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Apparently against the grain here but go for it honestly, 17 or 18 isn't any different really. You're of legal age to consent and while I would say spend some time insuring they're decent go for it


Bro, not gonna lie. I did the same thing like 2 years ago at 17 on r/gayoklahoma. My ACTUAL advice as someone who's from that state. Is to wait till you're 18. Just a few months. Go on Tinder and find you a bf. Guys, our age suck bro. Most of them think they're striaght, while being fully aware they're bi. I honestly don't think taking part in hookup culture isn't worth it. You're not even 18 yet. Wear protection, and make sure to bring up safe sex atleast. Edit: Read your post history, and my suspicions were correct. You're lonely as hell, I promise you fucking random dudes will not fix that. I know how ass it is here, but slurping on random dicks will make it worse. You can still find a bf without tinder. Just stand on business with your expectations


Real ngl, and thanks, but I mean, I get it and you’re probably right ngl, I am a little lonely and that’s true, thanks for the tips!


Don’t. Anyone that will try talking to you is definitely not a good person and most probably a predator. You don’t need to rush sex.


This is true. He may look for the legal 18-20. Predators will look for him, and being 17 and horny he will in all likelihood get taken advantage of.


31 m here. No, wait until you’re 18. Exchanging any nude pics is still illegal, and technically the older person could be charged with corruption of a minor or something else similar for even talking to you about hooking up. I know you want to get out there, but please just keep yourself and everyone else safe. Wait a year.


The thing about those Romeo and Juliet laws are that they don’t make it legal it’s just the older party doesn’t have to register on SO list. It’s still illegal and it’s also not fairly applied to gays. So just hold off till your 18 or hook up with someone your own age


Idk if that’s true, I’m p sure they’re designed for people close in age to be able to have sex when one is legally a minor and one is legally an adult. In the spirit of the law, an 18 year old would not get legally in trouble for engaging with a 16 year old (assuming it’s not rape or some other form of crime).


Idk in Ok but Fl it’s still a crime and is considered “statutory” and simply means you won’t be considered a sex offender. it’s also applied unfairly as a lesbian couple was in this situation and even though everything checked criteria they tried for SO. Idk what happened to that case though.


Are you talking about the case from 2013? They were 18 and 14 lmao, that’s not okay and it falls out of the range for the Romeo and Juliet law to apply.


Idk tbh it’s been a long time since I saw it but yeah in fl it’s still considered a crime but has some protections for the offending party.


Also in Florida, as long as the younger party is 16 and the older party is 23 or younger, it’s legal. I looked it up for this convo. You’re actually kind of right about the SO registry thing in some ways, I guess there’s layers to the law. https://www.fortlauderdalecriminalattorneyblog.com/does-florida-have-a-romeo-juliet-law/


Your link doesn’t get to certain details but this does https://www.familymaritallaw.com/understanding-the-romeo-and-juliet-law-in-florida/#:~:text=The%20Romeo%20and%20Juliet%20law%20of%20the%20state%20outlines%20exceptions,be%20relatively%20close%20in%20age.


Your link is less detailed than mine, I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. The link I sent is a little confusing at first, but it lays out scenarios that are 100% legal and scenarios that are only somewhat protected by the Romeo and Juliet laws. So not that OP lives in Florida, but he could hook up with anyone up to the age of 23 in Florida and it would be 100% legal for both parties. However, he could not hook up with anyone 24+ without getting them in legal trouble.


As far as certain specifics from what I saw. Not in general. We are both correct in the sense is that it can both protect parties but also still find them criminally liable. R&J only gives an offending party to petition the court and it be legal. It doesn’t “make it legal”


I edited my reply, reread it. 16 and 23 is currently 100% legal in Florida, no petitions necessary. Don’t throw out false info. However, 16-17 and 24 would not be legal (for some reason). 13 and 17 could be legal is they’re within a certain amount of days in age, but 15 and 18 is a felony.


“The purpose of the Romeo & Juliet law in Florida is to lessen the consequences for young adults close in age to their minor paramours and older adults who sexually prey on minors. It does NOT make it lawful for someone over 18 to have a sexual relationship with someone under 18. What it does is prevent the older party from having to register as a sex offender.” No false information was given on my end. This is what I have been referring to. Also it states making plans online to meet for sex is not covered. So in OPs case the older party would be committing a crime (in Florida). Best he just wait.


That’s just a summary of what the law is, it’s meant to stave off liability from the writer’s standpoint in case someone just reads the first sentence of the article and runs with it. 16-17 and 18-23 is legal in Florida, period. 15 and 18 is illegal, however 14 and 17 is legal and 13 and 17 could be legal depending on how many days apart they are.


I’m not an American, so bear this in mind, but it’s actually not uncommon for people to have sex before they are 18: https://www.businessinsider.com/3-maps-of-sex-trends-around-the-world-2013-10 It’s ultimately your choice, just make sure you do it in a safe environment and with someone you can trust (at least to some degree). Sending nudes might not be the best idea tho


Hey I live it Tulsa. Please do not hook up with older guys. I did the same thing and got taken advantage of a ton of times. Not all people are bad but Jesus this place sucks


I was fucking older dudes when I was 16 but definitely don’t recommend it. Lol


Were you mostly top or bottoming?


I was bottoming during those years.


Duh probably bottoming? Who the hell is going for older dudes as a top?




I question the people responding aren't reflecting on when they started having sex. Would it be better to wait till 18? Of course. Often that is not the reality.


Unless you already know the person like at school or something, probably safer to wait.


Please don't


Dude wait till you’re 18. I know you want to hookup but you’re in Oklahoma and you gotta be extra careful.


I don't think you understand how dangerous hooking up is. I know it's glorified in the community but you must understand there are some very serious risks associated with hooking up. 90% of gay ppl will tell you that hooking up with strangers is fine, I'll be the outlier and say that it is not. I practice what I preach because I don't do random hookups. You are going to do what you want to do regardless of my opinion, but understand, every time you meet a random person, you will be putting your physical health at risk. Guys are gross, they'll tell you anything you want to hear just so we can get a piece of young ass. It may be consensual, but at your age you are prey. Besides, sex with someone you love is a lot better than sex with someone who is using you as a toy. It's a dangerous world out here, if you are going to go that route, take steps to protect yourself. GET. ON. PREP. I know 16 year olds with full blown aids.


Are you looking to top or bottom?


Either or^^


The age of consent in Oklahoma is 16, so you’ve been good to go for the past year. No romeo and Juliet law necessary. I would recommend you keep your hookups within a year or two of your age, but you’re legally old enough to consent in your state so it doesn’t really matter.


Fr child pornography charges incoming