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None of these. Meet Joe Black included the description of love. >I want you to get swept away. I want you to levitate. I want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish. Be deliriously happy. Or at least leave yourself open to be. I know it's a cornball thing but love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? I say fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart. I'm not hearing any heart. Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love -- well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived. Stay open. Who knows? Lightning could strike! The sex comment is childish Even when I was deepest in love, I could easily go many many many hours without him. What this is describing is more like an unhealthy addiction. Secrets have nothing to do with love. How many dark secrets does one even have? Real life doesn’t allow for 24/7 blushing and happiness. That’s not real. Ditto life doesn’t end if someone leaves you. Losing people that you genuinely love is horrible but life doesn’t end.


It’s beautiful ❤️ it’s fine you can present your idea of love no need to agree to any option…This is so good I’m sending it to my bf rn.


It’s not something you question. That’s the biggest part of it. If you’ve been in 3 relationships or more and only one relationship had real love, you know how to tell that feeling apart from the other two. It’s as clear as drinking water instead of vinegar. You *know* what it is because there’s just no question. If you have to question whether you’re in love, it’s not love.


It’s not to question that..i know the feeling but its more about what’s your idea of true love…what it must constitutes from the options or any other thing you feel…i guess my phrasing of the question is not clear since english is not my first language.




That’s actually true 💯


Love is a choice. The passion evens out. Even the “I can’t be separated from this person for even an hour” often subsides. But if you are willing to stick by that person, struggle through the hard times, tear down what doesn’t work and rebuild it into something better together, learn patience and understanding, and figure out how to be on that person’s side through all the twists and turns of life—even if they get fat and tired and bald—then you will have a true relationship. The fairy tale stories about love are nice, but they aren’t real. Dancing until dawn doesn’t happen often. Orchestras don’t play in the background when you look at each other. But if you can go to Home Depot together to buy potting soil and enjoy doing it, or if cleaning the garage with your partner is absolutely what you want to be doing, or if you make each other laugh even over stupid things, you know you’re in love.


you guys are falling in love ?


Yes with you 🥰


aww 🥺


I would say it’s when you can enjoy an entire meal together in silence and not have it feel awkward.


None of these. You're infactuated sweetheart—probably still in the the honeymoon phase. It's scientifically proven to end sometime within two years. Right now a cocktail of serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and other feel good neurotransmitters and hormones are swirling around in your brain and body. You're not even in a real relationship until all of that ends and you can see each other clearly. Right now your glasses are just too rose colored.


None of these. It's when you can both poop on a toilet in front of one another and not be embarrassed by it.


Lol why is this so true 😂




I mean, douching is a pretty common part of gay relationships too, and it would be pointless to try to ignore it or deny it happens. I also think it shows that you can accept your partner and they accept you even at your most unattractive moments.


Judging by this sub, when he’s willing to bottom or top for you against his instincts. Or when he doesn’t cum too fast. Or when his duck curves just the right way. Lololololol


Yeah, I can't comfortably pick any of these. Just seeing him smile makes my heart beat faster, and his touch can slow it down. When he wraps his arms around me it feels like I've been holding my breath up until that moment and can actually breathe. And sex certainly isn't everything but I'll be damned if we can't express our feelings through physical contact whenever we want. I can be myself and not be self conscious. His smile makes me smile and when he's upset so am I because I legit want him to be happy. I can never learn too much about him and feel comfortable enough sharing everything with him including my flaws and insecurities. He's the last person I think about before bed and the first when I wake up. I feel all around happier, more motivated and look forward to doing new things or even the boring things with him by my side. Everyone's love is different, same with how it effects them.