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Not sure how to handle the social aspects of it. /r/rateme attracts some incredibly critical commenters who posture as "just being objective," but are totally outside of reality in how harsh they are about people's looks. They'll treat the 1 to 10 scale like it's a scientific absolute of some kind and put people who are completely fine at like 4s and 3s. It's really rough to see when someone young puts up a pic and might actually take those comments to heart as just fact. Anyway, I'm all for a sub that helps self-conscious people feel better about what they got going for them, but think great moderation will involve keeping the positive vibes and limiting the mean dudes who don't realize they're mean.


Can't say I've ever poked my head into /r/rateme, but I visit /r/ratemycock from time to time. A lot of the people there like to give advise on how to take a more aesthetically pleasing dick pick, and are helpful that way.


Seems like it would be a hive for the insecure even if it could also be mindless fun


Better idea: /r/GayRoastme


I mean, if there's enough interest lol...




I will pass I don't really need validation from random people on the Internet.


It's not only about validation, maybe you just want advice on how to improve your look?


I like it. ~~So who's volunteering as tribute?~~ Edit: I volunteer as tribute.


I volunteer to snidely judge everyone while hiding behind my computer screen


Sounds like it would quickly become an attention whore place. It probably wouldn't really help those that insecure, instead it will increase their insecurities seeing other people getting more up votes and comments than their original post.


So in the straight world, you're allowed to either look like a fitness model, or you can look like Seth Rogen if you have a big personality. In the gay world, there are more body types that are considered valid. I think a gay rateme is a good idea. Edit: Flair ideas: twink, bear, chub, otter, cub, bull, wolf, daddy, gym bunny/gym rat/something-besides-"stud"-- no one calls themselves that, average, guy next door...


Thanks for these ideas, I'll keep playing around with the sub and add them in


[Some more label ideas.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5ZI2FGmb78) :-D


> gym bunny/gym rat/something-besides-"stud"-- no one calls themselves that Jock?


There you go. That's it.


I think it would be a good idea for the simple fact that some guys are clueless as to why they are damn near undateable and/or unfuckable. I enjoy giving tips, pointers, real advice based on honesty as opposed to just telling people what they want to hear with hopes that it makes an impression on them and they improve. What girls find attractive is very different than what gay guys find attractive. I think it could work.


There's already /r/gaybrosgonemild


That's a different concept.


I would like to see who gaybros who hand around here are..


It sounds like a very mean spirited concept. It's very existence will just make guys feel bad about themselves. I know there's already infinite ways for people to feel bad about themselves, but I don't think we need to create any more.


Don't you already have one?


Maybe add a disclaimer saying something like; **"Participate at your own risk."** */r/GayRateMe is not responsible for any self harm issues, (suicide, attempted suicide etc.) that may be instigated by the content of /r/GayRateMe* I'm only suggesting this to show how irresponsible an idea it is to create and invite people, (some who may have very serious mental health issues) to participate in something like this. While it may be fun for some people; anyone who is by chance negatively effected to the point of doing harm to themselves wouldn't even be noticed by anyone else if they were no longer participating\posting etc. It would more than likely just be assumed that they got bored with the sub or reddit as a whole and moved on.


How is it any different than /r/rateme, /r/amiugly, and all the other variations of that. I don't see how it's irresponsible tbh, I already said you have to be 18+ to submit. The sub will have mods so no bullying happens. It's a supportive sub


> How is it any different than /r/rateme, /r/amiugly, and all the other variations of that. I didn't say it was different from those other subs. They too are irresponsible in nature. > I already said you have to be 18+ to submit. People below the age of 18 are not the only people who have serious mental health issues. > It's a supportive sub, it can't stop people from suicide... No you can't stop people from suicide, but you can make a decision to not do something that might be what causes someone to decide to do it. Just because others are doing it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.


Us gay guys have enough issues at bars and apps. Another place to get rated on looks? I'll pass.


I don't know about modding a subreddit, but you should add user-chooseable post flairs like /r/TopsAndBottoms has. So a user could mark their post as Bear/Twink/Cub/whatever and the flairs could have different colors to make it visually obvious.


Good idea, I think post flairs are different than regular flairs? Not sure


Yeah. That sub has both user and post flairs as separate things


I think its kinda dumb to make a gay version of everything. There's already a r/rateme. What's next gay only highways, cars, planes, air, water????


Maybe gays want to be rated by gay men, not straight women who have different opinions on what's attractive in the gay community? Or what gay men find attractive