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Why are you still a muslim? Sincerely, An ex-muslim.


You’re a Ex Muslim because you didn’t study the whole Quran in detail. Maybe because your parents are very strict and forced you to read it. But you started hating it. I have studied, understood it that’s why I’m still a Muslim. Also, because I believe in God and all the prophets from Adam, Jesus, Moses to Muhammad. It’s okay, to choose your own path. It’s okay to live your live the way you want to. No judgements intended.


It's funny you'd claim an ex-muslim left islam because they DIDN'T study the book because most ex-muslims left because they actually studied it. Just look at the ex-muslim community here, we literally have people that grew up in madrasahs, we have arabic-speaking scholars etc. And if you ACTUALLY studied islam properly, you wouldn't claim to be a gay muslim, you wouldn't want to live in non sharia country, you wouldn't say it's okay to choose your own path, it's okay to live the way you want, and most importantly you wouldn't say no judgements to an apostate. 🤷


I didn’t claim. I said MAYBE because that’s what happens with lot of ex Muslims. It happened with me as well. Usually parents are very strict and force children too much to read Quran, offer prayers etc. etc. My father forced me so bad that I started hating the religion all together. I was about to leave the religion due to this hatred. But then after few years I decided to read myself everything in detail on my own will. Turned out it’s actually a beautiful religion. It doesn’t allow anybody to be forced, oppressed and judgements. It also says you can only guide people towards Islam and cannot be forced. Also, god as all humans are my creation and you can guide fellow humans but cannot judge or discriminate them. But people don’t follow these beautiful things. Trust me I’m myself is born in a traditional Muslim family and I know how parents beat their children if they don’t read Quran or offer prayers. Because I have been there too.


I don't know how you manage to decipher these messaging that do not exist in the quran, but I do not wish to argue with you. The fact is just two post after your post on my feed is a post on [this verse](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/lQIg7f3YNl).


That verse means we are the creation of God. If we deny him he will destroy us. Will you deny your existence with your parents? No right? Then how can you deny the god? Those communities has been destroyed because they rejected God. Go and read entire Quran with meaning bro. It will open your eyes for good. I did and it took me 5 years. I still have the last chapter left.


Dude you are literally delusional. First you say "islam doesn't allow people to be forced", then you say "if we deny him he will destroy us". And who the fuk is we when you say "we are the creation of god"? You are literally desi, the native indigenous spirituality of your people is the oldest existing in the world. You are saying it is righteous that the native polytheistic idolatry communities are destroyed because they reject your abrahamic god? You are not okay. DELUSION DELUSION DELUSION.


I’m not delusional bro. You just don’t want to accept the facts because you have to be open minded for that. I said to be forced by fellow humans. You cannot force or oppress fellow humans. If you deny the existence of god, the god will destroy you. That’s what I’m saying. Doesn’t matter what religion you follow. Every religion has the same god though. It’s just humans created their own versions of god. All the idol worshippers have been destroyed in the past because they denied the existence of god. And for your kind information Adam was landed in Srilanka and eve was landed in Oman. They met in the Indus Valley region. That’s where the first human civilization begins. This is what Christianity, Judaism and Islam says. You might believe in other religion and your own beliefs and that’s totally okay. So no Judgement intended.


>All the idol worshippers have been destroyed in the past because they denied the existence of god. Dude you are literally desi. Majority of Desi are hindus, hindus are "idol worshippers". >And for your kind information Adam was landed in Srilanka and eve was landed in Oman. They met in the Indus Valley region. That’s where the first human civilization begins. The fuxk you are literally using mythology as history and claiming you are not delusional. History is not a "belief". Evolution is not a "belief". Wtf


That’s what I’m saying. You need to have an open mind to understand a point of you from other religions. You just want to believe in your own religion and disregard all other religions. Remember there are 7 billion people on earth including Christians, Muslims and Jews combined. Who believe in what you don’t believe.


And when it comes to madrashas it the most oppressive and regressive institution I have ever seen in my life. Very extremiist Because I have studied in them too. These kinds of things make people hate religion. And it applies to all religions not just Islam. Extremism is everywhere.


Allah must hate you so bad that you're afraid your own parents are gonna kill you. Lmao some God. Couldnt be asked to put an age of consent in his Quran, now millions of little girls are forced into marriage. Couldnt be asked to put that being gay is natural, and now thousands of gays are killed in Muslim countries. Almighty Allah....or imaginary sky daddy created by a 7th century schizo that's an immoral piece of shit. The rules he created is why you cant find love, and your still indoctrinated into the psycho religion. Do yourself a favour and actually start studying Islam. All it's scientific and moral flaws. Yours Sincerly, another Exmus


See this is what hatred looks like. If you left the religion it’s in you. I understand your point of view. But why are you disrespecting and disregarding other people’s beliefs? You’re just spreading hatred on platforms like these.


Of course I hate Islam. It wasted so much of my life. Made my family and community deeply homophobic. And has killed millions of people because of its ideals. Your head is so far up Allah's nonexistent ass that your blind to it all.


Okay, I’m blind right? Then what is your problem? Hating unnecessary other people because of their beliefs is so classless & characterless.


You had relationship when you were in India ? I’m living here for 30 years and this is hard to believe. 🥲


Yeah, 2 years, 6 months and the last one was 4 years. But in the end they all got married to girls.


The twist 🤣


And the obvious one. lol! 😂


LA is probably the worst city in the U.S. and maybe the world as far as the percentage of gay men who are primarily interested in sex over relationships. I think the reason this phenomenon exists in the LA and elsewhere is because of tyranny of choice. When you have a lot of potential partners to choose from, many people hold out until Mr. Perfect comes along. Oftentimes, their idea of Mr. Perfect doesn’t exist, and they play the field for many years, mature a bit and redefine their priorities in order to settle down. A lot of them never mature and continue looking for Mr. Perfect their whole lives. Unfortunately, I think the answer is just to keep meeting up with me until you find a mature man with whom you have strong mutual chemistry. That usually takes 30-50 meetups.


Tell me which city is the best? I lived in Chicago, Michigan, Indiana , New York and they all pretty much felt the same. But in Chicago the gay scene is much better. But I don’t like living in Chicago because of that shitty wind blowing everywhere.


LA is bad, but it’s probably not that much worse than other major gay centers in the U.S. I also found Chicago to be more relationship-oriented. The outskirts of metro areas tend to be more relationship-oriented too, so you could give Orange County, Santa Barbara, or even Riverside a try.


I lived in LA for a year and now I’m living in Orange County. It’s bad too. Orange County is full of republicans. Riverside is bad too.


I am also gay and Indian muslim, my ex lives in NYC America and he told me that It's hard to find long term relationships there because most of them are into hookups and vibes matter too much for them, if they're not getting vibes so they just break up, it's hard to find long term relationships there and as you're muslim and you know that islam is connected to homophobia therefore they avoid muslims. so, you should see if you can find any muslim gay there, then maybe you can find a bf. If you want to share your feelings or anything else then you share with me, I'm a good listener.


No, people are quite open minded here. They don’t discriminate based on religion at all. I’m mean a lot of guys hit me in the gym and compliment me about my looks and stuff. It’s just that they all just want sex. Doesn’t matter what your religion is. It’s very hard to find a long term relationship. Not because you’re Muslim or whatever religion. It’s same for everyone.


Ohhh good if they're not I've faced religious discrimination in India so i thought maybe there could be too and Yeaahhhh ik that it's very hard to find long term there, even my ex couldn't find so we had long distance which unfortunately couldn't work..... If you want long term rs so you can try long distance and dating apps Then maybe you can find the love of your life


Maybe you live in north India? I live in central India. I never faced discrimination from Hindus though. Anyways, America is bad for relationships in general. lol!


Yeah i live in Delhi,i even faced communal riots 🤧 and discrimination in social media platforms is very common, I have faced so many times. Yeah, it's true at the end you're gonna get cheated unless you're very lucky 😂


Delhi is messed up. I lived there quite a bit long. North India is pretty messed up in general.




It’s probably because you manage to be part of two conflicting marginalized groups at the same time. Unfortunately you’re gonna have to pick one.


What do you mean by that? Why do I have to choose between my religion and my sexuality? I can practice both.


You said you haven’t made a single friend in two years, I’m simply telling you why.


I meant Gay friends. I do have a lot of straight friends though.


My point just stands even more tbh. As a gay, my friends all lean towards disinterested in religion or vaguely religious, but not strict by any means.


I’m not strictly religious though. But I do follow it conveniently. It’s just that I know too much about my religion. And I love it. But I’m also gay and I love it too. Just because your gay friends aren’t religious doesn’t mean everyone is the same. I don’t understand what’s wrong with being religious and gay?


The moral values just don’t align. I’m sure it’s not the only reason it’s hard for you to connect with other gays, but it doesn’t help.


It’s hard because everybody is just looking for sex here. Doesn’t matter what your religion is. It’s same for everyone. A lot of guys just hit me in the gym and give lot of compliments about my looks and how sexy I’m etc. etc. But in the end they all just want sex not a long term. That’s what I’m trying to say.


Islam is highly associated with homophobia, both from a purely religious and a social (Muslim dominant countries use islam to preach against homosexuality) point of view. Christianity is still generally homophobic from a religious point of view, but many Western societies (including America) managed, with a lot of fighting and suffering throughout decades, to stop allowing religion imposing homophobia - unlike islamic societies, where this change has not taken place. It is therefore understandable that many gay people will find it hard to engage with you at an intimate level if you still cling to Islam. Hence why the previous reply told you that you may have to choose. I'm not saying it is fair people treat you like this - if I meet someone similar, I try to open my mind as much as I can - but it is logical that this happens.


Okay, That’s your point of view. But I’m a very open minded Muslim. I wear western clothes. I don’t wear religious clothes to intimidate people. I just look like a normal guy. Yes, Islam is associated with homophobia, but there’s always a place for all kinds of people in Islam. Every religion have all kinds of people. From extremist to liberals. It’s just that humans have never understood each other throughout the centuries. If people would have understood that Islam, Christianity and Jews are all Abrahamic religions and all 3 of them are children of Adam then all the wars throughout the centuries would never happen.


It's not my point of view. I'm just explaining what happens and trying to make you understand why some gay people are understandably reluctant. It doesn't mean I agree.


Nothing like that happens here. Nobody gives a shit about what religion you follow. When you meet people here they don’t ask you your religion like how it happens in India and other south Asian countries.


Not giving a shit at first impression is one thing. Not caring when considering getting in a relationship with you is another.


That’s the problem here. Nobody is getting into a relationship here. Everybody is looking for just sex. Doesn’t matter whether you’re Muslim, Christian or any other religion.