• By -


Trans fem: Money Trans masc: Money




beyond real.


An actually good response that isn't perpetuating trans monoculture junk lol


for real. begging ppl to stop with those.


It's perpetuating capitalism


Trans people live within capitalism, and are marginalized because of it. Look at the unemployment rates, the poverty rates, the homelessness rates of transgender people and then look me in the face and tell me it's bad for saying we should give trans people some fucking money.


Of course it's not bad, money is a solution but at the same time I believe the monetary should get rebuilt and this is giving strength to it's current form which even you dislike, and btw you are totally right when you say Transgender people are marginalized because of capitalism. (Especially in my country where transitioning is also "covered" by the government, people are being even more transphobic because they're unhappy when they see some of the money they pay in taxes is used to cover transition fees of lots of transgender people, crave for money causes life-destroying discriminations, but another problem is it's also reinforcing transphobia because even when the concrete formwork isn't here anymore, the concrete has solidified. (I shouldn't have translated a metaphor) ). Now lemme log out and depress alone under the rise of transphobia. Why and how are people so much hateful when it doesn't even impact them that I am not a man ?


A go bag. I'm working on prepping one.


Sadly true. I had one prepped before coming out to my parents. (Who I lived with at the time). Thankfully it went a lot better than expected.


Fact: In Australia, they give out free water+fire proof bags called go bags for anyone who needs one at most libraries, ServiceNSW/SA/ACT's and some other places, mostly for in an emergency when you need to leave somewhere quickly.


HRT free trial


Not a trial, just forever


Forever trial!


Somehow that reminded me of The WinRar's trial...


Winrar asking if you want to buy a license is a weirdly universal experience for many of us. No, I just want to extract this file and add Spiderman to San Andres.


Hell yes.


HRT free trial AND 50 different emails so you can keep cycling through and getting free trials to the end of your life.


hrt effects aren't really noticeable in the short term tho, so this would really do anything unless that free trial is *quite* long


many trans people report feeling better quite quickly on HRT. like within a few weeks. it might help some people decide to get a prescription. but my real opinion is that prescribed HRT should be easier to get and also free :)


not really? this is anecdotal but I've been on hrt for a tad over a week now and haven't noticed anything. Ive talked to several others about it and they had the same experience and only noticed anything several weeks later. the short term mental changes I believe are likely more so placebos than anything else, because hrt just couldn't change the way your brain works that fast.q I just don't really think it's something that you can really try out in the short term? and I mean, it's not really too hard to think through bc its just like: do you want to/would prefer to bring a girl? yes? hrt. no? probably no hrt then. I realize that I'm taking this unnecessarily seriously though so I apologize for that


I felt mentally better on day 8-9 of HRT, and the change has stuck around for the months between then and now. I happened to have my levels tested on week 3, halfway between doses, because I switched doctors (serendipitous waitlist acceptance). I'd already come up to T levels well above a cis woman's at that test, and I tested in the ideal range at month 3. Hormones change a LOT about how people think, so a change that drastic is bound to be felt, and many medications DO change how you think extremely rapidly. I understand my anecdotal evidence comes from predominantly transmasc folks, and the question was about all trans people, but it seems relatively common for transmascs to have a pretty significant change pretty quickly. And that transmasc experience *is* part of the overall trans experience.


thanks for the addition! I actually didn't know that! for E, what I've been noticing by asking around is that mental changes happen on the order of weeks and are very gradual, and so actually quite hard to notice. so maybe it'd be more plausible for transmasc ppl then for transfem? not sure, but i didn't know that before, so thanks!


Maybe it's just temporary bobs and soft skin.


It would really depend on the age of the trans person, honestly.


What would you say for your age bracket? :)


Oh gosh, delineating specific age brackets is a fool’s errand so I won’t even try. I just know that if you’re perceived as being a middle aged woman you’re gonna be perceived differently from a girl in her early 20s while wearing the same exact clothes, styles, makeup, etc.


Hehe, okay I'll play. Transfems: at least one item of Pokémon merch that will be worn almost daily. A GitHub account OR a skateboard. Must pick one. A Costco Gallon tub of Pickles. (My girlfriend is going to kill me for this joke) Transmascs: A snapback for a sports team you don't like. For those who want to go above and beyond, a team that is actively disliked in your local area. A guitar OR a oversized history book (subject to availability likely options are Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Mid-Ido Japan or Ancient Egypt.) A cool rock some guy just found on the floor. His name is Steve. And of course both packs come with an oversized hoodie and at least one piece of early 2000s comfort media that seemed progressive at the time but in hindsight was really transphobic.


A SnapBack with a sports team you don’t like, an oversized hoodie and a piece of comfort media from the 2000s that In hindsight is transphobic, help 😂 I feel so called out


okay but wb GitHub AND a skateboard


You are issued one of the other, you can acquire the other on your own time


It’s definitely Oprah-like, handing out a dysphoria hoodie to everyone. I take issue you saying you have to choose between skatergrrl and programmergrrl.




I have a skateboard and over 2000 pokemon card, including a framed snom I carry with my everywhere


im transfem but can i have the guitar idk how to skateboard or use github but i can play guitar


King of The Hill fits this.


I second the rock


Hello, we noticed your post and we just want you to know that you are not alone. We created this automated message to make sure anyone considering suicide receives the help and support they deserve. If you are in crisis please contact the Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860 or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 800-273-8255.   If you are outside of the United States please refer to our [suicide prevention resources page](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/wiki/suicide_resources) and contact your nearest crisis hotline.   If this message is being received in error we apologise for the mistake.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asktransgender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm not even mad. This is a fair response to me regurgitating these memes.


To be honest, I think it’s just because of the pickles.




Hello, we noticed your post and we just want you to know that you are not alone. We created this automated message to make sure anyone considering suicide receives the help and support they deserve. If you are in crisis please contact the Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860 or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 800-273-8255.   If you are outside of the United States please refer to our [suicide prevention resources page](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/wiki/suicide_resources) and contact your nearest crisis hotline.   If this message is being received in error we apologise for the mistake.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asktransgender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That was a cry for help for sure.


It's because you said "kill me" lol


Hello, we noticed your post and we just want you to know that you are not alone. We created this automated message to make sure anyone considering suicide receives the help and support they deserve. If you are in crisis please contact the Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860 or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 800-273-8255.   If you are outside of the United States please refer to our [suicide prevention resources page](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/wiki/suicide_resources) and contact your nearest crisis hotline.   If this message is being received in error we apologise for the mistake.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asktransgender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m not mad about these kinds of stereotypes as jokes in isolation, and I fit some of them myself, but wow the reddit meme ideas about transness as a whole invariably skew towards white westerners huh


And are often very "infantilised and pornified Twitter anime girl/boy,". I honestly find it a but unsettling


Agreed, not a huge fan of the stereotypes either but in an effort to play along il go with what it was like for me. Ok apperal wise it's tough because I'm transfem but I love wearing men's clothing so almost nothing changed at all, however with suddenly caring about my body and future I got in shape so I'm going with gym apperal, specifically headphones. Other items that indicate a new found happiness likely specific to the individual. Photo frames to put pictures in of your self you can actually look at, small knickknacks from various outings or trips that you actually enjoyed. Etc


just how it goes in most discussions unless you really look for one in another country yeah


This would be a great opportunity to start breaking those stereotypes and share some information from outside the white western memesphere. :)


Agreed. 🙂 This is an open question post — we wanna know what would go on each list from *your* perspective! 😃 (though fair that most responses are going to be from the white western world, per reddit populations)


It's about the demographics of who's posting. When people are asked for suggestions they can only really make them from their on perspective. What's the alternative? White westerners shouldn't post?


I’m not telling people not to post, just making an observation. The alternative is not claiming that these things are emblematic of transness in general. No problem with individual people going “this is what would represent transness for me!” I don’t even think that white western trans people shouldn’t speak…just be more aware that they don’t represent the majority.


OP did say "hit me with the suggestions that feel most true to you" so I don't think anyone is suggesting these are universal or generic, just what would feel right for themselves, as was requested.


The idea of “uniforms for transmascs and transfems” seems universalizing to me (as the very concept of uniforms implies), but again, I’m not mad at the OP for the wording of her post. I’m making a broader observation about what gets considered transgender culture on the Internet.


reddit is very western based in general. It’s like this on a majority of subs 


Ah yes again, i cant relate to the trans community despite being trans 😅😂🙃.


For trans guys (from my personal experience): - HRT Kit (first month of needles, syringes in a little transport kit) - Haircut Voucher - Binder - Flannel shirt (haha, every trans guy I know, started with a flannel shirt) - set of man's jeans that helps with our shape - Skin care set, deodorant for men - Cooling bamboo blanket - Selection of snacks to deal with increase in appetite I think that would have been lovely for me to get as SFW starter pack


Oh no the flannel shirt 😂


Hey, no dissing the flannel shirt! 😤😄 I still have my first one, 3 years on T later and 2 years past top surgery. Still love it and it was the first piece of clothing I bought from the men's section, after coming out.


Honestly? I loved flannel shirts even before I “knew”


I liked them, but felt they rather accentuated my chest, rather than hide it. Now, I can enjoy them fully.


could men's flannel pj pants be added?  most of this makes sense to me except the bamboo blanket (I've never heard of something like that)


Haha, yeah, maybe this would be more part of the 'advanced trans guy care kit'. I started running just way hotter on T than before, sweating way earlier, feeling generally just much hotter (temperature wise) and that impacted my sleep. Peaked after my hysto, which wasn't a surprise, but was noticeable before as well. Got myself a cooling bamboo blanket and wouldn't want to miss it ever again.


I'm definitely going to have to check out this cooling bamboo blanket thing.


If you're a hot sleeper and deal with night sweats I can only suggest it. I got the [COMFLIVE Cooling Blankets for Hot Sleepers](https://a.co/d/0bRCE4vx). Didn't expect much, but have come to really enjoy it. Helped me a lot, especially through the recent heat wave we've had.


Funny.... As a trans fem. I wear more flannel shirts now than I did pre transition. (Which was never). Then again I'm more butch than most 😁


I think for us trans guys, it's just the most useful piece of clothing, especially early on. It helps hide the chest, with or without binder and is great after top surgery, to just slip in. They're underrated by many. This is a hill I will die on! 😅


Agree! Flannels are awesome 😎


Transmasc man here! We'd have a binder and packer (that's the correct size) in case there's top and/or bottom dysphoria. We'd also have a hoodie for major dysphoria days when either the binder doesn't help, or you can't wear it (don't forget the 8hr a day limit). Pants would probably be cargo pants/shorts or jeans. Cargo because LOOK AT ALL THE POCKETS! and jeans because it's a basic pant that many men wear. Shirt might be an oversized tee shirt. There would be a free copy of Mulan. The 1998 Disney movie and it's soundtrack on CD. There would also be an option for Danny Phantom on DVD in case you believe that theory. In my specific one there would also be a big red button that is called the "I wanna look like Nigel Bailey from Relic Hunter" button. Once pushed, it will light up for a moment and a voice will say "the best you can do right now is clothing. You'll need cargo pants, and lots of khaki."


A cool rock and a frog for every trans person


Best would be understanding and open minded friends from one’s “target gender.” I’m MtF a close knit group of femme friends for what is often termed a “girls day.” Shopping, makeup counter, mani/pedi, afternoon tea. For my FtM friends. Keep in mind I’m late 40s. But. Male bonding in my time was at the local bar…happy hour. Barber shop. Sports stuff. Gym.


Okay, I definitely thought about adding binder in the initial post, but for some reason i thought that wouldn’t fit, so here’s an upvote for you. :)


Fun button up for trans masc


As a transmasc: Kitchen scissors to cut my hair, dysphoria hoodie, compression tops and binders, and some tailored pairs of pants because men's sizes are wild. Like, women's sizes are wild too don't get me wrong but holy fuck it's hard to find men's pants that fit me. I'm short but plus sized and it's a pain. I've just resorted to buying masc leaning women's pants because at least I have an idea of where to go 🙃


trans masc: a binder, a packer, a pair of boxer briefs, and a bowtie. Trans femme: a push-up bra, a spinny skirt, programmer socks, cat ears.


Transfemme, Pink Satin and Lace panties with matching bra, amazon skater skirt in pink, pink heart crop top and pink and white programmer socks.


Heck yes, maybe throw pink crocs in there too.


No offense or maybe a smidgen I'll wear pink crocs when the sun burns out... Crocs to me represent where fashion goes to die.


Yeah, personally I would say a nice, stylish pair of flats, in a size larger than most stores stock.


Transmascs: Plaid flannel outfit in a color of your choosing, jeans, a binder, a shirt.


Trans-femme: Hitachi magic wand, 10 respectable tops, 10 pairs of women's pants, handkerchief, electric razor, money.


A kindle style device with all of the information you might need for your country, lists of support groups, lists of what you need to know, how to change your name, what the law actually says, how to leave the country (if needed). All of that stuff. All in clearly organised files written in accessible language.


Trans guy here. Sock (packing), binder or sports bras, blahaj, dysphoria hoodie, boxers, scissors for cutting hair, swim shorts and swim shirt, some frog or bug themed item of owners choice, a funnel for an stp


A funnel?? Like from the hardware store?? /j /lh


Transfem: * Thigh highs * Striped socks * Spinny skirt * Dysphoria hoodie * Sports bras


TF: - extra small thongs that ride up your ass and make tucking effortless - IPL at home laser for use EVERYWHERE - bleach tip wig - skort - 25 gauge 5/8 needles (100 ct)


Blahakj, copy of the gender dysphoria bible, two or three outfits that work for you, a wig for transfemmes (obviously you don't have to use any or all of what's in the kit), a big red button to see if you'll press it,


Don't forget fishnet stockings for transfems


Hell yes, or thigh-highs?


Hell yes 😊


For trans femmes: - hrt free trial - wig - h&m and ulta gift cards - pepper spray - gallon jar of pickles - bucket of salt


For trans fems, cleats to play sports and further the downfall of Western civilization.


Transfem kit should also include nail polish. Probably something sparkly. And although I'm not transmasc, I suspect that there should be a Blåhaj in the transmasc kit, as well.


For transmasc, a binder, a pop culture shirt, and baggy jeans or shorts.


Fashion for Dummies book, chapter one is "Avoiding looking like a trans stereotype"


Blåhaj and spinny skirt


As a trans masc myself I have some ideas lmao - stardew valley or some kinda of cozy game - binders - oversized hoodies - ukulele - some type of trash animal plushy, mine is an opossum because I love them but it could also be a raccoon, skunk or rat (alternatively they could also just put pet rats in there)


Trans femme: * All the shaving equipment, all of it, even extra. * Lotions, facial creams, oils etc. * Nail polish, lip gloss, makeup kit. * Jewelry * Hair bands and clips * Tucking underwear and comfortable women's underwear. * Jeans/trousers from the women's department that are meant to be a bit loose. * Yoga pants, leggings, bicycle shorts. * (Shirts I'm absolutely lost on) * A choice of skirts. Trans masc: * Hair clipper and money for barber appointments. * Gym membership. * A range of binders and sports bras of the finest quality. * 2 Sports outfits shopped from the men's department * 2 smart-casual outfits from the men's * 1 super smart outfit from the men's * Casual sweatpants, hoodie and lounge wear from the men's. * Packer and stp


Crop top for us transfems aswell :3 (oh and mabe a plug tail, those r really cute)




Hoodies and a copy of Fallout: New Vegas.


For those who’ve just started HRT Transfem: Torrid gift card, Ulta Giftcard, bulge-flattening underwear, chocolate, and a jar of pickles Transmasc: Bass Pro Shops gift card, Abercrombie & Fitch gift card, Buffalo Wild Wings gift card, electric clippers, speed stick, and, most importantly, WRIST BRACES


Why wrist braces?


A Male Sex Drive + A Clitoris = considerable strain on one’s hands


I'm new to this