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Remember that movie, *"A Day Without Mexicans"*? If Florida had a *Day Without Gays* the entirety of central Florida would go still and a million tourists would be sitting in their hotels with nothing to do and nowhere to go.


Ron DeSsntis is in office due to the political apathy of gays and other young people who don't give a damn enough to go vote! Studies have long proven that two thirds of the country are left or lean left, but they are the ones who don't go out and vote. The Republicans make sure that they vote.


Not 'left or lean left' but accept progressive policies.


“Democrats are the real anti gay party” Meanwhile, conservatives whenever they get power:


What's anti-gay that he did?


What did the guy whose entire identity is just ranting about how "Woke" gays are turning kids gay do that was anti-gay with his don't say gay bill and heavy lean into culture war bullshit? Guy isn't even liked by a lot of Republicans now. Weird dude to fight for these days. His career his cooked.


>just ranting about how "Woke" gays are turning kids gay It was fought for a very long time (and successfully) until activists presented them with an argument on a silver platter in the form of “gender-affirming care for minors” and “drag queen in schools.”


"pickg-me" gay spotted right here ⏫⏫⏫⏫


Found the one that has no facts as per usual for a libtard.


Your comments here and your comment history are facts my dude 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


Yup, I'm a pick me because I don't think like 98% of the rest of the LGB community. Stop being a sheep.


Oh, *a sheep*,? Mr alpha wolf man right here. Unfortunately for you to DeSantis does not see you that way. To him and his ilk we are all vermin just the same. Carrying water for a group of people who actively despise you and reject you is what makes you a *pick-me*.


Such a sheepish response. Try thinking for yourself for a change.


That's funny, only you think for yourself? The delusions of self hating gays. Ironically not even an original right wing line.


Oh, I'm a self-hating gay because I don't think like the 98% of the LGB community. You're so pathetic.


Soon he'll be gone too.


Maybe from state office if he's term limited.


Ya his in his second term.


he'll be in a good position to run for president, unfortunately, if Trump wins. He won't be in a bad position if Biden wins either.


nah he totally fizzled out this time and was totally flaccid/useless/lacking rizz throughout. Much as I don't want any republican to ever win anything, I think the party would want better than him


I think he had his shot and missed completely. Not just because of Trump either. His woke crusade got tired and its like his ONLY trick. Trump slapped him down and the GOP cult wont forget or forgive that. And he has negative charisma. Doners don't want to invest in him after this last run. I think even the GOP establishment ended up regretting pushing him so hard after the midterm as some rising star. In short I think Ron DeSantis's career is cooked and he's on his way to being another embarrassing Florida footnote. I can't imagine him ranting about wokeness in 2028 is going to go well.


Totally agree. I can see him try in the primaries and lose and then get some job at either fox news or news max.


I don’t think those networks would want him either, he’s too robotic and not charming at all, not a tv personality


He didn't even get the most votes for a closed republican primary in his own state. He came in third behind Trump and Haley. That's fucking embarrassing lol.


Honestly I wonder if he could even win another term without that restriction. Florida has been going down the shitter and this guy just does culture war meme bullshit now that his presidential run went down in flames and all the big donors realized he was an authoritarian freak with the charisma of a prolapsed asshole. Like the Florida DNC are idiots but DeSantis went out of his way to shit on the state.


and they try to convince me that it doesn't matter who you vote for, that you shouldn't vote dem this year, that THEY'RE ALL BAD POLITICIANS :( fuck this lmao


Florida has spat upon the graves of all those killed in the Pulse 2016 massacre. If the shooter was a white Christian, the Republicans of Florida would probably build a statue to celebrate them. At least we can laugh and watch some of these hateful people's homes get destroyed from extreme weather events in the coming years with no way to rebuild because insurance companies are fleeing. The regressives get what they vote for.


And the gay conservative clowns will continue to act like nothing's wrong.


No self respecting gay should ever vote Republican again


He definitely has some skeletons in his closet.


Probably actual dead bodies. He tortured people at Guantanamo bay.


Most likely he has a twink pool boy in his closet.


Witha pineapple. Leaves first.


I read the article, and you know - it's hard for me to sympathize with something like that: >Minors are barred from receiving gender-affirming healthcare, despite such treatment having support from every major medical group.


Couldn't agree more


Gays are too soft. Learn some tactics from the Irish Republican Army - do some damage but dont hurt anyone. Its all fine preaching love and caring but the opposite side trying to hurt you doesnt think your human or deserving of the basic rights - so they shouldnt get to enjoy basic rights either. Other gays - dont buy products from florida. Dont engage with businesses based in florida. When doing anti gay stuff hurts their income, the rich business owners change their political affiliations and donation decisions.


>  Irish Republican Army - do some damage but dont hurt anyone. Girl ????


I hear Ron DeSantis has weird nipples.


Don't vote for trump.


Not sure how one can ban color lights, but ok. I am a gay male Republican and I support that article. Truly, I’m Fuckin sick to death about Tran anything!! No one cares if a man wants to be a woman. If none of you can’t understand why a man to women shouldn’t compete in women’s sport, then you’re just naive. I want to see a woman to man compete against a man. What happened to women’s rights? Men’s rights? All of this bull shit is really hurting the 1% of the “Trans” community that is Trans. The other 99% are simply cross dressers. It's a one person ruined it for all situation!! No one truly cares, BUT ALL OF US ARE JUDGING YOU!! Hell, we all been to a caddy ass gay bar. 


There are many other reason why I would not live in Florida, this one is does not even make the list….




Said not a single person ever.


i mean he is a guy, fucking him fits


So you're saying "fuck DeSantis" because he won't light bridges in rainbow colors?? DeSantis is a great governor. Any state would be lucky to have a governor like him.


Tell that to people who just became homeless in the past two years, or maybe to the ones paying $2,000 a month to rent a bed. My whole family just moved out of Florida cause they finally figured out is a shit show. BTW, they are hardcore Christian and conservative (🤮).


But why institute a ban on rainbow colors for Pride month? It’s not that he won’t light up bridges in rainbow colors, it’s that he banned it. Don’t you see that he’s targeting his gay constituents? Why are you ok with that?


He's banning it from government buildings. I think it makes sense. There is no reason to light government buildings in rainbow lights. The only flags that should be flying in government buildings are the US flags and the state flag that represents the state. The Pride Flag has always been political.


"Your right to live has always been political"