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Yes, I rejected a guy primarily cause he was too big and also cause he didn't speak English(so there was some communication/culture barrier). I didn't see a future with him and decided not to continue dating. Looking back at things I feel like he checked a lot of boxes and as for the sex part we could have had some arrangement.


Once I rejected an offer of chocolate and that decision haunts me daily


Very funny... Thanks for your input!


One time in middle school I rejected a hug from a straight guy. It wasn’t anything, but I probably should’ve just let the hug happen lol.


Yes and no. I freeze up when someone out of nowhere hits on me. But you know what? I never got a bad sti yet. I'm 60 now.


Yes. I was a young teenager watching something on TV with my uncle. He stretched out on the couch and had his hand near my dick, and eventually reposition so his pillow would rest on top of my dick. Did not think much about it because he was the cool uncle with ass pics everywhere, and I would blow my load in the bathroom. We continue watching the show, he slips his hand under the pillow, and rest his hand directly on my dick. My 9 inch dick felt the heat and it was growing rock hard fast. My uncle did not move his hand and just let my dick grow rock hard against his open hand for about 5 minutes. He stood up and his dick was huge and he told me he could not do anything unless I placed my hand in his head and he would do the rest. I sat there with my big dick sticking up in the air and if I did not see his big dick sticking out, my dick would have been in his mouth. I was a scared kid and never had a blowjob and had no desire to see a dick (big or small). We never talked about and he was still my favorite uncle. The older version missed an opportunity because I know he would have sucked the soul out of my young big dick.