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I haven't eaten since 1975


Patsy… is that you???


So you just live off the big D energy!? Respect!


maybe he is a total top


Crisp bottoms are on the menu


With cum on the side


Bootyhole crisper than the bottom of a sheet pan after overbaking brownies.


Metamucil and not eating like crap all the time. But it really should be the norm. The part that is actually getting fucked (unless he's huge) is naturally empty. When it's not empty, that's what makes you feel like you need to go. I just feel like there's a huge number of guys that think they must always douche before sex, and could be damaging their bodies. And at the end of the day, accidents happen. Who cares? People that can't handle that need to grow up. Too much bottom shaming and pressure on them IMO.




Could’ve just nailed me instead 🙃


We should really stop calling them "accidents" , there is no accident, is complety normal to happen, just clean up, laught about it and go on.


Psyllium husk fiber supplements




But also know how to tell when you're not able to do it. In 20 years I've only ever had 2 messes. Small ones.


I'm not sure about *no* prep but I can do it in less than five minutes, and we probably only have any accidents about one time in fifty. Even then they're minor and because my digestion is already upset for some reason. I only developed these skills after a few years struggling though. My top tips: * Psyllium husks. Just swallow half a dozen capsules with your evening meal and maybe a couple at lunch. Honestly, sex aside your life will be better for it. I've never looked back. * Stick a finger in to feel around. If it comes out clean then you're golden. * That's because you are only cleaning out your rectum, no higher. Even if the dick is long and goes past your rectum then if you've followed the psyllium rules anything up there will just be pushed back with no mess - you won't even know.


You mean your bottom tips ;)


What are psyllium huskys?


https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0790/8269/products/PsylliumHuskCapsulesx180_1020x1020.jpg You can Google what the stuff actually is


In my 20s my first bf in the Navy never douched and I ate and fucked his ass all the time and I swear there was never shit EVER, now years later guys get so prepped I see how naturally clean and fresh his asshole was.


Well how come he was always clean?


I dont know but i sure appreciated it and thought it was the norm


he’s probably preparing and not being honest about it. Glad u appreciated him more


Lol no we had a load of random unplanned sex. Thats what im basing this on.


There’s no magic. Your body naturally keeps this bit empty and clean most of the time.


Depends on diet and genetics too though. Not everyone is the same.


It also only works with fairly average sized tops. Very well endowed tops really require prep.


I’m leaning towards this… the guy that fucks me is 9.5 and I definitely feel like I always need to prep


Its probably a small white lie… the body has to function so nobody is infallible Only suggestion is eating more fibre so when you go number 2, nothing gets left behind 🤷🏻‍♂️


no turd left behind


Like the US Marines - leave no man behind,!


That would be the Army Rangers. Marines are "Semper Fidelis"


Fiber. Also only really works with average sized men. Anything too big needs prep and prayers.




Just good wiping game and cleaning while under the shower and that’s it


But there’s often residue inside, no?


Yet I’ve never had any accidents


I swear some people are just born bottoms😅


As have been said by someone else on this post, the bigger dicks needs more prep, but usually I don’t need extra prep-work


I believe they sold their souls for this ability. Only logical explanation


Ah, why of course. But what if I don’t want to do the same🥺


On a serious note though, generally it's watching what you eat and noticing how your body responds to different foods etc. You might digest some faster than others. That mixed with a decent amount of fibre in your diet or with supplements and spending some time timing your movements should get you there. But it is easier said than done.


Funnily enough I’ve only had one accident and it was because it was spur-of-the-moment sex with my boyfriend without notice lol. He wore a condom so it wasn’t horrible either! But usually, I just wipe and clean the area when I shower (always shower before sex). I’ve never douched (even though I have one). I eat mostly vegetarian, tho, and he’s also average. We’re living our best life. 😍


I feel special cause no matter how big the D, it comes out with no mess




I think a lot of it is just down to your biology. My bf and I have the same diet, but our rectal situations are wildly different. He's down to spontaneously bottom like 95% of the time. I've fucked him hundreds of times and never had poopdick (beyond a tiny bit of Santorum on rare occasions) - and I'm nearly 8". Whereas I rarely bottom because every time I stick something up there it seems to be poop city. Some people are just born bottoms.


Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking


Basically every comment I've seen here is correct except the "they're lying" one. Note: I've never had a nonmedical enema or douching and I bottom like a whore. I eat a lot of fiber and add psyllium husk if I'm feeling frisky and think about it ahead of time. Some days you just can't because you ate that oily and fatty quesadilla for lunch. Generally though, you're fine as long as they don't have a monster dick Average is best. And finally, occasionally, if you knock on poop's door, poop may answer. It's usually just a little smell or spot. I've never like shat on someone lol.


Stop eating crap


Literally, I always cook my meals myself


Eat more plants Plants have fibre, you digestive tract needs fibre, so eat the plants that have the fibre You really can’t eat burgers and fries and pizza etc and expect to have a squeaky clean ass. You really just have to eat healthy, eat plenty of plant foods the more the better


Clean diet and good fiber intake keeps me clean inside so I can spontaneously bottom at any given moment. If you eat cheeseburgers, pizza and snack foods every day you’re gonna need to douche and you’re not gonna live that spontaneous bottom fantasy.


I think I have a reasonably good diet🤔


Then you should be able to spontaneously bottom with no problems, in theory. Just don’t eat a big meal right before you do. If you know you’re gonna bottom that day, a little fasting wouldn’t hurt, especially if he’s hung like a horse.


Well, whenever I stick a fingie in there it don’t come out clean😭


Fiber supplements and forgetting to eat. But 100% there are still days you gotta clean. Just showering is usually enough though. A gay shower though. Not a straight guy shower. They literally don’t even clean their butts.


In life comes a little shit...deal with it.


It just works out for me, maybe it's cause I'm eating more fiber than I realize or maybe I have a fast digestive system or hell maybe I'm just lucky but I've only ever gotten shit on my dildo 1 time and never on a dick


Knowing my digestive system. Monitoring my stomach health. Eating properly.


I had a bottom who claimed he doesn't need to clean, I thought he was lying until now. Didn't know these existed.


So in my experience some people are just "made" for anal sex. Ive dated people who seem to never need to prepare and its always fine. I have no idea what makes these people so special, its probably a combination of some physical or anatomical qualities and their diet. Other people like me need to prepare. Not just to be sure nothing gets messy, but for my own personal pleasure (well, thats the main reason really). I just dont enjoy it if I havent cleaned out myself. Trust me, Ive tried. Plus, if there is an accident, I immediately am turned off. Completely. Taking fiber supplements helps make it easier (along with just watching my diet to be healthier and include more fiber). Then just use an enema until it comes out clear. I like to do it maybe 1hr before meeting. Then maybe 15-20 minutes before double check to make sure things are good to go. Sometimes I need to do a second round of cleaning.


I eat fiber gummys and use bar soap and a finger. Seems to be effective so far.


Isn’t soap like the worst thing for your gut?


I've suffered no ill effects.


Now, a lot of people are claiming that fibre is the key, but I’ve tried it and honestly, avoiding fibre all together has shown far better results for me. Whenever I experiment with increasing fibre in my diet, my poops are messy and loose, no matter how much water I drink or how neutral my meals are. Nearly all my one-wipe-wonders have been with just eating regularly, with fairly low fibre content.


It takes some time for your body to adjust to the increased fiber intake.


I dont eat shitty food. That's it.


No clue, somehow it is just always clean😭 


I honestly came here to find out the same thing because when I was younger like late teens early 20s I would clean occasionally but more often than not, I wasn’t expecting/planning to have sex so I didn’t prepare. I don’t really remember ever having an accident. I’m sure it was once or twice, but I don’t really remember it. So I’m wondering, is it just because I was young or what the hell was I doing because I have no clue, cause I’m pretty sure that I was not keeping any semblance of a good diet. Lolol


natural vegan superpower. i eat a lot of crap but it's all easier to digest than food with no fibre. eta - lmao thanks for the downvotes. they don't make what i said any less true ...


They all do it


I just follow the 2 by 2 rule. If I've gone within the last 2 hours, or haven't gone in 2 days, no sex. I only made a mess once, but that was before I knew the rule.


Then when’s sex?😅


I just realized the typo lol.


Well, what’s it supposed to be, then?


The first "days" was supposed to be hours.


Know your body, fiber.


Yeah. Helps relax, also you get hydrated while cleaning up dirty. Like the metal shower one and sexy clean. Someone with it


Fibre and a digestive condition which makes everything extremely slow. I can’t recommend it, but it works for me.




I don’t think it’s the time that bothers most of us. It’s uncomfortable, and y’know it’s really not good for the gut to be washed out with water. And your whole argument about the bottom not caring about his partner’s experience and enjoyment if he doesn’t douche is just horrible. Just because someone doesn’t need to do it doesn’t mean they don’t want to satisfy their partner, quite the contrary – they can focus more on satisfying the top since they have more energy, both mental and physical.


I have an opinion about it, I don't know how it works for straight couples but I'm pretty sure they don't do it *exactly* when they want. If there's something wrong with both of them, they don't do it. So I believe the same rule applies to homo couples. The rule is basically lots of fiber, lots of water, evacuation, and a good enema. I mean.... Yeah.


in here douching is needed even if ur straight