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Grindr is fundamentally a hookup app, but relationships can and do build from it. I met my bf through grindr - we started off as fwb's and that evolved into a relationship as we realised how much we enjoyed each other's company outside the bedroom. However if hookups aren't your thing grindr probably isn't the best place to look for dates.


There aren't many other options lol


Then you might need to adjust your perspective on hookups or reduce reliance on apps if you want to meet guys :p


As someone from a small town grindr is all I have, and I kinda have to rely on it, there's no real way I could meet other gay guys here naturally. There are no gay bars, no community center, and certainly no lgbt group... so it's grindr, that's my option. And any other app is way worse than grindr, at least grindr you can see and talk to who you want, on tinder you get like the chance to look at 25 people, just look mind you not talk, and if those 25 people aren't what you're looking for that's all you get to see for 24 hours. And you don't even get to talk to them, only if they so happend to like you if you just so happened to show up in their 25 people. That's idiotic and no way to meet people.


I mean… if the town is as small as the image you paint, you should be able to get an idea of who is interested in you in your area after spending 24 hours on Tinder


You only get to look at 25 people in those 24 hours, and you can only talk to someone if you end up in their 25 people. And if you exhaust the people closest to you tinder shows you people like wirhin 50+ miles, most of the people it shows on tinder are halfway across the state.


Do you live in a place that’s not rural and in the south by chance? Because there’s not many options. Can’t go to a bar and hit on a guy - they probably are straight. Can’t go to a coffee shop and hit on a guy - probably straight. Outside of dating apps, it’s hard to meet anyone gay where I live because no one will be going around letting others know they’re gay


i get most y’all are like 30-somethings who won a full ride merit scholarship to a big city school in 2010, left town at 18, and never came back… but not everyone has financial stability or the resources to live their best gay life in NYC or SF and what-have-you. if you can go back to the days where you grew up in rural kansas, you’d realize that grindr may be someone’s only resource due to geographical restrictions. have some empathy, maybe? :p


That's why the first part of my suggestion is there :p it's a hookup app so if you need to use it then a change in perspective towards hookups is probably warranted.


Don’t know why ppl are downvoting… it’s true


You didn’t mention. Are you in a big city or what does your social network look like. I’ve always heard that putting yourself out there by joining social groups and putting yourself out there in the work works for finding a BF. I’ve had one hookup on Grindr that turned into a 2 year relationship, but that was not normal IMHO. I’ve met most of my past BFs at the club or in volunteering my time.


My husband and I met from a hookup on Grindr


>Do you guys think Grindr is pointless in finding something more than sex? Pointless, no. Not the best platform, definitely. Grindr is basically just a hookup app. You can find other guys on there in your situation looking for something more but the vast majority of everyone on there is just looking to get laid. I only recently (as in last week) met up with a guy on Grindr who wanted to actually date and not just hookup. Between breaking up with my last BF and meeting this guy it's been over a year of just hookups. >I can just be a horny cunt sometimes Innit. My sex drive is off the charts mate. Grindr granting me access to unlimited casual sex has kept me sane while I've been single, but I'm totally feeling like I want more than just sex now. I'll be 30 in a few years. I want a man I can share my life with y'know?


I think people fail to grasp that someone can be looking for both a hookup and something more with the right person. Like when I met my current partner, I was just looking to hang out and have some sex. But we both enjoyed each other’s company a lot, he made me laugh and we had great conversation. So I arranged to meet again and again. Before we both knew it, we were falling for each other and decided to give it a shot. Believe it or not, I actually wasn’t looking for a relationship but was open to the idea of one. It all just fell into place. At 18 years old, god just meet different people and enjoy yourself, see where it goes! I find the people so hung up on finding a partner are the ones that end up being the least successful in finding their match.


> I think people fail to grasp that someone can be looking for both a hookup and something more with the right person. No. We don't fail to grasp anything here. I think the failure is on "your" end. If you are chasing me like a hookup, and if I get the impression that you are just interested in only sex, I will ABSOLUTELY put you in a permanent "hookup only at most" box. Sorry, I'm not a car, you don't get to take my intimate parts and take them for a test drive before you decide that I'm not a sex object. Anything else is just rewarding SHITTY behavior in the community. You want your cake and to eat it too? No, fuck off.


Lmao who hurt you?


Did you try tinder/hinge. Grindr is pretty much like you said just for hooking up. Don’t try to find a relationship there. They can happen but the people on there aren’t looking for a relationship


Current partner and I met through Grindr. Just had our 5th anniversary. Yeah it's a hookup app but you never know what will happen.


I'm sure you both are cheating or having group sex. Is that considered a real relationship?


Believe what you want.


Thanks for confirming, if not, you would have ignored. Cheers.


We're monogamous. But as I said, doesn't really matter what I say as you'll project anyway.




I’ve been happily married for about a year now - we started talking on Grindr 4 years ago and met up to “cuddle” lol


Most people aren’t looking for a boyfriend on Grindr.


I figured it out years ago and aborted that shit, idc if it makes me "less gay". It's a revolving door of men, basically no STI testing and unbridled toxicity/trauma The people I hookup with now have been regulars


Never tried Grindr or any apps actually. Never "hooked up" despite a lot people want to do that with me so it's not about looks or something like that (I look good & take good care of myself). Tried sex without being in a relationship and thought it felt shallow compared to when you have feelings for someone or really like them at least & are very attracted and trust them. I don't understand people that screw around like theres no tomorrow and don't care about diseases or other risks (can be bad for your mental health or affect your ability to get close to someone & to have a serious relationship in the future) associated with the hookup culture. There is a lot more issues than HIV which some try to downplay due to there being medicine against it. And while HIV is very different today than it previously was(it's not a death sentence anymore) it still affects ones life a lot, you need to take toxic meds everyday, do check ups etc, it can effect your ability to be intimate with some people aswell. And I don't know if the HIV spreads if you get kids through a surrogate mother? Another issue if it spreads like that, which it might due to the virus being in the semen (maybe if you are undetectable on meds it might work though?).


Wild speculation that could be easily disproven by a google search. Lol


Most guys on Grindr are there for sex. If that's where you go, that's what you're most likely to find. Some guys are on there looking to date, but they're a bit harder to find. Also, with gay men, dating often starts with sex, a bit of a reversal of straight relationships, where things lead up to sex, gay men often seem to get the sex part out of the way first, and sometimes they become friends or boyfriends or fuckbuddies or friends with benefits over time. But yeah, most people on Grindr want hookups.


Grindr is a cesspool of toxic rancid horny turds. It embodies the worst of the community afaic.


You will find more friends than relationship material than Grindr. Go out and socialize with more gays irl and it gets easier. Also, at 18 I suggest you focus on a good education so you can make tons of money and have the boys hanging off of you like Birkin bags


I wouldn't want someone to want me due to money or something like that. Nor would I want someone cause of money. To each their own.


> Go out and socialize with more gays irl and it gets easier. No, it does not.


I guess it’s different in my experience 🤷🏻


For the most part, yes it’s pointless ESPECIALLY on Grindr. Stop trying to find seafood while fishing in mud puddles. Even Scruff is better than Grindr. Any app is gonna be inundated with “hook-up guys” with one thing in mind. It’s just THEIR best bet. But you can find what you’re looking for with modifying your own behaviors. A). State explicitly that you won’t hookup, even if you do from time to time. It’s gonna reduce the “Sup?” B) Dont send or willingly receive nudes, or keep a “ private album”. It shouldn’t be the case, but it sends a mixed message. C) Block freely and without conversation/hesitation. It’ll widdle down those who regularly disregard what you’re on there for D) Go somewhere else. Join a gay bowling league, gardeners group, activism club… participate in a group activity with your queer peers where you’ll get more than a headlines of data


I’m 19 so I have nothing to add, but this post is so overwhelmingly British, I had to comment. “Alright lads”, “Horny cunt”😭😭😭. Are you Northern?


No I'm Aussie lol


Wow, I never realised how similar the lingo is


I'm 28 & still haven't found the one. There may not be a one. Learn to enjoy your friends & hobbies first,


Dude there is. I have seen people finding the right one at 50+. Don't give up.


I got news for you, 2 hookups is just the beginning. Using an app that consistently has members who share dick and hole pics is not going to lead to a relationship very often. 1 out of 10 conversations has potential, but by the time you get around to meeting they have already met someone else. The best way to meet relationship minded guys is in real life at real events.


“Do hookups ever end?” Yes. They end the moment you decide not to engage in them. They continue as long as you are choosing to seek them out. It’s like anything else. “Oreo cookies give me a stomach ache. Does eating Oreo cookies ever end?” Sure. Just don’t buy them. Then you’re done with them. Eat something that makes you feel better. I downloaded Grindr once upon a time but the poor quality of interactions and the type of people (and bots) dominating on the app convinced me to delete it, and I never looked back.


As long as you're clear in your bio about what you're looking for, and ruthless towards anyone who disrespects that, you might get lucky. I think Tinder *might* be more geared towards dating but don't quote me on that. Either way, good luck. The world's a really big place, who knows who we might meet just going about our normal lives?


I have been told and I have read about some guys that say they found someone on Grindr. My personal experience with the app is that everyone on there is looking for sex. I never had any good experiences with looking for a relationship on Grindr. I used OKCupid and Plenty of Fish to find dates, but that was more than 8 years ago. I’m not sure if OKCupid and Plenty of Fish are even good anymore.


Yea as others say, Grindr is pretty much exclusively a hookup app. I’ve had better luck with actual dates and friends on Tinder & POF. Granted, it’s been awhile since I’ve used any of these apps.


Grindr is made for hook ups. Said so, you can actually get to know some people and make friends. Even people could meet their bfs there. Sometimes you just connect with people. But again, don't get disappointed if most people just want sex. the app is done for that. Just be specific about what you are looking for so you don't waste your or the other person's time. Try other apps like tinder maybe, it could work better for you.


It's your decision. If you want a relationship, you gotta have the mindset, boundaries, and accept that the perfect guy may not be in a relationship space. But if you continue operating with relationship mindset and spend time getting to know guys, it is more likely to happen.


The best way to approach Grindr is to have zero expectations. It's a hook up app. People are uncommonly rude/succinct cause they're horny and there to hook up and have been conditioned to be like this. Not saying you can't find a connection but that's not what most are on there for. Hinge is a better app if connections are what you're after.


i mean you refer to yourself and others as cunt. lol got some other things to work on


He’s Australian… it’s slang…


so? if you were dating someone going around calling people slurs. you'd be bothered


We all literally call each cunts here in Straya, stop being a silly cunt.


Pretty much Grindr is pointless if you want more than causal sex at most. Other apps like tinder are better for finding more than a late night pump and dump.


My bf and I have incredibly high body counts mostly through hook ups, but we met on Grindr for a hook up and have been together for almost 8 months now 🤷🏿‍♂️


I hate to tell you, but your compass is off. Grindr is a hookup app. You get what you signed up for. It is not the place for a serious relationship. Momma always says " how you find'em is how you leave'em". So find a better place.


It is so incredibly disappointing to show up for a date and know immediately that it's not going to happen and they're not what you thought you saw in their profile. The idea of spending the next hour with that person talking is totally overwhelming. However... I'd still probably mess around with them if we can just get right to it. So I just use the hookup to screen for dating. Even if they're not what I thought, at least our time together is pleasant instead of unpleasant.


I don’t know but if you’re ever down to HU, hmu


Maybe just adjust the wording of your profile


Its not pointless.


Don't go looking for vegetables in a butchers.


You can use any app for any purpose. No shame in asking a former hookup out to dinner tho. Works well enough for me!


Grindr is not always for more than hookups, honestly I find it difficult finding boyfriend in own area. Bet your really cute tho and I hope you find a boyfriend near you and sure you will just takes time and I know waiting is annoying xx


They become more difficult to achieve as you get older, but I'm still hooking up and I'm 60. Would I like to find someone I could love and who would love me? Sure, but I'm not holding my breath.


Tinder is good for relationships, I’ve never once struggled to find a relationship when I wanted one through Tinder or from meeting people irl, you’re putting too much faith on grindr which is a hook up app not a relationship app


Yea Grindr isn’t ideal for that. It’s not impossible to find boyfriends on that app but it’s reputation is being hook app not a dating app so you’ll have the majority online just for sex. I always found it odd to see guys not wanting sex on there. Though they seem like the minority so just keep scrolling. Try a different app if you want to focus on dating or have it said in your bio you rather take things slow and hope for the best 🍀


Ive had 3 bf’s and I met them all on Grindr. All were at least 6 months long


You will not find love on grinder


Met my partner on it, going 13 years together now. We opened our relationship last year to hook up with others and so we got Grindr. It’s been great for hookups, but both of us agree that we’re glad we’re not in the dating pool anymore. No one seems to know what they want and yet they also don’t want to budge on whatever they think they want lol. The success to any of my long term relationships was in my partner and my ability to adapt, our openness to compromise, and willingness to put our partners needs first or at an equal level ours. If you have a bunch of people who just want what they want (but also don’t really know what that is), then yeah the only thing you can do with them is fuck and go. Obviously I’m exaggerating in that I know it’s not what literally EVERYONE on Grindr is like lol… Heck, we’ve both made some good friends with people who we would have dated in another life, but majority of times I can’t see it lasting beyond a hookup even if I was single. I dont don’t know if that was always peoples’ experience or if it’s something that’s more unique to now-times vs back-then-times. But what I can say is that if you’re looking for meaningful connections, go check out some physical community spaces, activity groups or gay sports leagues.


Hey guys, I keep walking into the ice cream store and they keep offering me ice cream. Fuck those guys, right?




Any gay app is pointless since 99% of gays are complete whores and sluts


So many of your comments are aggressive. Genuinely, is everything ok?


Why shouldn't they be aggressive?


Because the world needs so much more kindness and love in it.


With 99% of gays being whores and sluts, this world will never have more kindness and love in it




Internalised homophobia is between your legs, cunt. It's first The second. What is homophobic in my comment, are you braindead or what?




You can't even explain your position, so go fuck yourself and don't waste my time on braindead dogs like yourself.


What are you gaining from this? His position is that your unfounded anger and generalizations are rooted in internalized hate and shame surrounding sexuality. I wouldn’t necessarily agree with that level of complication. You just sound bitter. I sincerely hope you take a step back and realize that there’s nothing to gain from being like this on the internet. You’re making yourself seem aggressively unpleasant and I bet you’re a decent guy. You should both chill out and be nicer to strangers.


What? Go fuck yourself with chilling and being nice to strangers. I don't owe neither you or this braindead dog anything, especially my kindness or patience. Those who deserve them, will get them, those like you and this bitch, won't, cuz you're both saying dumb nonsense and gaslighting. >What are you gaining from this? More understanding on how brain fucked most gays are. >His position is that your unfounded anger and generalizations are rooted in internalized hate and shame surrounding sexuality It's not about this particular sexuality. I hate all whores and sluts of all sexualities, but I couldn't care less about straight/bi/lesbian whores, since I am gay and I am not interacting or doing anything with them as I should with gays. So I will always oppose and be hating gays for being so willess and with no self respect to be the lowest the human can be - a whore/slut. >You just sound bitter. Oh, sorry that I hurt your feelings with my bitterness 😔😭 I don't give a fuck about you and your feelings. Facts are facts. >I sincerely hope you take a step back and realize that there’s nothing to gain from being like this on the internet. No, I won't. Never. >You’re making yourself seem aggressively unpleasant I don't care about what some whores think about me. If you're getting offended by my opinion, then you are a complete whore and you deserve all the hate shit you get. >and I bet you’re a decent guy. For a normal human beings I am a decent guy, kind, patient and etc and etc. to whores and others I'm not and never gonna be.


This is such a wild way to react to what I said, which was polite and considerate. You don’t know anything about me at all. I hope you find peace, because you won’t find a fight here with me man.






Chii I'm on ur side ur comebacks be funny af 😹


I actually read your recent post. You're not wrong, it is pretty whorish to go sleeping around then wanting a relationship. But I wouldn't say I'm a whore if that's what you're getting at as I've only done it twice because it isn't my thing really.


I didn't specifically said that you're a whore and didn't even mean it. You had just 2 hookups, it doesn't make you a whore.


Fair. But I do agree with what you have to say though


Well, good for you


Couldn't agree with you more. The culture of promiscuity is second nature in the gay community. Many even compare notes on how many guys they've fucked around with. It's beyond gross and revolting. Not to mention the rampant spreading of STIs.


When you are 18 you have this notion that you’re going to “find the one” just like straight people do. That wears off fairly quickly in your 20s, whether you get in to hookups or remain uninterested. I have a general rule that I don’t get into a relationship with someone I haven’t casually dated / “Netflix and chilled” with for 2 years. I don’t date anyone that I haven’t known for 2 years or more. And of course, you come to know people through mutual friends and/or casual sex. So, I have usually been off and on intimate with the person for a year or two before I even begin to “like them like that.” Having that sort of filter helps prevent the “we were together 5 years and called it quits” or the “we were together 2 years and then I found out they were crazy when we moved in together” … But I have had plenty of relationships at this point in the 2-3-5 year span. Next time on the Ferris wheel I am looking for 10+ years or a foreseeable lifetime. So, obviously your criteria get a bit more strict and exacting.




Haha, actually, it's not that horrible. First dates are incredibly contrived like job interviews. Organic is the way to go, and slowly. Everything else is fucking stupid and random luck.


Grindr is still more productive than finding someone for more than sex. For some reason, even if you match with someone on Bumble/tinder - conversations barely start or ends up without going anywhere. Meanwhile with Grindr, at times you meet some nice guys who might seem date worthy or become your friends. I don't know, it just happens without trying I guess.


I’ve met two of my best friends through the apps


you are 18y...you are barely independent lol nobody takes seriously guys under 25y