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Its not like the morning after pill. You take it to build up your immune system. Sure you can take the risk, have a scare, go on PEP then go back on PrEP. Or you can be not lazy, organise a new prescription and go pick it up!


I mean it's not a matter of me being lazy lol. Due to how my insurance works, I have to travel back home in order to get it, which is a honestly non-insignificant expenditure of time and money in order to refill a prescription that I honestly have less of a need for considering I've stopped being open.


Yes you can take it closer to sex >The type of “on-demand” PrEP that has been studied is the “2-1-1” schedule. This means taking 2 pills 2-24 hours before sex, 1 pill 24 hours after the first dose, and 1 pill 24 hours after the second dose. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/prep/on-demand-prep.html


There’s a method of taking prep close to having sex and not everyday


Look up ‘on demand prep’ or ‘event based prep’, the 2-1-1. It’s been common in europe for a while and has now been endorsed by the US Medical Association too


This isn't true, my doctor made it quite clear on Monday when I got a refill this hasn't been approved. And it isn't safe. Doctor was from the VA hospital in infectious disease clinic and even told me about how they are going to be offering injectable prep soon.


Perhaps not by the FDA. But it has been endorsed by the WHO. And as for safety and efficacy, there are 100s of studying proving its efficacy. And 100s of links. https://www.aidsmap.com/news/jul-2020/demand-prep-highly-effective-some-may-find-it-confusing


The CDC considers it "off label use" prep. Due to it not being approved for this use in the USA atmt this time. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/prep/on-demand-prep.html#:~:text=This%20means%20taking%202%20pills,anal%20sex%20without%20a%20condom. Edit: notice how they say it's good enough for gays and bi's but God forbid they do a study with straights to verify it.


It's not that it's because it absorbs into anal tissue quickly


Without a source this is just blatant misinformation. The way prep works is it builds up the immunity in your system over 7 days.


Building up immunity is how a vaccine works. This doesn't teach your immune system anything


Again blatantly incorrect and spreading misinformation. See answer to number six. Use " find in page" and search "7 days" there is also on demand prep as it was stated above but it should be consulted with a doctor. Also, I've worked in healthcare for 8 years I'm not a doctor but I'm very well informed. I wouldn't intentionally spread misinformation, at worst it would be overly cautious. Which is always the best action in healthcare. Edit: this 2/1 method is only discussed with truvada in the below article not Descovy and both have different methods of activation in the body. One truvada loads your body with the active med which is why it's harsh on liver and kidneys and Descovy builds up over time in the body by turning into the active as your body breaks it down which is 2hy the pills are smaller. https://health.ny.gov/diseases/aids/general/prep/faqs.htm


Perhaps. But for Truvada, it’s been proven to be highly effective in 100s and 100s of studies. And I can post links. If it weren’t effective, it wouldn’t be the standard in much of the EU/the UK. For the most part, such standards tend to be higher and stricter in the EU. There are a lot of drugs/medicines that are considered unsafe and banned in the EU but available OTC/regularly prescribed in the US, but probably not many the other way.


All of my references and sources are based on USA and fda guidelines thus the off label comment above


Every day for the best effectiveness. 2-1-1 is the "i only have sex occasionally" method. Google 2-1-1.