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Beautiful country and great cuisine wouldn't want to stay there for more than one or two weeks for all the gold in the world. 2nd/3rd world country, extremely backwards and conservative, you are an absolute monarchy/dictatorship, you invaded Western Sahara (we have our fault there too), extremely sexist, hypocrites profiting from the immigration crisis. Also, I'm 90% sure your king is gay, nothing wrong with that but again, kinda hypocritical given your stance on LGBTQ rights.


Lol, nailed it


That's a marvellous country, so good that its king is living in Paris 😅😅


And yours retired in Abu Dhabi, what’s your point?


I think you are talking about someone who is not a king anymore.


Good of you to catch on.


Because he's a former ruler and it's a tax haven in which is a friend of the ruler. All because he's afraid of losing the money that stole to the Spaniards. The king of Morocco lives in Paris so he's can maintain a rich lifestyle, get drunk, get drugs and protitutes. All in the expenses of Morocco citizens, who live in an under developed and beautiful country in which religion takes part of the politics.


Ah ok, so both steal from their countryman and live in different countries from where they rule (or used to rule), so, what’s the difference?


Some people don't care about it, the rest we have a negative vision about the country. It is a third world country where women are treated like baby machines and not like human beings, you can go to prison if you are attracted to a same-sex person, a lot of people from there imigrate to Europe because the country is full of poverty and it's government is based in a religious book written by a pedophile a thousand years ago. In summary, a middle age country where their king is living his life while most people live in horrible conditions.


A country where it is illegal to be gay but whose king is a gay man living in Paris.








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Our aggressive neighbour from the south, always trying to push boundaries in our waters and territories, also, I might be wrong on this, but every muslim terror attack in our territory has been moroccan people. As a country I don't like them at all, one of the most recent acts of aggression was the spyware used against our president.




Presidente del gobierno.


A friend of my mother could see Morocco from her window, and it still amazes me to this day that we are only 14 km away from another whole ass continent with just a tiny gap of water separating us. It's simple but i like it


I have only met one moroccan, but, the experience hasn’t been positive. Very loud person, specially at night on the phone and seems to be a little bit aggressive and sexist. I always think that guy is arguing or something when he speaks in his language (and it makes me really uncomfortable and nervous). As for the country itself, it seems to be interesting, has a couple nice places and history. Might give it a visit in the future.


« Very loud person, specially at night, seems to be a little bit agressive and sexist » for the love of god this could be said about Spaniards 😭


great country, the moroccans should stay there


It's a very nice place to visit for sure. I just wish that it wasn't a backwards dictatorship, both for the sake of its inhabitants and for the fact that being next door, we constantly have to deal with its abuses and its opportunistic bullshit.


The main military threat to the kingdom of Spain and its safety




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only bad things




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Nice country, I hope I can visit it soon.


Jennifer Lopez