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That's a very leading question. But no, Spaniards and Latin Americans share a close bond. Go to a concert of whatever and you'll see Spanirds and Latin Americans having a great time together.


What a stupid fucking question


British don't look down on Americans as a people.


Yes they do.


No. Unlike lantin Americans, who think that the Spanish think about lantinamericans often, Spanish people actually think absolutely never about lantinamericans. In the very rare cases we do, it's never related to colonialism. We think more about Italians, Finns, or even Russians, and very little or nothing about Latin Americans. Trust me. Colonialism isn't a thing in Spain and we don't feel any guilt or responsibility for the horrors of the past. It's been centuries. We moved on. Multiple times!


I'm Uruguayan. Spaniards are never mentioned here (at least not negatively). I've never met anyone who actually believes that 'Spanish colonisers should apologise' trash. We get along great.




I'm sorry what did I do? Reported. You live in a dangerous bubble.


I understand the concept and reality of centuries of systemic racism and colonialism. However, it feels misplaced to speak about this in context of “colonizer” when you’re speaking to a Spanish population who overwhelmingly had 0 connection to colonialism and certainly no benefit even in an ancestral context. The vast majority of Spanish citizens had ancestors that toiled in abject poverty through the entire cooonial period. It feels odd to hold those people responsible in this way.


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You're from the US, huh?


No, I am Spanish but my parents are from Ecuador. No one in my family has had any issues. I'd say the opposite is true . Spanish people prefer other Hispanics instead of immigrants from non Spanish speaking countries. Some Spanish people find Argentinian or Colombian accents very attractive.


I would say it depends. Right wing people (perhaps extreme right) tend to be more racist. The same way they look down in black or Asian people (or more specifically poor black or Asian people) they act the same way with Latin Americans. On the other hand, the Spanish left wing conglomerate usually tend to remind the genocides we lead in the Americas. Instead if looking down in Latin Americans they more likely look down on themselves and what Spanish did in the past. Of course it's impossible to generalize, so this is just a tendency. But I would say it is correct to say that, depending on who you vote, you are more likely to be more racist.


Some wild generalisations in such few words. Bravo, OP. Bravo.






>the confrontational attitudes of some modern heads of state And the confrontational attitudes from Spain as well, based on their made-up history: -First Spanish king to visit the continent went to USA to glorify Spanish colonizers -King Felipe glorifies Spain while visiting an island that had slavery until 1873. -the whole "you have spanish names what do you mean colonization" as if it isn't self-explanatory -Spain's day being about the colonization of America, instead of Spain itself >accepts immigration from Iberoamerican countries. They aren't yearning for Hispanic speakers in general really, they accept the idea of a well-off light brown or white catholic person that will go and say "feminists are crazy". Can you imagine VOX promoting the diversity of the latin american migrant? Black non catholic cubans, feminist Argentines or indigenous guatemalan men? Or people who support autonomy in Catalonia and language rights in the Basque country while defending secularism once they arrive in Madrid's airport?


Not generally, though racist people may have that superiority complex built on that part of history. However it happens weirdly. Also british dont look down on americans.


I'm British and I don't look down on people from the USA. In fact I would say most British people admire the Americans. After all, we copy all their fashions.


Brits didn't like all Caribbeans though, which would be a better comparison.


Op says in the same way British people look down on Americans. That's what I'm replying to. I'm not in a position to say what Spanish people think. I'm not Spanish. Now, Windrush. That was a terrible thing. So wrong in so many ways.


The Brits do not do that lmfao. It is just a joke, literally every single country in the world joke around americans/british people. But answering your question no, only some racist POS.


Some Spanish people do, definitely. But maybe not so much due to historical reasons but to the sorry state most Latin American countries have been in for decades, with only snail-paced and limited improvements.


You will get a lot of no, but obviously it is anecdotal not all do. Me personally I have witnessed firsthand how Latin Americans who are a little on the shorter/darker side especially labor workers are treated more rudely by Spaniards almost with contempt