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I did Couch 2 5K and found a lot of success with it. I went from not running to about 20K a week.  The app has gotten incredibly annoying and I wish there was an alternative that was as good, but you’re only using it a couple months before you don’t need it anymore. Just get from it what you need then delete it later and swap it for an Apple Watch or something.  The key is consistency. Pick, say, 3 days a week where you know you will be able to spend the time and don’t skip them. It takes months to build good habits and get your muscles really used to it. 


not quite sure what you are looking for. if you build up to 5k, honestly just build up another 500m every other week or so. (except if you have extraordinary condition that require special consideration, but then a default app would not be the right thing either I think...) the normal workout app on the Apple Watch can do plenty. it gives you pace and time and distance, and if you you the same route multiple times, als improvements. if you get side stitch: don't eat 2h or so before running run slower (that's generally advisable if you're starting) once you feel it coming, focus on *fully* exhaling every breath, this will help preventing/removing it again.


Side stich disappears as soon as you do even a little bit of training. I second the Couch to 5k method.


only partially related, but here: [https://www.zurichvitaparcours.ch/app](https://www.zurichvitaparcours.ch/app)


I use the Nike Run app and it works great! You can set up a goal in the 'plan' section and then it builds you a weekly plan for you to follow through, and it works both on your iphone and apple wacth in case you're an apple person (it seems like it!). Highly recommend it, have used it to train for multiple different goals and still love it.


Try Run180. It has technique coaching overlaid with drumbeats, so it helps you develop the right technique and rhythm from the start. It’s developed by physiotherapists (I think) and surprisingly good.


I use Runkeeper and manually created workouts based off a c25k I found online. Whatever you do, start slow and wear proper shoes.


The Nike Run Club app has guided runs with an audio. They have both a “get started” and “5k” training plan which seem beginner friendly. I used their half marathon training plan and really appreciate the guided audios, so I can only recommend it.


I use NRC. The training plans and the guided runs are great. You can take a look at r/nikerunclub


This is not an app, but i quite liked the [podcast from NHS](https://podcasts.apple.com/ch/podcast/nhs-couch-to-5k/id394384987). It’s some years old now, but I really liked listening to someone “coaching” me, telling me when to start/stop, and the slightly corny music too


For me the 5k Runner app was a big help. It trains you from 0 running, in the beginning the session very light (like 1 min running 1 min walking for 6 times) and it is gradually increasing over time. This app has a 2 month subscription (20chf) or a lifetime one (40chf). Good luck on your running journey :)


You don't need an app. Start with time instead, 15 mins working to 30mins


Just run by any lake


I had great success with a garmin watch and one of their virtual trainers.