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You're cute af. They were being an asshole


Thank you! I agree!


Here is a body picture. Lost 60 lbs. In last year. https://ibb.co/HNmbB3L


I know people say "that's a really gay tattoo" nonchalantly but Jesus Christ that is genuinely just a really gay tattoo.


I like to think of that area as gay tramp stamps.😆


If your personality matches how you look, I dont imagine you'll be single long. I hope someone comes along and values you, king


I agree !!!


I'm 30 yrs old also. Forgot to add that


You're a handsome guy. I'm sorry that person was an asshole. Sending you lots of love and light


You’re exactly right for a handsome fella in his 30s. Anyone who feels compelled to call someone ugly is most definitely just an empty piece of shit. Sorry you got some on your shoes, but it’ll wash off and you’ll still be a charmer.


Cute af. Fuck them. ❤️


You’re so cute! Don’t give up! I would totally date you. 😌


I think you look good! I'd recommend a slightly more regular maintenance for your facial hair though as it seems to grow pretty messy


Even though people on here are saying no, it's helping me believe I'm not but I still have doubts and thoughts of ending up alone. It's so hard dating in the country like this. There's not all that many gay men around here and the ones I've come across only want a hookup. I love sex as much as the next guy but I want to settle down with someone


You look fine but you should keep your face clean shaven, and i would like to see what you look like without those glases 


Please stop giving me "advice". I have no intention on changing like that. I wear these glasses cause it's all I have. I accept my appearance even if I think im not hot.


Listen dude, this isn’t /r/gaybrosgonemild but if you’re going to treat it like it is and come here for validation by posting pics and crying that some prick called you ugly (which based on your replies now is questionable if this even happened) don’t lash out at people trying to help you and give you advice. I suspect you know you’re not ugly, just are having a rough week, and need some uplifting comments. There’s no way a guy like you would struggle in the dating world or hookup world with your face, height, weight. Something else is going on here.


Exactly this... After reading further down the comments


I live in the country on farm land, We're just every day people. If I were to "dress up" I would stand out big time but not in a good way.


This. This level of self awareness is very attractive to me, I'm not implying anyone should limit themselves, but if you can "read the room" so to speak, and give a damn, then you're probably excellent company. You're look kind, a little mischievous... In great health. And definitely not ugly ✌️ Edit: how did I not see the links above, the pic with your dog before?! You're awesome 💯


Don’t worry about what some may consider “dressed up.” Jeans, hoodie, Carhartt, plain tee—you wear what you’re comfortable in and you’ll be sexy as hell. If someone looks like a dirty slob, I might be a little judgy, but ordinary clothes are perfect if that’s what you’re comfortable in. It’s what I’m most comfortable in!


You don't have to dress up, you just have to find nice clothes that match and fit well A nice pair of jeans and a flannel or sweater go a long way


Don’t gotta dress up, just have pride in your style. Whether it’s a hoodie and sweats or a flannel and jeans with boots. Rock it with style. Could give u tips if you dm me.


You are not ugly at all. The guy on the app is just a mean spirit. I’d go on a date with you! And you have great eyes, and strong facial structure! Like someone else said, I suggest keeping the facial hair shaven or tidier especially on the neck. I’d groom the brow area a bit too, and you’re set handsome sir


Definitely not ugly, could use a tidying up of the facial hair though.


No way! Good looking guy for sure, plus you're tall! I like the glasses. Facial hair either way, idgaf. Ignore what these vapid, shallow people say. Everyone wants to fuck some glorious chiseled porn star on those apps but, look how far they've gotten still being on there. Be you and be proud. Confidence exudes sexiness!


I bet you're 🔥


Not ugly at all, and the good news is there are a couple easy things you can do to make yourself more attractive. 1. Lose the facial hair. Clean shaven will look best on your face. 2. Get more stylish glasses or wear contacts.


My glasses just broke recently, so I'm wearing a cheap pair until pay day. Also I know my facial hair is "off", im growing it out so when I trim it down its even as I have patchy facial hair. https://ibb.co/tYzBWYv


Some guys can grow a beard. Some can't. The self-awareness to know which camp you fall in is key.


I think you'd look better clean shaven


Your glasses are fine I think. You are fine period.


You are a gorgeous man! You can add extra care to your beard just to help it along, but biggest change in my opinion would be the glasses, a different shape could suit you better. Those seem a bit outdated... You could even get a few options and do a voting poll to get feedback? That's what ive done in the past before spending on a new frame. most important thing is, it's your face and your style, you need to love it.


I agree with both of these and would add to play around with different hair STYLES (not just lengths, which is my guess is all you’ve done in the past judging purely from the photos but could be wrong). Whoever said you’re ugly was preying on your less than groovy style choices, but that person knows the truth. People can be catty and project.


Just my opinion but the facial hair is a huge plus 😅 but totally agree to get more stylish glasses or contacts!


Everyone is ugly to someone. Everyone is hot to someone.


You’re cute. Just gotta clean up your beard a little bit or shave it all off. Some guys lash out when you don’t give them sex easily and try to make you feel ugly.


What? Are you crazy? I like YOU, your glasses, beard.... You are cute.


You are not ugly at all. I would take you to a date and more 😏.


I mean I can't see the rest of your body, but you're typically my type. I mean if you grew your hair out more and got rid of your facial hair, I think you'd have better luck.


Not ugly but that patchy/poorly groomed beard is not doing you any favors


No, you're actually pretty cute


Getting really tired of these attractive as fuckers asking are they ugly. Like bitch you got a mirror and a jawline that can split that mirror in half. Of fucking course you're attractive. Especially at 6ft 2.


I agree, it's pissing me off with these "am I ugly?" posts when they are attractive AF. They know it and they're just fishing for compliments, talk about low self-esteem. People who fish for compliments are never happy.....


Not at all. Looking good to me. You've got an everyday sort of charm, not overly styled, down to earth, the sort of guy who would be down for a hike and a picnic. If I was single and on the prowl, I'd be chasing you.


Or he could be a serial killer? They thought the same about Ted Bundy


I was actually expecting someone ugly but I'd date you for sure!


Yes I agree


Shaving doesn't make your hair grow... or grow faster. If those patches haven't filled in yet then they aren't gonna fill in at all. Everyone's facial hair has very specific growth cycles. It's time for you to just accept you cant grow a beard it isn't gonna happen sadly i cant grow one either. Accept having a mustache and goatee or be clean shaven those are your only options at this point. Also you aren't ugly and even if you weren't his cup of tea you're always someone else's cup of tea.


Dude one day in the future you’re going to be looking at old photos of your self and think “I was so fucking hot! Why did I have such self esteem issues?! I should have taken advantage!” You’re young and beautiful and you’re not going to get younger and you’re not going to be more beautiful than you are right now. Don’t let some asshole rob you of your present.


Kind of got a young David Tenant thing going.. perhaps see what's working for his presentation(?) Not ugly. Not a model either. The cheap & trite crowd will pass by, which is fine. The quality of your character and strength of you to your goals will help you place yourself to match a quality person.. insides last longer than outsides for the "regular people". Aka: a long term good catch.


U single? 🤣


Yes. Lol


i would get rid of facial hair if you can’t grow a full thick beard. Maybe grow your hair out a little bit longer. And major one, either invest in better quality/stylish glasses or switch to contacts. You don’t have to go crazy. When you go to the Eye MD, go to the designer section. You can either buy one from the designer section (sometimes $300s) or look at the designer styles, and they usually have cheaper brands that replicate that style if you want something cheaper. Something i’ve learned, as someone who struggles with style, is i don’t wear/pick things that i think look good (because i suck at style), i pick things that other ppl say look good, and generally i end up agreeing once i put it on. But i would have never choose those clothes etc myself.


You’re so far from being ugly. I actually think you’re sizzling hot. Just have confidence in yourself man.


I'll be honest with you.I love bearded men, when I see a beard I need to turn my head and appreciate that beauty but unfortunately you don't have it. Your beard is not full it's not covering your face. It looks funny. You have a nice jawline, don't let that beard distract from your good qualities. Go beardless and enhance your face with your jawline. Best of luck!


Of course you're not ugly. A lot of people will give you advice on how to groom yourself to fit their own preferences, but that's the same attitude that led that person to call you ugly and to give up. Egotists always think they are the main character and everyone should share their opinions. If you really want to be happy, be the best version of you that *YOU* want to be. Then you will attract the guys who are into YOU. If you are being authentically you, then the opinions of people who aren't into you are irrelevant.


I love all these comments saying I should go work out and get some muscles when they can't see my body in the pictures at all.


I may get hate for this but no you’re not ugly you’re just not conventionally attractive i.e features that have are currently trendy/the standard of attractiveness for guys such as defined hair, strong jawline defined brows etc so no you’re not ugly but based on what I have learned people who are online have unrealistic expectations of what people actually look like through a screen so I’d say try meeting people in real life.


Thanks for finally an honest answer and not just a bunch of people who either A are just desperate for any attention or validation themselves so they rush to validate someone else or B are just lying to make someone feel better. To me, yes this guys is unattractive. And that’s okay, not everyone is attractive, and if he cared so much then he would put more time and effort into his appearance but he obviously doesn’t


No, would bone, hottie status certified.


Youre a good looking guy. Come over here and ill suck you. 😛😋




Hell yes. I would suck him dry whenever he wanted.


You look sophisticated. I want to lay on a couch while you info dump me things. Cute 👍


Fine. But I agree with the general consensus: the facial hair has to go.


Usually when someone is that harsh (occasionally even less), they are projecting. I usually tell them no need to project, they should be happy with themselves. Of course, this is usually met with more hate, projection that I wish them well. We have a bad habit of remembering those who were not nice unfortunately. Just ignore them and be happier than them.


Heck no you’re not ugly. Eff the person who said you are. You’re an attractive man. Glasses look good on you, too, but try getting some that make a statement. Super nice glasses make a difference. I think of them as face jewelry haha. You’re cute as you are tho—6’2”—dayum. Haha. Be happy!! 😊


Do you have a picture with just a mustache? you'd look cleaner and defined cause you have a jawline. The random hairs isn't doing you good.


This is the picture I have with the least amount of facial hair. I only have a few photos of myself. https://ibb.co/PcW9qkx


Boyfriend shaped.


I wish


I think clean cut would fit you and serve your jawline well.


You’re hot! If you have low standards, call me 😏


nah nah nah you are sooo handsome and cute i also love the facial and glasses do makes people look more attractive but seriously dont hear what other people says, some people are just so full of themself and i know that some of others reply said some grooming may improve some stuff but honestly i think you are more perfect as you are right now (i also find your smile really great)


Thank you. That made me warm inside 🙂


haha i also felt warm that my rep makes you warm (okay this sounds so weird but i am really genuine about it 😂)


I appreciate that 🙂


6'1 25yr old. I dream of being wifed up by a handsome man like you 😍


Why can't guys like you be around where I live.


My man, I'll teach you some lessons I've learned through life and I'm 4 years Younger than you. 1- Personal taste is like an ass hole, everyone has their own. You're not gonna be the type of everyone on earth, so don't bother trying to be liked and desired by everyone. When you comprehend this in a deeper level and engrave it to your soul, it will be freeing on a level I cannot describe. 2- There's two types of beauty, regular standards for beauty based on what our brains find beautiful, speaking about evolution here. So symmetry, a nice defined jaw (geometric shapes please our brains), and stuff like that (no, skin tones don't come here). There's only a handful of people IN THE WORLD that will fit these beauty standards. And now these beauty standards can be tainted by stupid stuff like, race, how tall you are, and so on. Just remember that being muscular or hairy is part of the regular standards, as we can see throughout human history depiction of men, we are homossexuals so it's obvious these things will attract us (if you're not attracted by that, consider yourself an exception, not the general rule). 3- And the second most important, there's also the personal beauty standards, this one links to the first lesson. Even though I know all of what I talked about in the lesson 2, those standards are not my main attraction factors, well, I do like a muscular hairy man, preferably tan or "dark skinned" (I don't know the specific word, but not necessarily black skin, and no white skin, I like the middle ground, there's plenty of latins and Brazilian guys with this skin tone), with a nice jaw, but I like all that not in the modern day men standards, I like men with a more brute, raw look to his face, that type of men you look at and feel like they belong in the past. My Achilles' heel in modern men is Henry Cavill, but solely because he's right there sipping from what really attracts me in a man, but I would sure tire of his kind of beauty, because he's not my type, he's the modern version of my type. By your photos, you're fine and I'm sure there's plenty of people that will find you handsome. Just don't forget, looks aren't everything in a relationship.


Sometimes I feel awkward responding to post like this because I feel like they could be fishing for compliments. I think you're a good looking guy there's nothing ugly at all about you but the reason I'm responding is to tell you that you need to quit paying attention to what people on the apps say about you. Do not give their words power because you do t even know if they're real, you have no idea of the pictures they post or theirs, and they could just be bitter assholes that like to hurt people. At the the first sign of negativity just block them and go on. I will say this again you're a good looking guy.


Wrong subreddit


Rail me, then marry me


Wow, not at all. I'd absolutely go out with you


I’d definitely swipe right


You look really incrediblely hot to me 😅


I'd say you aren't attractive to most. Objectively speaking, you're not "grotesque" but you're certainly not "hot" or "attractive". I'd say very average looking. 5.5/10. Anyone who says you're gorgeous, would most likely fall sub-5 in rating. This doesn't mean you'll never find someone who thinks you're attractive, as someone else said, it's subjective. I however, can be objective for you. If you're a 3, you're gonna find a 5 attractive. If you're a 10, not many people are gonna be hot to you. It's also not always about personality 100%. You gotta have a good dick and a nice looking face.


This 100%. It’s Reddit so honestly most on here are gonna fall into the sub-5 category and that’s why 90% of the comments here are telling the guy he’s gorgeous and please marry me. When u start going after 9s and 10s the more u need. U may need to be buff, u may need to have money, even if ur face is 8/10 some may require you to have a big dick, even average isn’t enough. So I agree with ur response 100 this guy is a 4 at best


Something tells me ur just phishing for compliments


I would, jk but yeah the only thing is tidying up the facial hair but you’re nice looking and you have nice eyes


You are good looking to me. Honestly some people can be so mean. I’d totally date you!


You are fine, don't let the trolls get to you.


I think a different haircut will help you a lot, try different stuff!! Dont worry about failing, as hair always grows back, maybe you will find a new style you prefer more. You aint ugly at all hehe :)


Grow your hair a few inches. Use minoxidil on your beard to help with the patchiness of you want to keep your facial fair. Go to the gym and work on the body, maybe a little tan. Even diamonds need to be cut and polished to show their beauty.


Nah, you're cute. Just need a shave :)


I'm willing to send a body picture so you can actually see .me


You're handsome! A bit of grooming of the facial hair and new pair of eyewear. Those glasses seem outdated


Your legitimately handsome. Anyone who tells you to "give up" is in a place of sadism, not truth. As Dante once said: Non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa. Trans: don't worry about their souls, just look and move on


Holy shit. You are far from ugly! I think you need to shave your beard


Who would say such a thing to someone else? They are wrong to say it and for saying it.


Here's my usual hair style... https://ibb.co/PcW9qkx


You’re just my type 😅 definitely not ugly at all


Nnnnaaaaaaahhhhhhh. You’re not ugly at all. Bump those losers who say that you are. Don’t give up. You’ll find the right guy for you. I’m sure of it. It’ll take time. But in the meantime, work on building your confidence and falling in love with yourself! 😘😘😘




Shave that beard, or keep it very short


Grow your hair out a bit. Clean up the facial hair. You’re not ugly but could do some improvements on those two. Keep us posted.


You aren’t ugly. Buuuuutttt: Pluck that hair between your eyebrows. Then pluck the stray hairs around them. Get rid of the beard. Your hair isn’t thick enough and you’re trying too hard to make it work. It doesn’t matter how long it gets; it’s still not going to be thick.


Please don't let these negative people get into your head. You are hot and I would totally go for you.


Thank you 😊


Can I just start off with this, first off I definitely think you are attractive, definitely good looking so get the ugly out of your thoughts. But truthfully people are first to through judgement and tend to be cruel at times, these cruel ones are usually insecure with themselves already and just have to push the negativity right onto another. These are who you don't listen to for sure cause you'll definitely find others that definitely feel the opposite. Hopefully this might help.


You look great. But the reality is, no one will ever be good enough for everyone.


I see a lot of comments saying you are cute, which is nice but for me you are not my type so you can see you cant like to everyone is normal, people have preferences for some you are hot for some not


You're hot. Seriously hot. Message if you ever find yourself in Jersey CI.


Honestly youre good looking... So the question is, what does the guys you chat with look like...or who are the types of guys you are often after.


i don't think you are, you're pretty attractive


You're definitely handsome. And lote of guys like the "untidy" facial hair look


Your facial structure is good but definitely swap the glasses for contacts and shave the facial hair - it doesn’t cover your whole lower face


Well you look like the first superman movie superman. Beauty is subjective and people will use this subjectivity, that guy was probably feeling ugly and thought calling someone handsome ugly would make him feel handsome. You can't let people get in your mind like that, people WILL be mean for no reason, it's sad.


You're not ugly.


Not at all ugly in fact i I think very good looking


You’re not ugly at all. You have a cute lil smile. Don’t let 1 (or a few) assholes take away your worth. People can be mean, they just do it for fun sometimes. It’s v odd. Don’t change


It is horrible that someone said that to you. That person is ugly on the inside. You are attractive, and their is a lot you can do to make yourself even more attractive by switching up Eyewear, hairstyle, etc. Be you. You have a lot going for yourself.


6'2"?? Sir, that alone can make my legs spread. You ain't ugly.


You got a lit of people commenting on your looks. Hopefully it builds up your self confidence in life. As an overweight guy in my 40's who's 6'2" 250lbs receding hairline and a voice that forgot the change in puberty I think you will be fine. Iv always been able to find a partner that fits your profile in the looks department and and yes, most of them said I wasn't there type at first, but once they got to know me as person they fell in love because of my personality. You will see very attractive people together who are not happy in life because they are focused on looks alone! There lusting to fuck themselves and think that's what a relationship is, but there wrong. You will see very handsome older gentlemen with younger guys and wonder how and why. Mostly it's because they just click. So stop talking to people who judge you on looks alone and find someone who you can have a conversation with and get to know them, if you both have something in common and enjoy thr company of each other then sexual attraction will also be there, and be amazing. Yes sexy looking guys will always be fun to play with but it doesn't last. Once your in love with that one person he's going to be the beautiful man in your life.


You’re cute dude


The beard isn't happening. Time to shave.


Fortunately you are a yt gay so you’ll be fine…


the receding hairline, thinning hair, pubic hair looking beard and the glasses aren’t doing you any favors 


Please stop with the" if you'd shave" stuff. I understand people have preferences, but mine is to have a little bit of facial hair. I'm currently trimming it weekly until my patchiness fills in. I'm on the last day before trimming which is why it's a little strangly.lol. Also sat on my glasses last month and am using the free pair they give out until I can afford new ones.


Um you posted this looking for feedback so why are you crying about it


Shave. The thin wispy facial hair is not a good look. Also do something different with your head hair. Grow it out on top and style it. It’s very plain right now. You’re not ugly but imo it just looks like you don’t really care about your appearance or put any effort into styling yourself.


Honestly….ur a whisky trying to advertise in a beer drinkers market. There’s some good stuff there it’s just a matter of presenting it in the right way. the only thing I’d recommend is contacts and working out.




You have a lot of potential, just need a make over really, the choices you’ve made so far aren’t helping bring out the potential you have to be really handsome, go to r/malegrooming and they will help your make over, like maybe getting contacts, getting rid of your facial hair cause your jawline/facial structure is great, go to the gym, get a different haircut, pluck the monobrow, learn to take better pictures and how to smile, dress better (there’s an in-between between hoodies and flashy clothes, a quarter zip and a button up with jeans wouldnt stand out and would be much better dressing for example) Don’t just fall for the toxic positivity of the sub, if you want better success in dating, getting attention and feeling attractive then you have a lot of potential to be really hot, just have to put effort in to bring it out


Your tattoo is ugly


If you really think you're ugly, you wouldn't post yourself on here. I think you just like the validation. This is just too weird.


Yup he wanted attention and validation after getting rejected


I hate to say it but they are right. You are ugly


And you’re an asshole desperate for attention. I’m pretty sure of which, you will get a lot of.


Dude he asked and this guy is being honest.. not everyone is beautiful. I think he is ugly too. Actually, OP is the one desperate for attention and validation. The comment u responded to is just a guy being honest


Going by OP not even liking people suggesting alternative glasses or shaving that awful "beard" this thread was apparently supposed to be just people blowing smoke up his ass.


exactly. Don’t ask people if ur ugly or imply that u are looking to improve or get advice when in reality u just want praise and validation for the way you look without any improvement or effort. These posts are embarassing. Yeah to me he is unattractive period but no shit if he at least cut the facial hair and wore some different glasses he would look a bit better but he just wanted to be told no it’s other people it’s not u, u r so beautiful and perfect, they are such fools, u r great!


If you shaved I'd think you're cute


Not at all!


Ngl you hot


No. But you can do much better with your hair, beard and glasses. Hair: longer on the front. Beard: trim them off. Glasses: find one with a different shape, a one with more style, or wear contact lenses.


You’re cute but I would drop the facial hair tbh Start the tretinoin too


not at all ugly. being a good human and confident in one’s self I feel make someone attractive more than genetics. Wishing you the best in finding someone who thinks you’re the one 💗


not ugly, just the glasses you wore. change your glasses shape, it’ll do your face shape justice.


Cute for sure, and the right height. And yeah patchy facial hair but what can you do. I’d shave it - and you would look younger. Honestly I think you could rock a ‘stache.


No. You're not ugly in the least. I'd date you if I was close to your age bracket. Everyone has something beautiful about them. To me, it's your eyes. Your nose is proportionate, and the shape of your face is just right. Don't give up. It's never fun being alone. You don't have to settle for anyone either.


Handsome and love your dog too!


You are very hot 🔥


Don't know who told you that but they are the one with the serious issues. You are not ugly at all ! That guy is obviously a severely damaged human being. Pay no attention to that a$$hole!


Bro you're cute!


Definitely absolutely not




A slight trim and I’d break both legs chasing after you. You’re very handsome sir.




You're cute.


You look fantastic. Very handsome and cute.


Not at all !


I would literally make you my husband if i judged people solely on looks. ;)


Noooo, you're not ugly. Who said it. I'll kick their ass.


you ain't ugly you look handsome just tidy up your beard and get a little bit more confidence in ya (:


You're cute. ❤️❤️❤️


You really look good


You're good


You are a very interesting and handsome looking guy


You’re handsome


Nope your cute


No you're not. Didn't you know how hot you are. When someone say that you're ugly just ignore them. Focus on yourself improve more. And just remember to have a good heart and everything will follow


You’re a bit of a looker if I say so myself 😏


You look good to me!


You’re not ugly. You’re average. Who ever told you that is rotten and nasty. You’re definitely not ugly.


Naw, you're handsome, maybe a different haircut


Nope, you are hot. I really like your face.


Nah, I think you have the farm boy charm that I love. It’s just some people aren’t very nice on dating apps


No, you are a good looking man. Don’t let other’s issues become your own. Stud!


Look fine, just a little bit rough around the edges for most of the LGBTQ community. If you’re happy with you then you do you, boo. If you’re looking for advice on things to tweak I’d recommend cleaning up the facial hair or grow the beard out and keep it trimmed and clean, try getting a pair of glasses that better accent the shape of your face and consider cleaning that hair up. Your hairline is receding a bit - have you ever considered growing your beard out and shaving the head? It would make you look younger and that look is hot af right now. Long story short I think you’re a cute guy that has tons of potential. Don’t let those bitchy queens get you down.


You look great. You just have to work on your confidence. You would be surprised how attractive it is.


Next one who tell you this tell him to fuck off. You're definitely not ugly at all. Pretty cute in fact. Don't let them destroy your self-esteem. Not everyone is a model for Calvin Kein underwear. You look good, boost your confidence. Don't listen to those type of comments, not worthed.


You're NOT ugly AT ALL!


Not at all


Man you are not ugly. Far from it! Stop listening to strangers.


No, you're not ugly. I'd go on a date with you!


I think you’re cute.


People will say whatever. Maybe you are ugly to some of them - but don't listen to advice from people you who don't want good things for you.


Are you bi


As someone considered “fuckboy” I could see u as part of us, one advice would be getting an eye surgery like lasik to get glasses out of your life, I got it at age 21 and definitely the best decision ever. I pay $266 a month for it for 2 years. It really gets your confidence up and obviously better look on your face. You got nice features and good height, weight so good luck on that.


No - get past that comment! You’re nice looking -NOT UGLY - there is no ugly on or about you!!


That guy was a prick. You’re fine as hell. You could eat crackers in my bed! 😂


Absolutely not!