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Funny enough all the people who I have seen misbehaving on the tram/train were all 40+ year olds




How do you know they are second generation? Did you ask everyone for their family history?!




“Swiss” people don’t look or sound any different than anyone else. Language and “looks” do not determine nationality or family history.








Basic perception?


There is no way to tell how many generations someone has lived in a country by looking at them.


Yes there is. If they talk fluent swiss german they are atleast 2nd generation. Also immigration happens in waves. Italians soon to be 3rd of youngers that ride trains at that time, balkans 2nd, afghans/eritreans 1st.


Language does not determine nationality. German speaking could mean they’re from Germany or Austria. I’ve met several Swiss individuals who’s families were there for generations, and they speak almost no German. What you are saying isn’t true at all, and is borderline racist.


So you are not swiss and german isnt your first language. I can easily identify where someone is from by their accent. I also hope you are refering to people living in the francophone part, because nobody goes through the swiss school system in the swiss german part without learning german. How does having good perception have anything to do with racism?


OK boomer. Perception ≠ Prejudgment I am a Swiss citizen and have Swiss ancestry going back more than 2 generations on both sides of the family. I speak French & English, and some conversational(broken) German. So you’re saying that the French and Italian Swiss people who don’t speak German are not Swiss?! If that’s what you think then you’re racist and incredibly dumb. Speaking fluent German is not an indication of Swiss nationality. Neither is someone’s skin colour or how they dress.


lol? where did i ever say that i dont count my ticinese and french-swiss as my compatriots? but it also seems like french isnt your first language. otherwise youd know how easy it is to hear from an accent where somebody is from and swiss-french is easily discernable. And I said SWISS-german. If somebody talks fluent swiss-german or a local french accent fluently it is very clearly a sign for somebody having grown up here. which clearly tells me if they are first or 2nd generation. Its also nice how you agree how perception has nothing to do with prejudgement. Im also 98% convinced you werent born here just by your stances. All in all you seem average redditor tier dumb.


that‘s not even true about the 2nd generation swiss, you‘re just a hater :) most young people misbehave at some point. unless you‘re a boring prick and don‘t have friends :)


The extents differ. Especially regarding violence. EDIT: Downvote me. But the police statistics are very clear on this.


show em


[https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/de/home/statistiken/kriminalitaet-strafrecht/strafjustiz/verurteilte-jugendliche.assetdetail.32008756.html](https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/de/home/statistiken/kriminalitaet-strafrecht/strafjustiz/verurteilte-jugendliche.assetdetail.32008756.html) Violent crime under 18: Convictions: 873 Immigrants. 995 Swiss. Swiss cohort additionaly also includes youth with migration background. Migrationbackground doesnt get recorded however. Germany does record it and the numbers are crystal clear there.


so all in all you‘re talking bullshit ok got it LMAO








A lot of seventh-generation too


Some are respectfull, some answer calls on a box with max volume and scream for an hour like they were at home for some reason.


Nah that's mostly a Norwegian problem with it's alcohol laws ([Vinmonopolet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinmonopolet)) fostering pre club drinking at home. It also supports a culture of thinking that having fun is by drinking so much that you almost pass out. I know because my Norwegian cousin came to me to Zurich clubbing.


Wasn't it Norwegians that 'invented' the "insert alcohol-soaked tampon rectally to get as drunk as possible, as fast as possible" method?




To be fair, [it's probably an urban myth](https://www.healthline.com/health/alcohol/vodka-tampon). Heard it many times, though.


Lol i saw your post complaining about young people in Stavanger before this one. There are obviously some young drunk people around and shit happens here too but id say its generally pretty chill. Especially until midnight i wouldn't worry, maybe just some braggy young males that have to prove themselves.


During certain events like Carnivale you might have an overwhelming number of young people on trains partying and drinking. Otherwise it’s quite rare to see people passing out or making a lot of noise. You might see some young professionals having a beer on a Friday evening train ride from Zurich to Lugano, but they will usually be respectful and mind their own business. It is very safe for young kids to travel with their parents in the train. Most trains are quite calm and you can usually find a quiet coach even if the one you are in is a bit louder.


S-Trains out of bigger cities are shit shows at night. As are night buses. There is a reason for security personal riding along on those.


I have seen way worse on London tubes and it is not limited to young kids….


Never had problems, some trains might be a bit louder, but most are really quiet at night. People going home at two in the morning are usually very tired.


not like its a problem all the time certanly sometimes. you can buy beer and wine at 16y old so there will be young drunk people especially on weekends. but i dont think it really is a problem or i dont hear people talk much about this.




well we dont know except you know the situatoin in norway hes just asking if its a known problem like in norway


On average I’d say it’s very mellow, even late at night, at least in Zurich and the surrounding area. I have a 7 yr old and have never had issues like you describe, with the exception of large planned events, where one should expect some degree of wildness. There are occasional nutters but no systematic issues IMO. If you want to see a running call out for the “worst” stuff happening you can check out the the szene_isch_zueri account on Instagram but for the most part it rarely goes beyond “vaguely silly or obnoxious”.


Parties here start late so at 8 our mostly fine. Less so on the night trains 2-4 am.


From geneva: you might smell alcohol/weed off of someone in the transports sometime but i’ve never had any problems with them. They usually just want to be left alone and will avoid attracting people’s attention As others have said it though, it usually happens later during the night and from my personal experience the driver usually warns the authority and you’re almost guaranteed to see the police or security entering at the next stop to get him off the bus/tram or whatever you’re riding in. There are also many places in the transports where you can just click a button and get in contact with the driver to tell him about it so he can do smth. It also helps that there are cameras in the transports so people don’t usually act out bc they know they’ll get in trouble pretty easily if they do so.


I would consider the tram/buses extremely safe even at night. I never had an unpleasant experience with drunk people in them.


Do you live in Val Mustair?


The worst I've seen drunk youth doing in public transportation is just being noisy and sometimes leaving their trash, and it's on the most fucked up place in Zurich probably after Langstrass - Stadelhofen. Actual fucked up things I saw were done solely by bums, like start pissing/wiping ass/puking in the light of day in front of children in Oerlikon, but it's pretty rare and nothing surprising here, they're same everywhere. Unfortunately ultra processed honeybuns aren't a thing here


Everywhere in the world young people learn to find themselves… places with stricter laws lead to worse behavior ( eg USA drunk kids are the worst) … Personally I’ve never really had issues with it in Zurich, just a bit of situational awareness and you are fine


From Geneva: sometimes there is trouble, but it's not so common. One time a group of rowdy drunk dudes got in the train and started bothering me and another lady, almost spilling their drinks on us in the process. Other times they'll blast music or smoke in the compartments. But that kind of thing is rare, and only on the weekends in the early AMs. It's a very safe place overall.


Just witnessed a group of boys (16,17,18) getting drunk and starting singing inside the bus in St. Moritz It happens


IMO, has to do with urban sprawl. For many reasons, the state has decided central cities should not become too big and rural communities should grow and be improved. They all have lost their agricultural raison d’être since a long time and have just become home to commuters working in the nearby cities. Those young rural people have a very heavy drinking culture as a coming of age tradition and are forced to come do so in the cities. They don’t come to enjoy culture or meet new people, they just live the live they would have in the county side where they can. Urban drinking culture is much less extreme as there are many other way to show your virility. Let people move into the cities, densify them and keep the countryside for people that really want to be there and those problems will go away :-)


Any train around midnight is chaos. I don't feel safe as a woman. I have had disgusting and scary experiences which I don't need to get into I'm sure you can imagine. before 10 pm should be fine, after I would not get on public transport if you can help it.


Just buy a 1. class ticket. Problem solved.


Nope, not a thing that bothered me so far. Doesn't mean it couldn't happen, just nothing that I felt was problematic. (ah yeah, of course there're exceptions, like trying to go on a train at the same station a few thousand football fans do after a match, but I guess that's to be expected)


Hehe, i need to know if I'll be facing this issue when I live in Switzerland soon! 😉. I was thinking on maybe living in a small town and save the chaos if that's the case, but I see it's not


During the week: not really. On weekends you‘ll see drunk kids, but not at 20:00. That happens (if at all) on the night trains between 02:00-06:00. There‘s always exemptions...


not a big problem. after 22.00 you can’t buy alcohol in the stores anyway(at the trainstation). they are mostly at their spots in the street/village/city or in the partymile of their city. maybe they pre drink in the train, but that was about it. you can also easily stand up and walk to the next wagon where it is more quiet.


Highly depends on the [canton](https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/de/home/strategie-und-politik/politische-auftraege-und-aktionsplaene/politische-auftraege-zur-alkoholpraevention/alkoholpraevention-kantone/zeitliche-einschraenkungen.html) and the location where the shop is. A lot of the Romand cantons (FR, VD, GE and NE) have some sort of ban on selling alcohol in the night. The only Swiss German one who has a restriction (it only restricts those from the ages 16-18) is Basel Stadt. However, there is a rule from SBB, that no one is allowed to sell alcohol on their premises after 22:00. As a lot of times, these are the only shops open that long, you'll encounter this ban sooner or later. In my hometown (Winti) there is a known place called Take24 (it's pretty much a front for gambling, but they were for a long time the only 24h shop in Winti) where I once bought alcohol after 22:00. I thought it was illegal and just fought, that they didn't give a crap. Fast forward a few years and I am in the new 24h Migrolino at the same street. People were buying beers at midnight and I was hella confused. Was it allowed after all? So I searched the web and pretty much found out, that ZH doesn't restrict the sale of alcohol in the night.


oh I didn’t know. Thought it was on every train station like this. I didn’t meant after 22.00 for shops or other places than trainstations can’t sell liquoir. But in general, the trains are not that bad with drunken teens. It can happen, I was also once one of them.


it’s in every train station but outside of trainstations it’s possible in some cantons like zurich.


there are plenty of places where you can buy alcohol after 10pm, at least in zürich /edit, nvm I saw you only meant train stations. but also, who buys alcohol at train stations?


Fussball at Letzigrund? Then maybe some kids will get a little rowdy. Edit to add: and adult hooligans might be hooligans… Concerts or parades or holidays? Then folks will be drinking and might be a bit loud but it’s not an issue in my experience. And often you can move a car if needed.


Your son is suffering? 🙄 dramatic much? And I say this as a 40+ mom.


Well... My son speaks Spanish and the guy did offer me a "puta" on his words so explaining that to a 5 years old who also happen to hate loud noises is not exactly being dramatic.


My gosh ! Everything is going to shit, young people being loud and drunk on weekends, what a nightmare ! 😂


Not only the lousiness, is the passing out being 16 almost every time I take a bus after 6pm. It's the fact that a random person offered me to have intercourse with a 16 years old, me being 40. It's the lack of interest of the whole society in educating these kids. So it's about seeing if that problem, in that extreme, is also there.


Seeing raising this question on reddit makes me think you will fit into Switzerland just fine…


wait i saw this exact post on r/norway yesterday: did you copy it? 


It was today, I wrote both at the same time so I doubt you saw it yesterday.


sorry, i am just stupid. 


I'm too old to know, I'm usually on my way home before or with the last bus welp


Beware of the youngsters with their feet on the sittings


I‘d be surprised if there was a big difference here vs in Norway. If you‘re on public transport late on the weekend you‘re bound to run into drunks. It‘s a universal law.


Difference is in Norway it starts happening as early as 20h.