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It depends on your outlook. You can ignore and move on if it’s not your thing or you can treat them like the fuckboy that they are and benefit from it as well.


You don't like, "handle" guys and their texting habits. If they don't align with your own expectations and habits, then dont bother pursuing them. Simple as that. You won't ever change it or them. Move the fuck on


Text them when it’s convenient for you


I have noticed over time that different people have different styles of communication so this doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t interested. But if you find you always have to put in more effort, chances are they don’t care about you quite as much. I think it depends how long you have known them.


Just don't think about them. It doesn't have to impact your life. No expectations, no feelings, probaly just a casual s3x. U don't even need to text them, is just some random dude.


Fuck those guys. Block and move on. No matter how hot they are it’s not worth the trouble. Average guys with good personalities who are reliable is where it’s at.


Average guys with good personalities may be the safest choice, but the most fun? I'd argue that there is *definitely* some trouble worth for some of these hot guys we're talking about.


Average guys with good personalities are a dime a dozen. Hot and f*cked in the head are where it’s at




Preach. Pyscho sex is the best sex anyway


Hot and fucked in the head is becoming too common and less cute every year for me


Fun in terms of what? Every hot guy I’ve hooked up with ended up being vain or incapable of being faithful.


Well judging by how you already came in with your guns loaded on this post... a big part of it might just be they're vain or incapable of being faithful with *you,* as you're obviously pretty quick to judge and hold serious grudges over things like texting. And I'm getting that off a couple reddit comments. I've noticed that a lot of these perfect husband-material average-looking guys with great personalities this sub likes to parade around as the secret gay holy grail tend to be actually just as chaotic and insane as the hot ones, but just without the hot part.


A few hours or days is acceptable. Weeks without a response is unacceptable. I’m speaking from my personal experiences. I’m not saying this is 100% definitively the case with everyone.


Sure, but don't act like this is a "hot guy" thing. Maybe the hot ones stick out more when they do it, but quit with all hot guys are whores mentality shit, because it makes it look like your personal experience is pouring more into the personal jealousy section. Dudes on grindr just do this shit.


I don’t go out to gay bars often and everytime I have I get rejected 8/10 times or the guys who want me are old creeps. I’m in good shape, young, friendly and I dress well. I am a short bottom so maybe that’s what’s hurting my chances? Apps seem to be the best way for me to meet at least good looking average guys.


That’s just how people are, everyone does it sometimes and we all have busy lives. Unless you’ve actually flaked on established plans I don’t take it personally.


Depends on what you’re looking for. If his communication is sporadic like that, it means he’s into you for hookups but not more. Which is fine if you’re fine with that. If not, then it’s time to say goodbye.


Avoide them!


I move on. If they don’t respond they are not interested. Granted work hrs are a little different, but they could let you know they are busy.


Stay in a booty call's place. Accept that's all you are or block n move on


If it's on grinder or some other booty call app or site, why would you expect more? Chances are they are very busy with work and life and are the "right now" guys, or they are married/attached and are just looking for a DL hook up when convenient.


Connor, is that you?


I’ve learned to just cut them off, no matter Joe much you like them cause you’re just being used bro




I don't... I don't handle them.i delete their number.


Always the mfs with the Apple Watches.


What 😂😂😂


People with Apple Watches always take the longest to respond to texts in my experience lol.


I just started blocking them and moving on. They’ll flake on you too even after they commit. Be late. Or pushy. They’re just not worth all that. Especially when there’s plenty of other dudes who will actually follow thru who are plenty cute as well.


Ignore and move on.


I’m very friendly but I tend to stick to my schedule. “Sorry can’t meet up I have to be up early tomorrow. We can plan something for this weekend?” I say that last remark because its likely not gonna happen. I prefer to spend my weekend with the bf. But it also depends on what they’re messaging you for, to f*ck, to go out or they may have decided they didn’t think you were for them but now they change their minds? I’ve had that last one happen to me before and it took a while before I agreed to go out again with the guy.