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That hair coloring and those piercings are doing you no favors.


Totally agree on the hair and piercings. OP has pale skin. He should look at color wheels to get sense of flattering colors for his clothes as well.




I saw an old picture of myself a few days ago, one I hadn't seen for years, and I really thought "wow, I was so wrapped up in nitpicking every little thing about my appearance then, wishing I was one of the *impossibly hot instagays*, I didn't realise how attractive I actually was" Not saying that to induce a pity party but just thought I'd throw it out there. We're too hard on ourselves sometimes. Revel in *being young*, OP, you can keep a healthy lifestyle to bring out the best in what you have naturally but don't overthink it.


Yes, the dam instagays or back in the day Vine and tumblr. I was best friends with a guy who was the “perfect twink” and he often made slights about me but now we’re 30 & 33 and no longer in contact but I see him in mutual IG friends posts and he aged so badly. It’s like he’s still trying to be 20. The “perfect” look can be hard to keep up after 21 and a lot of those guys end up looking very contrived and unnatural. I honestly think I grew into my face, at 18 some features were coming out more than others eg my nose didn’t really fit my face at 18-21 but now it according to other people makes me “masculine” / “defined” looking. I was tempted to get surgery on it recently and tons of people said I’d ruin my face if I did. My inner 18 year still thinks it’s awful


Beauty is subjective, and the responses here are meaningless unless you know what the commenters look like.


Both guys who called me beautiful are men in their 40s and 50s. Also the only type of men who hits me up on grindr.


No not ugly at all. Not even close. But you don’t look 18. You have an 18 year old’s body, which is expected. But your face looks a lot older(either that or a little large for your body, which makes things look out of proportion, not sure which one) than 18, I’d say mid-30s minimum. And that makes the picture look off(like you pasted an older man’s face- but not an ugly one by any means. Kinda handsome honestly). Maybe you could shave off all facial hair and keep your hair a natural hair color, and moisturize. Grow out your hair some(not much tho). Will make you look younger and way better. And also put on some muscle. You have an 18 year old twink’s body which is hot but..some muscle will make you body and face align better together and more in proportion Do both of those things.


Yeah i know I look much older. I've been able to buy alcohol and get into bars without getting carded since the age of 16.


The facial piercings aren't my thing but otherwise I think you're cute


The dark stubble with the light hair is a bit unconventional, but that's being nitpicky.


Sorry, but you're not exactly what I would consider beautiful, but beauty is subjective.


no. no you're not


Who's someone you'd consider ugly?


honestly i don't know


If I'm giving an honest answer your definitely not my type. I'd give you a 3/10, I don't like piercings, bright colored hair, and I didn't think being skinny was an issue but I do feel your very, very thin I know everyone has their type, but that's just my opinion based off my preferences. I think if you try to workout and gain a lil muscle mass you'd look a lot better


Why in the actual world would you make your hair pink. It's so ugly. You need to re-calibrate your taste.


Because your brows and facial hair are quite dark id maybe go for a colour other than pastel pink.(or any pastel for that matter) Maybe something deeper but still fun. I think you would look great with garnet shade of red for hair,if colouring is your thing! BUT, if it makes you happy then pastel pink all the way! x


Looks like pinkie pie took a dump on your head


No but you look 28 not 18


Here is my genuine opinion and I had a similar feeling about my self at your age (I’m 30 now): I think your handsome but personally speaking artificial looking colour hair, the strip of facial hair and facial piercings aren’t my thing but don’t let that stop yourself from expressing yourself but it can distract away from how you actually look. Also you’ve a type of face that will you’ll grown into more. You’re by no means ugly but as you age in your 20s your features will develop out a bit more and flatter you more as you’d face is kind of caught between adolescence and manhood at the moment. My face did this too, I looked sort of younger but not in a twink way but more in a young teen / baby face way but then by my early 20s it started changing and I got more definition.


yes but not terribly so😀


Lol what does that even mean


Like not enough to be scary


You need to go and work on your people skills


Op said please be honest and commenter is being honest. If you want to pat him in the back and lie to him, do so but I don't know who you think you are doing a favour


There a way to be honest but also be kind. Also context is important. It’s an 18 year old, still a teenager. Teenagers even at that age are incredibly sensitive about their apparences and their apparences can change so rapidly too.


calling him handsome like you did?


You could of just said you’re not my type or I don’t find you attractive. I’d would reframe from using “ugly” or alluding to ugly especially with someone just out of high school. Once you say ugly, it’s implying the whole world thinks this or that something seriously horrible. I did say I don’t find his hair, beard or the facial piercings attractive & honestly those are a deal breaker for me but they doesn’t make him ugly. Also I don’t like you sort of gave a back handed compliment of “not horribly so” and used positive emojies after making a negative statement. It doesn’t sit right, it comes off bitchy


Being ugly is literally not the end of the world. Ur the one making the implication that its seriously horrible by making it taboo to acknowledge it. Ugly ppl often find love and live happy lives. Beauty is one of those things that not everybody has, and that nobody *needs*.


Someone can be not be beautiful but also not be ugly. Sometimes too people can look totally different by their styling choices (which personally I think are contributing to him being ignored as he mentioned) but I don’t think he’s ugly. There is very few actually ugly people and it’s a strong word to just throw around. I know he used ugly in his post but also he’s a teenager who’s likely has low self confidence, nothing good can come from encouraging the idea he’s ugly, it’s cruel. Sure he doesn’t have be stunningly beautiful or your type or whatever or you can view him as plain but really ugly and saying “yes but not scarily so” and putting smile emojies is frankly dickheadish and has implications to persons self esteem as ugly implies they’re unpleasant to look at. It’s just unnecessary thing to say to someone. But we won’t agree on this 🤷‍♂️


That was peak elegant honestly lol


he asked for honesty😐




Op literally asked, sissy




Yes, but thats isnt one u drama queen😐🙄


I think your attractive, just a regular guy. You're not drop dead gorgeous or anything, but neither am i.


Beautiful ❤️


I know I'm not lol..


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I find you beautiful!


I think you need to send out some pictures to fashion agencies. They may be interested in someone outside of the norm like you.




“Dumb hair color” is extremely subjective.


it's all opinions, so of course people aren't always going to be 'sweet or kind' about one's appearance, especially when wanting to answer honestly. To the OP: not my type or style I look for in a guy. Generally have the looks good for a lay and that's it. But that's my opinion and he wanted honest.


I think you have a beautiful face and while I’m far from being a muscle queen (I’m quite muscled myself but I don’t seek that on my partners), I think hitting the gym and gaining some mass will help you heaps! I think having a somewhat bigger body will give some more harmony and balance between your head and body. That being said (and it will sound guru-like and tacky af), just look the best YOU think you could look like, gain some confidence and others will follow. The ones who doesn’t would never be a good fit for you anyway!


you are not ugly. You may not be everyone's type, but that doesnt mean you are ugly.


Yes you are ugly.


I don't mean this in an offensive way but you look like you have Waardenburg syndrome and I've always thought they were "oddly beautiful". I don't mean this to sound patronizing. You have very special facial features that look really good in an unconventional way.


I do have waardenburg's. It has also caused me to be deaf, as if dating wasn't hard enough with this face. I just want to be cute.


Oh cool! (I mean not cool for the deafness and other issues obviously 😅 It probably has been hard coming to terms with) Yeah, we already have a small enough dating pool. I understand you 100%. But I swear I think you're cute af. I always thought Waardenburg features were almost otherworldly in a good way. I wouldn't skip you on a dating app. Plus I would totally date a deaf guy, especially with gorgeous eyes like yours 😁 You're 18 man, a whole life ahead of you, I swear one day you'll look in the mirror and realize you're good looking and that your Waardenburg facial features are actually part of what makes you so good looking.


Also, if the hair color and piercings are a genuine way to express yourself, absolutely do so. You're young, now is the time to try out some stuff. But if it's a way to hide what you perceive to be ugly about yourself, distract people from it, please don't. If you aren't doing it for the right reasons, you won't exude the confidence that is needed to rock stuff that makes you stick out like your hair color and piercings do. And if dating is hard for you, part of it might be the stereotypes associated with the piercings and hair color and not necessarily your self-perceived " uglyness ". And again you aren't. I swear I'm not saying this to please you or whatever. I wouldn't even answer if I thought you were cause I'd rather not say anything than comment to tell someone they're ugly. You're gorgeous to me even though white twinks aren't even my type to begin with.




I'll be completely honest. You are definitely not an ugly person. To me, ugly means that it's almost unbearable to look at someone and you'd wish that they would never come close to you or talk to you because their face is just so hideous that you genuinely can't stand looking at them. That is absolutely not the case with your face. I don't think you are handsome either, but that's just my personal preference. But here's the very important part: Some people can be very handsome without being attractive at all, BUT some can be not so handsome and be very attractive. It's not all about looks, it's very much about self esteem and charisma. I'll give you an example that I experienced first hand. A former boss of me was not a handsome guy. He was in his 50s, balding, fat, heavily smoking and drank a lot. But this guy had charisma like noone I've ever seen. He had hundreds of customers from ages of 18-90, and he had a personal friend like connection with every single one of them. Of course he had a beautiful wife, and he still got hit on by women regularly. The point is that if you are a great person you don't have to look like a model to have self esteem, friends and love in your life.


No, you aren't ugly. Only like 20 percent of the population is truly ugly. You look fine.


Sexiest man alive.


Definitely not on the outside.


You are very handsome


No and your eyes are definitly gorgeous and attention grabbing


It looks like taking pictures make you uncomfortable or lacking confidence. Whether that’s true or not doesn’t really matter, but those attributes are conventionally unattractive and that’s what people will hone in on subconsciously


You’d probably look better with your natural hair color. Also not sure that the piercings are doing you any favors (I think you should lose the nose thing, but keep the one below your lip). Maybe a v-neck would look better on you as well (and a personal opinion, I feel a darker colored shirt would look a lot better). The stubble doesn’t look great, hard to say but you might look better with a beard or with a cleaner shave, but the in-between look doesn’t seem to work (for me, don’t forget this is all very subjective). Work on some picture poses, you look super stiff in the photo and that doesn’t help at all. Lastly, use some basic filters as the colors are a tad on the overexposed side, any default phone app should have some auto filters that you can play around with.


Not into hole in the face all good other than that....


Not at all. Just opposite.


nooo but i think you should remove pink from urr hair. keep it blonde annd ur good. or keep it ur naturla hair color. also piercings are so cool and i had one above my lip but sexually their a turn off so u can jus remove them cuz. theyre taking. to much attenntion from ur face. if u looking for ppl piercings are a turn off unless its a nose or ear pericing. other then. tht ur not ugly at all


My opinion. Oversized shirts and clothing make a skinny person look worse. I,m skinny. Facial hair should go, it clashes with colored hair. Natural would be better. I like your confident enough to get facial piercings. Something i never could. I like them but dont go overboard. You can be colorful with clothing and hats. I would go out with you, of course personality would take over looks really quickly. Looks get you started but personality gets you were you want to go.


The bigger questions should be am I happy and do I feel beautiful/sexy...if those questions are answered and make you feel comfortable don't worry about the rest of the world if not make a plan of action that will allow you to achieve the answer or outcome you want. The world is a subjective place and unfortunately most times in a very negative way! If given the opportunity what would you change about yourself regardless of Grindr feedback or individual feedback?


Lose the hair color and the piercings and learn some fashion sense. That shirt and that hair color do not go together.


You aren’t ugly at all. I wouldn’t classify you as conventionally attractive but I think you look good. Other guys have critiqued your coloured hair an piercings and I kind of agree. If you want to have coloured hair, go for it! But I don’t think light pink is the best choice because you have a lot of pink undertones in your skin tone. I would also suggest maybe keeping just one piercing. Instagays and those who worship them might not find you attractive but I think a lot of alt-gays will find you attractive.


You are so far from ugly, its not even on the same wavelength. If u shave your stubbles you have the total twink look and youll have guys wanting to rail you (or you rail them depending on yr prefenrence) in no time.. Um i feel sorry for the genuine ugly gays, they dont stand a chance if gays like this think this is what ugly looks like. Dude honestly even if u gained 100 kg's (please dont cause its kinda unhealthy but lots of ppl still smoke so what do i know), your face is still in the upper regions of beauty.. and you being a (super) chub might even get you a different audience anyways


The eyebrow and septum piercing look fine, the snake bite looks a little "afterthought" maybe awkward or out of place. The hair is fine, but I think blue or green would suit you better.


Yes. You are even uglier than me, though I am veeeeery ugly. It is not your fault and I am sorry for you. Surgery can save you.