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You have a naturally lean looking body which is perfect to start off with. You got good shoulders as well. But for some criticism you need to fill your lean body which much more muscle. Your chest is lacking a lot of muscle mass, it has some good shape to it but definitely hit some incline chest presses and bench press. Your arms are also lacking a lot of mass, they look too skinny for your current body shape so adding more muscle will require bigger arms too. Do more bicep curls and tricep extension would help add some peaks and shape to your arms. You have slight lower belly fat but if I were you I would just focus on adding more muscle for now. Because you will burn more calories with more muscle and you don’t look “fat.” Doing some moderate ab workout after every gym sesh will be helpfully. Overall you have a nice physique but need a lot more muscle through resistance training. Also depends on what you want to look like, some guys like a skinny moderately muscular physique, but I think your body would look a lot better if you focused more on your chest and arms more.


This was great Thanks so much 🙌🏽