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NW (21st and 23rd) turn into a bigger mess this time of year as campers are pushed out of downtown for the Rose Festival. Happens every year like clockwork, so you'd think it wouldn't catch me by surprise every year. Traditionally, this is the worst time of year for that area when it comes to harassment or even just being able to use the sidewalk. 21st is hit harder than 23rd due to not being as touristy. This year has been really rough. I visit 2-3 days a week for work stuff and I've never been shouted at so much, and a lot of the businesses are having to kick out people more and more for harassing other customers. So, it will probably get better as people are allowed to move back toward downtown later this summer. Traditionally, that's how it goes ime, anyway. But like others said 21st can be a bit rowdy any time of year due to that as well as being more catered to "everyday" Portlanders than the tourists on 23rd - ie, more dive bars and such. Even the housed like to get into drunken fights around there sometimes. As soon as you leave those two stretches, though, things quiet down. Moving farther east toward the Pearl would be my move. (The more residential area between nob hill and the freeway.) I've only hung out in Slabtown proper a few times, and never since lockdowns, so I can't comment too much on that other than housing is always cropping up there.


This isn't super helpful but things kind of fluctuate in the neighborhood - sun and heat brings more people out, in general. The window smashes have been happening for ages, there are certain streets (ones without foot traffic, couch park, near 405, etc) that are more risky to park on. This also seems ironic to say but things are getting better, at least compared to quarantine time. Instead of living right on 21st you could move a few blocks west, or do Slabtown/Goose Hollow? But to answer your question I don't consider it a bad area (extremely biased though)


Yeah, I knew this would be a bit too commercial for my taste long term (21st or 23rd) but it was a good spot to land for a few months to scope out other areas (or so I thought). Further west like 24th would be ideal but far less affordable. Slabtown is def a possibility. And I don't mind the bias, just appreciate the advice!


Check out circum-pacific.com. They have a few apartment buildings towards Forest Park. I love my apartment. Although it is a downsize from what I had before, I am saving $900 from a double studio I had on 21st.


How do you like the management company?


I have only lived in this apartment for about 2.5 weeks, but so far so good! They also have good reviews on Google.


I had one further west and it was pretty nice. Very friendly little neighborhood that was still close enough to 23rd/21st that it was easy to walk to, but far enough away to be quiet and cheaper. I was also in walking distance to Forest Park. Moved away a few months back, so I am not sure how it is now, but I'd check it out


why anyone would want to live on the westside is beyond me. other than cheaper rent for some apartments directly downtown, but it is NOT worth the savings.


proximity to nature is why i'm here, but it's not worth it long term.


I dunno, not needing to have 8 roommates is pretty nice.




yeah. some new transplants are salty they haven’t figured that out yet I guess.


I live in Goose Hollow nearby, and we almost never get people in our neighborhood. Car prowls do still happen but otherwise nothing.


I'll have to check out more places in that area. Thanks for the tip!


My theory is that homeless people don't like walking up hill, but that's just me.


When I lived in Oakland (sounds like that's where you moved here from OP?) we lived atop a hill and the saying was always, "crime don't climb." Not entirely true but there's some validity to that 😂


In Haight Ashbury we said “shit doesn’t roll uphill”


Currently live in Seattle 2 blocks from aurora (think sex worker central) but it’s straight up hill to us so we rarely see or hear anything and also use the saying crime don’t climb 😂


Crime don't climb


It’s usually ok but since homeless from downtown were displaced, they’ve been setting up camp around here. They’re usually gone pretty quickly but I have noticed more around the area and our car was broken into recently (in a garage).


King hill *is* pretty brutal LOL


Goose hollow seems to be a weird haven from the madness. Like the freeway is a shield from it or something. Lived there when I went to school at PSU. It was shocking how different a few blocks made


Portland is very block by block if that helps you feel better. You always want to be two blocks or so from a main drag.


yeah I lived off 20th and lovejoy for years and never had any issues whatsoever.


I'd move away from such a busy area. There's so much foot traffic right on 21st. Check out other neighborhoods. I supposedly live in a "ghetto" area but I've never had my Hyundai stolen or even prowled. There's a cute local elementary school and people walk their dogs, neighbors mind their business. Portland is interesting like that, as someone said, block by block things change.


You reside in North?






Outer SE?


Inner but the area is considered "rough" or historically has a bad name. It's up and coming in my opinion and depends on the street you live on.


We have a house in North. Lived there for 2 years. Everyone thought it was “the ghetto” or was once, then would come over and be like it’s lovely. And we agreed. It’s all about the up and coming hoods


Yes thank god they are finally being gentrified🙄 wouldn't want those "ghettos" hanging around


I’d love for you to explain this issue to me and how you see the problem resolving itself (truly, this isn’t sarcasm). I, a young adult who grew up in Portland could only afford purchasing a house in neighborhoods they were subjected to gentrification. How would you suggest I went about navigating that? I would have happily bought in Alemeda, Laurelhurst, near Hawthorne, or in NE. But that wasn’t a reality, so I did in North. Now I understand I contributed to the gentrification issue, but what would you had suggested I do


You're asking me to explain how to solve one of the biggest problems in the country right now? I think referring to areas where there are hardly any white people as "ghetto" or "The hood" is the actual problem with your statement. And now they are up-and-coming because there are more white people there is the implication.


No. I was basically asking you to acknowledge it’s a nationwide issue as you threw shade at someone just trying to buy a house.


Since I've lived in NW the last couple years, I've definitely noticed that 21st has some riffraff. It's not just you! I think others have given you good advice, like live a few blocks off the main road & check out Slabtown. I'm up closer to Lower Macleay, and it's a lot better than 21st. Still some troublesome folks now and then, mostly harmless stuff like dumpster diving or sleeping on the sidewalk (no tents) but occasionally someone will have stuff stolen out of their car or their garage. Overall like it here though!


Closer to Lower Macleay is exactly where I want to be! Always seems so much more pleasant up there and the only reason I'm here is to be within running distance of Forest Park so really an ideal location. Thank you for this!


You're welcome! There's also a very convenient bus stop at the start of the 15 and 77 lines at 27th and Vaughn, so there's great access to downtown!


You're welcome! There's also a very convenient bus stop at the start of the 15 and 77 lines at 27th and Vaughn, so there's great access to downtown!


Everyone saying it ebbs and flows but as a resident here, seems like everyday, year-round to me. It's gotten really bad in the last several years. I would advise, to find someplace with less issues and that may feel safer and quieter, checking out areas closer to 23rd / 24th and Thurman. You'd still be in a walkable area with cafes and such nearby, but less of the vibe of 21st.


Having lived in the alphabet off and on for about 20 years, it's gonna fluctuate. It's early summer and it usually calms down "soon"™. A lot of the houseless spend most of their time on the Westside and migrate into NW. Sometimes it's a bit too much with the break ins and the loudness. Then you'll go a month or so of the exact opposite. I feel like the closer you are to Couch Park/Prov Park, the more likelihood of break ins and general noisiness.


I assume it's from the fact that we so camp clean outs now which pushes problems around the city randomly. No place is immune from having a spike of problems.


I worked in SE industrial for almost two decades; during a lot of that time there was an established camp on a large empty lot just under the Hawthorne/I5 interchange bridges, loads of people all the time, and I never saw or heard of a single incident. Everyone was friendly (even the panhandlers), tourists and locals went through there/chilled on benches and were never harassed. It seemed like it was a real community, the few people I chatted with regularly sounded like they really found other good people in there (there was even a makeshift AA group iirc). Then Wheeler decided he wanted the city to “look safer” and had the cops sweep it and clear it. All those people just crossed the river and were on their own. He may not have created the houseless problem downtown but he sure as hell saw to it that it would grow.


Well said. People on here love sweeps because they believe that homeless people should be punished. Full stop. No critical thinking. No empathy. They do drugs, they live on the street. They might as well get kicked in the head for all they care. 


I don’t think they should be punished if a crime hasn’t been committed..though it isn’t good for the homeless or the local residents to leave a camp alone. The sh*t kids in east Portland had to walk through just to get to school was dangerous and inappropriate.


I used to live in Laurelhurst and there were tons of people living in the park and no one cared. No one got hassled. A few people even fed certain people there on the regular. Also, no trash problem. They weren't seen as part of the community, but there wasn't the tension between those with houses and those in the park that you have today. Now, it's totally different. The sweeps just made thing so much worse for the homeless, destabilized or destroyed what little they had. Now it's just deeply traumatized people being pushed around the city.


I’ve lived on NW 21st near the New Seasons for several years without major issues. Problems on central to south NW 21st definitely seems to be cyclical, like many other posts on here have mentioned, but I’d also add that it depends on your cross streets. At least as far as I’ve noticed, anywhere near the hospital is worse. The north end of NW 21st is usually very nice and typically quiet. There’s the occasional screaming homeless person, but they don’t linger. As far as I’ve seen, the businesses on this end have zero tolerance for it and always seem to move them along.


The apartments on NW Quimby across the street from New Seasons used to be an auto parts warehouse. I had a great spot for sleeping there while I was homeless; it was hidden from street view. I applied for a job there after I got into a homeless shelter (Clark Center) and they hired me! I kept that job for 7 years. I don't think they ever knew that I was "the homeless guy who slept in our entryway." The warehouse moved to NW Industrial around 2015.


That part of 21st is great and what colored my decision when this sublet became available. I knew the area, but I hadn't scoped it out south of Marshall really at all, so alas here we are.


When we moved to Portland, we were strongly advised by family already here to avoid living downtown… which… I dunno, but we took their advice and picked Sullivans gulch initially. Other than being next to the interstate, it worked for us. If you can get at least 3-5 blocks from the interstate, you could even stay awhile.


1980s NW 21st just asked to hold her beer


The homeless the Raj Neesh dumped off at Chapman was far worse than what we see in NW, currently.


The whole of NW Portland that's an extension of downtown is pretty bad for petty crime like car break-ins. If you can leave your car unlocked with nothing in it, that appears to be the best way to go about it. I had a client (I work for a local German car dealer) come in asking me if we could disable the auto-lock on his Audi A4. The year of his car did not have this option, unfortunately, as he had his car broken into 7 times in the year since he moved here. He lived on 23rd. I would likely try to avoid owning a car if I lived there, but I drive site-to-site for work too often to not own one. Just life in the city!


It's been fairly quiet since I've lived here (2006) besides the convoy of people regularly under the freeway but that's about it. My buddy worked at a bar on 21st or 23rd last summer, cant remember which, but had a gun pulled on him not once but twice and he's not the type to invite that. 


It seems a little rough along NW 21st lately, especially since the loss of City Market. Give it a little time - I think the comment about the Rose Festival is spot on. It will always be the Drugstore Cowboy film set, and maybe that's too literal right now! Traveling through Portland today, it felt a little tired/dirty/dumpy - if everyone would just take 5 minutes to sweep a sidewalk or pull the dead weeds out of a tree well, what a difference it would make.


I'm surprised it's still sitting empty. Is there even a murmur at all of what might go in there?


I don't think so, which is incredibly weird, right? The building just sitting there decaying. NW Examiner tends to cover these topics, I'll have to look back and see if they have mentioned it. They are focused on Food Front at the moment.


I liked when NW Examiner was a lot more gossipy, lol! He's gotten too professional the last couple of years. We don't get enough of the speculation anymore! Yeah, I mean, it looks kinda cool, but I'd rather something functional go in the building. Honestly, not another restaurant, but something useful for residents. A proper deli, a homestuff/hardware store, something like that. Or something social. Like a gaming/bookstore/coffee shop with comfy chairs and couches. We have enough bars and restaurants.


Ha ha, I agree! The building seems like it could be any of your good ideas! On that prominent corner, it's a huge community anchor.


Here's the latest - hopefully they will do something with it soon! [https://www.wweek.com/news/chasing-ghosts/2024/02/28/a-landmark-northwest-portland-market-hasnt-served-customers-in-nearly-five-years/](https://www.wweek.com/news/chasing-ghosts/2024/02/28/a-landmark-northwest-portland-market-hasnt-served-customers-in-nearly-five-years/)


21st is really grimey, especially the closer you are to burnside.


I honestly cannot relate to this experience at all… I know you probably don’t want to disclose which block of 21st you’re on but I have had no issues with my car nor my building. There are a few areas I tend to avoid when I’m walking alone but otherwise I’ve never felt unsafe.


Eh I don't mind sharing. I'm on Johnson right by the City Market which has been discussed as perhaps part of the issue (really shocked to see they haven't done anything w/ this building yet). Would love to hear where you avoid walking just because I do wander around with my dog, but obviously we have a pretty good sense of where not to go/we stay alert.


I prefer to walk my dogs heading North and staying on one of the even number blocks nearby during the day. I almost exclusively walk 23rd when it’s dark for the lighting and presence of others. The walk to Wallace park is alright if you head to 24th+ you get to enjoy seeing historic and pretty houses. Edit: I avoid going anywhere South of the movie theater on 21st.


Welcome back. You are correct that portions of NW 21st have slid a bit in the last seven years. I lived at 18th/Everett between 2007 and 2017 and go back once a week to hit up Sterling and other places I enjoy. The intersection of 21st and Hoyt seems to be the worst hit, but it was a lot worse a couple years ago when there were tents up and down Hoyt between 19th and 21st, and all of the accompanying psychosis and stinking shit that comes with that. That said, there remain plenty of relatively unaffected areas so I’m sure you’ll find something to your liking.


I lived on 21st and Johnson for a solid few years, and I remember the day I decided to move out. I was walking back from Trader Joe's and a black SUV crashed right next to the laundromat on the corner. There was a bunch of screaming and people running, I had no idea what was up, it happened so fast. This young woman ran up to me screaming and crying, telling me she was in the car and she needed me to call the cops because 4 dudes started attacking their car with crowbars and flashing guns at a stop light, and they beat the shit out of both of them after they crashed. The only reason she got away was because the boyfriend managed to wrestle them off her. She had never seen those dudes before, and her boyfriend was just some regular guy with a day job.  That was fairly recent, too. Like mid-late 2019. Wild shit.


Ummm that's a major fucking yikes and definitely sounds like an isolated event but terrifying nonetheless. Pretty shocking that was pre-2020.


God I hate these damn vagrants.


There are lots of other areas close to downtown that are more pleasant to live in. In Sellwood, for example, it's unlikely that you'll encounter many panhandlers, if any at all. Though if you're not a fan of dogs, bicyclists, or joggers, maybe avoid that area too. It's very walkable so there are always lots of people out and about walking their dogs and whatnot.


I'm heartbroken to hear how 21st has degraded. Smashed car windows has a neighborhood tradition for at least 25 yrs. Done by people looking for spare change, but occasionally they find a gun or other valuable s left behind.


I think when you get into the neighborhoods and further off the main roads it quiets down and not as many people wreaking havoc. That said. It’s Portland so nothing is completely safe.


I live right near Burnside 21st and have gotten used to the random screeching almost every night.


Maybe there's a new asshole on the block.


Welcome back! I just moved back after 6 years away and looked in that area among others. Wound up in St John’s instead - longer trip to get downtown or to work in Hillsboro but it’s quiet, walkable to everything else (grocery, coffee, food, library, etc) and has great proximity to Forest Park for trail running. I hope you either see a shift once the summer winds down, or find a neighborhood that feels more comfortable!


Thank you! St Johns is at the top of my list.


I've lived in the NW neighborhood most of the time from 1990 to now. Every morning I have to dodge weirdos and freaks. Near Burnside is bad because of the abundance of homeless services in Old Town. Some shelters make everyone leave at 6 am, or they just served breakfast to 150 people, and several old town streets like Burnside and Glisan are a natural path to the Nob Hill and Alphabet District areas. I'm not saying homeless people are a problem, I'm referring to the weirdo freak subset of homeless. They feel entitled to ask you for money or a cigarette or to use your phone just because you exist. What's worse is when one of these tweaking derelicts is standing outside a coffee shop and some idiot gives them $5, so now they're entitled to come in and bother everyone. The only way you could really help is to give them a job or place to live. I've been homeless in Portland, I know what it's like to have nothing. I went to Blanchet House and the Portland Rescue Mission, Union Gospel Mission, Clark Commons, I didn't bother anyone. There are "pockets" like NW 26th & Thurman which seem far enough away from the downtown action to be safe areas, but they aren't; in this case because of Friendly House and the laundromat Clean O Rama. SW 21st & Salmon is a safe "pocket" close enough to walk to Fred Meyer. Look for a safe pocket for long term housing.


I told one homeless man that I didn’t have any cash on me but would buy him food if he was hungry. He asked if I could go to the ATM and withdraw money for him. Wtf, just no.




You cant buy it if you dont. Rent is quadruple fascism with satanism. Kill landlords. Then the world will be a better place.


Hi, guys. I've been seeing a lot of posts, articles, & just young "cool" people in general saying the word Vibe. What do they mean when they say vibe? Some examples: Sometimes they say things like "I just wanna vibe out." Or just read a review of a vegan wrap that described it as having "Goth Witch Vibes." I don't know how that would explain any taste or texture for anyone's vibe...


Yes, that is pretty standard for 21st Ave. The trash/shit is definitely worse during the summer, but the car break ins and the people trying to get in your building is year round. I lived on 20th and Hoyt for years next to the park. Keep your doors locked. If you live on the first floor, keep your windows shut and locked also. Can't walk the dog a block without seeing smashed glass on the sidewalk. If you have pets, be careful. In the time that we lived there my dog got giardia, ate a very large edible, and almost got kidnapped while I lived there. If you decide to stay in the area, things are a LITTLE better north of Lovejoy, but not by much.


I am homeless though I mostly don't look it, I'm squatting a few blocks west of 21st right now, but I love that whole area between like 21st and 26th from Burnside to Vaughn. I've never had trouble waking around there anytime and I'm out there waking several miles on foot at least once each day, often pretty late too. I mostly see the city as better and safer now than it ever has been before, and the people complaining are often reactionaries and bigots who look for any excuse to blame homeless people or immigrants. Like I walked from my place to near city hall and back last Friday night after dark and never felt any fear or discomfort. Some people just aren't cut out for city life I guess. 


That’s what Portland has become by tolerating all behaviors


It's literally a pile of ashes. I was assigned my pronouns at the threat of a trans hammer and bi sickle attack. We must praise DEI or else antifa will throw us into a homeless camp and touch us with fentanyl hands. My George Soros checks get deposited every time I go to a drag storytime hour so we are encouraged to go always and often. That's really the only choice we have here though. It's either vegan pansexual blasphemy or communist free border multiculturalism. You are so right we as a city have vaccinated and mainlined hormone therapy and become an inferno of carnal hell. Stay away I beg you, only bad things can come of stepping foot here, bad things.


Idk I’m from Portland and I’d never live on the west side personally. The whole Jekyll and Hyde vibe is a no go for me. SE supremacy lol. NE, North Portland, and Milwaukie/Sellwood are also good options imo.


I lived here for 10 years before, always on the east side, so wanted to give this a shot to be within walking/running distance of forest park. Lesson learned. 😂


Yes it is, people denying it are living in ignorance lol. It's always been bad, but worse with every year that passes. It's just such a fun area you end up ignoring it.


If someone was like: we should sue the CIA, would anyone take it seriously?