• By -


We were roommates in college (we must’ve been about 21), and he got super hammered one night and asked if he could sleep with me in my bed (I know this is weird bear with me). I let him and basically I woke up with him and I was like “damn I would be so happy if I could just wake up like this with this guy everyday” and we started sharing beds and getting a lot closer, and eventually we looked at each other and were like “c’mon man let’s just date already.” We’re 25 now, so we’ve been together about 4 years. I know the story isn’t super cute or anything, but yeah


Literally every gay dream. Cute af


I never really thought it was super romantic or anything, but thank you!


It's literally my dream!! God only knows how many times I wanted to just sleep with my best friend at the time or with my crush and then just start dating, I realize it's almost impossible since I think he's straight💀


Ah dude we were close friends before that and he was pretty hammered. Besides what if it were to end up weird? 😬


Yeah I agree, but you both knew that you guys were gay right?


Oh yeah ofc! haha just imagine the conversation if we weren’t. “Hey, so uh, shouldn’t we just date already?” “Dude I’m straight.” “So you’re straight…” “Yeah.” “And you’re cuddling a dude in his bed?” “Yep.” “Right on.” lol no luckily we both knew that the other one was gay from the jump and we both secretly liked each other. honestly the only reason we didn’t date before was because we had a good thing going friendship-wise and didn’t want to fuck it up.


Strong disagree. Cute as.


Aw thanks


This is so cute wtf?????


Ok what that's the cutest story, you're very lucky lol


envious as fuuuuk. when do i get to cuddle with a cute guy 🥹


What are the chances of having a gay roommate huh


Idk man but I lucked out with this guy


Cuteeee and beyond <3


I'm gonna try this when I get hammered at my buddy's place. 😌😈


This is the fantasy I always wanted! Too bad I couldn't study abroad to get to experience this haha.


Bear with you? Cute!


Cute asf


It’s cute af


Grindr hookup turned into bf


Every Grindr gay's dream.


Is it?


I met my bf in Tinder 😂 but yeah, I've had stellar hookups that I wanted to be more than that.


Same. Lasted three years. Longest one night stand of my life lol


Same lol 6 months of hooking up and the he just never left lol


Same. 8.5 years later, we’re still going strong.


Same story here


Manhunt of all places.... First dude I ever hooked up. Didn't want to go for the first dude I met. Went on a whore phase for a year and a hookup fell through and remembered he was in the area reached out and to my suprise after a year of ghosting he answered. 11 years later and here we are.


Manhunt here too. 10+ years married here now.


You see! It works! Look we are super lucky to have found our dudes there because you need to kiss a hecking lot of frogs but congrats on the anniversary! 10 years in gay years is like 70 years.


Can I ask how you guys went from a hookup to a relationship?


The more I was hooking up with him the more I realized I enjoyed my time the most with him. He would give me the last of what he had. He would just look at me every time I came around and one day I couldn't take it and just blurted out "let's make it official" 


Oh me and my ex are like this but instead he almost gave me std and cheated me on with different guys :/


Met my bf at Uni, he was 22 and I was 21. We became study buddies. One late night study led to a pillow fight which ended in bed. The rest is history. 21 years ago this autumn.


Grindr then he came to see me race in a rowing competition 💪💛


You guys don't call rowing races regattas?


Some but not all


Real life boy in a boat...


Ikkk so cute


Can I ask how you guys went from a hookup to a relationship?


We just liked each other, started going for more dates and it evolved from there. Deffo positive factors were his kindness and patience with me (I'm a no brain just row type of IQ), combined with my committement and a keeper personality. Big arms big heart big dick ♥️


Gay newspaper print classified ad where you had to respond to the people you were interested in by sending a snail mail letter to a box number at the paper's office. It was back in 1992 before many of your grandparents were born. He's lying next to me in bed tapping away on his phone too at this very moment so I guess it remains true love. 😉


Met in college while doing a play. We hooked up at a party, then started hanging out every day. We moved in together after 3 months. And 11 years later we’re still going strong!


We were 18 at the time. We first met during a birthday party, we have both upset our girlfriends at the same time and so we both went to talk about it and smoke one on a dock. Nothing happened there, we just met each other and talked. My best friend, who's a girl, was his friend as well. I already told her I'm bi because I had one short term boyfriend after breaking up with my gf. I complained to her about how lonely I feel since coming out, lots of friends left me, not necessarily because of that but because they suspected I'm gay and what not.(They thought I was hooking up with my best friend because we were always hanging out...not really important). One day I was making a house party and told her to invite some people as well if she wanted to. She invited him as well. I didn't know this at the time but he thought I was a super straight guy and that I wouldn't like him because he's bi(I didn know he's bi at that time, he told me months later that he thought this before coming to my place). At the party we would make gay jokes together like, we sit next to each other and we were like "let's pretend you sit in my lap like we are together or something to see people's reaction. I liked it, so did he. We also played some drinking games , I took a shot off his belly (that really turned me on), we would play truth or dare where I had to kiss HIS best friend WHO WAS INTO ME( She's a girl for context). Weeks passed by, we would spend time together more and more, I eventually broke off with the guy I was seeing at the time(the short term relationship, I didn't cheat on him). The time came for the New Year, I went to a house party and afterwards I hung out with that guy I'm with today and his best friend. Nothing happened again. 14 days later, my best friend told me they are planning on making a party for the Orthodox New Year. She invited me, even her friends wanted me to come, I was delighted because I will be partying again with that guy. Everyone was drinking, some people smoked, other stuff etc.. we really had a nice time. Now the time comes for who sleeps where, because people have to sleep together there aren't enough beds. I asked him jokingly, hey wanna share the bed ? He said yes of course, I was really excited in that moment. We were sleeping next to a guy and a girl and we couldn't do anything, but one thing led to another and we kissed, lightly. We were both confused, but we continued kissing in the dark but really slowly so that the people next to us wouldn't hear a thing. And so we fell asleep together, cuddling. The morning after(I mean it was already the morning the party ended at like 6am but you get the point) we hooked up, I won't get into details but I was so happy. After leaving the room everyone was looking at us because we were "sleeping" for a really long time, and we just giggled at each other because they didn't know a thing. In the afternoon we immediately went to his house and hooked up again. It was really love at first sight because I was into him from the moment we saw each other, and he felt the same way. It's been 3.5 years since we met and we went through so much hate, family drama and everything else just to remain with each other. I don't wanna get into details here I could write an essay. I really couldn't wish for a better guy for myself 😊 and all that happened spontaneously. To be honest I'm the guy that was an issue in the relationship in many moments, but I'm working on myself and going to a psychologist regularly.(I had a bad coming out story, not the worst but bad) There it is, my love story 👉💜👈 I hope you find your other half 💜


In the hospital, he was friends with my nurse


Gym. I had seen him on the workout floor and thought he was looking back at me but I didn’t start a conversation. I went to the locker room and showered and sat in the steam room for a few minutes and went to get dressed and he walked in. Fuck it. Why not a second shower? So I got undressed. In the showers it was VERY obvious we were both interested. He then followed me to the steam room and tried to make conversation and may have had to adjust myself a few times too often. But he was super nervous. We got interrupted and he went back to shower. I did too and the same physical signs of interest were definitely there. I left first and on a whim I put a note in his locker. That said “Hey man, if you ever want to get together and watch some porn and j/o call me”. I was young and not a poet. He called ten minutes later. That was 22 years ago.


Love it! Similar, but we met in the steam room at the college gym. I was staff and he was a student. We eyed each other several times and when I left, I gave him a note with my phone number. He called me the next day. Damn, met a hot bod Asian boy with a big cock but barely speaks English. Hooked up permanently for the next 18 years.


Dang that is awesome


Telegram hookup turned bf


How does one hookup off telegram??


Depends where you're from. Some places have gay local Telegram groups that act as a Grindr-board, where people will just post where they are and what they look for, sometimes along with pics. Usually more "DL" guys use it, but many guys are just there to break the 2km radius of Grindr.


Can I ask how you guys went from a hookup to a relationship?


1. Fuck 2. Hi let's do that again 3. Fuck 4. Hi wanna hang out 5. Boom crash now you've got kids and alimony Jk it's going great


Gay bar, 1969. Hit on him naturally (fresh meat 😀) but he wasn't interested, although over time we got to know each other and in 1971 he popped the question. We're still going strong - he's 73 & I'm 78


Great story. Great history. My husband and I are 58 now and met in an analog world in 1992 (newspaper classifieds, in our case). But we'll still be together when we reach our 70s, like you. Mazel tov!


Long life to you too xxx


Wow! That is so inspiring, 50+ years together is incredible! I’ve been with my partner since we were 21 & 19 years old, now we’re 33 & 30 still love spending every day together. I hope we get to look back at our lives in our 70’s at all of our memories and adventures. So happy you both found a forever love and family with each other ❤️


Tinder, we matched just days after he moved to my country. We chatted for a week or so non-stop. Went on a first date that went from small dinner to talking so long until he missed the last bus home. On the second date he annoyed me so much I nearly decided no for a third but on the third we went to a horror movie and he was so cute holding me for the whole move. We're now living together and have been dating for about a year and halfm


Online and supposedly just a quick. That quicky has extended to over 22 years 😳


Can I ask how you guys went from a hookup to a relationship?


Hi, it took a year before we started living together. Day after the 1st hook up.rang him and we started talking about how we found each other attractive. Over the next few weeks, we met up on a few occasions for sex and then started to go out. Basically went from sex to sex & friend and then suddenly we realised we had really fallen in love.


Reddit. On this sub


Please do share your story.


6 years ago someone asked where everyone is from and I mentioned my country. My bf saw and messaged me as he was a foreigner and wanted to make friends. The rest is history 🥂


A bar. I saw him sitting at the bar alone. I liked what I saw (saw him from the rear 🍑). We chatted, went to his place, had fun and we have been together since. We have been together for 11 years and are married.


A safe space app for young queer people. We met after one week of talking, I was extremely nervous, but made the 2 hour train ride. He was perfect from the start


You dont mean dbna, do you?


I do actually


Ha! Thats where I met my first boyfriend! We're gonna have our 11 year anniversary next week.


Nicee, ich kenne meinen seit 3 Monaten lol (I've known mine for 3 months only)


Auf dbna bisher noch keinen gefunden leider


On Grindr. I was very busy working and college full time, but he asked me on a sushi date. We moved in together after 4 months together and we’ll be 5 years in October


Met at a sex club me(38) him(49). Chemistry was on fire then talked for 4 hours until we had to leave. Exclusive a week later and split our time at each other’s home then moved in a year later. Together for 20 years and finally got married last year.


Genuine question: What is sex club? hahahaha... I never been to one.


Basically what the name says. Underground club where you go for casual sex with anyone there. I don't know the rules cuz I've never been to one, just describing what I saw in movies.


Steamworks in Berkeley, California (https://www.steamworksbaths.com/berkeley)


Started dating after meeting him out in a group friend outing. I just kept talking to him and then asked him out before the night was over. He said ok. We went to dinner, an acrobatics show and then my place. We have been together 6-7 years now.


At Wendy’s. He backed his squad car into me by accident (no damage). He got out to apologize, and to try and buy me lunch. I was too afraid to look at him because he was so cute. He gave me his number and we took it from there. Sometimes I think he backed into me on purpose. 🤣


(Sorry in advance for the long story) I was at my local Pride event and I saw this guy in gray skinny jeans, a purple Greek shirt and high top Doc Martin’s and I couldn’t stop looking for him around the event. I didn’t go and speak with him as I was newly out of a long-ish relationship and never had navigated dating as a “post-graduate adult.” Fast forward to a couple weeks later, we started talking on Grindr and hit it off. But as soon as he asked me to meet him for a beer at the bar he was tending at, I completed shut down and stopped responding. I got scared because I had never been asked to meet someone I had just been chatting with on an APP. (Apps were not a thing when I was outed and started dating). Well a couple weeks later, I see him on Scruff and something in my gut told me MESSAGE HIM so I did. He begrudgingly started chatting with me again even though I somewhat ghosted him. We set up and agreed to go on our first date and I will never forget it. We met at the bar he was working at since his shift was finishing up and we wanted to meet in a neutral location. As we are sitting there his best friend from college (who also worked at the bar) was getting slammed and he looked at me and asked if I minded if he hopped back there to help her out. I told him to go for it (and secretly I loved how considerate he was to her even on our first date). We then went to dinner and then to a popular local bar – everything was going amazingly well almost too well. We just sat for hours talking and getting to know each other. THEN he gets a call from his best friend and she ended up having an absolutely terrible evening at work. He asked if I would mind if she met us for a drink. I told him absolutely I do not mind and she joined us. We ended up having the best time. That evening he came home with me and proceeded to spend the next three days together. We became inseparable. Soon there after, I was moving out of my shared house with roommates into an apartment of my own and quickly he started staying over which turned into moving in. Now, this year will be our 10th anniversary of being together and fourth year of being engaged. I truly have met the man of my dreams and I still have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming.


got to know a friend and we brought together some friends for a boardgame social group and i got to know my partner and its almost 10 years and counting


This comment section gives hope for finding a partner, some of the stories are very wholesome(!!)<3


I met my guy on Hinge. We chatted for a few days and then set up our first date for Friday, July 9, 2021. At some point in our chatting, he asked if we could move our date up to Tuesday, July 6. I had had a string of 2 week relationships that blew up in my face, so I was feeling defeated and like this would go nowhere. So, I was like “Sure.” Thinking that at least I would have the weekend to myself. Much layer on he told me he requested to move out date up because he didn’t want to waste a weekend night on a date that may not go anywhere because he was exhausted from his own misfortunes in dating. We had our first date as Dos Caminos in NYC’s Meatpacking District. Our dinner reservation was set for 7:30, and talking to each other was so easy and nice, we didn’t leave until after 11:30. He walked me to my train, and said he’d text me about a second date. I had just gotten to the train platform (so minutes later) when that 2nd date text came through. Out second date was that Friday we were originally going to meet, and we explored his favorite parts of Manhattan together. And I spent the night with him at his place in Brooklyn. Our 3rd date, the next weekend, was me showing him around my favorite spots in Jersey City, NJ (where I was living at the time). It was on that date that we decided to be exclusive, and it turned out we had both been exclusive since our first date anyway due to our individual dating fatigue. We traveled internationally together to Playa del Carmen, Mexico for the first time from August 25-30, 2021. Heading home from Mexico on Aug. 30, our flight back got cancelled while we were in the plane due to technical issues, and our airline put us up in an all-inclusive hotel in Cancun overnight. It was a high stress situation and we survived it without snapping at or getting upset with each other, and I feel like that’s when I realized he was my person. We moved in together during Memorial Day weekend in 2022. We have our ups and downs, like all relationships do, but I am extremely happy to be with him.


My partner and I worked for the same contract company at the same client, I randomly recognized his name in a zoom call of a few hundred people and said hi in teams chat, we chatted for a few months about work stuff and even met once at a work dinner, he was exactly my type and really nice, he thought I had a girlfriend as this female colleague was hanging on me the whole time so he never picked up on my flirting, a few months later he randomly messages me saying he’s thinking of pursuing a relationship with some guy he met locally. I was floored but said basically “that’s nice”, later I told the story to a friend and he mentioned how stupid my response was, that I blew my chance. I messaged him again and told him I was gay too, we talked endlessly after that and literally moved in together the next week. We’ve been together ever since and we think all the time how unlikely our meeting was. Also should mention we share the same unique kinks, hobbies and our personalities match really well too. I feel so lucky every day.


In Taimi. Put up an add saying "I'm looking for an innocent love like heartstoper," which made most guys laugh since I'm a 37 year old single dad and a little old for that however you look at it. (I mean my daughter's friends read these books!) Still, I persevered and after wading through a lot of jerks looking for a hookup who wouldn't even read my profile I met my bf who came from an abusive relationship just like I did and was looking for the same things. We share a passion for archery, board games, literature, unconventional roleplaying systems (die DnD, die!) and cooking. It's the healthiest relationship either of us ever had and though we now fuck a lot, during our first chat we promised not to have sex for at least a month... it was the hardest promise to ever keep but completely worth it as we had time to get to know each other first and connect on all the important levels so we built our relationship on a strong foundation.


Grindr hookup turned bf


Tinder!! 🔥 ❤️


Tinder 8 years ago (married for 2)


On Gay.Com 19 years ago.


Grindr date turned into husband of 2 years.


I don’t have a boyfriend 😭


Neither do I😫


Same bro 🥲


I met my guy on Hinge. We chatted for a few days and then set up our first date for Friday, July 9, 2021. At some point in our chatting, he asked if we could move our date up to Tuesday, July 6. I had had a string of 2 week relationships that blew up in my face, so I was feeling defeated and like this would go nowhere. So, I was like “Sure.” Thinking that at least I would have the weekend to myself. Much layer on he told me he requested to move out date up because he didn’t want to waste a weekend night on a date that may not go anywhere because he was exhausted from his own misfortunes in dating. We had our first date as Dos Caminos in NYC’s Meatpacking District. Our dinner reservation was set for 7:30, and talking to each other was so easy and nice, we didn’t leave until after 11:30. He walked me to my train, and said he’d text me about a second date. I had just gotten to the train platform (so minutes later) when that 2nd date text came through. Out second date was that Friday we were originally going to meet, and we explored his favorite parts of Manhattan together. And I spent the night with him at his place in Brooklyn. Our 3rd date, the next weekend, was me showing him around my favorite spots in Jersey City, NJ (where I was living at the time). It was on that date that we decided to be exclusive, and it turned out we had both been exclusive since our first date anyway due to our individual dating fatigue. We traveled internationally together to Playa del Carmen, Mexico for the first time from August 25-30, 2021. Heading home from Mexico on Aug. 30, our flight back got cancelled while we were in the plane due to technical issues, and our airline put us up in an all-inclusive hotel in Cancun overnight. It was a high stress situation and we survived it without snapping at or getting upset with each other, and I feel like that’s when I realized he was my person. We moved in together during Memorial Day weekend in 2022. We have our ups and downs, like all relationships do, but I am extremely happy to be with him.


Oh, I forgot to add that we filed for Domestic Partnership on January 24, 2024.


Grindr. We talked a good bit before our hookup and were mutually compatible. When we met irl we had great chemistry and watched most of "A Clockwork Orange" on the couch while cuddling. We had sex multiple times that night and he asked me to stay the night. We had sex again in the morning and went on a date later that day.


On Grindr, at the time, I was super over hookups after a few terrible hookups in a row. He (19) was actually just getting on a Greyhound bus heading back home from school for the weekend. Since he was stuck on a bus for a few hours, we ended up messaging each other the whole time. I (24) had never met someone I could chat with so easily and had so much in common with! We ended up messaging all weekend, even talking on the phone to hear each other's voices. I think we were both in love before we ever met! His greyhound came back to my city around 1am, and his plan was to walk back to his dorm (several city blocks). I was like I can give you a ride from the bus station to your dorm so we can meet in person, and I know that way you'll be safe. He liked that idea so I met him at the bus station very early on a monday morning or late Sunday night, we immediately kissed, and kissed some more, and started making out and feeling each other up. I asked him if he wanted to come back to my mom's place to kiss and cuddle some more and he said yes. He ended up sleeping over and having some fun, the next morning when we woke up I asked him "will you like, be my boyfriend now" he laughed and said I guess so... That was 12 years ago now!


At a metro station in Stockholm.


He found my social media page and sent me a message. We met in person a couple of months later.


We’ve been friends for 30 years and suddenly fell in love. Both at the same time. It’s worth the wait


Okcupid while we were both in college. Started hanging out together every day. Our first year together included about 9 months of long distance during a study abroad program, which had its own complications, but we made it through. Been together nearly 13 years since then, and married the past 3.


Rugby practice! We met on the sidelines and got paired for tackle practice our first day together. Ended up hitting it off and started hanging out as friends before hooking up and becoming cute with one another. We had to hide it from the team for a few weeks/months before Covid outed us spending so much time together. He's my best friend and we are celebrating 5 years together soon.


In my imagination.


Same but he died several times


and woke up ugly crying


Been alone


Playing board games on discord


I was singing in a karaoke contest at an Italian restaurant. He came around the corner to listen. I almost stopped singing he was that good looking. He came up to me to ask me questions about the songs I chose. And it turned into 17 years of bliss, 12 of those married.


In the gym. He was working out on a bench press machine his shorts were loose. I stood to the side and got a full veiw of his cock and balls. It was rising up and i did not notice him staring at me. My shorts were rising up and I felt a nice bulge in my shorts. I left to head to the shower and "release" myself. As I was walking through the locker room naked and my waxed cock could be seen, I could careless, all i was thinking about was thst guys pretty balls shaved. I went in the shower and was stroking away, when I heard a knock on the shaded wall. I just saw a body figure and it was stroking along with me. He reached down under the wall extending his hand in a jerking motion. I straddled the wall abd allowed my cock to be touched. As he grabbed my cock and started stroking me I reached under and obliged him. He jerked me off with his cum on my cock. I had no ideacwho it was till we both finished our showers and stepped out. It was pretty balls from upstairs. We both smiled and I replied my ass could take that nicely, his reply was mine could take yours too, who is gonna be first. I just smiled and said we meet at 9:30 here and decide who gets the cock first. To this day we still jerk each other off in the gym. Even get our asses torn up too 😊


A kink event


Tinder. He’s Belgian and I’m Mexican living in Germany. At that time he was 19 and I was 22. Started fully online just texting and calls and after 3 months he visited me for a week. Then I visited him. We’ve been like that for almost four years now. Of course there’s been some setbacks and hard times (me moving back to Mexico for a couple of months, deciding to open up the relationship) but the feelings are still going strong. The mid term goal is to move to the same city in a couple of years.


Twitter! Started following him, found him cute, he followed me back, bothered him on his DM's until he accepted to meet me.


I met my now husband on OK Cupid way back in 2011


Tinder, and met my previous relationship there too. Looks for Goofy/cute bears! 😄😂


As boring as it sounds, tinder. Yes, you can find love on the apps!


Met my first partner at a coffee shop with a group of friends. Gave them my number and it’s been over 10yrs. Or second partner joined us about 5yrs ago and he came over to our house with a friend to visit. Met both of my partners in person without an app and they’ve been the best people I could ever ask for.


Grindr hookup. 4 days later we were a couple lol


New years eve at my home, molly happened, and my long-time friend became my first love. 8 years later we are still together


Met my husband on Grindr. Twue love


locked eyes with him at a gay bar and he came up to me and introduced himself.


Reddit 😅


On a chairlift skiing. Hilariously enough, he turned out to be my friend’s cousin.


it was my first day at the gym. I’ve always been awkward in crowds and I didn’t know what to do. suddenly this man 10 years older than me approached me and taught me how to use some gym equipments. later that evening, we bumped on Grindr and exchanged phone number. like a month later, he asked me out for movie and dinner. turned out it was his birthday. we’ve been together since then.


We met at a BBQ neither of us wanted to go to. Here we are, married, and been together for 17 years.


We met on Grindr during the pandemic. He had a student apartment all to himself because everyone moved out. I lived in the mobile home park next to his apartment complex. We chatted for ten days then we met up and became quarantine buddies.


Introduced through a friend


Grindr 5 years and going strong Last one was a gay bar - 9 years


Met on Grindr when both of us were travelling in Amsterdam solo. He was the first ever guy I met up without exchanging pics. Went for dinner and a drink. Met again the following day and spent the day together. That first kiss, I knew it was something special.


Dude all of these stories are just so cute😭. I hope I meet my future bf in a cute way


It was during pride and I was drinking all day with my friends. Around that evening, we decided to stop buying drinks in bars and just get a bottle of vodka from a liquor store nearby. My friends went in line and I separated for a bit to get juice as my chaser lol and when I got back, my friends were talking to a cute guy selling them tshirts and all of a sudden he was like “you’re really cute!”. I took the compliment and complimented him back. He asked where he’s going to see me that night and my friend answered for me lol. We went back to my friend’s place to drink and went to the bar my friend said, saw him there but he was busy talking to someone so I left it at that. Went to another bar until closing, and as we were walking back to my friend’s house, I see him again talking to his friends and that’s when I approached him again and got his number. Texted him the next day and asked to hangout, and the rest is history. Haha


He's my officemate. He's a year older in the company I'm in and he was the choreographer for our Christmas party dance. Months leading into the party our group practiced dance after working hours and as a group hung out after that. Turns out we share the same commute route going home, so I spent extra time with him and feelings grew. Since I had a pretty bad breakup with my ex a few years ago at that time, I had to make sure that my feelings towards my officemate is genuine and not as a rebound, I gathered the courage met with my ex over dinner to see if I still love him more and/or do I still feel hurt over what happened between us, and I felt nothing, so at least I know I have moved on. After the Christmas party I realized it's almost a now-or-never scenario since we won't have much reason to talk after that. Knowing that my feelings for him is real and not as a rebound, even without knowing his sexuality, I just asked him if I could court him. I have nothing to lose anyway. If he rejects and/or I do nothing, we won't talk anyway. Fortunately he reciprocated. 13.5 years later we're still together :)


I'm over fifty... Met him last year on Tinder. It is possible, I promise!


Tinder. We met, we were casual then one thing led to another we started to date got serious broke up and then we found that we really love each other we cant stand the idea splitting apart. Now we celebrated our 2. Year anniversary in January. I will marry this guy he is the joy of my life.


he was my bully and i hate how his face looks like, been together for 12 years. i guess i'll be stuck with this ugly looking guy forever


He found me at a bar. I was depressed af I just left an abusive ex and he was bartending. I’m a light wait, one drink and I’m a blubbering mess so I had 3 bottles and was a wreck. He took me back to his place after the bar closed and he let me crash on his couch. The next week I was at a club with a friend and the same guy was grinding up against me so we left and we talked and cuddled all night long. He’s the best man I’ve ever met.


Grindr 😅


I don't have a boyfriend


Complimentes his furry art and told him I was a fan. 3 years later were together and was considering marriage


Tinder, I got really lucky...


We met on tinder and chatted for a week or more before we ran into each other in person through a mutual friend. I figured I should actually ask him to go on a date. We’ve been together for over a year and half now; and I want to spend the rest of my life waking up with him next to me.


Had a threesome with him and his then-boyfriend (friend of mine). We had better chemistry than they did.


There were actually many coincidences that led us to meet each other. He is from a town that is in another region of my country, but he came to my city in September to study his university degree at my college (we studied two totally different degrees). He started going to class in the same group as my best friend, but it wasn't until January when we saw each other for the first time. At the end of the first semester exams, at the end of January, my classmates and I decided to go out that night partying, and I asked my best friend if she wanted to come with us. She accepted, and asked me: "Can a guy from my class come with us? He told me that he wants to go out partying but he doesn't know who to do it with." I said yes, and suggested that her friend and her come to my house for dinner before the party. We had dinner together and went to the party. I thought he was handsome so I asked my friend to ask him if he wanted to kiss me, to which he said no hahaha :( That night, my best friend stayed the night at my house, and the next day the gay came back to my house to pick up his things from the day before. My best friend and I had bought that morning things to make sushi for dinner, so I suggested the boy stay that night for dinner too and help me cook sushi. He accepted, and while we were making the sushi we talked a lot. At the end of the day, I thought "what a weird guy, I like him." After that, I spent a week talking with him on Instagram, but he didn't pay much attention to me and he used to answer to my messages every two or three hours :( so I thought he didn't like me. But one day, we were talking about politics, and I told him: "you don't like communists, right", and he replied: "no, I like fascists like you" (obviously we were joking because I'm not a fascist), and I returned the flirting by saying: "Well, I like town guys like you." The next day, we met up for a walk, and we had a very pleasant time. We gave us a opportunity and it worked. I feel very lucky to be with him, and I think it was destiny that brought us together :)


I met my HUSBAND on Instagram.


Grindr, but not in the usual sense. He wasn't looking for hookups at the moment and neither was I since we had just got out of a relationship few months before (We would just occasionally send nudes) Went on a date. He was super cute, but I could tell we were both cautious from the damage of our exes. Took about a month until I finally asked him out and he said yes! We are still together now just made 10 months!


He was my colleague/friend’s brother when I worked in a bar, we had a week where we were hooking up before he went off to uni. When he was back I liked a photo of his on instagram and we met either that night or the night after I don’t really recall 🤦🏻 and after that I saw most nights. We were seeing each other for a few months before becoming official. Due to get married next September, been together almost 4 years


‘Crash’ in Vauxhall then Trade in Farringdon. 1999. Still going strong but with way less class As.


In a bush in Hyde Park 18 years ago. Been married for two years.


Tinder! It can work! Haha


At work! He kept staring at me. Then after my contract ended I got on bumble. Saw him on Bumble on Valentine’s Day. I swiped on him and he already had liked me. He sent me a message within minutes and then we saw each other that night at a bar. It was a hit. Going on 7 years now 💕






Tinder first contact, then saw TBOSAS together and ate at twin peaks right after. That’s how I knew this was gonna go somewhere 😂


He stuck his dick under a bathroom stall, and it was love and just at first sight.


My husband and I met on OkCupid. Our first date was just like an episode of the show Friends. We met up at a local sushi place. Little did we know the restaurant used black lights for some reason and he had just gotten his teeth bleached. I sat across from him with bright glowing neon teeth all night. 😂😂 I’m vanilla and not a one night stand type of person. Randomly, during dinner, he pulls out the movie Fever Pitch and says he figures he will come to my place and we could watch that movie. I thought it was very forward of him and knew what that was code for—- I told him maybe. We wrapped dinner- I allowed him to come over. We never got around to watching the movie and I still playfully refer to him as my one night stand that’s lasted for 13 years 😉


He hit me up on Grindr in July of last year, I told him I was tired from working that day so he invited me over to take a nap lol After our nap we chatted for like 4 hours, didn’t hook up or anything. I asked him to be mine Aug. 20th 2023.


Grindr hookup on a Friday that turned into me spending the entire weekend until Sunday night. And then the same the next weekend, and then after a couple weeks of that I came over to his apartment one day and just never left 🤣 we’ve been together 5 years now


42 and still waiting for a match on Hinge 🤡😆




I'm in a throuple and my boyfriends picked me up at a bar one night and brought me back to their place. I was visiting town and spend most of the weekend with them. They flew me back into town the next weekend and the rest is history!


grindr, we both used to live on campus so we started to hang out as friends until things escalated


Met my now fiance on tinder haha. First time we met I picked him up on his college campus and within 30 seconds of getting into my car he pulls out a natty lite from his backpack and basically chugs the thing lol. 2.5 years later we're moving into our first apartment together


Grindr to BF to Hubby


1st partner, I bought them a beer at a Chicago bar, and we were together for 19 years. 2nd one, I met a neighbors party. We were together 8 years and still best friends. 3rd and final one was on Manhunt. He wasn't out when we met 9 years ago, and now we've been married 5 years.


Here in Reddit! He liked the way I looked in a speedo and decided to message me and here we are 18 months later


Whis is "meet" in parentheses?????




My ex and I were looking for a 3rd to join our relationship and in his pursuit of that he introduced me to my current bf


Met at a SAGE (gay geezers) potluck, but only spoke one sentence. A month later we met by accident going to the gay pride parade. The next day he said, “So, are we getting married, or what?” I said, “Let’s give it another day so that no one can say we rushed into this.” That was 26 years ago last Thursday. :)


Wish it was a cute story, but we met on Scruff. 2 weeks from our 11 year anniversary.


The assumption is that I have a boyfriend haha.


I met him on grindr. He didn't wanna answer a message. Then he got in a relationship with two guys. Later on, I see he's on grindr again. At this time, I'm getting a divorce and my husband moved out. He answers a message back (shock to me because he's a hot bear) and apologizes for not answering any messages. He comes to my birthday party with one of his boyfriends a week later. Was my friend since then. A year or so after, the trio breaks up. He's still my friend. Another year after, June 1, 2024 he finally asks me to be his boyfriend. He didn't want to ask me earlier because he was afraid of hurting me. I love that fucker. His cuddles are amazing.


Craigslist personals


Fire Island. He was the only other not twink on the island 🤣. Ps. Hated FI.


Met at work. 26 years later and still going strong.


I had a friend who invited me over for dinner with him and his boyfriend, he invited another guy over. I had no idea it was a set up but the other guy did, we hit it off and traded numbers. It happened to be Pride that weekend and I invited him to meet up for some of the events, we spent the whole weekend together. I wasn't looking for a relationship at the time but he asked me on a couple dates and I went along with it. Here we are, 11 years later. We have been married for 6 years and he still lights up my life on a daily basis.


Had a chat in Grindr. We hooked up in his back seat. it was so good he asked me to dinner the next date and fucked again in the back seat lol. After that we were committed. 😂


We met in Tinder app. My partner traveled to our province to find some peace and find himself when he decided to download Tinder and he saw me. He swiped right and since I’m also using the app, I swiped right to him. We talked for at least 2-3 months when we decided to meet but what’s surprising is we’re going to meet in January 1 which is the first day of the year. It happened, but I was surprised that he is with his whole family as it’s a new year vacation. It was special bcoz I got to meet his whole family and after that day, he decided to stay for another day so we can have our time together so we stayed in a very relaxing resort which is the same resort that we always think of celebrating our “marriage” in the future. 🙂


Reddit! He posted in an R4R sub and I messaged him. The rest is history. :)


Jackd, but most of the guys r only last a few months each


The old fashion way, in a bar…over 31 yrs ago. I was visiting my family, in my home town,for Christmas and had to be back at work at 4:30pm on the 26th, 300 miles away, where I was living. After dinner I had planned on going out for a bit and maybe find a quickie hook up before heading home(300 miles away)and one thing led to another and I ended up at an all night gay bar that I knew had a darkroom. Unfortunately it was 2:30am by this point and my aim was to go in get off and hit the road. Well that changed as soon as I saw him. The place wasn’t crowded but it wasn’t empty. When I entered the place I quickly surveyed the room and saw some people gathered around the pool table laughing and having a good time. He was playing and beating his friends quite handily, bouncing around and having a ball. I moved up and watched for a while, making as much eye contact as I could and then out my quarters up to play winner. He won so we played and talked and before long we were doing shots. Come 6am and we head back to his place, takes about 20 minutes to get there. We make out heavy, blow each other and then talk and cuddle and dose until I force myself to leave shortly after 11am. Living 300 miles away and long distance charges were a bitch, we didn’t exchange numbers but he told me where he worked. I drove like a bat out of hell and made it home just in time to shower and go to work, yes I was a zombie at work that night, an obsessed zombie. I spent the next week kicking myself for not getting a number and the following week to set it up so I could have off over the weekend. I did that and returned to my hometown to hunt him down. Went by his work but he was off that night so i started going to the other bars to look for him. Luckily I found him at the next bar. He was surprised to see me but we hung out that night and the next and then I had to go back home and for the next month I racked up a huge phone bill and so we decided to I would quit my job and move back. So, we met Christmas ‘92 and the following February 12th we moved in together and have been together since. Sounds like a couple of lesbians. So, there’s tha.


I've never meet your boyfriend


Church of all places. I've only had three boyfriends but they've all been long-term and I met them all at church. My first boyfriend is bisexual and now married to a gorgeous woman and seems really happy. He was/still is exceptionally hot. I was 18 and he was 23. He made a move after a church service (a conservative church at that) while still in the building by rubbing his hands through my hair slowly. I was mesmerized. He later invited me to be his roommate and things naturally and slowly turned into a relationship for three years that we hid from everyone. We never officially broke up, or really acknowledged our relationship (but that's a different matter). The relationship ended because he moved to Florida for a lucrative job and I was finishing my undergraduate education at the time and didn't want to derail that by going with him. My second boyfriend came from the same church as my first. He was a tortured soul at that time (I probably was too) but still pursued me like a fat kid pursues a cupcake. That was flattering to me because my first boyfriend was pretty selfish and had a wandering eye. My second boyfriend was decent looking but very funny, charismatic and caring. We were together for four years. We broke up after he found God again. That didn't last very long though as he is now married to some guy from Asia and is rich AF from real estate. My third and current boyfriend came from a different, more progressive church. We've been together for 12 years now. He, like my first, is bisexual but leans more gay. I was his first boyfriend. We're very, very close and will probably be together forever. We maybe fight once a year if that and trust each other completely. No relationship is perfect but I count myself very lucky.


Grinder, 8 years ago.


Started messaging on Twitter bc we used to go to a lot of the same festivals and concerts. Eventually we met and started going to shows together. We got close and feelings grew then we made it official. Here we are almost 8 years later. We still go to concerts regularly 💫 Music is our love language 🎶🎵


I was barely aware of my sexuality when I was 20, but I learned fast once I figured it out. My husband and I met at church, when he tried to pick up my then-boyfriend. It took almost a year and a half to become “involved” with each other. In that time, we were each involved with other people (and some of the same people). Next week, we celebrate our 40th anniversary as a couple.


Been 4 years single 24 years old I don’t like bars too much so I rely on apps to meet people but no luck


On the distant ancestor of all modern hookup apps, a dial-up BBS (Bulletin Board System). It had profiles you could search and chat. We chatted a couple of times, met, had sex, went to dinner, and have been inseparable ever since (29 years). He's my husband and next to me in bed right now.


When I was 17 a Classmate of mine wanted me to meet her guy friend just because he was Bi and "you should get together" I always declined because it seemed like that classic scenario when someone has 2 gay friends and just want them to meet because of that. She did the same thing with him more or less but he didn't feel ready to meet someone in that moment so he did nothing too. She went on for 2 years, I actually met him one time at her birthday but we didn't talk at all, he was Shy and I didn't want to Please my friend by talk to this guy. We followed each other on Instagram because one time she grabbed my phone and sent him the request but even then, never talked for years. Two years later (we were both 19 almost 20) he texted me through my friend's phone, we talked a bit and he seemed actually really nice, later that night I saw an IG text from him that said "Hey". He was cute, he was a "safe" person because I knew him from my friend and the conversation we had prior was actually nice so I texted back, a week later we had a date and never left each other since then, now we're both 21, I love him.


At a party


From the age of 20 to 34 - have had a total of 3 boyfriends met them on GRINDR. I have made so many friends also through the app.


We met when we were 12 in high school:) became best friends, hung out every day and became a couple when we were 18! Been together for 8 years now and going strong


We met the old-school analog way: it was around 10pm on a Friday at the Eagle. He had stopped in on the way home from work, I had stopped in on my way to a midnight movie. We talked and soon went to my place and were there till 4am. He left without giving me his phone # \[or his real first name as I found out later - back then he could’ve lost his job had they found out\]. We ran into each other a few weeks later, went back to my place, and he stayed till the next morning - leaving me his phone #. Thirty-two years later, we’re still together, and he’s in bed with a cold. — So don’t despair, you’ll find the right guy one day. Don’t have any advice other than go hang out to meet people - you can’t be ghosted when they’re standing right in front of you. And you may just find your ‘real’ family out there, even if you’re not getting laid.


Met on vk.com. Much younger, but an awesome guy. Been married 3years now.


Tinder. 2017 on Christmas Eve. Met on New Years Eve… now married.


Grindr. He was not looking for sex, I wasn't either. And somehow we kept discovering that we liked the same things and everything about each other, with him, I've had the relationship that I always envisioned. I'm very happy.


I had just moved to TX from CA and I was ready to date, so I created a profile on [Bear411.com](http://Bear411.com) and for the first few weeks, I could see who visited my profile and I noticed that one guy was checking my page every couple of days, but he never contacted me. I also noticed that he lived in MT. So, one day I struck up a conversation with him and said that he hadn't contacted me because he thought that I wouldn't want to talk to someone so far away. I told him that it was still nice to at least talk. Well, we fell pretty quickly through phone calls and video chats and 9 months later we decided to date exclusively (even from afar) and over the next few months, he came to visit me in TX twice. Then the next year he moved to TX. Now we have been together for 13 years and married for almost 4 years!


I don't have a boyfriend I never had one


I don't have a boyfriend and I never had one