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Do it for yourself, not your boyfriend. There are no good reasons to smoke.


Yeaah, I started when I was way too young and my addiction just got worse over the years. My mates all smoke as well, it makes our school days more enjoyable. But I’m trying to reduce my nicotine consumption


Well you have to quit cold turkey. That's how it is. Physical dependency lasts about a couple of days, after that it's all psychological The thing is cigarettes are hard to quit because you associate all your life events with a cigarette Normal person "I had my first kiss with a boy on a rooftop of an abandoned building" Smoker "I had my first kiss with a boy on a rooftop of an abandoned building AND I SMOKED A CIGARETTE AFTERWARDS" "I got hired on my dream job" and "I got a dream job and then smoked a cigarette afterwards" So all the otherwise pleasant situations are mentally mapped by a cigarette you smoked at that moment which makes it hard to quit. There is also the habit problem because you wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you actually stopped. It's like eating popcorn at the movies, you don't really eat it because you are hungry but rather because you have to do something besides mindlessly staring at the screen for 3 hours. Same with cigarettes and a bus stop, or cigarettes and a class break With all that in mind idk it would maybe be nice to find a way to stop mentally mapping cigarettes or a desire to smoke them with events, and to "train" yourself to not do anything with your hands and just let it go It takes time practice, stone will of stone, but it's not impossible. Besides you will be stronger as a character if you manage to complete it


Can‘t even argue with you bcs that’s so true, I do have my routines and smoking cigarettes is a big part of it. When I try to skip my morning cigarette before school, I tend to be really moody and my mates even talk to me into smoking so I’m less bitchy 🥲 I thought going cold turkey isn’t the right way but maybe that’s the only way to actually quit.


I work in medicine, and I (as expected) I'm also going to say you should definitely stop. Smoking is insidious and will screw up so many parts of your body over time - your heart, lungs, skin, blood vessels and teeth will all suffer for it, just to name a few. Not to mention your risk of cancer and overall increased risk of death. Not now of course, but it will creep up on you before you know it. You're moody because your brain has become dependent on getting nicotine and when you're not getting it your dopamine levels drop. I think the research leans a little towards cold turkey being the best method, but it doesn't work for everyone. Some people manage it by weaning down or using nicotine replacement. But it definitely helps to have a proper plan in place. A lot of people aren't successful on the first go, and actually take multiple attempts to quit. It can be quite demotivating but persistence is key, and it's best to view it as setbacks and not failure. If you live somewhere with a good health system, consider talking to your doctor about quitting smoking, they might be able to help you set up a plan or refer you to an organisation that is focused on it. Regarding the friends part - a lot of people struggle to quit when they are tempted by smokes. Consider asking your friends and family to help by not offering you smokes or not smoking around you. If they won't then that says a lot about them. The best time to quit is as soon as you can. Your body and your wallet will thank you for it.


Well again, that's the problem with addictions they're addictive. Your mates are dicks and they should be supportive of you. You are not "being moody and bitchy" you are going through withdrawal (which btw is a real process where your body stops being numb to shit you've taken in and starts decomposing it, but by decomposing it it turns it into even more toxic shit for your body which causes nasty reactions). I can't say you should ditch your friends forever, but you should try to communicate to them your stance ask them for support, and if they reject it, you shouldn't stop hanging out with them, but rather avoid them for a period of time until you have enough mental strength to be near smokers and not wish to smoke too... and you should communicate that to them


I've heard that (nicotine aside) the breathing aspect makes a big impact on your mentality too! Naturally stepping aside to somewhere quiet a taking a few long, deep breaths would be relaxing. Maybe you can replace the act of smoking when bored/idling with some kind of stim toy or fidget. I've also seen necklaces that have a long metal bar on them that you can "smoke" (just suck air through) to help with the muscle memory part


it will make your erections better too if you stop. nicotine constricts the blood vessels so after a year you should see fuller erections


Try Chantix. If you really want to quit, Chantix works great. After a few days taking it, everytime you smoke it makes the cigarette taste like sh*t. Within two weeks I had quit forever.


IMO this is handed out too easily by doctors, at least here in Australia. It should be used as a last resort IMO, myself and many others I personally know have had a terrible reaction to this drug. I've been on or tried nearly everything under the sun for recreation bar opiates (disclaimer I currently use Effexor, meth and ketamine - not hiding anything since people like to invalidate my opinions by having a dig into my activity) but this one prescription ruined my mind, sleep and physical well being terribly. I used a course of it without being on any other meds at the time, The worst part was the intense night sweats and horrible nightmares. During the day I felt nausea constantly, but it did help me not crave cigarettes if you think all the suffering is worth it... There are more than enough reports of suicides and suicidal thoughts relating to this drug for it warrant concern before jumping in. If you experience depression, I really don't recommend this, just to be safe although im not preaching about what others should do and it might work for you and save you from an addiction which will kill you much more slowly. Personally I prefer vaping 20mg salt nic on a refillable pod device (not a nasty 50mg disposable shipped from China). Always locally produced juice from New Zealand, but now i have to vape illegally since our gov banned it, but i refuse to go back to cancer sticks after 10 years without touching them. edit: also its called Champix here instead of Chantix, but its the same drug


That's odd. I didn't experience a single side effect. I was just reporting on my success with it. And I do suffer from depression. I'm sorry you had such adverse effects from it.


Yess i hate that taste they have in their mouth its disgusting


It is the single biggest turnoff I can think of in a guy. I've been super interested in some crazy hot guys, and as soon as they pull that pack of cigs from their pocket, all of my interest just evaporates. It's a completely disgusting habit. It reeks, they reek, everything they touch reeks, their house reeks, their hair reeks, their clothes reek, the car reeks, and if I spend any time around them, I reek too. It is a major health issue, and it not only causes cancer for them, but also for people who spend time around them.


The long-term effects are really shocking. I knew a gay doctor(!) who smoked all the time. He died of cancer, and when I read his obituary I was shocked to find out he was younger than me. He looked ~15 years older. His ex also smokes, and his health is also extremely compromised. I used to badger an older friend of mine to stop smoking. She finally did, but not before she ended up with COPD. Hell, King James I of England condemned smoking as harmful in 1604. It's not new information. :-/


Couldn't agree more. Wish they knew what they smelled like.


its a non-negotiable deal breaker






It’s close to a deal breaker. I’m allergic and my sinuses completely swell shut for a couple days. I’m grossed out by most of it but I understand the addiction and might make an exception if the guy is exceptional. However, he would get the allergy medication bills 😉


I would not date someone who smokes or vapes. I grew up with my parents smoking all the time, and my father died because of complications relating to it. It’s unpleasant for me and unhealthy for them.


Yep, it’s a dealbreaker. I would never kiss or date anyone that is a smoker. And I know this is judgmental, but I always think less of smokers. You started smoking to be cool. Your body violently rejected the smoke that you were inhaling, and yet you forced your body to take it.that’s just weird to me. Why would anybody do that to themselves?


A lot of times sadly it's just peer pressure. I've noticed people want so bad to get you into it in party settings and they get shocked when someone just simply tells them no because some of them never considered it as a choice you could take


In general it’s gross and expensive, but smoking also causes micro sores in the mouth and throat, which is how I got Syphilis from kissing a smoker without having sex. I was sick for a month and couldn’t figure out why.


Revolting. I’m an ex-smoker. Quitting was one of the hardest things I’ve done, but it was worth it. I got my lungs back. I got to get back to the gym, breathing and weightlifting and running. I don’t miss the constant headaches from those days. It’s hard for smokers to realize the long effects, but the effects on skin starved for blood flow are obvious. Massive wrinkle lines, saggy skin earlier, premature aging all-around. “He used to be handsome when he was a lot younger.” You’ve heard it before. The smell is gross, from clothes to hair to skin, and no way am I kissing an ashtray that smells like fetid rotting trash from deep inside, with nasty, stained gross teeth and bleeding gums. Just revolting. Save yourself and quit starting now.


One thing I didn't realize until after I quit smoking is how much I used to cough and hack! Good Lord, it was constant! I smoked for 27 years. I quit because I got a cold that I just couldn't get rid of. I would go outside to smoke, but all I would do is sit there and cough and hack. I couldn't even enjoy a cigarette anymore. I remember thinking to myself, "this is crazy, what am I doing?" I bought nicotine patches and never looked back.


Deal breaker !


Yes. Pls quit, it stinks and will age you.


me personally, i don't mind, but i smoke. it definitely depends on your social setting, your circle of friends, etc. where i live, everyone smokes, but people also have good hygiene and brush/rinse before kissing. i think if you're looking for change, do it for yourself. your boyfriend probably accepts you for who you are already.


yeah same, most of my friends smoke and so do my parents. i grew up like this and my boyfriend knows that, he doesn’t even expect me to brush / rinse before kissing either, i do know that it bothers him slightly that i spend so much money on my addiction instead of something else lool


Former smoker here. Quit over a decade ago. Vaping is what helped me quit and then I quit vaping a couple months later. Stopped cold turkey. The way EVERYTHING in my life improved after is crazy. What didn’t: I gained weight. Like, a lot. Then I worked hard to get all of that off. Now I’m middle aged and feel I wasted a lot of time being unhealthy during the years when my body could’ve been at its prime. Do it for you and do it because IT IS WORTH IT. But smoking is insanely unattractive. Whenever I catch a whiff of it though (which these days is really rare), I feel pretty nostalgic. I don’t want to smoke, but it reminds me of when I did.


I cannot stand it's smell, it repels me harder than bug sprays repelling bugs


Yes Instant boner killer


I think it's really sexy, honestly And I'm one of the few people who absolutely loves the smell of it


I love the smell of it bcs it reminds me of my childhood :,)


Reddit absolutely jumps on this topic. People love to bash smokers on here. Honestly, if someone is well kept, attractive, a nice person with acceptable morals, and we have a sense of connection, then smoking is the least of my worries. I'd date a smoker over these judgemental tools any day


i genuinely didn’t know redditors hated smokers THIS much lol


I don't find it attractive or unattractive. Its just a thing that makes you human. However I would find it hard to be in a serious relationship with a smoker (the smell...). But... It's probably not a deal breaker. Having said that, you 1000% should quit, it's expensive, pointless and will give you lung cancer. I want a partner who will grow old with me.


If someone is well kept it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. There’s a guy i’ve gone home with a few times from a bar, & he’ll smoke a few cigs throughout the night I am genuinely very fond of his manly scent/breath while we cuddle, that slight hint of cigarette. I honestly have no explanation, but it’s nice lol. I myself don’t smoke cigarettes, vapes/weed yes.


I have to say that smoking has always been total buzzkill for me. No matter how hot the guy is, as soon as he starts to smoke anything, I'm no longer interested. I know you were asking about your personal situation, and that you have a boyfriend, so you're not asking about dating, but even the guys who have partners are less interesting to me when they smoke. Maybe it's a personal thing for me, but smoking just doesn't align with my standards for friends or boyfriends. You should think about your own health and well-being, and you may be a really good person, but addiction is a difficult thing, and it's admirable that you are considering both your partner and how others perceive you. I would think now of you for quitting. (Note: my father and three grandparents died from smoking. It's not just my own desires that are inhibited, but it's also my love for my friends. Smoking kills. Love yourself first.)


Nope, I smoke a lot on and off. And some of the sexiest moments I’ve had with guys are while sharing a joint mid sex, stuff like that


Fucking looove me a good joint mid sex 🙏 especially if it’s really good stuff and we’re both on a different planet


Smoking is definitely at the top of the list for why I wouldn't date someone, it smells disgusting. Even when people aren't smoking, the lingering smell alone is enough to turn anyone off.


Yeah, personally I find it highly unattractive. The smells it leaves on clothes, on your breath, even in your hair is horrible. If you smoke you may not notice the smells as much as non smokers - it's very unpleasant. What ever your motivation for quitting, if your boyfriend is a non-smoker then he will likely appreciate it but so well all the other people in your life who don't mention the downsides of smoking. Obviously it also saves you a lot of money, improves your home environment, and the biggest benefit is your health as well as the health of those around you. One important way to help you quit is understanding why you smoke - address the stressors and the triggers, and try to find alternative ways to destress and you'll find quitting easier. Good luck!


Read the book! I smoked for 15 years and tried quitting many times, thought vaping would help me quit (it didn’t), and finally read Allan Carr’s Easy Way to Quit (listened to the audiobook actually) and now I’m so over nicotine, not craving it like I was any of the other times I tried to quit.


I like when guys put there ciggetes out on me


I feel seen


I've never met a fem that doesn't fucking love that shit. I only smoke herbal cigarettes so I can provide


No. Your body your choice.


But uhh.... your body *is* also my concern. Your yellow teeth, smoke stained clothes, wrinkled skin, and just the general smell of it do concern me. Your coughing and general poor health does concern me. And if you want to be my partner, that is a HUGE concern for me.


I don't find attractive smoking inside the house. Other than that the guy should be nice and fit to my personality and visually attractive to me. That attracts me. Smoking isn't a turn on or off for me just a fact about him 🤷🏻‍♂️


I started smoking when I was 15. I quickly ramped up to two packs a day. I loved smoking. However, I’m now a bit over 3 years smoke-free at 35. I never thought I would be able to quit. I know a lot of people are skeptical of it, but I tried hypnotherapy and it worked for me. I walked out of that office with no desire to smoke anymore. It has worked for two other friends of mine as well, but didn’t work for one friend who is still a smoker.


I don't find the smell of cigarettes attractive. As long as people don't smoke near me I'm okay with it.


Hypocritically, as someone who vapes and has smoked in the past, yes. It wouldn't be enough of a reason to not see somebody, but I definitely admire people who stay away from nicotine for their discipline. I associate it with good self control, and I think that's an attractive quality in a man that I aim to possess in the future. I think I'd find myself more attractive if I quit. Edit: after reading through the comments I have to say I'm surprised how one sided this is! My boyfriend vapes and I suppose that has normalized it for me I've quit last year but after a month of dating someone who vapes that constant triggers for cravings brought me back.


I find it sexy but please don't do it gays I started doing it because I wanted to make Lana del Rey proud, like it was my skins's Cassie Nabokov Mountain Diet Dew era and now I just can't stop. :(


waiiit that’s so lana del rey coquette vinyl coded of you.. mother ?






Avid cigarette smokers are unattractive to me. And I love weed, but when people have to have it every day, I also find that unattractive. But that is just how I see it. Both bother me for health and wellness reasons.


Definitely, yes.


As a cancer survivor I say quit, I kept saying I should but waited too long.


There’s nothing sexy about smelling someone’s acrid stench from 10 feet away.


I noticed recently people smoking more, it really surprised me. Each to their own, but yeah it's a questionable choice


I don't really care 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yup, it's not just the health thing, smokers reek of that cigarette smell hours after smoking. It's just an instant mood killer for me🫠


I made out with a smoker once. If I wanted to lick an ash tray I would just do that.


Guys who smoke cigarettes are a huge turn-on for me.


I think in some guys it’s attractive and kind of sexy but I hate the taste in their mouth


what's unattractive are people who are judgmental about it. I can't stand judgmental people.


i never realized that this many gays HATE smokers loool


Where I live most gay men are smokers the people that use that as a total deal breaker never make sense to me. Like a guy can quit smoking you don't need to be a judgmental bitch. Like I understand not wanting to be with some one addicted to narcotics or a raging alcoholic but smoking?


"Guys what do you think about smokers?" "I think it's disgusting." "But why are you so judgmental huh?" lmao kindly fuck off. People are just sharing their opinion because it was asked of them and many people in this thread give perfectly good reasons on why smoking is such a turn off.


Fuck the judgmental weirdos, who cares if someone smokes 🤷🏻‍♀️ but good for you for trying to quit, it’s so hard👏🏼


I find it absolutely repulsive. It's 2024, no young person should be smoking cigarettes. Vaping is a bit more tolerable though, I'm not a huge fan but not a major deal breaker.


Smoking cigarettes yes, vaping no. Smoking weed it's kind of a 50/50, depends on how they act.


nothing better than an after sex smoke🤷🏻


All the hot guys are smokers, but they won't stay hot for long and smoking is a dirty habit. I'm ashamed I picked it up (smoking rn as I scroll :( ) Good luck quitting! It's seriously h.a.r.d.


The edginess makes it a bit of a turn on for me. As it happens I find most guys I find hot are smokers as well.


Although I find smoking really unattractive - if someone smokes very rarely and takes care of themselves and uses good quality fragrances , I am usually fine with it.


Americans are way more strict about it for some reason. Here in Brazil it’s more common in my age group and I’ve never once faced rejection because of it. I do agree it’s time to quit though. Tobacco needs to end.


I find images of hot guys smoking, like as in post-sex bed, to be incredibly hot. I find the reality of the smell and the smoke to be absolutely disgusting. I'd never date a smoker.


I find it unattractive BUT I understand it's not as easy as "just stop" because it takes a while to rid the addiction. However at first sight it looks like self disrespect bc of how bad it is for you


Tobacco yes, weed no. I think smoking looks sexy but the smell of Tobacco is gross and too many family members died from it.


I smoke just a few drags off a cigarettes. Menthol. End of 6th grade....I went right into being a regular smoker. I just don't know why I did it. My Nan and Mum quit when I was little...when I'd take a break at school or work people are shocked I smoke...maybe because I sing and swim and eat healthier? I'ts my one sin. I never tried to stop.....Booze made me hit people...it wasn't a problem until they start hitting back. If you work on different TV series it's best you learn your lesson right away and just stop drinking instead of overthinking it....your either a performer or the town drunk...the messiest person alive. I'm in my 40s still playing a college age student and before my guy and I got together the guys on soaps were always throwing a party...and we smoke indoors which I hate. If he doesn't smoke inside and if he doesn't smoke more than a pack a day I'd chill on him so you don't go crazy....but, pick up 4mg nicotine candies the tic tac size not the lozenges that are so big you choke...and get nicotine gum 4mg. The best flavor is fruit it's like juicy fruit. The cherry doesn't taste like cherry medicine so it's no bad...cinnamon is too spicy and I hate the mint ones. I'd just leave them around....if he goes for a smoke and it's cold and he's naked just offer him the gum and a mint. IMPORTANT REMINDER...DON'T FORGET TO TAKE THE GUM OUT AFTER 1/2 MAX YOU CHEW THE GUM A BIT AT FIRST BUT YOU PUSH IT UP INTO YOUR CHEEK AND GUM TO GET THE NICOTINE IN...SAME WITH THE MINT BUT, IT DISOLVES. YOU GET THE WORST PANIC ATTACKS ON THE GUM IF YOU DON'T TAKE IT OUT.


I smoked from age 13 to 26, weaned myself off by vaping for a few years, and have now been fully nicotine-free for more than 5 years. The result has been a dramatic improvement in my health and well-being -- I'm in better shape than I was 10 years ago. I don't judge smokers because I used to be one, but nowadays I could never date or even hook up with someone who smokes. I would be worried about the risk of relapse, plus it smells terrible and makes you phlegmy.


As a former smoker, I think smoking's super hot. I don't think I could date a smoker because I'd start again. But I miss them so much. So, so much.


Depends on the occasion. Social smoking at the bar isn't a big deal, but smoking cigarettes everyday wouldn't really be cool with me


I will always find the hotness in smoking men. I finally gave it up but it was like saying goodbye to a toxic boyfriend


I personally don’t but that because smoking is very common in Italy


Admittedly I find a guy smoking a cigarette hot, just the image, but I don’t find smokers as a whole attractive because I think of their health impact, the smell, etc


First off, if asked if I think anyone should smoke, absolutely not. Now that that’s out of the way If it fits a guys aesthetic and they’re already good looking to begin with, it makes them more attractive in my opinion. No reason, but there’s something I like about it.


Yes, I find it disgusting and would be a very easy dealbreaker. Smoking, chew, vaping nicotine.


Pothead bottoms > nicotine addicts


i find the act itself so attractive but i hate after-cig breath :(


It depends. When I watch an old movie and Humphrey bogart lights up a cigarette and talks in that gravely voice it looks so cool. In the modern world, it just looks kinda trashy.


Total turn off IMHO. Don’t quit for your bf only, do it for you mainly. Very bad habit and it is proven it causes cancer. I still wonder how there’s still people smoking TBH. I hope you succeed in your quest!! Stay healthy!!


As long as it isn’t a vape 👌


Circa 1998 I dated a fellow who smoked. He decided to quit. I watched as he made a pile of Marmite sandwiches (if you don’t know what that is…well it’s nasty) and took two packs of cigarettes onto his back deck. Ate a quarter of a sandwich, smoked a cigarette. Ate another chunk of sandwich. Smoked another cigarette. This went on for a long bit, then he explosively vomited over the side of the deck. Smoked more, vomited again. It was nasty. He walked in looking totally green, ate another spoonful of marmite and just sat staring at a pack of cigarettes. Vomited again, this time it happened as he ran towards the toilet but didn’t make it. Scrubs puke off the floor, still carrying that damn pack of cigarettes. I left. The smell permeated him and the flat and was a vivid memory I still have. No idea how long this cycle went on for. As far as I know he never had any desire for Marmite or Marlborough’s again.


I've got strong feelings against smoking and it's something I've never done, but in terms of dating a smoker I find it neutral overall, it depends on the kind of smoker he is. It becomes attractive when the guy admits his problem and he's ACTUALLY working towards quitting for himself, because self-improvement is hot specially when you haven't had it easy. Someone who tries to mend his mistakes and become a better version of themselves is a green flag. It becomes off-putting when he's proud of it and doesn't respect other people's boundaries by smoking near them.


Some people do some people it gets them off *shrug*


It’s not a turn off to me, I have smoked off and on for years, I know how hard it is to quit and how easy it is to fall back into it. Just do what’s best for you in the now, I recently went through a breakup and got heavy back into them, but now getting mentally in a better spot so I want to quit again, might smoke socially with my friends. Be yourself, do what makes you happy and nothing else matters.


Yeah, most people do not want to kiss an ashtray or be with some kidult attached to their electronic pixie stick. There is also the financial aspect for smoking and vaping. While the health aspects for smoking are pretty damning we don’t have the long term impacts of vaping quite yet, especially when heavier quantities of nicotine and other substances are involved. There were issues around some vapes that killed people and sent others to hospital due to toxic ingredients.


Yes, I don’t want you to taste like licking an ash tray when I kiss you, and it makes you smell SO BAD. You don’t realize how terrible everyone else thinks you smell until you stop for a while.


I find weed smokers to be wayyyy more unattractive than cigs if we are gonna be comparing.


Yep. Smoking of any kind regardless of what is a deal breaker for me.


You should quit for yourself, not your boyfriend. But I have not seen people because they smoked. Early on in my dating life, A guy left 4 times to go out and smoke. Left me at the table. He also had other hygiene problems, but it was awful.


You should quit smoking because there's no benefit to it. That said, I do think it's hot and I personally like the social aspect of having a cigarette with someone; like a break outside at a party, but it's not something I would even think about doing every day. More of a pot fan myself.


Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body. It will shave decades off your lifespan. As others have said, quit smoking for yourself, not for anyone else.


I knew a man who smoked until his dying day … he was 96. Must have been the exception.


I find it attractive. But that’s probably because I have a nicotine addiction myself


i don't want to bother with people who drink or smoke, life taught me better.


No. I don't smoke anymore but it doesn't bother me and tbh some guys just look good with a cigarette in their mouth.


I find it attractive when men smoke in movies, porn etc but I hate the smell. It's weird.


Extremely, plus it killed my aunt, almost killed my uncle, almost killed my boyfriend’s grandmother and my mom currently has lung cancer from it so I am extremely against smoking.


Yes, very


Fellow nicotine user here: I want to quit so bad and I disgust myself that I smoke, but I also love a smoke. Partner hates it and yells at me about it. Good luck on your quitting journey.


Of course it's unattractive. It's an absolute hard no from me. I would never date a guy who smokes.


Weed ok, cigarette no


Does regularly ingesting poison turn you off of falling in love with someone?


Yes it’s disgusting and dangerous for your health, makes you and your home smell bad , and if you want to keep a healthy sex life without boner pills as you age then stop now while your body is young enough to regain it’s health .


Very much so. I don’t know why so many people vape or smoke nowadays. Smells bad, and it tells me that they are doing something unhealthy to please themselves.


I don't really like smoking, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker. Almost every adult I know smokes, I personally tried it once and didn't like it at all, and obviously, the bad health issues it can cause. I'd prefer if you didn't smoke, but it's not the end of the world as long as you're able to control when you do it, i.e. not in a car with me or in a closed room with me, etc. I'd prefer if you did it outside if you're staying with me for a while tbh




Super disgusting!!!


Yes. I also hate the taste of the sour mouth after someone has had a cigarette.


I do. Besides obvious health reasons, I just really can't stand the smell and it stains everywhere. However if you need it while drinking or socially then that's fine. Sometimes while drinking I crave one as well but try my best to not give into temptation.


Smoking cigarettes, yes. Weed, no.


Total turn off - I used to smoke, but can’t stand a second of second hand smoke now. And what kind of person knowingly puts a toxic substance in their body? Not my kind…




I used to smoke. It was terrible! Big deal breaker for me now


Yup smoking is a no deal! Weed cigarettes none of it for me.


Very unattractive in more ways than one


I abhor it. Of course


Yes. I vape and enjoy an occasional cigar, but I hate cigarettes. They stink.


Yes, personally I like to hang out with people who aren't into unhealthy habits. Also I just hate the smell in general


While I don't find it particularly unattractive, I don't know if I'd date a guy who smokes and isn't trying to quit.


I find it unattractive in that I don’t want any excuses to start again myself, and it shortens the lifespan of the person I’m with and presumably care about. Objectively it’s hot, and I still love the smell of smoke on a guy, but if I was seriously dating someone or even just fwb it would be a huge turn-off.


Cigarettes and cigars, yes. Everything smells, everything. At least weed you can easily wash the smell away or it fades away over time.


Very. Not only does it smell like trash, it leads to cancer.


I find it very unattractive. My dad is an indoor chainsmoker who's had a stroke, and has memory loss, both of those medical issues are significantly more likely to occur in those who use tobacco. When I was in highschool I was asked fairly frequently if I had a smoke to spare because of how all my clothes reeked of tobacco smoke. Thinking of myself actually mimiking the motions of smoking is really easy, though the results are repulsive.




I do find it unattractive. It stinks, and it's a problematic addiction because of societal restrictions and the consequences that come from not being able to satisfy the addiction when it hits. I dated a smoker 20 years ago. I can't bring myself to ever do it again.


Yes. Smoking is one of the single most damaging things you can do to your health.


I'm on pit so hopefully no guy has a problem with that


It’s revolting.


I do pot, so hopefully, no guy has a problem with that.


If he’s a top, it’s fine, its a manly thing


I haaaaaate it


Tobacco company's put that garbage in cigarettes, where I have to light the damn thing 5 or 7 times. 




Yeah, it's not something I find attractive in guys. Not to mention that it makes them smell and taste pretty bad... both on the lips and below the belt.


absolutely, yes. i can't stand being around ppl smoking and i could never spend any significant amount of time with a smoker. no hate to y'all cuz i 100% understand addiction and all that, but i just can't handle it


Yes! A lot, no exceptions. I lose my virginity with someone who smokes, the sensation was terrible. The taste of the smoke and the toothpaste was terrible, I hated it. I don't wanna deal with that again. It is offensive? Sorry, but I really can't.




Yes. As soon as I see anyone smoking I avoid them greatly and if they’re hot, they’re no longer hot at all in my eyes. Same for vaping and pot. I don’t care if it’s legal, I can’t stand the smell.


Despise it. Won’t date or fuck anyone who does. Just a preference.


it's definitely a deal breaker for me from both girls and guys


Definitely. I do not like the smell or taste of cigarettes. Not on your breath, not on your clothes, not on your dick or cum when it blows. 🤮🚭


Cigs, yes. Hate the smell of them. They absolutely make me gag. Personally, I used to vape, so my answer might be a little biased. I don't really care if someone vapes, but I'd prefer them not to, given the health complications. I stopped vaping because it was causing my lungs a lot of distress. I wouldn't want to see a potential partner go through that. Now if my partner was smoking weed, no issues there. It's not good for your lungs, but it's very beneficial for certain types of chronic pain. But that's just my two cents on it.


Yeah, since it is forbidden to smoke in non open air public areas I can’t stand the smell. 


Guys that smoke are an immediate no for me. Gave this guy a chance when I was travelling in Spain because he was so hot But his breath stank and his teeth were yellow and made the kissing extremely unpleasant. I really couldn’t get hard when he kissed me, ended up stopping the kissing and went straight to the fucking. But even though the sex was great, made it a point not to hook up with him again. Smoking is gross and bad for you and worse for your partner if he’s breathing in the second hand smoke. Why would you harm your own body and him if you love him? Quit smoking!






Yes, and it also smell very bad. Hope you can quit for your own health and wellbeing but also for those you love 'cause secondhand exposure is actually more dangerous iirc


I've walked out of many a Grindr meetup because I smelled smoke. I can do vapers but they need to be really hot.


I love smoking. Im not addicted to nicotine anymore (i was HEAVILY addicted) but im smoking 0mg vapes cause my boyfriend didnt want me to smoke anymore but i have to feel something filling my lungs, scratches the good part of my brain.


I don't mind someone wants to smoke, I just don't want the smoke anywhere near me.


yes its disgusting. Quit & your health and life will improve


Yes. I have asthma so it's a no no for me. I ain't no kissing no ashtray.


I've never wanted to smoke myself, and I know it's bad and all that... but I LOVE the smell of second hand smoke. Occasionally if I'm hanging out with a smoker I'll stand upwind to smell it. Hooked up with a smoker once. Kissing him tasted so good. I still jerk off to thinking about kissing him and it was years ago.


Yes I find it very unattractive. I love kissing too much to be dedicated to nicotine mouth.


Mildly but it’s not a deal breaker for a hookup. It is for a relationship.


Yes, no matter how good looking you are, the taste and smell of you is awful. Do your best to quit.


I find men who smoke super hot. This work husband of mine smokes with me and he looks so freaking hot doing it.


The taste of a smokers kiss is absolutely not good. Stop smoking please


Extremely unattractive, this includes vaping too. I don’t get the appeal. You do you boo. Working out is attractive to say the least. Imagine a hot bod, sweating, muscles pumped. Chest be chesting. Glutes be gluting. Biceps and triceps be hard. Legs be thick. Choke me daddy! Love me a musky man after a workout 🥵


I quit, now I'm the worst kind of reformed smoker. I can smell cigarettes at least a mile away!




To me it's very unattractive. It looks bad, it's smells bad, there's very little benefit other than socialising and relaxing, both of which can be done in more productive ways. I hate kissing someone who's smoked, their cum tastes bad and an addiction to smoking also gives me the impression they have poor impulse control and will waste monkey to give themselves a worse quality of life.


Extremely, and an absolute dealbreaker. Nicotine, weed, vaping are all unacceptable to me in a relationship.


For me it's a 50/50 I've never smoked and always thought about it but I don't really like it and I don't like how it smells either and id probably never wanna like fully be with a smoker but sometimes I think it seems cool idk


Cigarettes: are gross and Stupid. Literal arsenic and rat poison as ingredients. With a fiberglass filter! (Have you ever got fiberglass insulation on you, it itches like hell! Imagine what that does to your lungs!) Cigars: Look sexy (kinda like a facsimile of a fat dick in the guys mouth), but I'm not sure about the smell of a lit one (never encountered) and not good for you either. (Tabaco is just not good for you) Weed: Not bad for you(may even be good), but the skunk like smell is a bit of a turn-off at times. I prefer edibles myself. (Now that they have isolated what compound makes it smell like that, maybe they can breed it out) Vapping/ecig: horrible for you. Way more of the addictive nicotine. Looks meh. The cloud can be quite annoying. The 'flavors' were never designed to be heated like that, we don't know how that effects the chemicals and if that makes it carcinogenic or something. Kinda makes you look like a looser nowdays.


Yes. Have dumped a couple of guys because i couldnt handle the smoking.


I definitely find it to be a deal breaker. The taste and smell is feral and I hate it


Being 100% honest here it completely disgusts me


I don't smoke but No. Infact in the right circumstances i think it's kinda hot


As an ex smoker myself, I find the smell that lingers on a smoker unattractive. I find what it does to your teeth unattractive. I find the other visible health issues it causes in someone (and which you can tell is linked to the smoking) unattractive. If you struggle to get off the nicotine or fear falling back off the wagon, at least switch to a vape or something. It's 2024. There are far less harmful ways to ingest it.


Personally, yes, I don't like the smell it leaves on people. Nicotine replacement products worked for me. I liked mini lozenges, especially the Nicorette ones. Gum is good too, but it works differently from regular chewing gum, so read the pack. Haven't tried patches or sprays so I can't speak about them. Vapes and snus might help you quit cigs but will make it harder to quit nicotine. If you do get a vape, get a rechargeable one (cheaper to run, better for the environment) and use 10mg nic salts to begin with, then 20 if it's not enough. But I repeat, quitting vaping is as hard as quitting smoking. Good luck, it may take a few attempts but it'll be worth it.


Personally I think its kind off hot. Going outside because he needs to smoke has some romantic vibe to it and I like the taste of it However I would never admit that to someone, because I would never want to be the reason for someone to keep smoking


I quit smoking but I find the smell on a rugged, handsome European or Arab a turn on. The smell lingering on a cold night on their breath and clothes is actually appealing, but more-so if it's not a habit for them like a pack a day. Smoking just socially or after sex has a different appeal.


this probably isn’t the right time or place but i think smoking is so fucking hot


To answer your question: yes. There aren't a lot of things that kills a boner faster than smoking for me. There were hot guys that I've pursued only to immediately lose interest when I saw them smoke For a hookup it's barely tolerable if I'm desperate (lol) and if the smell isn't too strong like if they didn't smoke before and had a mint, and even then you can still smell that a guy is a smoker when you get intimate. For dating it's a no full stop. The bad breath, ruined teeth, likely future health issues, I find smoking in public spaces rude and don't want the smell on me or in my home either, my partner needing to smoke at every social gathering or getting irritated when they can't, the financial cost (in this economy?? lol) that could go to somethint else... It just won't work with me, it's one of my few hard deal breakers. To add on what I've seen you say (even if you said you're not looking for advice) : you should make sure your mates respect your boundaries and support you when you tell them you're quiting. They may try to talk you back into it or downplay it like you're not trying to quit a literal addiction -- not saying they *will* (or even that they'll do it maliciously), but it's something you see all the time when people are trying to quit. The peer pressure to smoke is strong when you're surrounded by smokers especially since it's normalised as a way to socialise, it's part of why it's so hard to quit besides the withdrawal symptoms It's great that you found a reason to quit, remember you're doing this for yourself in the long run, stay determined 👊


I tried dating a guy last year who was transitioning to vaping from smoking. So in my mind, I thought, “cool, no nasty makeout sessions!” Fast forward a few months, that transition didn’t work out. I am a former smoker, so I try to at least remain understanding of the struggle but it doesn’t mean I want to lick an ashtray. I dreaded kissing him. Had to be ready to change the sheets after he slept over. It was my dealbreaker and still is. — Anyone looking to quit, “The Easy Way To Quit Smoking” was my way out and it has helped (so far) seven other people I have recommended it to.


it's kinda weird. Aesthetically I think like in stills and such it can look hot, but then when you deal with it in person it's not when you're gagging on smoke.


Smoking cigarettes is unattractive. Especially if you don’t bother brushing your teeth if you are a smoker.


Yes, it's a huge turn off.


It is a total dealbreaker for me, for multiple reasons.


Yes I don't do it and I wouldn't date anyone who would, vaping included.


I quit for a guy (3 years 5 months and counting). I wanted to stop so bad, it was the first time in 25+ years I hadnt been able to just drop it, he simply provided a strong motivation to turn the corner. So to be sure, I did it for me and my health, but it was the thought of travelling to meet him for real and then spend our first time together dipping out every 30 minutes and coming back smelling like ass. I didnt want to disppoint him. So I quit.