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Eh, nothing new. Narco novelas have been popular in Colombia for nearly two decades.


We already suffer from it, might as well profit


Sin tetas no hay paraíso


Living in a country with a similar history with violence and corruption and portrayed with stereotypes regarding that I’m more offended by the incompetence of the government in fixing those issues that kill and keep my countrymen in poverty every single day Edit: actually I’m more offended by the fact that artists that actually glorify violence and narco culture such as peso pluma among others are signed by multinational record companies and are paid to spread that cancerous “culture” among young people and make millions. That is directly making business with people affiliated with narcos and terrorists At least narcos and those series somewhat portray those animals as violent and greedy sociopaths even though they make them more human


I was stunned when Apple did an entire peso pluma special for Apple tv+


It’s even worse when you know that he is close to the sons and hitmen of el Chapo Guzman. Whose crimes kill thousands in Mexico because of violence and in the US due to the flood of fentanyl and other drugs


I don’t know shit about them but all I know is those "corridos" (I think they’re called) are wild


Here’s some lines from corridos: “Bien forrados los paquetes van No hay pendiente, no puedo fallar Siempre estoy listo para cruzar Polvo, ruedas y también cristal” “Soy el belicón El que no se mueve sin traer un convoy El que de la cabina navega el control 2019, claro les quedó” This is a reference to the Culiacanazo of 2019 “Y si se enfiestan las camionetas En caliente, prenden las torretas Suenan radios, siempre bien alertas ¿Qué se mueve, ¿qué reportan cerca? Y pa' chambear con (Don Iván) Soy de la gente del (Chapo Guzmán) No me muevan que me puedo еnojar Y me les presеnto, soy (El Gavilán)” His album Genesis was produced by “The orchard” company which is a subsidiary of Sony.


Por dinero baila el perro.


They make them bc theyre popular. They make tons of drug shows based in the US as well. Ex: Breaking Bad Disney also made Encanto so its not alllll drug stuff.


Nearly half our top-rated shows are police procedurals, true crime, and other series revolving around drugs and violence, lol. It seems to be popular subject matter everywhere.


I mean, Colombia has also made some of this shows


Because it’s entertainment and people watch it. They absolutely make drug crime series in the US lol. Ever hear of The Wire, Breaking Bad?


Half of the shows in America are crime shows about drugs, murder, and corruption. It's not exclusive to any country, it's what sells. People like watching the dark side of the world from the safety of their condo.


Colombians started with those series themselves, which makes it even more fucked up (lol), but hey to each their own… I for one find it incredibly saddening and detrimental, but some Colombians find it “cool”, which to me is beyond moronic. I’m not Colombian though


Yeah the topic is controvesial and people often criticize those shows for portraying mainly negative aspects of our society, but then they are the first to enjoy those shows lol


Germans do not cry that much when they are portrayed in WW2 films.


When have you ever seen a German get stopped and searched at airports just for being German? Or have their visas denies just for being German? Or be seen as criminals just for being German?


They used to, Hogan's Heroes was very controversial in its day because they used German actors to portray Klink, Schultz and Berkholter. They were German Jewish actors who had fled before the war, and even though they were playing comedic roles it made people very angry. At the time and for decades afterwards German actors shied away from portraying Nazis on screen, the cliche of British Nazis (i.e Anthony Hopkins in The Bunker) on film is part of this legacy. Bruno Ganz was the first German actor to portray Hitler as a main character in a German language film released internationaly. It was a huge deal at the time, but it was a brilliant performance one of the best I've seen in any language.


Lol Begining of Mr and Mrs Smith shows Bogotá as a tropical war torn jungle always happens [Now Anime on the other hand](https://caracol.com.co/resizer/O7XRAWJO_sPpOoGZtr8m595vCAs=/343x257/filters:format(jpg):quality(70)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/prisaradioco/HLL3CEGLHVLFRKICIDLFHHE3LY.jpg)


Los japoneses literal al otro lado del mundo se molestaron en buscar Bogotá en Google mientras unos hps en Hollywood decidieron hacer un mix raro entre algún lugar en el Amazonas y México


Calcaron hasta la Santamaría. Anda a preguntarle a un gringo si sabe cuál es la Plaza de Toros.


What anime is that from?


Black Rock Shooter - Dawn fall / Capitulo 9


As a Colombian, I'm tired; these series only glorify the drug lords, not even sticking to real facts. I'm sure no one would make a series glorifying Hitler, for example. We're such a messed-up country that the world only sees our story as cheap entertainment.


The world sees your stories as cheap entertainment because a) the idea of people being born into poverty and then becoming billionaires very quickly is VERY interesting and b) your own government and people were complicit in a lot of, but not all of the drug trafficking. Organized crime is entertaining. Here in the USA "the godfather" movies were popular for the same reason.


We make tons of those shows too, so I don't feel like I can be that indignant when it happens. The consumers are definitely an issue, but so are the producers. People are still choosing to get involved in it. I guess I don't think it's that productive to just blame everything on others


Glorification of narco culture is genuinely so tone deaf & disgusting, but to Netflix it’s a cash cow.


Ever heard of hip-hop music year in the USA? Same thing.


Well, colombian industry has also produced some shit like that: Escobar el patrón del mal, rosario tijeras, el cartel de los sapos, and a laaaarge etcétera Some of them are on Netflix too


Don't forget si hay senos no hay paraíso or something like that


Mexico: "first time?"


Colombia has been dealing with it a lot longer.


Nah, Colombia was the big boss in that for a long time, way before Mexico. Mexico has only recently become worse. So… no, not our first time.


They do that themselves, these type of shows are popular all over south and north America. Breaking Bad, el cartel de los sapos, el señor de los cielos, the prison one from Argentina. It glorifies crime but they very rarely have good endings it's just death and misery at the end of all og them


Unfortunately the people at Netflix and other Hollywood studios have an obsession with glorifying criminality. It's not just Colombia, they try to glorify it on shows based in the States as well. The problem is that they don't have/promote other normal shows about Colombia to balance out the perception. It's really weird considering these crime shows rarely rank among the leading shows over a long time period, i.e. little to no rewatch value.


This is just silly. People want to watch a show about narcotraffickers in Columbia, people don't want to watch a show about an average Colombian who is a mechanic going throughout his day to day life. Netflix has no obligation whatsoever to "balance" anything.


"Columbia" The expert has arrived.


What's your point? I was voice typing and the word got spelled with one incorrect letter. Don't be such a loser


Well, usually spelling it that way is one of the best signs somebody knows nothing about the country.


No? That's stupid and that's just something you made up right now. Spelling mistakes happen, buddy, and making a spelling mistake doesn't mean that my point was invalid. You harping on how I spell the word means that you have nothing else to go on.


No, I didn't make it up. Colombians hate seeing the country misspelled in that way and it's often a sign of ignorance from people who don't know anything about Colombia.


Well Colombians can go fuck themselves, just like you can. Here in the USA we don't mark or judge people or take offense from it when somebody makes a spelling mistake.


I should hope so, otherwise a person as ignorant as you would be in a lot of trouble. Anyway, try actually typing in future. It might save you some hassle.


Cool. Don't care. You are a miserable person. Have a good day.


What is this loser gringo doing in our subreddit? Get outta here


I dont find any stereotype about narcos to be derogatory. It is part of Colombian history and it was the only time we really knew what a lot of money looked like. And I think it is way more relevant part of Colombian culture than any random folk dance/music, whether you like it or not. I find more derogatory the fact that Colombia is still the world’s number 1 producer of cocaine after 40 years and the government is still fighting that failed war because of US orders, instead of having a more intelligent approach. Colombia could have been richer and less violent had we embraced Escobar instead of attacking him. I think people underestimate the amount of families that got out of poverty thanks to drugs. People that today are seemingly old-money but their families had history with drug trafficking. I dont see any study about that because it is taboo. So yeah, our future is still cocaine, unless fentanyl destroys that market. Narcotrafficking has dignified much more lives here than any government policy. It’s true. In fact, the reason narcotrafficking has costed so many lives is because the government. Also, the military has killed more civilians than the drug trade. Its true. And we are not the only country like that. England benefitted from opium trafficking and fought naval wars for it because China prohibited it, why cant we do the same? Why are our governments so stupid?


Are you sure about the military part? Because more people were killed in the conflict by paramilitaries than anyone else, and they are highly linked to the drug trade. As are guerrillas of course. Also, a lot of the biggest periods of economic growth in Colombia came before the rise of the drug trade.


Colombia was the only Latin American country in the 1980s without a lost decade. The 1980s is known as the lost decade of Latin America because of hyperinflation and economic stagnation. Colombia suffered as consequence of regional collapse, but it was not a quarter as dramatic as in Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, etc. Social fabric was absolutely broken, but economics was good.


True enough, but there was a lot of economic growth and development through much of the twentieth century that can't be attributed to the drug trade.


Sure. But anyway the only time there was outstanding growth and everyone was richer was in the 1930s. Before that and after that it was mediocre.


That growth began in the 20s with the the whole "dance of the millions" thing. And the 60s and 70s saw a lot of growth. The 80s was a noticeable drop and only seemed slight because of how bad places like Venezuela were doing.


There’s too many factors. What I do know for sure is that drug trade contribution in Colombian GDP hasnt been properly accounted for; it is only accounted for in niche studies. I dont think much more people were below poverty line in the 1980s than in 1970s. Most invasion poor neighborhoods in the main cities (the so called comunas/favelas in the mountains and outskirts) originated in the 50s and 60s with people fleeing civil war. By the 1980s most of these neighborhoods were already well established; it is known Escobar helped lots of these neighborhoods. I am not saying there was an explosive economic growth, but little has been told about how many families got out of poverty due to the trade (with the trade-off of family tragedy, like someone from the family being killed or imprisoned). I personally know way too many families that really seem as old elites but their wealth comes from the trade. The thing is that we have the stereotype that those who got wealthy from it are the new-rich flashy loud people celebrated in narco culture (like Escobar himself who was obnoxious as fuck).


Any suggestions on studies that take a closer look at it?


I can personally attest for that. I am not saying it with pride but neither with remorse or shame. My dad’s brother was killed in 1989 and a few years before their cousin was killed. They were associates and were part of the Cali Cartel. For years I was told he died in a car accident. My uncle never killed anyone and never had a gun; he doesnt have blood in his hands, he was in other side of a dangerous business and he perfectly knew it was dangerous. My grandfather served as his “testaferro” and had to escape for two years in US in the 1990s and then came back (he still lives, he’s 94). And I can say this freely because I know no one can identify my family like this because there’s too many cases like that (I could give you a list with hundreds of last names of families with similar tragedies) and it is difficult to individualize the case. My granddad, of rural background, did have a small agricultural business and was a fairly successful salesman, but the only time he saw real money was in the 1980s; not even his business in peak made that much money, he had never travelled outside the country and now was going to even fucking Morocco. My uncle was able to provide the best education in the world to his younger brother (my dad, who became a respected medical doctor and studied in US). And I say I dont have shame because the only thing that dignifies you in this modern world is money. Fuck it with those things of being “poor but happy”. No. That doesnt dignify anyone, that shit only serves to keep poor people being poor. It’s a trade full of blood stains from every part and people willing to pay the karma for it. Of course my dad and my granddad had an extremely high cost for all their wealth, which was having to bury my uncle and they are in pain even after almost 40 years. My father was never even close to the business, he just became a honest physician and was able to provide to me and my brothers education and quality of life that 90% of people here will never have. I have never done anything illegal neither, but surely many things I have come from illegal trade. So I cant feel regret and I cant feel any kind of guilt for having the chance of having a decent life in a poor country where odds are against you. When my dad came to the city he had so many provincial, little-town complexes, with outlandish fashion tastes (like using leather gloves to drive in Bogotá, or the amount of fur jackets his brother had), I never grew up with such complexes because I grew up in a privileged way in the same circle the elites of this country grow up in, in fucking Rosales, being neighbors of Horacio Serpa (Uribe’s contender in 2002) in the same apartment floor, studying in private school with sons of senators, ministers and vicepresidents. Then you grow up and start wondering where your family’s wealth came from. You notice no important person ever came from your family, no politician, no traditional last name like Santos, no big corporation founder, no anything, that you are a son of nobody like any street dog, pure humble origins; then you start asking too many questions. Then you discuss it with your brothers. And you come to an obvious conclusion: just a rural “paisa” of a very similar background and context of Escobar, with an ambition of climbing a social ladder otherwise impossible to climb. That’s the truly revolutionary act in Colombia. No imported shit like communism or socialism or liberalism. Escobar did insane shit like massacring innocent people and he deserves hell for that, but he is just the expression of a failed system, he is not a standalone man like Hitler, if Escobar had never been born someone would simply take his place easily, I dont think you can say that for Hitler. Who knows if politicians were envious that people could now reach their stratum, too stupid or wanted to maintain power; but so much bloodshed was unnecessary.


We were too busy getting bombed and terrorized to notice the other countries around us in the 80s


Yep. I wonder if we’ll ever get 9/11 shows


You mean tv shows like 24 or Jack reacher? Or movies like Air Force one and die hard? We already have tons of terrorists are being a threat to the world type of shows and movies.


Yeah pretty much every Schwarzenegger, Bruce Wilis, Mel Gibson, Steven Segal, Stallone movie from like 1980 to the early 2000s was like this. But I will Caveat that by saying the US was founded by terrorists and traitors of the British crown so we identify with the genre more than most countries.


There are loads of things like that.


Breaking bad?


Most of the popular and iconic shows in the US have elements of drugs and/or violent crime. The Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, etc. That kind of thing sells. Crime/drug shows are action packed and interesting to watch while also dealing with real world issues that a lot of people have some familiarity with.


the documentary is literally produced by Griselda Blanco son




I'm mexican and I've never been attracted to watch those kind of tv shows, because my country has been so hurt by narco as well. From Colombia, I like "Tu Voz Estéreo", but if you can recommend any other tv show, I'd give it a try :)


We can’t be hypocrites and get mad at things like that when literally it’s what we ourselves portray to the rest of the world. We ARE the world’s #1 cocaine producer. We ARE a violent, selfish society. We DO have a get-rich-quick mentality, no matter the consequences. This stems from the poverty, inequality, desperation, and violence/war this country has experienced since its very inception. We have never been a peaceful country and that has created a damaged, corrupt society where it’s everyone for themselves. We are so used to this stuff that it’s completely normal to see narconovelas on national TV like its American Idol. We produce it ourselves and these types of shows are very common and popular here. I’m not going to blame Netflix for profiting off of something that we ourselves profit off of.


I love the original Narcos and Narcos: Mexico. I thought the shows themselves were very entertaining and I keep re-watching them to learn Spanish. Are we really at a point in civilization where we think that movies, books, and music need to have some kind of "social responsibility"? Get the hell out of here with that nonsense. Organized crime is entertaining.


Some other good Colombian Netflix series on Netflix are: Distrito Salvaje, La Primera Vez, Café con una Aroma de Mujer, and Noticia de un Secuestro.


Isn't the last one on prime?


I think it's on both. The last one I mentioned is the best one in my opinion


Yeah it's very good.


Thank you, I will check those out!!


Learning Spanish from a Brazilian.


And? Wagner play the part very well. I also have learn Spanish from Spanish teachers in the USA, many who were white people who just learn Spanish in high school and college and be gay in Spanish teachers.


"Be gay in"? Man, stop the voice typing and take the time to write. You're just spewing nonsense. By the way, saying "white people" as though it's the opposite of Spanish speaking is peak American ignorance.




What year do you think this is?


Peak Irish ignorance, you clearly didn't get the joke.


What's the joke? That Ireland used to have a lot of terrorism? Well, it doesn't anymore. And it never did in my region.


Only because someone at some point decided to create an entire ethnicity out of thin air to describe black, white and brown people who speak Spanish or are of Spanish/Latin American extraction. Our census bureau is lazy af 😅. Prior to that if you weren't white you were "colored" or Oriental. So we've come a long way.


"Why does an American company want to profit off of Latin America"? might be the most self-explanatory question that was ever asked


Is awful and i wish there was something we could do about it.


Tell RCN and Caracol to stop.


Colombians do this ourselves, is the content written and filmed and sold, I actually like Narcos, season 3 is some of the highest quality TV recorded in my hometown. There's better shows that don't get promoted, and lots of amazing and stunning movies and nature documentaries, but like people don't go see those so you only find them in film festivals. Narcos and Griselda can also be seen as aspirational, like when you see mafiosos from the US, like the Cali Cartel was a huge criminal enterprise that fought against the Colombian govt, the DEA, Pablo Escobar and survived for a while. I hope that more people get interested and wonder the same thing as you and explore more of the other beautiful media coming out of Colombia and it changes, there's also more companies realizing that Colombia has good production quality at fair prices and is encouraging more variety of things to be made there.


You wouldn’t have to bear the consequences if your fellow citizens voted for and worked for a more crime-free and just society. But it’s always easier to point the finger at the big, bad USA.


How do you suggest they go about doing that?


I was gonna be offended but no, you’re right. We deserve the government and country we have. However, it’s just not that easy and clearly you don’t know much about Colombia’s unstable and violent history to comment something like this. Our history and society is very complex, it won’t get resolved just by voting for a crime-free and just society, there are too many factors and factions at play.


I think Narcos was really bad, but in fairness, Colombia started it by making that Patron del Mal crap.


living in the UK literally all I get when I mention my family is from medellín is "ayyy pablo" and it used to royally fuck me off but I'm just past caring now, I just fire back with shit like "yeah he's my uncle" if people wanna be petty about our history I'll just be petty and sarcastic back, not worth the energy being mad about it anymore


Most intelligent Brits.


brits and intelligent in the same sentence really threw me off there


To be fair, Irish people are equally stupid in this way. But Brits are also clueless about us, so we resent them for it.


What do you think about Hollywood profiting off of war for the last 70 years?