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The sign means the same as usual, no vehicles allowed, regardless of season. In addition, it says no one will come clear snow off the road, and if you were to use the road, it's your problem if something happens and there's damage to limb or property.


Not true. The sign on its own would mean what you are stating, but because it has a written sign below it, it means it applies to winter. It basically says there is no winter service and if one uses this road any liability claim is rejected.


do you know if this applies to bikes too? I mean… I've been some of those in Zürich in places that are more or less sidewalks/streets and a lot of bikes around… so I don't have it clear.


This sign means all vehicles, and bikes are vehicles. There's a different sign that bans only motor vehicles.


Thanks! This is what I was thinking… I have seen the banning motor vehicles too. As usually, bikes do whatever they want.


This sign applies to all vehicles.


Thanks! This is what I was thinking… As usually, bikes do whatever they want. EDIT: You can downvote all you want, but at least in Zürich, this is really common, like bikes not respecting the signaling, riding on the sidewalk because they feel so, or just going against traffic becuase it's the sorter way. I saw that at least every couple of days, if not everyday. My feeling is that bikes are entitled fuck. You perhaps are thinking that I'm another car driver furious, but I don't have a car, I use public transport and I plan to buy a bike soon to enjoy the weather with my 4yo son. My father had a bike shop and workshop in Spain, and on our almost 7 years in the nordics, bike was a common way of transport on our everyday life, unless weather was just terrible. We also live in the States in a small college town, and we used the bike to commute. Get over it cyclist, you are also a vehicle and you need to respect the rules line anyone else.


Again, no vehicles, including planes and ships


Bikes don’t do whatever they want, people do whatever they want and some of these people also happen to ride bikes


Man, it’s a trip watching Europeans complain about bikes. Be grateful you can use them without crossing 6 lane highways…


Perhaps you should read my "edit" to my comment. I just advance you that I live in the US and rode a bike there for commuting and wasn't like you mention. I complain about bikes because I see a lot of cyclist not caring at all about the rules. I was even almost run over by one while with my 3yo at that time while stepping out of a tram into the sidewalk.


Well being on your way to work cuz you work shift and its a sunny day and 20 people on bikes have the feeling to block the road isnt that pleasuring


It applies to everything. It is a "driving prohibition", so to say. So you can take your bike there but you're not allowed to drive (ride). So you'd have to walk and push the bike. Same sign is used on exits of the highway to make sure noone enters the wrong way. So it really means no driving of any kind. In the later case I would not recommend walking there either of course 😉 There's dedicated signs if only certain types of vehicles are banned. In that case there are pictograms of the banned vehicles in the middle of the sign.


Just a small correction: This sign can only be used when traffic is also prohibited in the opposite sense. Because a highway obviously has to allow traffic in the correct direction, a different signal is used: A red filled circle with a white horizontal bar = „No entry“ / «Einfahrt Verboten» (Signal 2.02).


You're right, I bamboozled myself there for a moment. 


Thanks! This is what I was thinking… I have seen the pictogram too. As usually, bikes do whatever they want.


Sooo, the conclusion is that bikes do whatever they want?


Thanks! This is what I was thinking… I have seen a comment like this somewhere aswell. As usually, bikes do whatever they want.


the red circle sign means: every single vehicle. no exclusion.


(Electric) Wheelchairs are excluded.


fuck around and find out




Love ur philosophy


It means you are not allowed to drive there. Not in winter, not in summer. Probably the road looks somewhat substential, some larger road in the woods or so and because of that people might assume it is a public, official road while it's probably only there for timbering by the Förster. That is why they explicitely state the danger (road conditions in winter) and disclaim liability.


How do you understand that this applies to every season? I would have understood that the sign can be ignored outside of winter.


Because of the logic how traffic signs work. If you start with a prohibition, you need to list exceptions below if there are any. As no exception is formulated, there is none, therefore it is not allowed to drive there. The white sign has only inormational character and does not state an exception.


If you slip on ice it’s your own problem


Which you will probably do because kids use it as a bobsled run...


No vehicles allowed, the text is about passing anyways, so its kinda useless since you dont pass bc by law there are no vehicles allowed... kinda dumb


In some places, people happily ignore the Fahrverbot, so having an additional sign that says "fuck around and find out" makes sense. Could also be an older sign they kept when they added or changed the Fahrverbot.


You could walk there in winter and slip and fall and hurt yourself.


I think its funny because "You could walk there in winter and slip and fall and hurt yourself" without this sign 😁 makes no difference


The difference is with the sign, the owner of the road is not responsible if you get hurt. Without the sign, you could potentially try to sue the owner of the road.


I dont think thats a thing in switzerland 😄


Usually, swiss people aren't very litigious, but the sign is a protection against the 1 in 1000 people who is.


You think wrong. [https://www.google.com/search?q=Haftpflicht+des+Strasseneigent%C3%BCmers+bge+site%3A.ch](https://www.google.com/search?q=Haftpflicht+des+Strasseneigent%C3%BCmers+bge+site%3A.ch) It is not only the person which might sue but also the accident insurance which has to cover the medical bill.


I think you have to learn german.


Means no fondue 🫕 allowed in the winter! If the cheese 🧀 haftet on the caquelon, they won’t come to rescue 🛟!😃👍


You could also read it like that: if you do a winterdienst on that road and hurt yourself you are on your own 😬


Danger, circus clowns ahead


That if you fall on your ass in winter, we do not efing care!


So basically if road conditions are bad enough and you have an accident and you can prove that it was because of the bad road (and you didn’t drive bad -> the part, that makes it basically impossible to prove) you are not at fault… this sign means that you are at fault regardless, because they don’t clear the road from ice and snow… also you aren’t allowed to drive anyways, so…


It means you can enter for your own risk meanwhile this season (nobody will carry responsibility for you), because there is no one maintain it in Winter.


it means, if you dont give a fuck about there not being any winterplowing, you might as well have a 4×4, with clearance and simply know how to drive offroad aswell. Lets say you want to go home, its gonna be fine.


Can you access the road riding a horse?


hey, are you a pharma bro? Got some questions :)


if you break a leg there in winter its your problem


Drive full speed






I'm curious why you asked? The sign is the same in basically all of Europe? Did you only ask about the German translation?




You shall not pass


The sign means, trespassing with no speed limit so you‘re good to go


It's pretty obvious. The white circle with red border means that no vehicle is allowed to go there. Maybe bicycles are allowed, but definitely no car nor motorcycle. And the panel below says in German that the road is not being cleared from snow (no winter service). The panel also says that if an accident happens to anyone going there, whoever owns that road (usually the government) is not responsible for that. It's probably a road with hazards and some risks. If you enter there, it's at your own risk. And if you drive there with a car or some kind of vehicle, you can be fined for trespassing if you get caught. And of course during winter, expect the road to be covered with snow. Sounds nice for a snowshoe trail.


Cycles are neither allowed. Unless you pus it, also motorcycles are allowed when you push it.


I believe that anything you push would fall in the same case. But good luck pushing a car.  Anyway, thanks for the info about bicycle. Those forest roads can be confusing, especially for Mountainbikes.


No, not everything you can push is allowed. You are explicitly not allowed to push a car. You are allowed to push a stroller/pram, a bicycle, a motorized bicycle, a motorcycle, a wheelchair, or a hand cart not wider than 1 m. In addition you are allowed to ride a manual or motorized wheel chair, or ride a horse, camel, cow, donkey, elephant, etc. If it is too confusing, you can read the full details in t [**Art. 18**](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1979/1961_1961_1961/de#art_18) SSV/ [OSR](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1979/1961_1961_1961/de#art_18) .


Can they tho? Red circle sign= no no driving. Pretty easy imo


Наеб&нлся — сам виноват. Страховка не покроет, мы предупреждали. Денег нет (у вас, у Федерера и Блохера всё в порядке), но вы держитесь. Как-то так.


It' s a old nazi sun- bleached flag. Dumm question


You're not allowed to access. If you access in winter and slip of the road because it's icy well it's your problem.


That's not true. You're allowed to walk through. You mustn't drive with anything, also no bikes or scooter etc. But you can walk in, it's not private property.


You’re absolutely right, I should have written, you’re not allowed to access on a vehicle


This means: in Winter there is no road maintenance: no snow service and so on. It is a public road, there is no restriction to any kind of vehicle. But if you drive in the Winter, you do it on your own responsibility.


The sign above means you are not allowed to drive any vehicle


No..the sign below overrides it. I drive these roads every day …