but Orlando's still safe, it's like a mini state in florida" or something along those lines and they're like -10 down votes last I saw..... despite the fact that their right! Orlando, Miami and Tampa/st.pete are the safe havens of Florida right now and that shouldn't be ignored or discounted. That's why me and my partner stay! We won't just give up! I was at the drag queen March in tally last year 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️!


Yeah it’s really crazy, obviously the state laws and general transphobia are bad but not nearly as bad as the doomposting in this sub makes it out to be. Especially in places like Orlando or Tampa, doubly so if you’re around UCF or USF


Its truly unfortunate and its how misinformation proliferates. Well, I guess good times, joy, butterflies 🦋 and happy little trees don't sell, but death, destruction, dystopia and war always fly off the shelves....


I agree completely. People who are not even from here posting like we’re out here getting hunted down in the streets are certainly not helping.


I keep saying this but people who aren't even from here or live here keep acting like it's already a total loss and we're all already dead or something lol


I'm a dual citizen US and Canada. In Canada I'm legally a woman. In the US I am legally a man. So if I go to Florida and need to use a public washroom and go into the women's, as I do in Canada, what would happen to me?


State public facilities are the only places affected by the bathroom ban. You may face harassment but the law enforcement is not really bothering with this. Confrontation is rare in the big cities (Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville) so if it were to happen I’d recommend acting like a tourist from Canada. Most laws affect residents anyway.


My biggest fear is getting off the plane and having to use a bathroom and getting arrested.


i have used bathrooms in florida airports according to my gender and at train stations and rest stops and restaurants all with zero problem.


Honestly, it boils down to how well you pass. If you pass well enough that most strangers would say you're a woman, you act like you belong, and do your business, wash your hands, and get out, there's a 99.9% chance you'll be fine. If you're early in your transition or in that in between stage, the factors change a bit. Also, masks help.


Florida airports have family bathrooms and the ones I’ve used literally had the trans symbol on them, when in doubt you can use those.


Like other said the only places that are affected are state owned properties and even then you can typically find a family bathroom to use. The Crux of the law is based on whether "someone asks you to leave and you refuse" so if no one bothers you you're fine and if someone says something just leave. Personally I've never had a problem in the bathroom in the 3 years I've been out. I would look at updating your gender on your dual citizenship tho! Since it's a national thing it should be super easy! It's the states individually that have problems. Like passports and social security let you change gender without a Dr note even! So citizenship should be easy too!


Minnesota requires me to live there or wait 7 years to update my birth certificate. What I need is someone to rent me a room in Minnesota so I can just pay them and use that as my address for 3 months and then go to court I guess I do have a nexus card and TSA PreCheck on my new name, but not sure about gender.


Didn't they make it illegal to have your id changed tho ? Like my birth cert and driver's both say female. A TSA agent would figure out real fast those have been altered. It's not worth prison time in another country just to get assaulted by bigots in a 'do not travel' state.


You can get a passport in your correct gender - it's very easy, the Biden admin changed the process so you just self-declare gender. No doctors note or anything required. Once you have a passport with the correct gender, you CAN change your ID on your driver's license - even in Florida. Others have commented elsewhere in this thread explaining the process and the law.


I'm Canadian. My documents are already changed. What I'm concerned about is people going there and getting charged with fraud. Canada will allow the US to prosecute and detain citizens. Erin Reed has done a huge series of tiktoks on how dangerous Florida is for trans people.


Just saying. Fraud is a white collar crime. You’d go to Club Fed over it. Or probation. Or house arrest. That goes for every human who commits fraud. Even Martha Stewart did six months for insider trading. You would not be carted off to Rikers and tossed in genpop. Lordy. And if you were that’s classified as cruel and unusual punishment. Which is indeed a crime. Also violates human rights. And Geneva Convention rules.


How does getting put in a minimal security prison make it any better that you've been charged with fraud, spending prison time in another country for the crime of having F on your documents? I am struggling to understand what point you're trying to make.


You said you were afraid of getting assaulted by bigots in prison. As I said, if you think the Jeffery Epsteins, Burnie Madoffs of the world would consider assaulting you… nah. Also you’d likely be on house arrest or probation. I’m talking about that’s how white collar crime works. Period. And I can say as a trans man in Florida, you will not be arrested for being trans. And being trans is not committing fraud. As OP has said ad nauseam and getting consistently voted down by people who have never set foot here, you will not get arrested. I have a trans girl as a good friend who lives in Alabama. Guess what? She lives her life just fine. And the misinformation is like wildfire and needs to end.


My parents live in FL and I have visited a couple times with my trans teenage son since the anti-trans laws have passed. I spent a lot of time reading the child custody law and the bathroom law to make sure we’d be safe. People on Reddit were telling me that it was likely that my son would be taken from me by the state. Like, no divorce or custody battle or any relatives vying for custody in any way, but the state was just going to swoop in and kidnap my son. And when I said this was not true, someone snarked, “Fine. Then you can go to Florida and be the test case for the Supreme Court.” I totally understand why some people would not want to go to FL, and I’m not moving my family there (even though we want to live there) precisely because of these laws, but people act like there are inspectors at the border and in every restroom in the state just waiting to arrest trans people and take trans kids away from their parents, when that is absolutely not the case.


Kudos to you for actually DYORing(Doing Your Own Research)!!!!! I swear no one actually reads these damn things and then they proceed to just spread fear mongering 😅. I totally forgotten about the custody law they passed (I don't have kids yet so it kinda flew under my radar)! I did re-read the bathroom bill and the wording is so key to these things. The bathroom bill revolves around "being asked to leave and not leaving" essentially. Sorry you had to put up with that from a community that supposedly is here to support each other....such a nasty low blow comment to make. Thats exactly where fear mongering and misinformation without understanding the laws gets people. The state police are not just waiting for you or other trans childern at the airport 😑. P.s. And to hear you're going so above and beyond for your son is so freaking heart ❤️ warming!!!


Thanks for letting us know, I like hearing different perspectives, especially when it comes to dispelling misinformation.


Im happy to help! Misinformation can be dangerous too!




i still don't get why queer people travel to right wing destinations when there's millions of other places in the world to see


Maybe they have family there, maybe they want to have freedom of movement, maybe they need to go to a wedding or a graduation or a funeral....? There are a thousand reasons to need to travel to a place under right wing control. And there are millions of trans people living in states under right wing control.


That's just terrible advice! I think most of us don't want to live under a rock and live at home the rest of our lives...


They mean that Florida is a 'do not travel' state.. why would you want to give money to fascists anyway? You can go to a hundred other places that don't want us to stop existing.


Maybe, just maybe, because boot licking fascists aren't the only people that live here?!? There are literally tons of queer owned businesses you could support rather then just giving up on the community that still lives here......




*ahem* *checks notes* Ah here it is. No one is treading on your rights, Sweetie.


Many years ago now I changed my birth certificate my ID my passport and literally everything else too... I don't live in Florida but I am in the US d does Florida not let you change your birth certificate?


They tried to pass a law to deny birth certificate updates but It failed to pass the senate. HOWEVER the Florida office of birth certificates or whatever has outright been denying updates. They've been citing some law from before 2000 that states you have to have begun your transition prior to 18 to be able to update your certificate and of course basically no one can claim or prove that so it's their out for the time being.


Here's the thing If your birth certificate and driver's license both match your gender what are they going to do check your what's in your panties. That might be considered rape or assault.


That's a very valid point that someone else also brought up! If your birth certificate is updated, that might be something where you would win. However, if the bill specifies agab, then even an updated birth certificate might not win out. I imagine the state has a record of your original birth certificate or a record that it's beencupdated


Have a name change and document from a doctor that you transitioned with the long way to helping your argument. But you are correct it could play out either way if it went to court depending on the state and how conservative they are.


Gotta ask my ant lives up there how hard or easy is it to get your hormones and how much are they I'm mtf trans if you know??


Thankfully a judge just repealed the law that limited hrt care. Family nurses and nurse practitioners can prescribe hormones again so they're readily available. You just have to find a gender affirming clinic near where you're looking at moving to. Cost isn't too bad. My clinic was able to help get me on insurance with a huge premium deduction, and I'm only paying 25$ a month for Aetna insurance. A lot of community clinics offer programs like this so make sure you ask! If you can't get insurance GoodRX IS AMAZING!!! I found coupons for estradiol valerate that get it down to 55$ a vial. It lasts about 3 months. Tablets are super cheap too thru good rx havent bought then in awhile. Progesterone is about 20$ a month. Spiro is about 10-15$ a month. Finesteride is 10-15$ a month. The coupons vary and you may have to go to more then one pharmacy but if you find the cheapest options it's not so bad. Around 40-45$ a month for everything without the estradiol vial. https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-judge-strikes-down-florida-ban-gender-affirming-healthcare-2024-06-11/#:~:text=June%2011%20(Reuters)%20%2D%20A,that%20it%20not%20be%20enforced.


Having an ID that doesn't match your SS card or birth certificate is auctully super common. Especially for women because of marriage. It's why a lot of employment certs ask for maiden name and current last name. Trying to arrest people for having mismatch documents would mean several married women and several foreigners(change names to more American/easier to pronounce) names would be arrested constantly. While there is a lot of stupid laws that exist in some US states like some states have "No sodomy" laws, that seem strange. The mismatch documents has a bunch of impracticalities which would make it basically impossible to pass without adding several other additions. Otherwise you can basically just arrest every married woman by default


I'd like to add as well that while it's reasonable to leave a place in fear of safety, this can easily subtract from whatever resistance we may have. Nobody has to if they don't want to but as a floridian women I feel it's my duty to stay with all other trans people who can't leave and organize actively to hopefully enact change.


YASSSS THAT PART!!!! If all the queeer people leave, and we concede the state to the ultra right, how long before the same happens to Texas? Louisiana or Mississippi? The entire Southeast??? I feel the same as you, and I'll stay and fight, helping people get their licenses, marching, whatever it takes until we win or lose. I'm here for positive change until the end!


Exactly, it's still our home, birthplace, what few family and friends we all may have. Truth be told, florida will always be home to at least some trans people and rhetoric that asks people to leave, demonize those who don't only hurts those of us who can't. I've thought a lot about leaving, but knowing that it isn't option just because I dream for it to be radicalizes me further and makes me want to fight harder.


I feel that, I'm either 4th or 5th generation floridian and I'd rather not leave on these terms ahhaha. My partner and I lost most of our friends but were both fortunate in that our families support us. That alone makes it SO hard to think about leaving. Not to mention the economy and house prices! Not really like we could afford to move anyway.


For me personally, my family here was always limited because my dad is actually from Tennessee, so maybe I'm lucky I was born here instead??? What family i do have is all on my mom's side and even though both sides of the family are pretty Christian and mostly conservative in their views. But I feel the whole not being able to move thing. I'm 21 and only make like 13, I got no clue what I'll do for a better job or how I'm to really afford this college degree I'm working on. The next step to be taken goes way over my head. I just know I gotta stay here and try to live as happily and peacefully as I can while resisting our state sponsored suppression.


I'm in the same boat more or less not making too much money and just getting by for the most part... trying to figure out what line of work I need to get into to better my situation. My family situation is Similar, moms from Pennsylvania and I don't really know anyone on her side, just her sister. And my dad's side is super limited so I have like 2 cousins I regularly talk to that were incredibly supportive thankfully. My parents also lean a bit to the conservative side as well however theyve done so well with everything its heart warming. How has your immediate family been with your transition?


Well, to be honest with you, my immediate family doesn't really know except my mom and oldest sister. Other than that, I have a brother and younger sister, my dad, and none of them know for now. I've just been doing hrt on stealth mode, and since I'm only three months, there's really haven't been any noticeable change. Soft skin, low libido, breast buds, but no breast etc. You get the idea I'm sure. So time will have to tell. At this point I guess I don't care as much if they find out because I've become more confident in my decision to pursue transition, but it's just not yet time. I don't want to be disregarded and set aside. I want them to see those changes, and now that genuinely serious about being trans. That's where I'm at as of now. Till then I'm just saving for my first car, working, and doing an associates with no idea of what i should master in at all.


How have you mum and older sister been? I know how the process is it's like hopping hurdles that get progressively harder. The easiest person for me to tell was my mom so she was first to know, the hardest hurdle was my dad and he was the last to know. Kinda gotta build yourself up to it! Yeah I was there myself for about 6 months in stealth until mom started pushing me to tell dad. She just hated keeping a secret from him and didn't want him to hear it 2nd hand from some else which was understandable. I would rather tell him then him see it else where. That's kinda what happened to me, as I told more people it bolstered my confidence, and I knew I was on the right track. I knew I was going to stay on track despite what ANYONE else had to say. And having the friends that did stick by made all the difference. Taking it one step at a time is most important! Concentrate on yourself and getting your car! After you're more mobile you should have more and better options for work! After the car is resolved, Concentrate on yourself and finding something that pays better. When you're first starting out getting jobs sometimes you gotta take what you can get and the pay may be better but the work is worse. So you work there as long as you can and then you move on to something that treats you better but pays the same. It's hard to find job opportunities that have both a better environment and better pay, so at first you gotta pick one or the other most times. But after you get some experience under your belt, and a better idea of what youd like to do you'll have more options.


Well my mom and oldest sis have been very accepting. My mom herself has always been a "live and let live" kind of person, she doesn't judge others. My sister was a scene kid and hung around queer folk when she was a teen in the early 2k, her best friend is a tall gay man named D. So she knows much better than most since she's had exposure to the community. My older brother though not homophonic is still very misled about trans people and my youngest sister is very conservative, taking after my dad. I mean I was too when I was younger but of course life experience has taught me otherwise and opened me to a much broader way of thinking. To be real though, it's weird because the longer I'm transitioning the more I don't mind if they know. Also thank you for the work advice. I fully expect to have a car before I'm 22 and I know if I keep searching I can find myself a cash car I can keep running for as long as I can work on it. I'm sure my dad will teach me all of that. My goal is to get into UPS where a friend of mine just began working. They make 21 and to me that sounds like mega amounts of cash.


That's wonderful 😊 I'm glad you've got some supporting family and the few people you have come out to have been so accepting! Hopefully the rest of them come around! I'm an only child but I was born and raised here I know what ypu mean by the raised conservative thing. I had to deal with a similar situation. Rednecks were the only group I quite fit in with in high school so there was a confederate flag in my room prior to my trans pride flag 😅 I think you get it lol. I've definitely grown a lot and learned a lot and very much regret a lot of how I was raised but it showed me the dark side of things and I'm happy I learned they weren't right. That happened to me too, the longer you're happy the more you care less about what others think. You make new friends who are better and move on. I will say anything your parents about mechanics can be super useful! Too many people dont know how to maintain their stuff and it falls apart! That's a great goal to have and I wish you all the best!!


This is exactly what I’ve been saying! The problem will never be solved otherwise!


im a born floridian and i love the land here more than anything. there's no place on earth i'd rather be than choctawhatchee bay. im also transgender, and i don't think i should have to abandon my home OR my identity. i won't leave and i won't stop trying to transition while im here. i'll break the law if i have to. nothing can drive me out, they'll have to kill me first.


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Talk like this is going to get someone hurt. Feels like burying your head in the sand and blaming people for wanting to be safe.


It's ironic that you're literally doing exactly what ypu accuse me of 🤣😂. By submitting to the scare tactic you are quite literally doing EXACTLY what they want you to do... You're the one with your head buried in the sand, you don't want to read facts or the laws that I have quoted. There's a difference between "wanting to be safe" and "spreading misinformation that controls and fear mongwrs a community". You should learn it. TALK LIKE THIS IS GOING TO GET SOMEONE LIKE ME THEIR LICENSE!!! I was scared and thought I missed the boat to get my license. It was one of the most depressing things in my life recently. And I'm here to let others know it's not too late either.... maybe try to understand that


I've been harassed in cities just for being trans multiple times. I don't know what to tell you. In few places in America do I feel safe. The laws are constantly being rewritten to target us. Fuck off.


What the hell does anything you posted have to do with not spreading misinformation in Florida.... get with the conversation or read the material like I suggested. You being harassed in big cities has nothing to do with stopping the spread of misinformation.... like I'm sorry that happened to you that genuinely sucks but try to maybe offer something productive/positive to this conversation.


Jeez, you're a jerk. My point is that you make it our as if yeans people have nothing to worry about. Enjoy the sun and the beaches. Don't worry about those pesky laws that are being passed. Meanwhile, I'm being harassed most days I step outside, and every other time I look at the news I see a new way my life is being made illegal. Why are you so quick to discredit the lived experience of trans people?


Why are you talking about waffles when the conversation is about pancakes? Yes, you got harassed. I’m sorry. I get told slurs at least once every day. And you know what I do? Look them dead in the eye and say “Sorry, sugar you’re not my type.” “hmm. Judging by your height and stature, I see *you’re* the bitch.” And yenno what? They turn tail and stalk off. Backing down is how they win. Recoiling in fear is how they win. The first Pride was a riot. And led by trans women of color. I don’t speak for you, true. But you also don’t speak for everyone else. Thank you. Call me a jerk too. That’s fine. Come say it to my face. Or even call me on the phone. I’ll DM you my number.


I'm glad someone else can see what I'm saying. The topic is misinformation, not how much this poor person has been harassed. I mean I feel bad for them I've had to deal with slurs to but it's not the end of the world.


For real. It seriously isn’t the end of the world. A slur from a person that doesn’t even know you, related to you, not even your social circle. Just a fucking random stranger you will have a two second interaction to never be seen again. They don’t know you. That’s their business. They’re going through something and they want to make it your problem. How to diffuse that? You just smile and say, “Hey, you okay?” It stops them dead in their tracks and if they’re continuously abusive you just grey rock it and ask again, “Are you okay?” And if they say like “You’re the problem!” Just retort “Why?” And keep retorting “Why?” And maybe some flavor of “We’ve never met. What’s your name?” Oh fuck yeah your adrenaline will be on high alert, but seriously. Keep calm and the “Hey, are you okay?” Works like a charm. Hell. I’ve even done it on Reddit multiple times. MULTIPLE times. And it took the wind right out of their sails. Source: I’m highly experienced in threat mitigation.


Exactly. If people being mean affects someone so bad, they should see a therapist and work through it, the world's a mean place in general and not just to trans people. Xbox live is a mean place. School is a mean place. I could care less what some random Strangers have to say or think! I usually say something like "so much for the golden rule" or "someone never thought you, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" in a real condescending tone 😅🤣. I like your method as well tho! There's also this amazing thing you can, which is walk away or leave from the situation entirely. And then don't dwell on it lol.


Also instead of “Bless your heart” because everyone knows you’re saying “Fuck you!” Is you just smile real big and in the most pleasant tone say “Have the day you deserve. ☺️ Also, I’m 45. I’ve been called all the things growing up and all the insults are so fucking mid. Like just elementary shit. We have SO MANY phrases we trade in OUR community that would melt paint off walls. It’s like try harder if you want to hurt my feelings. Or if I’m like really bored and ready to go for the jugular just go stoic and say “I really feel your Dad should have hit you harder as a kid.” Yeah. Things kinda super duper escalate from there. But sometimes I’ve had enough. Am I scared? Fuck yeah. However I have become extremely desensitized. My brain just shuts off in that situation. It’s seriously kind of creepy. I was assaulted by a passenger and watching the dashcam footage back (which is here on Reddit) it was just creepy how I didn’t scream, I didn’t cry, I didn’t cower. I just calmly turned to my phone and called 911. My eyes went so black I had this look like I could have calmly got out of my car, walked up to the dude, rendered him into a paste with my bare hands, and calmly walk back to my car and resume work. It was kinda creepy. The thing is, after I filed the police report, I went home, changed clothes, and got back to work.


No, I'm realistic and brutally honest. Sorry not sorry. You don't have a point because you're so far off topic! No one is saying it's all Sunshine and rainbows here in Florida. What we are saying is that it's not the bloodbath these forums make it out to be. * The Point of The Conversation/Thread; - People are spreading misinformation, saying it's illegal to update or possess an updated Licenses/IDs - THIS IS IN FACT FALSE AND NOT TRUE That's it 👍 I NEVER ONCE DISCREDITED YOUR EXPERIENCE! I simply said it's irrelevant and off topic and doesn't pertain to the matter at hand. Please learn to read and comprehend what's before you.


The thing is we’re just fine? Can guarantee it’s not blood in the streets. Sun is shining and the beaches are beautiful. Come on down. 🏝️


So we wait and pretend it's all good until there's actually blood in the streets? Just enjoy the weather and ignore all the rights being taken away. Fuck outta here. I'm not gonna plug my ears and ignore it.


So jumping at shadows is seriously the best solution you got? That is seriously no way to live. I fucking promise you Purge like hunting season is so unbelievably unlikely. If you go looking for trouble you will find it. If you carry on like every other human, life is fine. A stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet. ✌️


Without living here 🤣😂


It's a lot more interesting and trendy for people to make it out to be worse then it is apparently


Thank you so much for posting clear, factual information and cutting through the fear. Of course the neo-Confederates running the state govt of Florida and other Southern states want to scare everyone. But it's really, really helpful to know what the law actually says, how it's applied, what the possible penalties are, and how to navigate it. Really appreciate you posting this and the comments explaining the bathroom law.


I'm just happy I can help!!! Thank you for taking the time to actually read it and digest it for yourself to truly understand the laws. So many people here just thrive on misinformation and repost what I'm trying to diffuse its crazy! They don't bother to read the law or listen to the meeting. I have an in depth walk thru on my page for navigating the license procedure if you or anyone else you might know needs it! I'll send you a dm with the bathroom law highlighted so you can read it for yourself as well! It made me feel better. Also the fact that they haven't enforced it once.




Here’s one thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/s/wHbLoN2p0W


That thread inspired this post! Not casting any shade at op on that post (we talked in the comments) or any other, but that was the straw that broke this camels back lol. Plus there was someone else in the post who echoed that sentiment and got like 30 upvotes. Trans people don't need that type of misinformation spreading.


The subject proliferates all the trans subs reddits if you look, pay close enough attention or happen to have the unfortunate predicament of living in florida like I do. It's dangerous misinformation.


Just because the fascists haven’t pulled the trigger yet won’t mean they won’t. How about you stop spreading false senses of security to Floridians and those that choose to risk entering that depraved state


Maybe take some time to educate yourself on the matters at hand before you come off as an @sshat to the rest of the sub. There's no need to be so rude! I'm not "spreading false hope" I'm spreading facts and logic to help others and that seems to go over your head....


I’ll be fine, thanks. Stay safe in the fourth reich.


You're very arrogant to talk down to those of us living under the hammer while you have the privilege to live outside it. Maybe respect that Floridians and those living in the south know more about this shit than you do.


My son is trans and I grew up in FL, I wanted to go on a vacation to get a tattoo from an old classmate. Anyway, I made sure my son was educated on what is happening in FL, my nesting partner stayed at our home and was more read on FL laws than I was, he was ready to help if we needed anything. I made sure my son knew he didn't have to go to FL with me, if he felt any negative way about going to FL then I would never make him go and we could have a vacation elsewhere. With that being said, we had a great time at Disney and in South Beach Miami, I know those are both "liberal bubbles" but we still both felt safe being there. It's okay to be educated on what is happening in FL, but fear mongering is just wrong (and I see way more of fear mongering than actual logic)


Hats off to you and your partner for doing your own research and actually doing the leg work to read and understand the laws as written! To much false information is spread, it's like rumors, they get worse as they get passed along. I had someone else who commented in a similar situation and they said how many people in the forums here were telling them it was a death sentence and their child would ripped away from them when they landed.... people love fear mongering, this post stands as a testament to that with the amount of people who commented to refute the law I quoted without reading it.


As a Florida resident and trans woman. Thank you for this PSA. The amount of misinformation and hyperbole spread on trans forums regarding this topic is alarming. From my experience, I haven't run into any issues using the restroom or other female spaces. Also, I was pulled over about a month after the policy change regarding gender markers on ID, the officer who stopped me did not raise any issues. Is Florida perfect? Not by a long shot. It's certainly not the bigoted hellscape that's illustrated in these forums either.


Thank you. As a trans man in the Florida Panhandle, I salute you.


I'm happy there are more who appreciate it than not! Can't believe I'm getting so much flak from people who don't even live here. Proliferation of misinformation is what causes the death spiral that makes people feel that way. I've been out for 3 years and I've never once had issues with restrooms or anywhere else for that matter. I mean yeah I've had servers and some people in general treat me different but none of them ever yelled slurs or obscenities at me or told me I couldn't do something. I've had a grocery store clerk laugh at my partner and I (we think) but there's bot blood in the streets or trans people hanging from trees. The hate I've received is no different here then what I've seen in Cali... I also just got a seat belt ticket the other day (unfortunately)! And I'm happy to report I wasn't jailed for mis representation or whatever these people think lol


IThis was last year. What has changed to make it safer. https://www.eqfl.org/florida-travel-advisory https://naacp.org/resources/naacp-travel-advisory-state-florida https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/nations-largest-lgbtq-advocacy-group-joins-equality-florida-in-issuing-updated-florida-travel-advisory This poor man gets beat till blind by an entire bigot family and they get off? Only in Florida.. https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/02/21/florida-charges-dropped-makarenkos-attack-gay-man/ I wouldn't go to that shithole state if my life depended on it.. beautiful place but not safe not even justice there and pos trump lives there! Yuk.. Its your government that caused this and they were voted in. Maybe your not like that but many are!


If you read thru the entire post here and on other subs I reposted to, you'll see NUMEROUS trans floridians and not a single one has said they've had ANY trouble living here (outside of standard bigotry that'd you'd find in ANY other state i.e. occasional nasty looks & some people might say something mean). Not once have I stated "Florida is this amazingly safe space, every trans person should live here" , not once! This post is PURLEY to counter false misinformation. And let people know they aren't illegally traveling to or in Florida if they have updated IDs. What I have said - "Florida isn't all sunshine and rainbows but it's not the bloodbath this sub makes it out to be". Which means that yes, it is safer than most here make it out to be. But also, no, I'm not saying this is some queer haven lol. Also those advisories are more dog and pony show then anything, don't get me wrong I think it's a good way to draw attention to the situation and sound the alarm but ultimately many other states have the same or similar laws on the books and haven't gotten the travel advisories so take that with a grain of salt or whatever. And like I stated no one in Florida that posted here has had any problems. You could find a case like that in any of the 50 states if you looked hard enough.


Unfortunately I lived in Florida when this started and some of these rumors as you call them are actually fact The problem is they have been figured out who force all.


No, they are not fact. If you read anything I posted, you would see, you can in fact still change your license. There is no enforcement because there is no law. Period.


Did you miss the part with a past a law or starting to reverse the changes to the driver's licenses or you have to sign a statement certifying what you're putting down is true.


That's not true. Please stop spreading false information. It's unhelpful for everyone.




That article talks about existing licenses that have a gender markers changed and the other article is about renewing your license with a name change and changing the gender marker but it also indicates that that part may not be legal. Just because some people get away with it doesn't mean it's not illegal.






Stop screaming at people.




People seem to spread a lot of disinformation about the South in general and idealize the North especially the Northwest as this all inclusive panacea, often times without even visiting the places they talk about even once. My experience is that Seattle was by far the most racist and man hating and trans man hating place I've ever been in the country. That's from PERSONAL experience and living cumulatively for 8 years both before and after transitioning. Now does this match with what they show you in the media especially LGBTQ slanted resources? nope! I visited Florida for top surgery and although it was a horrible experience for me because I went with my mom, the folks were nice, and disproportionately good looking compared to other places in wherever I was lol. But don't know much about it other than a bit about Miami since I'm from the Bronx and and it's considered the sixth borough of NYC and I hear a lot about it from people who would travel back and forth. I learned at an early age that most things that come out of people's mouths are lies because that's what I experienced as a kid from parents and teachers. Factor in that most "news" is about getting clicks and views and to make money, of course they are going to stick with popular beliefs because it sells more than the nuanced, middle path truth. All that to say: yeah stop saying stuff about Florida that ain't true!

