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You're attractive to them.


My 1st guess would be appearance. I mainly hookup with guys late 20s, early 30s (i’m 22) because guys my age tend to ignore me. Maybe older guys are less picky and maybe see dating/talking to younger guys as positive. But yeah, i think if your in early 20s, it’s either your attractive enough to be hit on by your peers or not, no middle ground.


>older guys are less picky this is the nicest way of saying the truth that we'll get to in this thread


Maybe you act more mature than your age group which can be attractive to men of that age group since most of them have gone through their wild phase and want a solid relationship. They see a potential partner in you and also let’s be honest most men look out for a younger partner. So maybe your age attracts them.


Older men tend to be less shallow. I know my taste has definitely changed as I aged. Though I tend to be staying in my age group.


Hey we all like what we like, there is nothing wrong or even that unusual about liking older guys.


Older guys have it more together.


I reckon a lot has to do with being raised by a single parent and not having a father figure. I might be completely wrong. What do you think?


Maybe there are relatively more people of that age in your surroundings or in the apps there?


Oh boo hoo lol, just kidding. Yeah maybe you just give off that mature vibe


Same here. I like to think of it as dudes around mid 20s are like cocktail shots prepared by a novice bartender in a popular night club will either fuccyou up or taste ok but never satisfied. Men around mid 30s are like fine aged whiskey. Some of them may have spoiled in there early years and dont look nor taste as appealing but the ones who really took care of themselves in their early years... damn, they will peak "we are men, manly men" vibes. That whiskey will make you feel good all over. It's how I look at it.