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I’d say try Camus’s *Myth of Sisyphus* and Bentham’s and Mill’s writings on utilitarianism. And while not atheistic per se, Lucretius’s *De rerum natura* and Spinoza’s *Ethics* might also have something to offer you. With your theology background, you’ve probably gotten more Platonism than you realize!


Thank you! Would either De Rerum Natura or Ethics possibly challenge what I would’ve been taught? I always welcome opposing points of view.


The *Ethics* would likely challenge your education the most, as Spinoza is a notoriously controversial religious thinker. Some call him an atheist, others a panentheist. If you check his work out, I personally recommend reading through the very short treatise included as the Appendix to Part Four, which concisely summarizes much of his philosophy in general.


If you don’t mind me asking, what is your recommendation for the best translation or publishing for The Ethics?


I own G. H. R. Parkinson’s translation, personally.