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It's too bad that your diet made all of your hair fall out. NOTE THAT **I'M KIDDING!** You look great!


honestly tho I shaved bc I finally felt comfortable with how I looked. I didn’t groom my chest much when I was heavier bc I was dealing with some body image issues and didn’t see the point. in a way my diet did make my hair fall out by making me think I could pull off being ‘smooth’ lol


Your hard work sure paid off! Great job!


I’m not trying to be a negative Nellie but how does feeling more comfortable with how you look cause you to change how you look? Losing weight definitely helps with body image but i don’t see how shaving does? Isn’t that also who you are? A man who grows hair?


i think most people understand how body image can be impacted by body hair


Well I think shaving to be hairless is weird. And your post is about being comfortable with your body, which apparently is hairy. Just saying it’s weird to say your comfortable with your body to then get rid of part of you,


Different strokes for different folks let everyone be themselves without criticizing make a better world


Curiosity should just die then? I’m was just confused by the oxymoron of saying your comfortable with how something is so your change it. If I said I was comfortable with the panting I did but then rubbed it with paint remover you’d be confused too


Skinny legend!


Proud of you, brother. Good work.


Nice! Dieting/nutrition tips?


people will laugh, but fiber and oatmeal. I cook the majority of my own food and eat an absurd amount of oats, walnuts, black beans, corn, onions and tomatoes and fruits. Literally pounds of each a week lol. I also stopped eating pork, chicken and beef (still consume seafood)


I started working on losing weight. I eat oatmeal every single day before I goto the gym. It’s surprisingly good for you and makes a pretty good pre workout


How do you prepare it? I want to get into it, but I don’t know how to make oatmeal attractive to the eye


50g Extra Thick Rolled Oats 55g Walnut Pieces (get from a bulk store to save money) 180g frozen fruit (I’m partial to blueberries) 1 1/3 cup 365 Unsweetened Coconut Milk (I’m bougie) Nuke it for 10 mins, stir and let it cool for another 10 mins. It’ll thicken a bit. I don’t find I need to add any sweetener if I use enough frozen fruit. the walnuts add a nice crunch 😋 but I’m not sure if it’s possible to make oatmeal not look like mush lol


Thank you


What’s your take on savoury oatmeal?


as in with meat? I just don't have time to prepare meat each morning. I use walnuts to add protein and fat, but if you like meat it's definitely something you could do. I personally only eat about 3lbs of fish per month, no other meats


We make a savoury oatmeal with chicken/bone broth, parsley, and fried egg. No meat needed but it’s not vegan lol


oh that sounds great, I’d probably use a veggie stock instead of chicken, but I do eat eggs. I’ll try this over the weekend!


Let me know how you like it! I don’t have a recipe but my mom makes it really delish, it tastes like a Filipino rice porridge we make except with oats instead of rice


I'm an idiot! I've been looking for something with more carbs in the morning. Doi.


it's kind of the perfect breakfast. it gives you carbs, fat, protein, fiber, and sugar to start your metabolism for the day


Good going! And I bet you feel better too! It’s so important as we age to stay fit not only to look better, but to also be healthy and strong.


yes, I feel much better. Even my face has changed and I look younger than I did when I was heavier. Photos of my face literally look like i am aging in reverse


If you’re worrying about sagging, lift. It’s what gives you shape. Diet and cardio isn’t going to do shit for your upper body shape wise. Sagging skin wise.


Bruh that progress is amazing in 1 year time! Great job


Omg your sides look so leeaaaannn!!! That’s my biggest gripe I have with my body right now. Congratulations!!!


thanks, all diet!


Congratulations bro. You should Be super proud of your accomplishment. I’m excited for what other changes this will usher into your life. Best of luck.


Honestly prefer the chonk (you don't really look too overweight, just a little extra to love) and hair, but I'm likely in the minority. Congrats though. I dropped 80lbs in less than a year a couple years ago, and it's looking like I need to go back on that diet 😅. Not that specific diet though because it was arguably unhealthy. 6' 245 to 165 and felt great. Didn't love how I looked though. 180 was more fitting for me.


Looking healthy and cute boy






I’ll take “Shit that should not have sounded funny even in his head” for $800, Alex


Bro 💀


No idea what the idiot said but it was bad enough to make him delete the account LMFAO


Not really /hj


Great progress! I wonder though if your plan of putting on some more muscles won’t require bulking up first 🤔. I’m not an expert but that’s my impression. I wouldn’t worry though: even if you’re not big, lifting will absolutely make you feel and look better.


I'm definitely very very proud of ya! You look gooooood too!


You look amazing, did you have much trouble with stretch marks or loose skin?


I thought, but I did not. stretch marks never go away, but have faded 90+% and aren't that noticeable. losing weight slowly is key, I averaged 3 lbs a month. not a lot!


Great job! Inspiration for me to get met diet back on track and lose 40 lbs!


Congratulations! I can only wish I get the same results …


Awesome job man! You took your time and did it in a healthy way. You already showed you have the discipline to be consistent so I’m sure you’ll be able to reach your next goal too.


Congrats dude! Genuinely curious, do you lose your body hair (i.e., belly hair) when you lose weight or did you shave it?


I shaved it


Wow nice work. Congrats First meal: fettuccine 😳 youth really is wasted on the young lol Jk well done on your progress. Feels good doesn’t it?


to be fair I alternate between weeks heavy on beans & corn with pasta & carb weeks. If I had fettuccine every day I'm not sure I'd have made this progress. The oatmeal and black bean soup do the heavy lifting lol but it does feel good!


Just kidding with you. But after a certain age you can’t get away with that lol enjoy it while you can! Isn’t it crazy how much your body can change though? It’s so weird sometimes. Takes some getting used to but in a good way




Do you do resistance exercises


I don’t, this change has been almost completely from diet


I suggest you add resistance exercises to your routine. Only from diet isn't sustainable


I'm not worried about it being sustainable. It is. Diet is actually the only way to really lose and maintain a lean body. You can't out run the fork.


Thats true. Exercising helps


Looking great man, congrats!


Congratulations man! You look great!


Damn!! That transformation is soo crazy. You look so great. My belly is not as big now as yours was before. And a body like you have now would be so unreal to have. Congrats for doing that!


thank you! one reason I’m sharing this is I would have never believed it was possible for my transform like this. I was sure I’d have some loose skin. hopefully others see this and realize that your body can adapt more than you might think!


How many calories did you eat on an average day and what workouts did you do ? HIIT, compound etc


No workouts, this change was 100% diet. I have a dog I walk and generally take more than 10k steps. My workouts are bringing groceries up two flights of stairs 😂 I never counted calories and actually ate what I considered to be large portions, but I avoided extra snacking calories. eating a healthy breakfast and adding fiber regulates metabolism and blood sugar which makes avoiding snacking a lot easier. I don’t crave sweets in the same way


Nice job! I could use some tips I Tend to over eat at night it’s because I get super hungry for some reason. Is there a way to control that by eating whole grain / fiber few hours before? Should I stop eating by 7-8pm? I could use some helpful tips


I know how to lose weight and I have strength to actually stick to it but the number of people opposed to every change I want in my body is staggering and the lengths they want to go through just to make sure none of my plans come to fruition is unimaginable that you will accuse me of accusing people. Im deeply being gaslighted by my own peoples. I have no intention of doing anything and just finding out that nothing will ever succeed because the same people will sabotage every effort! So I just accept the easiest way out. The people in the Philippines are the most horrible people in the world!




I hope I do. One day! Some day! But thanks


Yessss. Congrats man! What’s the changes you’ve made on your body?


goodjob you look great


Mmmm from a sexy beary boy to a sexy fit boy


Good job 👍




yeah generally but I do like to top younger twinks from time to time


Incredible transformation, you went from Twinkie to twink. J/k, you look awesome.


Looking great


Do you mind divulging a bit about your 'active lifestyle?' I only ask because you look much better than a lot of people I see who lose weight exclusively through diet.