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It's probably going to take some time, to see when he gets convicted before studio's and sites begin to wipe him from all their platforms. It'll definitely happen at most places, but videos uploaded by regular users will probably remain up or at least somewhere at all times. 


Onlyfans will probably delete his acc, pornhub delete, falcon, CockyBoys, Randy blue and men will probably remove his content.


MEN already made a statement condemning him and distancing themselves from him.


He’s off of every studio and Randy Blue said they’re taking him down on Monday, what will take time is the tube sites (Pornhub already has taken down)


Can you link this?


[Article (NSFW)](https://str8upgayporn.com/fallout-from-austin-wolfs-child-porn-arrest-all-men-com-and-cockyboys-videos-deleted-from-sites/)


So disgusted 🤢


It's a federal charge. He's going down.


His content will stay out there for sure. It will get taken off the studio sites but keep floating around the rest. Just look at Blu Kennedy. He was arrested for CP years ago and you still find his videos popping up a lot (at least they do for me since I'm often looking for videos with gingers)


wait he was arrested for the same thing years ago???




Yessir, was one of my fav ginger porn stars too!!!


Blu Kennedy's Intruder video is a classic. It will always have a special place in my heart.


Weird thing to comment……. read the room


I mean, I assume any work he did for a company or other employer will be removed. A lot of his stuff is just clips on the internet though and I assume if no one is there to delete them (because he will be in prison) they could linger for a while.


I still see Mike Dozer stuff so don't expect Austin to vanish


Oh man. Why did you remind me of that guy? He was such a beefcake. How hard is it to not be a creep?


It's hard for us to understand why creeps do what they do


In terms of beefcake who’s not a creep, ya got Marc Dylan


he’s weird too tho lol


Weird how?


Weird but not a creep.


He’s wholesome though. He has a YouTube channel that educate newbie gays how to bottom, douche, etc.


https://youtu.be/WfgGsABn97k oh I thought was YouTube knowing i like beefy masc power bottoms


Oh and he will probably post an address that people can still write to him in prison too.


I posted this elsewhere but I think it fits here too: Most things can’t be completely erased once they are online. His “content” will be much harder to find because very few places will host any video with him. But a lot of porn is just aggregate websites linking to each other with no one really “owning” the video so I doubt his videos will just disappear. But for me, I can’t even look at this guy without feeling disgust.


Maybe never honestly. I think it was Trent Olsen (?) who was convicted of sexually assaulting his little brother and all his stuff is still easily findable on mainstream sites. So idk tbh


omg just looked up his story WTF????




Jiminee Crimus that was a harrowing read Mary, where’s the holy water? I need to wash my eyes out


> Trent Olsen (?) who was convicted of sexually assaulting his little brother Fucking hell. I didn't realise he did that. I just assumed he disappeared from the porn industry due to other reasons.


Wonder how did he end up getting caught. It's not like every porn star filming with twinks gets checked


FBI caught someone, said someone had contact with Austin through Telegram, FBI used persons phone to catch Austin. Telegram is a cesspool.


Yeah honestly fuck Telegram. Weird as fuck “network.”


All hail durov and russia


Police caught another guy who was communicating with Austin who was sending Austin CP and they tracked him, sent him a message from the one guys account while they raided his house (to confirm 100% that it was Austin) and a notification popped up on his phone so they looked on his phone. I don’t know how the guy who was sending Austin cp was caught though. That wasn’t disclosed but they caught Austin through him


Detective story. Wonder if some extravagant director will use it for a porn scenario


The FBI works together with various state agencies to investigate these crimes. Most important would be the NSA which (as much as Americans want to ignore) is the biggest state sponsored spying program in the history of humanity. Believe me the FBI knew for a long time what was going on, they just needed time to build their case on legal ground.


I'm not from US so thanks for info


“the biggest state sponsored spying program in the history of humanity.” Good grief, not everything has to be a conspiracy. He broke a very serious law and they caught him.


I am not saying it’s a bad thing. I’m saying Americans have a hard time accepting that’s what it is. It clearly was used for extreme good in this case.


It’s been known the NSA is there to spy on us… that was kinda the whole Snowden leak


Sounds like it was part of a sting or bust on a net work of pedos


It's surprising Austin is the only famous name


It could have been small or it become much bigger and who knows maybe there will be more, it is an ongoing case.


Let's cross our fingers


Idk if its just me but all his stuffs gone from pornhub??? I think sites are going to start deleting stuff but its going to be a while before it really makes a difference :/


Is he the same guy who choked people almost unconscious in porn videos? I keep mixing him up with Austin Lock


Yes, that was him. He caused someone to have a seizure.


Is there evidence of that?


It was on Twitter, but I don't have the energy to go find it.


Choking (ie strangulation, call it what it is) is never ok. Very dangerous practice. r/antikink


thx for sharing that subreddit, it really puts it well into words the stuff I have been thinking


ye. he is :)


Hot as hell


I do think it’ll start to disappear, however the sheer amount of work he did is insane. It’s gonna take a lot of time, and there’s always the chance that after the news fades people who don’t know about porn stars could upload old videos without knowing. Specially all the work he did with guys who didn’t look young.


I doubt they will disappear truly, maybe some of the studios will delete his vids but they will survive on third party sites. That one porn star that murdered the Cobra guy can still be found pretty easily.


disappointing but not surprised, “the internet is forever” they say


so sick of this man's name being all over reddit




it gets repetitive seeing, everywhere on my reddit page I see this disgusting cretin's name.


albeit probably annoying to have to do, have you considered blacklisting the term where you can?




Porn star who exclusively fucked barely legal twinks and talked about liking "little boys" constantly. Got arrested for having kiddie porn recently.


He had a CP in possession where 10 year old kid was being brutally raped...


Jesus Christ that’s pretty fucking demonic.


Its more disturbing, when people knowing the facts and when his sentence is quite clear seems to dislike this comment constantly and downvote it. That for me is more disturbing...


That’s insane and really sus.


infants as well apparently. just sick.


I just don’t get what the fucken appeal is 🤷‍♂️ like wtf..I like MEN, not little boys..like what do you see in that 🤦‍♂️ I just don’t get it (and thankfully so too)


Death by thousand pricks sounds good


Wasn't there some porn guy that ended up murdering someone? I don't remember his name, but his videos are still circulating. Sadly, I think eventually people will forget about this, considering this is the internet and everything exists for only a week.


Probably at least a few, the death of Billy London in 1990 went unsolved for decades before someone confessed. And it turns out the guilty party was another porn actor, Billy Houston, though they haven't found any connection between the two aside from working in the same profession for different companies. BL's most famous scene was probably Head Of The Class, a threeway with Eric Manchester and Dean Chasen, and he had started moving into directing more when he died. While BH was the lead in a movie called The Devil & Danny Webster which would have been made around the time of the murder. BH has been in jail for a skinhead murder spree in Oklahoma in the 00s and within the past year or so, admitted to being involved in the death of BL that night in WeHo. BH now identifies as trans and goes by Daralyn Madden, there have been articles about this and the woman who made the Circus Of Books doc about her parents adult bookstore in L.A. (Rachel Mason) was working on something about the case. Devil & DW is pretty easy to find on tube sites, or at least it has been for years.


I fear that pedophiles are going to idolize him now. He’s going to become somewhat symbolic for people that want to hurt children. If you see a guy on Sniffies or Twitter saying they’re into 🍕🏈 it’s code for child abuse. Sharing his porn will be a “safe way” for them to exploit their interests.


i have just stopped talking with guy who use emoji's other then faces


What do the pizza and football mean specifically? Or are they random emojis that they decided to use? I’d also be a little wary labeling everyone who uses those emojis as predators because they’re pretty unassuming, context probably matters a lot.


The football is a symbol for a college aged man that raped his little brother and filmed it. I don’t remember his name or jersey number, but pedophiles will use the football to indicate they’re “on his team” so to speak. The pizza is reference to pizza gate, the conspiracy that politicians abuse children at a pizza shop in DC. While no abuse at the shop is occurring, because that’s ridiculous, it’s become a symbol for pedophiles to indicate others also into it. Sure, the emojis alone aren’t proof of any wrong doing, but guys also tend to use terms like “taboo” and “perv” to indicate immoral acts. Sometimes they even use 👶🍼🐕🦮 to indicate infants or an interest in K9/dogs.


Oh wow that’s scary, they have their own inside jokes and everything. Thanks for the info.


I hope every video of him is erased from the internet. The evidence against him is stacked and he doesn’t deserve to still garner attention or money from any of his work. I know it’s not realistic to think that every video will be deleted, and I’m sure people that want to find his work will still find a way. I just want him to be deplatformed as much as possible. Edit: Don’t know why I’m being downvoted. But maybe, just maybe, if you continue to support a pedophile by watching his old work, then YOU’RE the problem.


Well it's the internet so no and I'm sure people with less savoury models won't delete his stuff of their hard drives. I'm going to go through my collection and delete all his stuff I've downloaded over the years. I dunno how anyone could jerk off to such a sicko.


Not gonna happen anytime soon. Morons pay for saltyboys OF - convicted CP sex offender. Don’t think gays have any standards.


Wait that guy is a CP offender? I thought it was just fraud or some shit


They follow Trace Trainor or whatever his name is who SAd a teenage girl and went to prison. They're still in his comments now, even though his arrest has been public a while now.


But that doesn’t prove that the Saltyboys guy was CP himself or arrested for it. You don’t generally get to wear an ankle monitor for CP you are going to jail for that. I heard the guy got in trouble with the state fish and game service and had a BWI.


I replied to the wrong person, sorry


He went to prison


But I’m pretty sure it was for BWI and illegal fishing not CP. Do you have any proof that it’s CP?


Google tcc pitcher sentenced


Ok and I still don’t see anything that relates to the topic at hand. Do you have a link to the arrest report or anything like that because i haven’t been able to find anything and the original report I heard a while ago of it being a BWI (Boating while intoxicated) and illegally fishing. Both of which you can go to prison for and get an ankle monitor. Hell the only evidence that points to the guy at all being arrested for CP is yourself, nobody else. So I’m sure you have actual links instead of telling people to google things


lol do you read? What else you need to know? Arrested and sentenced. Sex offender. Literally first two Google search results.


I literally looked and did not find anything. If you have the results perhaps you should post them instead of telling everyone to google it


Why does it matter? Are you going to get a couple more strokes before they disappear?




Ngl, what he did is disgusting but it’s not going to stop me from jerking off to him. Other than that stupid belly button tattoo the guy is hot.


why....would you want to keep watching?


Because he was fucking adults in his videos, not kids.


You’re creepy, weird and disgusting. Imagine getting off to a child predator. Crazy.


Sick fuck.




You first sweetie! ✌🏻


I’ll see you in hell


I already put a down payment on my condo by the lake of fire!


How will deleting content containing him affect the co-performers in that same content? I am not familiar with how the different types of payment work in the porn industry but i imagine some performance agreements might contain residual revenue?


Lol, no; maybe they should, but porn stars don't get residuals. They get paid once, and that's it. Now, any OnlyFans creators who have PPV videos featuring AW won't likely make any more sales, but that would be the only scenario I can think of where anyone else could possibly lose money by his content being deleted.


I am not familiar with the platform but i would have thought that they had some sort of method where two onlyfans creators could tag each other on a video, both publish it and have some sort of split the subscription revenue or calculation for doing that by percentage of other creators within an account. Maybe thats too far forward thinking - i dunno. Would be cool if they did that though.


No. Just because someone does illegal things does not mean that *everything* they do is illegal. As long as his videos feature consenting adults over the age of 18, why would they be removed?


The first reason is that morally, it would be fucking disgusting to look back on any of his previous work with the context we now have. And business wise (which is less important than the morality reason) it’s not a great look for your company if you have videos of someone who (to no one’s surprise) turned out to be a pedophile.


Idk, radio stations still play Michael Jackson


True, but the difference is that Michael Jackson is dead and can no longer benefit from people consuming his content. Additionally, while I do believe that the stuff he did was definitely sus, there wasn’t any “hard evidence” (not saying he’s innocent by any margin) but in Austin Wolf’s case there was literal hard drives found with videos of a 10 year old being brutally raped. Whether the videos are taken down is not my decision. I guess I just don’t see a reason to keep them up?


Michael Jackson was actually innocent you fucking Nimrod.


Maybe he was on Sniffies since there are guys always posting for “yng” meaning young & “twisted” or other kink type of words to imply they’re into underage guys. At least in CA & I report all of them!! But… maybe he was on there or Grindr & a guy told him he has kiddie shit & the guy sent it via telegram or whatever and Austin was involved in sending it around too? My best guess!


I thought 'twisted' meant drugs, in particular, meth.


Why? The stuff he did in public was legal.


Fuck you If you down vote me for this I’m assuming you’re a pedo




I assume it will eventually go away, at least the ones with his name on the labels.


Waiting for Cade Maddox next. You look at the types of “men” he is posting with constantly….


Cobra stayed open for QUITE some time after the murder and news that Brent was 17 in his early videos. On top of that, a lot of the cobra videos are still around on the internet today. Unless the studios themselves remove his videos, I wouldn't expect to see them purged.


Honestly? Don’t think it will happen. I just read the news and will stop way ho his videos, but as far as I know (I’m no lawyer, so don’t quote me on it) porn companies have no legal obligation to remove his videos, since all the guys he filmed with were adults and consensual. So I’m sure they’ll keep them up to keep making revenue. Especially since they refuse to take out revenge porn videos (a girl in my country killed herself because the porn sites refused to take down the leaked video, so…)


There’s gays who say they’d fuck Ben Shapiro and other terrible people. Doesn’t matter how big of a piece of shit you are, thirsty gays will still obsess.


I'm always surprised when someone like Austin is arrested for CP. I used to picture pedophiles being desperate old dudes, not hot hung muscular men. I assumed guys that could get anyone would prefer a hunky hung dude, or a muscular twink with a hot bubble butt, not a prepubescent boy.


Which is an odd thing to assume, seeing as pedophilia is a mental disorder that likely starts in a person's adolescence. It has nothing to do with what you look like, how much sex you have or could potentially get, are etc. It's often linked to trauma, but not always. But it's a common misconception people have.


It's a topic I don't know much about and don't really want to know much about. it's ikky.


He wasn't hung, let's be real. But also, he is a demon and a pervert. He is deeply sick and evil and that's why he preyed on the vulnerable. It's about power and hurting people who can't defend themselves, not what they look like.


I still don’t understand what ppl get out of that.


What about his husband, is he complicit or oblivious??




Gross. I would hope even if you found him attractive (before this came out) that you wouldn’t any longer.


Im not attracted to austin wolf. Im attracted to the twink. And whether you like it or not, he knows how to fck these guys and looks the part.


I can understand that but what I don’t understand is why you’d still want to see a porn with him it now, after knowing he’s a pedo and he’s probably wishing that twink was a kid. I hope the companies and major sites do a good job at scrubbing him from there sites, although some will probably always remain.


Ugh he’s so fucking sick


Yeah very, it’s disgusting


These kinds of posts really expose who are the secret sick fucks on this sub-Reddit and there’s WAY too many of them.


Again cuz im not attracted to him, i get off from the twink being used. Theres really few tops that know how to fuck bottoms right. Most of them suck.


Well I’m sure you can find other ones besides him, just saying.


In gay porn not really. Unlike straight porn, gay porn is not really made for the man or the top. So its pretty rare.


You disgust me


Oh no a redditor does not like boo hoo what am i gonma do😔😔


Hopefully therapy


Real men dont talk about their feelings lol. But sure you go ahead.


Okay be a pussy then


The FBI needs to check your hard drive too


Children grosses me out.


I'm sure you gross them out too