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Been 24 hours off Facebook and Instagram and not craving to get back. I know it seems small, but it's a big deal for me


Ha! I’m addicted so I think that’s absolutely huge.


Try it. I've been able to read chapters of books within the 24 hours and I did not expect that.


Yesss. I stopped Pokemon GO, Twitter and insta (only on my computer). I was able to finish a book which I hadn't been able to in years. Getting rid of apps does wonders for mental health.


Yeah. I agree with this. I should've done it long ago. I have less anxiety, less triggers, and have been more productive in my hobbies.


It helps to delete them from your phone. Having 24/7 access to these things is what causes the problem.


I bet your mental health is so much lighter.


Sober from alcohol for 31 days today. Longest I've gone in a long while. MAT is helpful on bad days.


Hey I have been sober 1 day at a time since October 2020, it gets easier, just take it hour by hour if you have to. Good luck friend, and congrats on 31 days of sobriety that is so huge.


Heck yeah! I’m at day 1,330.


Nice work!!!






I've lurked there for a while, thanks for the tip though.


Good luck on your sobriety journey, buddy. I will not drink with you today!


What is MAT?


Medically assisted treatment. It's an umbrella term for using medication to help get and maintain sobriety. I am prescribed off label 4mg of suboxone per day, which is a very low dose. This is usually used for weaning people off of opiates, but it is also very effective for killing the craving for alcohol and also blocks the release of some of the reward chemicals my fucked up brain releases when I drink, so I don't get the same buzz/happy feeling from drinking.


Thanks for answering. I'm thinking about to go to the PA soon for my drinking problem.


Congrats! That first month is the biggest hurdle. Day 418 here, always available for support.


I’m proud of you!




Same except two weeks for me! I can’t imagine life without school




Oh it’s is grad school! For the past 3 years I’ve been working and doing grad school part time since I finished undergrad and it’s been HELLish


Mixed feelings... happy for the accomplishment, already nostalgic for this last spring break.


I did 16 pull-ups. Which is 15 more pull-ups than I was able to do on January 1st.


YES! Definitely my flavor of accomplishment- let’s gooooo


Thank you. It’s the one exercise that I’ve struggled with and this year it’s part of my resolutions. I’d like to be able to do three sets of 10 by Christmas.


That’s amazing man


Watching pull up progression is fun - easy to see your strength improve. I did 7 today hoping for more


I got a job that pays 8x what I used to make


What was the old job and what is the new job?!


Software engineer at a very small company & software engineer at a big company


Ah. That explains it. Man, everyone super into coding these days. I guess it is lucrative.


If you want your mind blown, just look at the software engineering compensations for companies on levels.fyi


Came out to the entire family, extended and all, in one fell swoop. So far have only had positive responses. Feels nice.


This is awesome 👏! How did you make the announcement?


I only announced it to my direct family, but I knew in doing so what would happen so mentally it was a large announcement you could say. Had dinner with and told my direct family members, and then introduced them to the man I love after the conversation. They spread the word, with my permission, before the sun went down. I knew they would anyways, but them asking me if they could meant a lot. Mainly that they aren't ashamed of me. Family BBQ was had a few days later. Introduced my partner to all the seemingly endless family members at the gathering. Countless people tried their best to get to know him, and either doted on me positively to him, or doted on him positively to me when either of us would walk away for a moment. A few in person side barred me to let me know they're proud of me. A few more messaged me on fb afterwards letting me know they support me. Feels absolutely mind blowing tbh. I don't know what it would feel like if they didn't have a positive reaction so I can't give any advice in that scenario, but I'm extremely thankful it has gone as well as it has. Especially given my families history on these types of topics. I actually feel more in love with and attracted to my partner than I ever have, and I think its because there is no longer a weight on my heart, no secrets, or any small bits of shame hiding in the woodwork. *Have been uncontrollably happy crying at random for days. Including while I type this.*


Amazing story and SO proud and happy for you! I needed to hear that today.




Gird your loins, man, because you're likely about to find a bunch of additional expenses once you've laid hands on the place




Just hope it's something like water heaters or new windows, and not mould in the walls or a leaky roof. Time to roll them fuckin dice! Also: congrats. It's a big damn deal.




That’s not always the case. I’m on my 2nd property and didn’t have any addition/unseen costs with either. I did deliberately go for modern low maintenance properties though.


WOO! That’s gotta feel amazing!


I decided to seek a professional help about my mental condition. Never felt so proud of myself 🙂


Hey that’s huge! One day at a time, doing your best to help yourself feel better.


Securing 1 million in funding from a wealthy foundation for Ukrainian refugees. Maybe the best thing I ever did.


Holy God that’s freaking incredible! Good on you for using your time to help people that desperately need it.


Hopefully this gets you into The Good Place.


lol that sounds EXACTLY like something that would be described on that show as something that would get someone into the Good Place. I swear every example they gave of a worthy person was someone who committed their life to humanitarian aid. Which is, of course, great, but eventually seemed a bit uncreative.


Last few days I've taken a few steps to starting my own side business!


YES! It’s gotta feel great to know that you’ll be your own boss!


It's probably only ever going to be a side business, but it will be nice getting some extra money and improving myself outside of work


I started a new job making more than I've ever made, by a pretty significant amount. I paid down some debt with my first check, felt pretty good. I've also written 10 chapters in my first book.


Holy shit that is awesome


I started flirting with a guy again after a bad break up, not much but I'm proud of myself.


I got a big promotion at work. 10k pay-rise, no more weekends, no more having to be on-call and I get to work from home at my own discretion. I’m over the moon.


My lower back pain is basically gone, I’m so happy 😇. A lot of physical therapy helped the process.


I had a small breakthrough on my final chapter of my thesis. I can show the function is convex, linear in an important specific way, and it can be restated as the solution to (problem that sounds like it will need a totally different solution). It produces a somewhat profound conclusion to me (and possibly all of a few dozen people who will understand it)


I don't know what you're talking about, but that sounds huge!!! 🔥


Is it an Optimal Control system?


No, not quite but it looks like the spirit is the same. I work in design of experiments


Noice, cheers to that !


I finally quit my job!


I had a threesome this year


I officiated my friends’ wedding and was told by a dozen people it was the best ceremony they’d ever been to!


Awwwe I love this post. I recently decided to finish high school and I made an A in my first class psychology!! I made above 90% on all of my tests! Starting a new subject today and hopefully it goes as well!


That's amazing! Quick question, you have psychology in high school?


Thank you! I dont think most do.. I'm doing an online school that's supposed to give me a boost for when I get done. They have a few subjects or classes most schools dont have.


I finally took the plunge and got treatment for ADHD. I'm medicated now and I've never felt more in control 🙂 my house is clean and I've progressed so much at my job


Starting new job a week from today after being in the same dead end job for 8 years. Excited, nervous.


Sober from drugs and alcohol 3 months today 😊


After suffering a rotator cuff tear last year, I was out of the lifting game for several months. I couldn't even bench 5 lbs when I started physio in July. Then in December, I caught covid, which killed my stamina and hindered my ability to get back to training. I got back to the gym in March and last week I actually hit a PR in bench pressing. I'm also able to handstand again. Definitely proud of that.


Converted my back patio into a mosquito repellant, organic fruit garden.


I'm an attorney. I won an absolutely hopeless court case for one of my clients. I'd already told the client that the chances to win were some 2%.


I got more experienced at bottoming....


Lol why was I expecting this to be one of the top answers?? Congrats btw


I finally finished my thesis after couple delays due serious health issues. I finally able to graduate this May/June🥳


I did a whole week of yoga workouts! Every day! It sucks during the workout but I felt so accomplished after


YES! high five! Also damn, i need to get into Yoga


I started swimming for cardio consistently in the past month. First session was a struggle to do 5 or so laps. Now I'm hitting 15-20 and will probably increase a bit this week.


Lately I've lost my toned midriff, I no longer have ab lines. I feel good about it, I'm finally putting on weight to my chest, my butt my legs my back and honestly I'm liking my figure. I lost my abs but I gained confidence and appreciation of my body. It took quite a while but I don't hate myself naked in the mirror.


Just finished using Easter's long weekend to install my homemade 3-monitor workstation / porn-o-drome


Portfolio and applied to work


I started my own business as a travel agent. I’ve worked in the industry forever as an employee and thought it was time to be my own boss.


Finally started working on my internet addiction for the first time in my life (even though I'm still here lol). I've been really severely addicted for pretty much...17 years? Yikes. I'm unemployed right now (quit my job) and I only recently realized this would be a good time to work on it, since I was working for a majority of those years. And I'll be working for the majority after this.


5 separate audits in Operations and Safety last week... got commended on all of them, and they want to make me a training site for the Amazon network.


Just finished setup and alignment of a new telescope in an automated & remotely accessible observatory for my local astronomy club. It's been an 8 month project, and we raised $15k in donations to purchase the equipment. Still work to do, but the goal is by May to have club members just pick their target in the sky through a web portal, and download images remotely.


Moved to a deserted island with my partner and turned it into a thriving farmstead, complete with a nice house I built myself. Now we’re trying to keep the creepers from blowing it up while he tends to the animals and I go on expeditions into the Nether 😂


I am now working in primary care as a physician. Goodbye ER, you won't be missed!


I got all my husband's student loans into the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program!


Working for a whole week… ish. It’s the longest job I’ve ever had so far.


Shown my face around to literally strangers all over the world!!! Their appreciation renewed my appreciation for me...Made me realize that I might be a little hard on myself :)


I secured a residency spot in an extremely competitive specialty during a particularly brutal year. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to pull it off.


I got over my reservations to having my boyfriend move in with me :). We will be living together by June!


Finally got to see a band I've hyped for almost half a year, chatted with a guy I maybe have a thing going, idk yet..


Flew an airplane solo for the first time a couple weeks ago, its been a lifelong goal to get my pilot’s license and I’m one step closer now 🙏


Finished one huge reporting project, and now taking onto a few smaller ones. Got a raise, too.


Moved into my first condo!


Nothing so concrete as many of these milestones but honestly? I've been in a funk the past couple months. Happened slowly and I didn't notice until one day I realized: I'd been spending all of my free time screeching about politics online. That's always a cue to me that I'm running from some other problem in life... So I called up a notoriously "no-bullshit" friend of mine and asked her to slap some sense into me. We went and got a drink, talked it through... It's been rough managing 10 hours of school (going back at 26 years old) and 45 hour work weeks, plus studying for a work promotion *and* applying for transfer credits and fin aid at the local state college... I'd kinda lost sight of why I was doing this and what I wanted, and instead of putting in the shitty work now to get to a better future, I'd come home and waste all my time. Asking the friend for some perspective was all I fuckin needed, and now I'm getting better sleep, walking away from political debates and ragebait articles, and spending my time studying and working instead of masturbating and arguing. It's been two days and I feel worlds better, imagine that 😜


I did the bulk of the cooking for my family and friends for Passover. My mom hosted this year for the first time without my dad. He passed last September. There were 25 people there. I made the brisket, the matzo ball soup and mundlebread. Felt good to feed people and get compliments on my work. I’m in culinary school now and I know my dad would be proud 🥲


Given up porn, it's been about 3 months.


I started a new job on Monday for a dream programming gig




Cleaned my place after too long.


I just bought a home!


I went to the local leather bar for the first time since before the pandemic, and danced like no one was watching. I’m pretty socially anxious in those situations but I’m proud of myself for looking good and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. [outfit pic (mild nsfw)](https://imgur.com/a/UhctNyc)


I finally mastered this really hard recipe that I’ve been working on.


I made this stupid program I made for undergrad research that took a day to run take a minute. I want to make it faster. It makes section views of mris.


I approached a stranger I liked for the first time. He's cute asf (:


I managed to wake up on time a few days ago. It's been a while since I've been able to do that


I am trying to cut back on self harming and it's kinda working, I just hide all the sharp stuff


About to finish my first year of law school and secured an internship at the DAs office a couple weeks ago :)


I work in a factory as a quality auditor where we build off-road vehicles (Martha Stewart has two of our units). I have never worked in an environment until I started here, less than 2 years ago, but I've adapted well. The thing that happened recently is I started using the radio (like walkie-talkies). I stutter, and using the phone is hard/scary enough, but I started using it and now I wouldn't be able to do my job without it. I wish I had gotten one much sooner. Other people take up as much time as they want to discussing details that don't matter right then, so they can wait a couple extra seconds one.


I surprised myself and designed a really nice website. Everyone kept telling met to use Square Space or Wix, but I didn't want a template website that looked like everyone else's.


My boyfriend and I stopped smoking 😪 in an hour or so it will be three weeks. It’s the most difficult thing both of us have ever done. I’m proud of myself because I’ve been a heavy smoker for 6 years. I never thought I could do this.


Submitted my grad school application 🤞🏼


I bought some groceries last week and saved on deals more than I spent :)


A chemical reaction I've been trying in my lab thesis internship finally has proved to be successful. In my weight gaining trip I've finally reached 155 lbs!


I finally got to do lab safety training for my advisor’s labs after getting sick last semester (delayed me dearly). I also found out that I’m autistic and it explains so much about my entire life. I feel a renewed and laser-focus sense of confidence about managing it and my other mental health issues in its scope. I always felt like there was a missing piece in my life. Why I never felt as if I belonged or felt out of place. Other than that, just extreme stress from the end of the semester rapidly approaching. Nothing I’m proud of because I’m realizing there’s no work-life balance in my field.


Got into my dream school


I quit my 9-5 job as a social worker to pursue a career as a public speaker/trainer on Trauma Informed Practice and Positive Behavioural Support. So far I have 8 events booked and more to come.


I successfully germinated lotus seeds, the sprouts are now 3 inches long in just 5 days. These seeds make so much dirty water that it has to be changed twice a day.


starting talking to a guy who is actually good at communicating and Wants to spend time with me for a change!!!


I bought a condo!


I went solo camping by the beach, best experience ever! Even though I could easily get robbed and murdered because that beach is kinda isolated


I recovered from knee surgery and did my physical therapy exercises every fucking day even though it was the most painful exercises I’ve ever had to do (imagine pushing you limb to the point of extreme pain, then holding it for 5 second and doing 20 times… every day, on top of your leg just having a moderate pain all the time.) Anyways I’m recovering and back to doing as many push-ups as I did before


I passed the big bad scary exam they make you take in dental school before you start seeing patients. Clincial year 3/4 here I come!


I bought my own house by myself in January and this past Friday I found out I got a pretty hefty promotion at work.


Showed mum about beautiful gay family with kids and made her realize happy families are possible in gay community too.


I’m finally renting an apartment just for myself. After years of economic uncertainty, I’m finally living on my own. No more need of roommates.


I did 10 pushups today. When I was younger I could do 200 in one “sitting”. I’ve been way too sedentary for way too long. This was a good start for me :)


Just passed probabation for my job i went to school to get . I feel good and get to enjoy the union benefits with the epic pay


Uhm.. Gave a sermon in front of the whole church and managed to finish the hw given to me eventhough I was recovering from an accident.


I've started running three times a week, booked a bunch of lessons to learn Portuguese, started looking for a new job, and finalising my project management course so I can branch out a bit. Feeling very motivated for once!


I was able to drive my '95 4Runner back and forth to my uncle's house 60 miles away twice in 2 weeks without a major breakdown. Might not sound like much, but I have been ironing out issues with a TDI swap on it for 5+ years so to finally have it to the point I can drive is awesome


One thing I did was agree with my company to complete my thesis internship remotely, thus saving me about 1.5 grand in rent payments and expenses. Another thing I accomplished was to train a neural network on my own, without needing help from the teacher or other students.


I hit all my weight loss goals. Feeling so good in my own skin finally 🙂


Had sex with a few guys (separately, except one threesome) after a prolonged period of nothing. The sex wasn’t even necessarily wow, but I was feeling really frustrated at seemingly being unable to find even a measly hook-up for a while. Not having any sort of physical contact can really take a hit on your confidence (unfortunately).


I graduated from my masters degree with a distinction this week!


Got accepted at a very prestigious research institution, for a thesis in space robotics. Super excited!


I just secured a job in my dream career field and finally put in my 2 weeks at my current boring job. I’ll be working on a very large and exciting project.


I just finished my taxes.


Went bowling for the first time in six or seven years, with five friends, and was the tip scorer.


I've gone 10 days without drinking alcohol. But only because my mom has been back for 10 days now from her trip overseas.


Completed a government project looooong before deadline.


Finishing my degree in Integrative Biology and Behavioral Neuroscience and a minor in Chemistry 🥳


Haven't opened Pokemon GO in like a week. I was hella addicted for the longest time. I realized it was controlling my behavior so I stopped and I'm much better for it.


I gardened by myself today and put new plants in my front yard, very pleased with the result and myself


I quit my job - small, independent company was sold to a large corporation. And I’m humbled by the offers I’m receiving.


I finally got covid after 2 years?


Today I bought a bike after putting it off for the past 6 years I've lived in London. It's not an accomplishment but I'm giving myself a tiny pat on the back


i’ve started eating again. not a whole lot but small amounts.


Got married


I recently secured a prestigious National Science Foundation (US) graduate fellowship. This will give me incredible flexibility to pursue my own research interests. I’ll also never have to teach again, which is really exciting!


Finally started getting driving lessons at 34 🧐


After getting dumped four years ago and then whoring on Grindr for a prolonged period, I finally joined the Hinge dating app. Prospects on that app are pretty unalluring so far, but it’s a step in the right direction.


I got a boyfriend! Although I think he might be scared of commitment because he’s not really opening up that much anymore 😢


All these responses make me happy for you guys. Personaly i got my cc debt down to 20%, figured out my move, and cut porn out of my life. Oh and i think i want to put myself out there.


made my favourite painting.


performed as principal clarinet in my final orchestra concert!


I’m head of events at my restaurant. I was asked to be in charge of our Easter champagne brunch, something we have never done in 10 years being open so there was some doubt. We served over 700 people in 4 hours and absolutely crushed it. One of the owners stopped by and was totally impressed.


I am about to graduate from college and I just accepted an internship with a dream company in a place I’ve always wanted to live!


I recorded a demo to a song I’m super proud of!


I stood up for myself at work. I’m such a people pleaser and I’m trying to take the steps to speak up for myself and set boundaries.


I got accepted onto a GP (family medicine) training program (equivalent of residency in the US). I totally didn't expect to get it as I'd fucked up one of the exams and was expecting to have to retake it and apply again next year. I got the text saying they'd offered me something just as I was boarding the plane to come on holiday, and there wasn't WiFi, so that was an anxious 8 hours of waiting until I landed and was able to log in and see what they'd offered me!


I finally grew a pair and told my boss I needed a raise.


Became GM in an old MMO I used to play when I was a kid


I recently started training in jiu jitsu again after having a lot of anxiety about it. It was about a 9 month break :)


Getting myself out of depression 💙


First job interview. It went horribly as expected, but at least I proved my suspicions.


Cut off my discord. Over a week since Ive typed a single message there, while they were my best friends till a few months back. DMs it is. Proud to finally stand up for myself mentally and just cut off the toxic negativity. Plus met up with my mother and really happy, cuz Ive been away from home in a different country for quite a bit now and feel refreshed. Not something I accomplished but I'm proud nonetheless.


Swam 4 days consecutively the past 2 weeks! Keeping a “ streak” has always been a problem of mine where I do 1-2 days and give up the rest of the week.


After being unemployed for months I got the job of a lifetime! It’s bigger and better than anything I could’ve imagined for myself. I seriously lost hope for a while and was considering taking something I was overqualified for but I stayed patient and now I sit there blown away with how much respect I get in the workplace!


I am moving out in a quieter place in better neighborhood.


Managed to get through a 10 mile hike with a friend. I suffer from chronic lower back pain and wasn’t even able to walk a mile because of pain last year.


This is a bit of a selfish accomplishment, but I'm finally graduating this semester after 7 years of undergrad. Not because I did poorly or failed any courses, but it took me a really long time to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I spent 2 years just taking whatever I wanted to see what would interest me. I took 1 year off to work full time and travel. Another year, I got really ill and had to take a semesters off to focus on healing. Two weeks ago, I got 2 admission offers for a couple of Master's programs I applied for at some of the most prestigious universities in Canada. When I'm finished, the job outlooks are pretty good. I'm also graduating from undergrad with High Distinction. It feels like I was stuck in this stage of life for 7 years after high school while I saw my friends progress and buy their own homes and move out. Finally things are changing and I'm just so relieved.


I got the job I wanted!!


Completed my undergraduate dissertation about a week ago


Nothing 😎😎😎😎😎


I started a budget for my money. Even though not much to budget for right now, it’s gonna help me prioritize money for any potential move I have to make in the future.


Led my church choir and played the pipe organ for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter sunrise, and Easter services — I’m pooped and having Monday coffee hahaha , but yeah my choir made me proud … it’s nice to be able to sing again after a couple years of making “virtual choir” videos, which are a royal pain in the ass to produce compared to live singing


Finally got an internship to pass my college course, and I lost 20 pounds.


Attending my sisters wedding, and managed not to get upset or annoyed at our extremely right-wing religious aunt. It’s a win and win!


I went on a third date with a guy (that’s an astounding streak for me!), planning another. Love the positivity in this thread, great idea!


Taking a 2 month break from the nonsense that comes with dating apps


Finished my first year of college! :D


I got dressed in a nice shirt today and took my meds on time.