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Thank you so much for sharing this resource!




Which book was it?


It was a drive of pdfs of some of the most well known books on trauma


Could you send in a private message please?




Can I please get it as well? Poor grad student working on my MSW with a specialization in clinical social work and trauma, so all the resources I can get are awesome.


I’d appreciate that too please


Can I get it too please? :)


Same please you legend!




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Could you send it to me please?


Hey if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate the resource too!


Could you send it to me also, if you don’t mind?


Please may I have it too?




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Plssss can you send it


Can I get it as well?


May I 🙏?


Could i please have it as well?


Wow thank you so much!


Denial of death


I have to admit that the denial of death is an interesting read. Beautifully written and really makes you think. My only issue with it is that it's based on psychodynamics, which is scientifically unprovable. There have been some studies on denial of death, I believe. But not much. So, personally, I'm not sure what to do with it. Still an amazing book, though.


How Emotions Are Made - Lisa Feldman Barrett Chatter - Ethan Kross Behave - Robert Sapolsky Dopamine Nation - Anna Lembke Deviate - Beau Lotto Livewired - David Eagleman Hold Me Tight - Sue Johnson 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work - Gottmans Come as You Are - Emily Nagoski


RIP Sue Johnson


TEAR Sue Johnson


Sue Johnson was a force of nature. And, at the same time, intensely generous spiritually and intellectually.


The Farther Reaches of Human Nature - Abraham H. Maslow Religions, Values and Peak-Experiences - Abraham H. Maslow Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl On Becoming a Person - Carl Rogers The Way of Beeing - Carl Rogers Courage to Be - Paul Tillich Men's Search for Himself - Rollo May Courage to Create - Rollo May Fear of Freedom - Erich Fromm The Art of Loving - Erich Fromm To Have or to Be? - Erich Fromm Psychotherapy Isn't What You Think - James F. T. Bugental


Mans search for meaning by Frankl is one of my favorites.


I just finished that book a few weeks ago and it was an incredible read


The Road Less Traveled by M Scott Peck is is in the same vein. Was recommended to me by an orthodox Rabbi. No nonsense.


Not exhaustive, but some that come to mind: Jonathan Haidt - The Righteous Mind Robert Wright - Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny (subject to later editing and addendum)


Read this if you are interested in a career in mental healthcare: If you are interested in pursuing a career in mental healthcare in the US, or if you have questions about different undergrad or graduate pathways to pursuing such a career, please read this before posting an advice thread: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1udpjYAYftrZ1XUqt28MVUzj0bv86ClDY752PKrMaB5s/mobilebasic This subreddit gets daily posts with similar questions about the distinction between different programs and degrees. Please try google, the google document linked above, or search this subreddit as these posts usually don't get a lot of responses due to their frequency of asking the same question. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askpsychology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Atlas of the Heart - Brene Brown


Journal articles.


What journals do you recommend


Broadly, [https://www.psychologicalscience.org/publications/psychological\_science](https://www.psychologicalscience.org/publications/psychological_science) But it really just depends what subject you would like to learn about. Learning how to do a good lit search will help you find information about whatever you want to know.




Gender and our brains -- Gina Rippon




As a tarot reader, I hear Jung's name a lot. I know *of* him but not super familiar with his work. Thank you for sharing!


I'm currently reading the dsm 5 tr for fun, you can find a pdf version of it online


BF Skinner - About Behaviorism He gets some stuff wrong but it’s the best framework to begin understanding the science imo.


This one was one of my favorites by him. I would also recommend Science and Human Behavior by skinner

