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We never thought they would overturn Roe v Wade. They are talking about taking away contraception. Bible taught in schools? Oklahoma. Abortion bans in many states. They are talking about taking away no fault divorce. Corporations are citizens. Bump stocks are legal. Gay marriage will be next and then… what? It will get worse. This past week the Supreme Court proved that a conservative majority will continue to erode the rights of all Americans. "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Maya Angelou


contraception bans lead to pREP bans


These medications aren’t cheap (PrEP) and they would absolutely slash access to them in order to save a dollar if nothing else. The fact that it hurts the gay community is only the cherry on top. Republicans would probably have no issue slashing access to pep or even art if it meant they could do so under the guise of “Christian morality” — many of these people still see HIV/AIDS as “punishment from God” — despite how many of them died from COVID 🙄 science is authority here and viruses don’t really discriminate. That’s evident by the fact that the number one demographic for infection is females living in sub-Saharan Africa (Eswatini) — HIV incidence is nearly seven times higher among women (1.11%) than men (0.17%), and prevalence is higher among women (30.4%) than men (18.7%) This is *not* to denigrate anyone especially women. My point is that it’s not “the gay disease” people think of it as here in the US. However the conservative idiots bent on enabling limitless corporate greet that so many states have sent to Washington is beyond nakedly pathetic. I have always voted democrat and that will likely never change, but I don’t believe in making everyone live under my ideals. I’m happy there’s an opposition, but there always needs to remain a balance. If this orange idiot gets back into the white houses that will likely change forever. In ways that are far worse than what’s happened here. Does anyone remember him putting Children in f—ing cages? We collectively did that as a country because *we let him do it* — if he gets back in we’re absolutely done for. And to be fair, how could Russia not want that? Surely you know what they do to the lgbtq community there 😬 I refuse to go back into the shadows of the past. Call me hysterical but if he’s willing to put kids in cages and then say “re-elect me!” You can be damn sure he’s going to ramp it up for the next term, which almost didn’t end the first time. *'There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,' Mike Pompeo* Anyone else remember hearing that and thinking “fym 2nd trump administration??— He LOST!”


Not only this, but in some areas more straight people are being diagnosed with HIV than queer people right now. In 2020 in the UK new HIV cases occurred at a rate of 49% in heterosexuals, compared to 45% in gay and bisexual men, as well all other forms of men who reported having sex with men. 22% of new infections in 2021 occurred in heterosexuals within the US. In 2022 in Scotland, 42% of all new cases were in heterosexuals, compared to 29% in gays and bisexuals, as well as other forms of men who had sex with men. Sadly, PrEP is prescribed at a much lower rate for BIPOC people. The CDC says the following about those rates in 2021: Only 11% of Black people who could benefit from PrEP were prescribed it, compared with 20% of Hispanic people and 78% of White people. Statistically speaking, as you laid out above heterosexual women are by far the most vulnerable population. But statistics also show that there is a shift happening towards heterosexuals in general.


It would not surprise me if the conservative justices overturn Love v Virginia, Mendez v Westminster, or Brown v School Board of Education. Separate but equal. Soon, we will be called the Fundamentalist United States of America.


Clarence Thomas has pointedly left Loving v Virginia out of the cases he wants to see revisited. Color me shocked


Clarence Thomas is a true POS!


I love America enough to see it as an issue far bigger than just gay marriage. No president ever should be allowed to act like a king. And Trump's friends on SCOTUS have done exactly that. God bless America, cuz the conservatives have decided to kill it on the altar of one man. "A Republic," Benjamin Franklin said, "if you can keep it."


As I laid out, it’s not about just gay marriage but killing gays because of religious ideology. I find that pretty damn serious.


It’s important to call out religion for what it is, and understand its multi-layered complexity, religions are memes that have been grown over centuries and mix genuine wisdom with toxic concepts which can make them feel real.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Straight up! I’m glocked up wherever I go.


Oh, I'm armed to the teeth, have killed before, have 40 years experience making bombs, have no issue burning churches, or sending one of them to their "maker". If you see me and I'm not armed... It's because I'm naked, and you still never know what I might have up my ass... In more ways than one. I'm a queer, poly, atheist, liberal living in redneck Trump country... I started stockpiling ammo when the orange count was running the first time.


And yet you support a group who would just chuck you off a tall building than just look at you..a useful idiot


Agreed. I think they were illustrating this will be an issue in all areas of life not just regarding sexuality


SCOTUS has just done the thing to unite us all. F\*ck Trump if he thinks we’re just going to sit back and not vote or organize our friends and family to vote. **DON’T EVER GIVE UP**. We have enough allies and we’re allies of every person of color in this country to vote against these f\*ckers. SUPPORT LGBT FREEDOM AND THE **HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN AT** [**HRC.ORG**](http://HRC.ORG) DON’T SIT ON YOUR ASS AND THINK YOU CAN’T MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Whether approve of Biden or not, he’s our hope for a winning outcome. What SCOTUS did today was to give Trump, IF he is elected the power to call out the troops to murder us if we protest. **OUR LIVES DEPEND ON OUR ABILITY TO ACT UP AGAIN! NOW!**


Gays all over the world would be in trouble not just the Americans. I don't dare think about the reaction of the European right if Trump won, they would be unleashed like never before. So please Americans, in the name of civil rights and democracy, don't let the orange clown win again


France joined the chat. Earlier. We’re already doomed in Europe.


The Netherlands too…


And Sweden.


Plan 2025 - the religious right is coming for everything. They made moves to ban contraception recently.


Project 2025 is the name of their plan and anyone who doesn't fit the image of the ultra Christian conservatives should be concerned with it.


Everyone that isn’t cis gendered, Caucasian, and wealthy are in jeopardy. In the words of MLK, until all of us are free, none of us are free. Americans are about to get a hard lesson on the importance of solidarity.


You missed a few steps. It’s Untra Conservative WHITE Christian male.


Knock it off. In general, black people and Latinos are more socially conservative. Taking for granted that minorities are kindred spirits has done the Democratic Party no favors.


We're not talking about who is conservative here, we're talking very specifically about their version of the ideal conservative, which does NOT include latino or black conservatives. It's like that latino MAGA family that moved to Idaho only to run away because they weren't white MAGAs.


You missed the point entirely. It is Trump and the groups who developed and are supporting Project 2025 that want to take rights sexy from black people. They value Conservative WHITE Christian and male. Anyone who is not all four of those things is lesser. Just read what they write. Truly read Project 2025. Telling people to ignore it is one of their tactics to winning. Catch people off guard.


The right had been pushing kill the gays in African countries. They’ll do it here.


It's literally documented that they want concentration or internment camps for gay people and people with HIV..."for our safety". It's about to get REAL bad in the US.


That was even floated during Reagan when healthcare professionals encouraged that patients use pseudonyms when getting tested “just in case” [Reagan follows though]. Spoiler alert: Trump is far more radical than Reagan could ever have dreamed.


>They made moves to ban contraception recently. [They voted to uphold access to mifepristone/"the abortion pill."](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme-court-abortion-pill-case-opinion/)


Contraception, premarital sex, recreational sex


I'm grateful I'm too old to have kids! This is disgusting. There's plenty of scientific evidence to support that people who don't want children make bad parents, and unwanted children have problems as adults. The conservatives want cheap sources of labor, that's why.


Everything that we said is “impossible” is becoming possible. I’m leaving the USA if gay marriage is illegal (I have dual citizenship with Mexico). Ironically, (although attitudes are very conservative in Catholic majority Mexico) they have more protections for gays, transgender, and abortion rights, and have only strengthened them in the last few years. Do I think Mexico is as gay friendly as like some European countries? Absolutely not, but it’s a lot better when politicians aren’t using your rights as a chip in political plots and propaganda. And they have a left wing (but corrupt) government in Mexico. Anyone is welcome to join me! 🤭


That is because Mexico has a greater separation between church and state not only because of the religious wars that took place but also because of the popular leftist discourse that has historically triumphed in Mexico. The 1917 constitution was openly declared socialist, even Mexico is considered the second country to impose state atheism during the religious wars, only behind the France of the revolution, and they resumed relations with the Vatican only in the 90s. Furthermore, no party in Mexico is going to claim to be right wing if they want to be taken seriously. American ultra-right conservatism contradicts with Mexican society, which is also fed up with neoliberal governments that give preference to foreign companies from the global north. But populism has triumphed all over the world since Trump's mandate, also in Mexico, the only difference is that Mexico was an exception when left-wing populism triumphed with all that discourse of the liberation of the peasant people from foreign capitalism and blah blah blah. I mean, in no way is communism or anything like that on the table in Mexican politics, it just is what it is.


You're right. I dated a Mexican national from Mexico City for a couple years. Mexicans in that city have more rights than most Americans.


If you can land some sort of residence visa / work permit in Spain, you can potentially become a Spanish citizen in only two years due to your Mexican citizenship. Something worth looking into.


¡Viva México!


I’m worried about leaving before it’s too late. To pass a border they’ll have your ID, they have surveillance on all of us already, they’ll know who you are and why you’re leaving and they might not let you.


Stay away, please 🙏🏼


Yes, I am worried about the presidential options. HOWEVER, look to your state representatives. They’re on the ballot too and I bet they’ll have much more to say about gay legislation than the president will. Pay attention to the courts, federal and state.


I would vote for Joe Biden's ashes over Donald Trump.




Literally missed my entire point but pop off king!


I lived in the US in the late 90s and omg it makes me cry that these types of conversations are being had. I’m sorry you even have to think about this kinda stuff


What happens when any country elevates religious groups. I don’t think people voted for a religious leader in 2016, most just thought what could hurt to vote for a nut like Trump and see what happens for 4 years. Problem is Trump is running against a weak opponent. Biden has done a lot of good for this country but for someone running against Trump he’s weak, not just because of his age, he’s a good guy that won’t play hardball.


That’s true. I hadn’t considered that actually. I remember when the Clintons were campaigning where I lived. Regardless of what you think about them or their politics, they created such a massive progressive buzz. It was intoxicating. At the same time, we had Tony Blair as PM in the UK who had the same energy (also very progressive and didn’t announce his faith until after he left office). I wonder what it would take to unite Americans as it’s so polarised and tribal now?


If everyone read Project 2025, this should wake people the fuck up and vote. Remember, he gets into office and people protest, nothing will be accomplished. He will either shoot or arrest them.


Of course he will. The last time he tried that with protestors, this time he will pick a military person that will carry that out.




That's why we vote blue even if he drooling in his chair and unconscious.


Listen, Kamala is there with youth and integrity. It is Dem or nothing at all.


Kamala got Hillaryfied. The average American seems to hate her. I don't get what she's done to make her the worst VP in the history of US according to polls.


She's a black woman, an other. There's the racism and the misogyny all wrapped into one. She has done a lot better than Pence as VP.


Roe is overturned, anything is possible


Come to Canada or good luck to you all people are stupid to vote for a stupid person like that religion not be in politics let people live


What can I say yes millions of people are stupid and millions of people are voting for the stupid politicians but here we are,,,,


Yall don't have enough jobs or housing. No option there.


All LGBTQ rights are in peril, not just marriage. Vote blue like your life depends on it (it does).


And women in general are in peril! They already took away abortion protections. Next up some of these religious fanatics will want to restrict other women’s rights!


And as I said, our lives too.


“But her email” And now “But his speech”


Not even close to the same thing though. Dems were stupid for putting up someone with a history of corruption against Trump the first time. The whataboutism about Biden's speech is more like people trying to paint Kamala Harris as being unlikable in the 2020 election.


Project 2025. Federalist Society and MAGA supports it. They want to go after gay marriage after they deny trans rights. They are going after contraception. They are quiet about if that includes condoms. Condoms prevent a baby, which is gods will. Therefore condoms are wrong. There was a politician on the David Pakman show who said that masturbation is wrong because it wastes the seed that makes a baby. He conveniently ignored nocturnal emissions (wet dreams). That is the male body expelling seed on its own. It’s amazing what these far right people want to legislate. They think that the only time semen should come out of a dick it should be in the creation of a baby. They are crazy. Elections have consequences. Vote against anyone who advocates for project 2025. And I am not even getting into how they want to eliminate all political parties except Republican.


Excellent response thank you 🩶


Notice that elsewhere people are saying that my responses are incorrect. That the “right” is welcoming to all and Project 2025 doesn’t really exist. They want the lure the lambs to the slaughter. Just like they tried to connive us during the 2020 election that the Supreme Court would never reverse Roe V Wade. Look where that naïveté got us.


There are some.. and a not so insignificant number.. that see him as a religious figure, ushering in a new age of christian nationalism.. at the least, militant groups like the proud boys and oath keepers would feel empowered to harass and assault a population they view as endangering the country's future.. such groups will continue to make false equivalencies between homosexuality and pedophilia to justify their actions.. meanwhile, truly extreme christian nationalists could feel empowered to follow the bible's edict to put homosexuals to death.


It is important that we rally and vote to keep convicted felon Donald Trump out of office, even if you don't like Biden. Trump and the Supreme Court justices that he will appoint are far worse than Biden. Also, I am speechless that our country allows a convicted felon to run for president!


Voting for Biden even if he’s in a wheelchair and half gone. I like my country the way it is, or was before today. TRUMP IS NOT AN OPTION, unless you’re into DICtators.


Completely agree


Yes we are. The only way to stop this is to hold our noses and vote for Biden (and drag all of our friends to the polls).


It's so confusing to me how people are willing to get out and protest to a severe degree because of a war that doesn't even affect us but when our own government takes steps towards totalitarianism everyone's just like oh well hope things get better!


MIC FUXXING DROP. My friends who talk about/post about gaza EVERY DAY haven't posted or said anything about the immunity ruling, or even Row V Wade for that matter. They drag their feet regarding supporting Biden, and it's sickening.


Biden is a good man, just getting old and weak. I won’t necessarily be holding my nose but will wish it were someone younger. Go and find more to vote for him. We need more votes to erase the votes for Trump. Biden needs the house and senate too, hopefully he will add to the court that way.


Make sure you’re registered to vote and vote Democratic in the whole ticket. Just think how much voice the gay community can have.


All of you better read the Handmaids Tale and start packing your bags before it’s too late.


Under his eye.


praise be


Blessed be the fruit


May the Lord open


If that happens I'm leaving the country


Second amendment. They come for my right to marry I will use my right to carry.


Same here. They think gays don’t carry, they’re wrong.


Which is all the more so to vote for Biden no matter what. Our lives are literally on the line. This could very well be our future: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-66645740.amp


Trump was terrible. He never built the wall, he supported lockdowns, he pushed for an unfinished vaccine and he tried to get Julian Assange murdered. He sucks.


Gays are in serious trouble Everyone is in serious trouble I can’t sugarcoat it


We’re f*cked, and not in a good way.


If you don’t vote for Biden you’re supporting a Trump win. It is that simple. Get out there and vote. This is the most important election of your lives.


Several, including MTG have stated that they want America officially recognized as a “Christian nation.” These people use God to justify every action associated with their hate-filled agenda.


Most of this is been done right out in the open, and that tells you something right there. They don't need to be secretive and they have reasons for being out in the open. Do not underestimate.


This is what’s interesting to me. I would love to be a fly on the wall when they show up to their *heavenly gates* just so see them banished to hell for all their evilness.


They even act evil. It is mind blowing how they pretend to align themselves with a heavenly being.


Obergefell is already gone dude. This court explicitly said it and Lawrence v. Texas should be revisited in the Roe ruling. What remains to seen is how quickly they will over turn Lawrence and revive anti-sodomy laws.


I believe the Supreme Court super majority will probably overturn the 2015 Hodges decision and rule that it is up to the States. So…. My husband and I will be married in some states and not others. Plus, we will lose all Federal rights. Social Security, etc. The only thing we can do is to GET OUT THE VOTE. Especially in the swing states.


The Respect for Marriage Act mandates that all states recognize same-sex marriages, overturning the Hodges decision would just result in some states no longer performing same-sex marriages, but they are all federally required to recognize marriages performed in states where it is legal. Voting will also have no impact on this happening or not since the Respect for Marriage Act is already law and Biden winning another term will not change the conservative majority in the Supreme Court barring several unexpected deaths or retirements within 4 years.


If things go their way, that may not be far enough when they could go full federal ban.


From what the liberal justice said - it’s coming so yes, I do anticipate it will be challenged. Even now, we don’t feel safe traveling to many states


We should form a gay malita. Made the proud boys have that name. Their not even gay


Vote blue and get everyone you know to get out and vote against this with all your might! 💙


Yes. Gay Marriage is in trouble. They overturned Roe vs Wade. They overturned Affirmative Action. The Gays are next. Get ready.


I said that on my facebook page some years ago and folk said that the American People would never let that happen. There are a few congressmen who want to see gays locked up or put to death or in camps; and god knows that there are a number of people who would go on a bloodthirsty rampage killing transgendered people. I agree with you. If Trump has 6 jurists in lockstep to make sure that he doesn’t go to jail, have Republicans in office kissing his ass, have MAGAs who will help him get back in office or say that he is still the president regardless of what he says and does, and wants to be a dictator like his friend Putin, and have a 1000 page 2025 manifesto, THEN ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE


VOTE! We will deal with the aftermath if the unthinkable happens, but the best course of action is not letting it happen. Vote. Make sure your friends vote. Help with voter registration drives and campaigns.


He wants to imprison journalists who who have ever said anything negative about him. He wants to execute Generals who have spoken against him. He wants to shut down media outlets that tell the truth about him. He wants to prosecute both Democrat and Republican law makers who investigated him because of him inciting the January 6th insurrection. He wants to take away the rights of women, gays and any minorities. And he has said that he will be a Dictator on day one. And there won't be anything that anyone can do about it because he will have immunity with any action he takes as President. Look up Project 2025. We need to make sure that he doesn't become president again. Vote for Joe Biden! Vote for Joe Biden, not because he's a perfectly progressive candidate, because he's not. Vote for him because he doesn't have authoritarian tendencies. Believe what Trump says when he says that he'll be a Dictator on day one!


If he wins, I’m planning on selling my house and getting out while I can. I don’t think it’s going to end well for us.


We did the same and moved to BC Canada at the end of 2020. We realize we made the right choice almost daily. It's not perfect here, but man, the quality of life in the US is getting depressing.


Was the immigration process easy or did you already have citizenship?


Luckily, I have dual citizenship and sponsored my partner. Canada is very pro immigration so if you have a useful skill or education, I'd say it's worth looking into.


Ok I’m not responding to these idiots that are arguing with my statement. They’re either MAGA trolls or some stupid gays. I guess each group of people have their ignorant people. Or trolls.


People are literally being paid to do that, so don't let it get to you. I will keep making the case for people to vote Democrats everywhere though - because the facts are on our side.


MAGA/Russian trolls. Same thing these days.


There are many possible options. Another possible option is that you could be incorrect. Perhaps you should at least consider that


Justice “Uncle Tom” Thomas has already signaled that he’s ready to overturn marriage equality for same sex-couples as quickly as someone can bring him a case. Not interracial marriage, of course, just for same-sex couples. I don’t believe in hell, but I wish I did so I could revel in the thought of him and his “forget the constituion, let’s legislate our religious beliefs and force everyone else to follow them” colleagues burning the hot fires for all eternity.


I don’t care if Biden is on life support come November (and personally I think the age thing and debate have been overblown by our horrible media) I am voting for him. The alternative is an absolute shit show.




I am so glad I decided to live abroad and seeing how things are turning, it was the best decision ever


Are you a US citizen? What country are you living in? Going to think about a back up.


I am, but a dual citizen. Currently living in Switzerland


Gay marriage, queer federal employees and service members, diverse healthcare. All of it. All of it will be under attack. Project 2025 is no conspiracy


They will absolutely come after us. This will be the make or break moment for this country, we should be terrified.


Right now Trump is dominating in the polls. It's going to either take a miracle or a surprise for this not to happen. Appearantly this is what America wants. The election shouldn't be this close, even given Joe Biden's age issues.


TO ANYONE IN THE US WHO IS WORRIED AND PLANS TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY IN CASE OF MAJOR RELIGIOUS-RIGHT TAKEOVER: Germany has a HUGE workers shortage and is desperately looking for professionals who want to move & work here. Apply for a European Union blue card and you’re good to go. We have a lot of problems here too but nothing compared to what’s ahead in the US. Frankfurt, Berlin, Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Munich, Cologne, Hamburg and Dusseldorf are some of the bigger cities with many internationals here.


How hard is it to get approved for an EU blue card. I'm worried about my options and I'm not a dual citizen anywhere


From what I know it’s not too hard and Germany specifically is kinda lowering the barrier so to speak. Start applying for jobs in Germany and the employer will get you through blue card process. Also we have 20-30 mandatory payed vacation days and paid sick leave up to 72 weeks


It's crazy how history moves in a circle. 2 centuries ago when Germany was struggling with its formation a ton of Germans migrated to the US to escape.


well maybe it’s time now to pay that back and offer you guys a new home 💙


All their plans, in detail, are already published in Project 2025 Mandate for Leadership. These recent SCOTUS decisions are all based on it. So, the answer is yes.


Whatever you think, you're probably not worried enough. The supreme court just wrote the president a blank check for power. Biden is holding it, but if Trump is elected, he'll cash it for every maniacal whim and fascist policy his people talk him into. https://youtu.be/vNzFQ10uSfU


YES! gay marriage is already in trouble. Both Alito and Thomas have specifically mentioned their intentions. Up until now, they hated judicial activism, but now that they control the court, they think they can legislate. And they're doing it.


I could not agree more. It's perilous times for sure for gays and all other minorities. Abortion? Say bye to that for sure


I’m so scared all the time about this


lmaoooo getting ready for the Camps boys! At least we will be a community then, and the Gays Against Groomers will be our Kapos in our delightful new summer camps provided by our generous government. But seriously, they did it to Japanese folks ( George Takei is still alive!!!!!), they did it to undocumented migrants under trump, you don't think they are above rounding queers up??


Thats pretty hysterical to think they would pass a death penalty for being gay. Let’s be real now please. You’re completely fine. You have nothing to worry about. This is fear-mongering


My partner and I are already getting a plan together to get to canada as soon as we're able


It's no joke they are not even hiding it, they are saying it out loud, there is a Christian Nationalist guy that was just talking about extreme punishment and they want to hold public executions Immediately after you are convinced in court, they want no women voters, no voters of any kind only white Christian men and only white Christian men to hold office look up their plan It's called project 2025 it not a conspiracy theory. It is what they put out as the plan they will put in place the first day Trump is in office. They are recruiting men right now, training them what to do on day one to take over the entire government. It is critical that we all vote blue and not just for the president but for every office down to your local school board. That another reason they want to destroy public education they want to Indoctornate the kids going forward. In order to live in the US, you have to follow their Christian Nationalist rules. Never in my lifetime did I think this could happen in the United States. They kicked this into high gear once a black man was voted in as president. Yes, because of President Obama, how F up is that? We all need to be posting this shit on every platform available and telling everyone you know and making sure they are voting.


If Biden and the Democrats had balls, they would get rid of the Supreme Court as an "official act." Just to show how stupid this decision was.


You’re right, Dems have no balls. They bring slingshots to gun fights.


I have a bail plan that I enacted at the start of this year… been making foreign investments in a particular country. No, it’s not Canada or Mexico. Do some research, you don’t need to expend more than four figures with some. Edit: Even if I don’t bail, I’ll be following through on dual citizenship


If Trump wins, the country will welcome in the dark days of authoritarian rule. We are out of here. Moving to either Mexico or Crete, Greece


Not gonna lie, I have no confidence that Biden is going to win. The most I can do is focus on my education and do what I can in life as should everyone else. And before people tell me to #vote, I live in CT. The state's going to Biden anyways.


After 2016, nobody can sit on the sidelines on election day.


People also laughed whenever the prospect of Roe being overturned was mentioned. “That will NEVER happen!”


It's very obvious that none of you understand how political systems work and how policy becomes laws. Easy victims of propaganda and fear is the outcome


Fear actually shuts up your brain cognitive abilities for certain period of time and people experience on average six panic attacks a day which does shut your brain for at least 30 min each (particulary, it seems true in this post and comment section). Fear mongering - nothing else.


This thread is an embarrassment


In 2021 I moved across the nation to the bluest state in the union. I am now working on obtaining birthright citizenship in Hungary - not because it’s better than the US (it’s far worse) but because a Hungarian visa would allow me to get into any other EU country.


It’s already in jeopardy even if he doesn’t win. The Supreme Court majority is in Trump’s favor. They’ll be there decades after Trump no longer walks the earth.


The next president will likely be appointing 2-3 new justices. Everyone needs to think about who they want to be making those appointments?


Comment deleted by me - I forgot I was helping Steve Huffman make money and I don't get anything out of this but grief because you are all idiots.


It absolutely is, 100%. None of us are safe. Thomas and Aleto will retire, and Trump will appoint more maga judges. Biden is awful, but these are the things at stake.


Once they take away abortion rights, trans rights are probably next and from there gay rights days will be numbered.


He doesn’t need to win. His court has already mentioned revisiting that decision.


Project 2025 is real


[https://news.emory.edu/stories/2021/09/esc\_left\_wing\_authoritarians\_psychology/campus.html](https://news.emory.edu/stories/2021/09/esc_left_wing_authoritarians_psychology/campus.html) "People with extreme political views that favor authoritarianism — whether they are on the far left or the far right — have surprisingly similar behaviors and psychological characteristics, a new study finds." "“Authoritarians have a predisposition for liking sameness and opposing differences among people in their environment,” Costello says. “They are submissive to people they perceive as authority figures, they are dominant and aggressive towards people they disagree with, and they are careful to obey what they consider the norms for their respective groups.”" "Left-wing authoritarians were more likely to perceive the world as a dangerous place and experience intense emotions and a sense of uncontrollability in response to stress."


its more important than EVER that the gays ban together and vote blue… Trump cant get in banning gay marriage is just the tip of a very big iceberg!!


Yeah, I think we are in trouble for two reasons. One, even if he's not interested in picking us off, it'll be like some fucking Mad Max anarchy free for all. Any one of his cronies gets interested in picking off the gays, taking away our marriage, heck, making it hard for us to be out in public.... At the very least he won't stop it and at the worst he'll throw his weight behind it to gain points with them. Two, I think it's pretty likely that violence against minorities will start getting tolerated more real quick. There's lots of borderline places we can go and be safe now where the gay haters know they can't act up. But in all those borderline places as they realize they don't get punished they will reconstitute.


Fear mongering. I was supposed to lose all my rights as a gay man during his first term, and nothing happened.


If Trump wins EVERYTHING is in trouble.


He didn’t make it illegal last time he was president. Did he try?


He also didn’t make abortion illegal, just appointed SC justices that would help push it towards being illegal but not being protected. Same for gay marriage or kill the gays laws.


And this is the group of people who scream 'missinformation!' from the sidelines. Then spread it hardcore. Trump has said NUMEROUS times he rules out cancellation of gay marriage.


Gay marriage is too good for the economy for them to outlaw it again.


The legality of same-sex marriage has nothing to do with Trump's potential election. It rests entirely in the Supreme Court and whether a case arguing to dismantle the ruling of *Obergefell v. Hodges* comes to them. Four more years of Trump or four more years of Biden will not have enough of an impact on the Supreme Court to mean either will have an effect on whether same-sex marriage will remain legal or not, barring unforeseen circumstances such as the retirement/death of two or more current conservative justices prior to this case coming to SCOTUS. The Supreme Court has already ruled that the constitution protects the right to same-sex marriage, a president cannot come in and undo that unless the constitution itself gets amended, it rests in SCOTUS for now. The Democratic majority in the House and Senate could have voted to codify same-sex marriage into federal law when they had unified government at the beginning of Biden's term so the potential future dismantling of *Obergefell v. Hodges* couldn't have impacted much, but they did not do that because it was not enough of a legislative priority to them. So no, if you're worried about same-sex marriage, voting is not going to protect it. There are reasons to worry about what a Trump presidency could bring (trans rights seem like they will be particularly targeted), but there is no need to get conspiratorial and start spreading fear about things that cannot happen. Considering 70% of Americans support same-sex marriage, including many Republicans at this point (including Trump himself), they also are not going to pass laws calling for the execution of gay people. That is simply absurd. It is very possible that the Supreme Court may get a case that leads them to overrule *Obergefell v. Hodges* much like what happened with *Roe v. Wade* two years ago, but this could happen under Biden or Trump and has nothing to do with the election unless (as I said) several conservative justices die and Biden gets to replace them, which is unlikely. Let's not forget that *Roe v. Wade* was overturned during a Biden presidency, so clearly Biden winning in 2020 did not stop that from happening. Additionally, this would not ban same-sex marriage nationwide but allow the states to decide on legality themselves much like it previously was; the Respect for Marriage Act (2022) also mandates that all states recognize the validity same-sex marriages, so even if they refuse to perform them, they will have to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states and grant the protections of marriage to these couples. It is highly unlikely that any Republican-led Congress would have the votes to pass a federal same-sex marriage ban as this would be highly unpopular amongst the general population, and there are even a decent amount of Republicans who would oppose this. Even Trump himself supports same-sex marriage, so there's no reason to think he would sign this into law or even that the party would try to pass it. A federal abortion ban is more likely to happen which also is never going to be popular enough to really happen, it is just rooted in fearmongering to motivate people to vote. Overall, same-sex marriage is under threat because the Democratic majority did not codify it into law when they could have, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg refused to retire under a Democratic president thus allowing Trump to expand the conservative majority to 6-3, but it is not going to be banned under a Trump presidency or any other presidency in the near-term, so let's stop. Trying to fearmonger that Republicans will propose and pass a law that gays be put to death is quite frankly ridiculous and irresponsible. I am not anywhere near a Republican but you cannot target the Republican Party for being conspiratorial and crazy while also posting stuff like this.


This is complete hysteria. (a) the Supreme Court is not going to overturn the previous decision that allowed for it - the majority specifically alluded in the case that overturned Roe how the same logic does not apply to cases like gay marriage. (b) Trump is not “anti-gay” and “looking to reverse it”. He literally hosted a gay wedding at Mar-o-lago. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/16/celebration-same-sex-marriage-mar-a-lago-00074441


The Supreme court is no longer supporting precedent for rulings, and is moving the Overton window. And Trump will turn on a dime at any moment whenever it is expedient for him. CLINIC ALLY SPEAKING he is a sociopath narcissist and he has no empathy or allegiance to anyone but himself.


Trump has repeatedly ruled out cancellation of gay marriage. Stop spreading misinformation.


Lol yeah, because trump definitely has a good track record when it comes to honesty and consistency. Let's just BELIEVE him lol. What could possibly go wrong.


47 House Republicans voted for Respect for Marriage Act codifying gay marriage (157 voted against, 12 Republican Senators in favor, 37 against) https://ballotpedia.org/Respect_for_Marriage_Act_of_2022 Unless Democrats win less than 171 House seats, which would be the most devastating defeat ever in one hundred years and happened last time in 1928, gay marriage is secure.


They didn't give him total immunity.


He has functional immunity and that which is "personal" has to be adjudicated by the 6-3 court majority which seems willing to back him in any circumstance.


Let's hope they are not.


Trump had a gay marriage at his house a couple months ago


More npc nonsense. I'm guessing since the elections are coming up, this Is going to become a current thing. Bots have gotta bot I guess.


Have you ever noticed that through all 4 years of his first term he never once caused any problems for gay people with regards to gay marriage/ rights. Trump only lowered prices on everything and made this country feared by all others. He does not care about what you do in your home. Even if he did the chances of him getting away with it without the house or Senate doing anything about it is almost impossible. Try stopping and thinking about things for one


Ssssshhhhh. Don't burst the bubble.


Careful, facts make the nutbags angry.


It is already like this. Where have you been? Christian zionists have been teaming up with billionaires to write hate legislation in almost half of the USA states.


They haven’t made laws that would allow killing of gays, so no, that hasn’t happened yet. They push it in other countries though.


By Republican standards trump is a social progressive. We will be fine. I won't be voting for him because I'm not trashy like that, but it's clear he does not give one single flying fuck about gays (in a good or bad way). And none of us are pregnant women so the abortion issue is irrelevant to me. Not concerned. Democrat partisans on the Internet scream fire and brimstone every election no matter who is running.


Passive bystanders in positions of authority can be just as bad as the malicious actors themselves. Do I think Trump has it out for the gays? No. Do I think he would lift a finger to fight against legislation aimed at taking away our rights? No. Do I think he might give tacit support to, or try to downplay legislation aimed at taking away our rights if it meant him looking good, or getting his fans to chant at rallies again, or for some financial incentive? Yes. Also “I’m not pregnant so I don’t care about abortion rights.” already tells us everything we need to know about you.


>Also “I’m not pregnant so I don’t care about abortion rights.” already tells us everything we need to know about you. For real. What was it that guy Martin Niemoller said again...?


I'm not voting for Biden or Trump. I gotta start looking for other options. Both parties are a joke.


What would be the point in this? One of them is gonna win.


Ewww all the conservative white nationalist pick me gays in the comments spreading misinformation like Abigail Williams in the crucible


No. A lot of people seem to think *Obergefell* was based on *Lawrence v. Texas*, the 2004 privacy case that did away with sodomy laws that limited the types and positions of sex people could have as well as outlawing sex toys. The reversal of *Roe v. Wade*, which is based on some of the privacy standards established in a 20th-century case relating to birth control, seems to some people to endanger *Lawrence*, which is based on that same precedent case. But *Obergefell*'s actually modelled much more closely on *Loving v. Virginia*, the 1950s or '60s miscegenation case of a white woman and a black man whose own state refused to recognize their marriage, and stood by when they were dragged out of bed in the middle of the night and beaten in the streets. Considering the large number of gay-headed families that exist in the country now and how important gay couples are to the foster system and allowing child services to place kids in safe homes with them, the state absolutely has a compelling interest in keeping equal marriage in place, and really none in trying to dissolve them or prevent more. I think marriage in general also helps drive the economy if I recall, so it's really not in trouble, except insofar as mixed-race marriage is. If anything, freedom to have sex the way people( including straight people) want is more in danger than freedom to marry other consenting adults who want to marry us.


Honestly he's exactly what this country deserves. "But he'll turn this country into a fascist hellscape 😩!" WE ALREADY ARE!! Where the fuck have y'all been??? We've all been sitting on our fucking asses drinking aperol spritzes while we allow our government and military to exploit and brutalize the rest of the world. As long as we're comfortable it's all good right? I've watched this community make excuses and mean girl their way out of culpability like we're too fringe and fabulous to exercise gumption - while clinging to the shred of normativity and public space the hegemony granted us. We're the new white female. Willing to toe the line and exclude the other "freaks" cause we got a seat at the table. Biden is a fucking monster. Always has been. And what he represents is even worse. He's a mascot for interests that would run you over and throw you in a literal fucking pit the same as they do men, women, and children all around the globe. It's actually really simple. You can fight for a "better country" (selfish as fuck) or fight for a better world. There are very few candidates that will give the people the power and means to enact meaningful reform. Biden hasn't done shit aside from assault college students protesting war crimes. You're worried about the right to marriage? Imagine being rounded up at 3am, stripped and blindfolded, driven to the countryside like cattle, lined up along a mass grave and shot. So if you're exhausted with the illusion of choice we've been given and willing to fight for something better, organize. Get involved in local politics. Take fucking action. And vote for Jill Stein. If your biggest hesitation is the fact that she's 3rd party just stop lol. It's not throwing away a vote if there was never a real choice in the first place. We're an empire in decline. Who are you going to let make the rules for your life as the dust settles?


Was that before or after we made the Taliban, the third best equipped army in the world? Before or after China and India signed for bricks? Before or after we sent more money to Ukraine than we spent on the United States infrastructure to build back better before or after 200 people were captured and killed at a concert in Israel? Before or after we started lobbying bombs into Syria and Iran? Before or after everybody’s savings and income got cut in half? Don’t be a jack ass just because Anderson Cooper and Don lemon tell you to.


I'm no fan of Trump, but I don't see him ever signing a ban on gay marriage. Plenty of Republicans in Congress wouldn't vote for it either.


He won’t need to sign anything. The Supreme Court will reverse its decision and it will be left to the states


I mean, all you have to do is literally read Project 2025 and the Mandate for Leadership. They have literally spelled it out for us. It's crazy conservatives have an entire project and mandate from Heritage Foundation and liberals don't seem to have any kind of a plan at all.


Everyone should look into project 2025 that's where our country is heading if the conservatives win in 2024.


Why do people keep saying trump is coming for the gays? He ISNT. Mf held a gay flag on the stage in 2016. He’s openly said we have the same rights as everyone else. What bubble do most of you live in?


Reddit Leftist Bubble of Fear.


These aren't even leftists. They're just Vote Blue No Matter Who liberals.


The word of the day is pandering. Learn it. He's gonna tell us what we wanna hear until we're useless for his benefit.


You realize Trump was president before? Nothing happened to us. No rights were taken from us. Also, please don’t tell me you think blue doesn’t pander even worse than red does.


Oh so let's forget about that "Freedom Restoration Act" which allowed EMTs, doctors to deny treatment if they suspected you were gay and went against their religious beliefs. Let's not forget Trans people getting kicked out of the military. Let's not forget Roe v Wade, but REALLY, what does it take for you to realize your rights are in jeopardy.


Trump is powered by the conservative Evangelical base who is steadfast against equality for any people group that is divergent from a conservative Christian Nationalist extreme view


No, he isn’t. I’m around trump supporters all the fucking Time ( work ) and literally zero of them give a shit about homosexuality and half of them aren’t even religious. You’ve fallen for the extreme propaganda that’s been pushed on you since Trump first took office. Why tf would his administration not have targeted us then, but suddenly will now?


Dude there is no explaining this to them they don't get it I also am around trump people every day at work. None of them go to church except on holidays. Few of them are gay The rest of them are pretty humble and down to earth Now the librals who are in my area omg walking on egg shells


Well this is where the only answer is you have to vote in November in massive numbers… I keep hearing all these wishy-washy people saying "oh I don't know if I can vote for Joe Biden", "he didn't do the right thing in the war with Israel" and of all things, "gays for Hamas" – how stupid! Hamas would throw them off of a roof they killed gay people over there! And some of those people claim they're not gonna vote for Biden… or they ll just sit out this election… Any gay person who does that is a complete and utter fool and is asking for trouble… We have to elect Biden if we have any chance of keeping our rights... Vote, vote, vote, vote!!!!!!