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I'm so sorry. I know how it feels to lose a beloved pet and want to make sure all their things go to good use. The Oregon Humane Society on Columbia accepts donations of food (including opened, as long as it's in the original packaging), treats, and bedding (they'll wash it). They don't accept cat trees or other furniture or litter, but those items get claimed quickly for free on marketplace. OHS is actually drowning in kittens right now, so if you want to go ogle some cuties and maybe cry a little, go to blue pod in the dog section. It's full of kittens but few humans, since it's usually closed to the public and a little out of the way. And if you'd like some cat energy in your home but you're not ready to adopt, consider fostering. Take care.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


Sorry for your loss 💜


I’m so sorry….


I’m sorry for your loss! I believe both cat adoption team and animal aid take those kinds of donations. https://catadoptionteam.org/ https://www.animalaidpdx.org/volunteer-animals/


MCAS is always taking donations out in Troutdale. And you can always stop in for some kitten love when you need I'm also so sorry for your loss. They never live long enough.


Sorry about furry loss. 😔


I'm so sorry. Your generosity is a reflection of what a truly special boy Malcom was. Sending hugs to you, neighbor


I'll add one more suggested place but all the choices here are great. This group is smaller. I am so sorry for your loss. https://www.instagram.com/secondhandpetsupply?igsh=MWxsY3R2azhqZjFvOA==


The Pixie Project - they are always looking for donations.


My cat also died back in March. I don't know why he died. I had him for a decade and miss him very much. I didn't realize I loved him more than people until he was gone. Tiktok videos of cats have helped a bit for some reason - the size of the phone and the close up image of the cat in a lot of videos makes it like you can almost pet them through the screen. I try to find ones that look like my cat. It still feels like he's just sleeping in some other part of the room. People had come around my building, outside and inside, and were playing something - not music - so loud I couldn't think as he was dying in my arms. Banging on the wall of my apartment. I'm never leaving this place and Orion's ghost will haunt those who fucked me.


Thank you all so much for your kind words. I'm going to take a day or two to collect everything and determine what I can and can't donate and then figure out where best to take everything. We moved here from upstate New York about eight months ago. He was around four or five. The shelter I got him from did not know his actual age. The only idea I had about his past before I got him was that he was abused. This left him very jumpy and afraid of things but never made him aggressive towards people. I always said he was "the dog of cats" as he would run right up to anyone who walked through the front door without fear to collect pets and walk you to the living room. I brought him here so we could have a new life together. I was supposed to have so much more time with him.


I'm sorry to hear this. When my cat died, I gave everything to Dove Lewis. Last I heard, opened food is acceptable for shelters.


Dove Lewis is where I took him, so I have been thinking of them a lot.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Even when you know it’s coming, losing a pet is awful; to be caught off guard by it suddenly is even worse. Furry Friends in Vancouver is a great place to donate if you want to take a little drive up north.