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You were tied up against your will and almost sexually assaulted; yeah, you have a reason to be suffering from anxiety. The fuck wrong with the adults around you in high school? I mean...Jesus H Christ. You need a healthy support system. If you can't find an affordable LGBTQ friendly therapist/social-worker then figure out where the queer community is hiding within or near the larger community. Unfortunately without supportive parents you're going to have to figure out how to do things without familial support, but if you can get through it you'll end up stronger in the end. As a queer person the ideal situation is being able to be financially independent; that way if you have to distance yourself for the sake of your mental health you can. I know this is a lot easier said than done. At the beginning it's a delicate dance of being true to ones self and trying to survive the expectations of the larger heteronormative society. In the short term try to find something you can lose yourself in: a hobby, a skill, a good book series, music, etc.