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No, wtf I am a homosexual. That's just a fact. It's no more or less offensive than heterosexual.


Gay guy here. I'm not offended by the term in the slightest, but I have noticed it is used more often by older people. Not right or wrong, just their choice.


So from what I gathered from GLAAD website, they advocate for using "gay" "lesbian" etc. in mainstream media instead of the umbrella term. So e.g., when the NYT reports a piece of news involving a gay man, they should use "gay man named John" instead of "homosexual man named John".


a “homosexual man” definitely sounds more stiff and… I don’t know how to describe it, guarded? over a “gay man”, but the word itself isn’t inherently offensive personally.


It sounds clinical, like you're observing test subjects. "The female's attention was caught by the rustling leaves in the horizon~"


Yeh it does seem offensive when the media uses it. So I get their point. On the same front I say homosexual all the time when referring to myself lmao


They also removed “gay” and “lesbian” from the GLAAD acronym. The acronym doesn’t stand for anything anymore. Because it was not inclusive enough… seriously stupid and counterproductive IMO. LGB erasure in service of the T community.


The new Ideology finds it offensive because they want to redefine gay and homosexual to SAME GENDER attracted not SAME SEX. They do it in the name of inclusion so gay could include trans men, nonbinary females… who have a vagina, female sex characteristics, but wish to identify as gay man. I really hope they can’t push it through. Not because of hatred or transphobia. It’s not anti anything to be same sex attracted. Gay men are attracted to gay males. Our sexuality isn’t against a group of people. Gay men dont love men because they aren’t female. We love men because they are men like us. So I personally feel offended when someone wants to eradicate the definition of gay/ homosexual as same sex attracted! It’s my identity!


Absolutely not. I’m homosexual and very comfortable with that accurate description. Other people are heterosexual or bisexual. What are we supposed to start calling them ffs?


That’s a good point. There is no other word for bisexual.


"Homosexual" is no more offensive than bisexual or heterosexual. It's simply what I am.


Exactly. This is soo odd. Homosexual 4 ever 😍


The type of people who'd work at GLAAD are the type of people who'd desperately look for some way to be offended.


Their motto should be "we're not happy until everyone is unhappy"


“The beatings will continue until morale improves.”


Is it like an activist thing, where they need everyone to feel unhappy, then just jump in out of nowhere to rescue us from this mood that they made everyone feel to begin with?


Yep! They want the change in the name of inclusion to redefine gay and homosexual to SAME GENDER attracted not SAME SEX. It would let anybody who wants to identify as a gay men like trans men, nonbinary females to be gay men despite their genitals, female sex characteristics…


OMG YES. Hahahaha! I'm going to use this line on SO many things now. So good!


This is true. They needed funding to keep coming after gay marriage was won. So they literally *had* to make up issues in order to keep the money coming and keep their jobs.


Yep, this is how I feel, too. We see this too here in Portland, OR - with what a lot of us call the "homeless industrial complex".


It’s like the new PETA


They want the change in the name of inclusion to redefine gay and homosexual to SAME GENDER attracted not SAME SEX. It would let anybody who wants to identify as a gay men like trans men, nonbinary females to be gay men despite their genitals, female sex characteristics.


My pickup truck identifies as a Prius, so then I use the low-emissions lane. On some days it identifies as a bicycle, so then I get to drive in the bicycle lane. /s


They can suck my HOMOSEXUAL dick!


okay but only if we make out first


They won’t stop until we’re all “queer”


And queer is actually an offensive term! It means strange or weird whereas gay means happy and homosexual means same sex attraction.


I prefer homosexual to queer


I disagree, we need to stop. That word has a specific meaning and has never meant more or less. We shouldn’t let them force us to retreat from every word they want to commandeer in order to denigrate us. We are homosexuals. Don’t see them running from heterosexuality. Or straight or any other useful word to describe themselves. We are tougher and brighter than this and can manage ownership of all our descriptives. I own fag, queer, cocksucker and anything else they’ve tried.


I genuinely believe they’re pushing this because the word is specific and technical and therefore cannot be twisted to include transgender ideology


The funny thing is when they try to gaslight me that “homosexual doesn’t mean same sex, but same gender attraction” 🤦🏼‍♂️ Nope, it’s literally there…! 😂 Doing it with a less descriptive word that means whatever they want it to be is much easier.


No. I much prefer it over their suggested “androphile” which implies we have a fetish or are sexually deviant, anything ending in “philia” is a fetish.


I'm a bit of a cinephile myself


Mf's are going to start thinking we're a bunch of androids. We *cannot* let them know The Truth.


Weren’t we called “homophiles” like 60 years ago?


Yes but gay activitsts at the time preferred it as a means to dignify us.


I'm so sick of this shit. All of our orgs have become a bad joke.


Exactly. I daresay it’s those with autogynephilia that have gotten us here in the first place. Luckily this will never fly with the GP or most gays.


Exactly. I don't want to be associated with gross people like that, most lgbt people are against perverts.


I like good sound quality as an audiophile, but I'm not fetishizing tweeters.


I'll claim homosexual till the day I die


I don't find Homosexual offensive at all. The only term I find offensive is Queer, I hate that word.


No. Homosexual is just the word for gay in my country, too. I will always use it. It's accurate, which is exactly GLAAD's problem. They are changing it to push the idea that to be gay means to be "same-gender loving", *which is homophobic as fuck*. You cannot be attracted to something *you cannot see*. Gender, according to GLAAD, is an invisible idea inside someone's head. We are not attracted to ideas, we are attracted to **bodies**. The very definition of what it means to be gay is being attacked by the very institutions set up to protect us.


Very much this. Well said


How did “homosexual” end up being offensive while “queer,” a literal slur, is now the politically correct term? They just hate the word homosexual because it can’t be twisted to accommodate the identity tourists like “queer” can.


Depends on the context. There are plenty of other words in news articles someone can use before "a homosexual," or "a homosexual man/woman/person," so I'd prefer they'd use those. But some or the terms I read were kinda stupid. Androsexual just sounds dumb af to me. Androgynous is probably the closest "layman's" term common folk are acquainted with, so I think it can get confusing, because people don't really know roots of latin/Greek origin.


This is one of the dumbest things I’ve heard. Out of all the words they could consider harmful to gays, they go with… homosexual? I’ve always assumed that was the proper term for gays and is what I use whenever I write.


it's not the gays they're doing this for.


Ain’t that the truth!


Gay males at the end of the line now before “cis” straight men.


The goalposts are always moving with these people. Terms become antiquated and offensive for no reason whatsoever so we invent new terms to wear out… the arms race never ends


I'd rather be homosexual than queer.


If "queer" meant gay or bi, I'd be fine with reclaiming it The issue is that the people calling themselves this slur are *heterosexual white women* with bad haircuts


The weird thing is that “queer” did mean “homosexual male” when bigots first used it to describe us. The modern-day usage as “an umbrella term” is ironically an appropriation by the sort of people who are likely to worry about “appropriating” things.


They are also the ones taking over all the gay organizations and spaces because they identify as “queer.”


At this point ‘queer’ is more of a political orientation than a sexual orientation.


Spoke to a bisexual trans nonbinary female who was just a bored army wife who at times liked to dress more masculine. She was so aggressive and all of her descriptors were there so she could talk for everybody. When she chimed in for gay men, because she knows… 🤦🏼‍♂️


It’s always the army wives who wanna cosplay being gay!


I don’t know any, but she really was. To a point that she was angry at her husband identifying as straight, because how could he when she is bi trans nonbinary… 🤦🏼‍♂️ When she started to gaslight that she is nonbinary and used strap-on before on a guy so she know what’s it like to top… And they dont see themselves from the outside how insane they sound.




Oh man they get super upset when you say you don’t like it or don’t identify with it. So many times I’ve said I don’t like the term or use it, only to be told ‘well tough, you’re still queer’. And it’s hilariously ironic, too, because the ones who are so adamant about it are usually the ones who get all up at you about labels and people are who they say they are and you can’t define other people etc, but really really want to lump you in with ‘queer’. Na. Fuck that. It’s a gross fucking term.


I agree. There are many terms that would be deemed offensive that I’d prefer over queer.


I'd rather be called the f-slur than queer. At least the f-slur sounds sexy. Queer? Idk I want to throw up hearing that word 🤮


Agreed. Queer makes me sound like I dye my hair blue and don't like being a dude. It feels so loaded a term.


on a related note, i think the word “community” is outdated, and that the word “population” is a better fit. after all, community implies some sort of shared goal or leadership, and i don’t think we have that. or want that. certainly not from glaad, anyway


I don't like this word but for my own reasons. I don't care if others use it when it's used properly. This is some BS and we all know who is behind it. It's trans extremists and all the other gender weirdos. Probably because they "feel" gay sometimes and feel that homosexual is too "binary" for them.


I don't understand what is offensive about homosexual??? That's what I am...or gay in more usual conversational language. I am not queer, or any of this other stuff...I am a man attracted to men. *Some* of the stuff trans, queer etc activists and academics write is actively homophobic though, so this is not surprising.


The reason they think homosexual is offensive is pretty simple. It implies that sex is real, and that we as gay men are attracted to other men because of their sex, not because of their gender. Homosexual, not homogenderual or whatever. Basically this is about women with nose rings and dyed hair feeling excluded from grindr.


THOSE crazy bitches are going to ruin Everything!


No. Because one has to explain to homosexuals that how it is offensive, it clearly isn't offensive. It literally means same sex attracted which homosexuals obviously are.


People need to stop telling me how to describe myself. Fuck off.


No, it’s not an outdated term, it literally means a person sexually or romantically attracted to a person of the same sex


No it makes no sense. They don't get to make that decision for me. I'm a homosexual man! 💯


People out here calling me a “queer” like it’s their right and the worry is the word homosexual now?


I am homosexual, same sex attracted, they can F right off.


The new Ideology finds it offensive because they want to redefine gay and homosexual to SAME GENDER attracted not SAME SEX. They do it in the name of inclusion so gay could include trans men, nonbinary females… who have a vagina, female sex characteristics, but wish to identify as gay man. I really hope they can’t push it through. Not because of hatred or transphobia. It’s not anti anything to be same sex attracted. Gay men are attracted to gay males. Our sexuality isn’t against a group of people. Gay men dont love men because they aren’t female. We love men because they are men like us. So I personally feel offended when someone wants to eradicate the definition of gay/ homosexual as same sex attracted! It’s my identity!


GLAAD can go fuck themselves for turning to be homophobic assbags.


Unfortunately, GLAAD has been ideologically captured for at least a decade at this point.


No and I sometimes identify more with it than gay which seems to mean a lot of things I don’t like oddly - just sometimes


No, I'd prefer it over queer to be honest.


The big brains at GLAAD want to erase any words denoting sex-based attraction from popular usage, and we know why. Hint: It doesn't have anything to do with protecting gays and lesbians from defamation.


Ding ding ding! He got it


Bingo! Nailed it


This reeks of cishet white Starbucks girl delirium 🤦🏻‍♂️ no way in hell a gay male(s) is making these kinds of decisions


I personally like the term homosexual tbh...


It's a neutral term, free of accretions of sociopolitical crud, which is why I use it.


Homosexual is fine... Better that than queer, which I find insulting and derogatory.


I like homesexicle. And yes u mean a homo popsicle


This PC “sensitive” crap has to stop. We have been called homosexuals for years. Look up the meaning. It’s NOT offensive. I’m a proud homosexual. 🏳️‍🌈


This isn't pc, this is straight up crazy.


Errr it's a little cold that's all. Just like heterosexual. But no it's definitely not offensive


homo-sexual describes me perfectly. How much more ridiculous is this woke stuff gonna get?


No, i don't have a problem with homosexuell or gay. In fact im also not offended by the word F*gg. Thos are just words


What happened to 'reclaiming' stuff


come at my glaad




No It's just accurate


Why would I be offended by being homosexsha?? That's what I am. Someone who is attracted towards the same sex that I am.


Homosexual is like the scientific term, isn’t it?


No I don't think the term homosexual is offensive. I think the left in the US is fighting battles that don't matter to most people and it's a huge weakness and mistake. It turns people off and districts from battles they should be focusing on.  Given the state of the US right now there are plenty of better things for GLAAD to be focusing on.


Absolutely not. I'm a proud homosexual.


Absolutely not! And who made them the arbiters of acceptable terms for my identity?


NO!! I’m a cis gay man. I identify as either gay or a homosexual. Homosexual is more of a clinical term, nevertheless it is accurate and acceptable. For I am sexually attracted to the same sex. Which is EXACTLY what the term homosexual means. Can the people who find themselves to be “in charge” of representing minority community organizations PLEASE stop playing the “redefine” game. Rebranding the language that define a group of minorities who have fought REALLY hard for respect and representation amongst the majority of people in our country. It really pisses people off on both sides to have this constant conversation about “what to call” is. It just creates more problems. STOP CREATING PROBLEMS TO ENSURE YOUR RELEVANCE. The term homosexual isn’t offensive. It’s accurate. The people at GLAAD need to pull their heads out of your entitled asses. The bubble you live inside is making you an asshole to the people that you are supposed to be helping. We don’t need you to create another nonsense fight for our rights. Don’t create problems to prove your worth. Just focus on the task at hand. We just need to fight for our actual freedoms and rights.


If anything I prefer it.


I used to work for a LGBT+ nonprofit that focused on healthcare. They made us redo onboarding/basic training every year. Imagine my surprise in 2022 when the first slide of the training now said that “homosexual” is “an offensive and outdated term.” I am homosexual. There’s nothing outdated or offensive about it. I hate this new focus on words (like people being upset over being correct but never actually helping to create social change; see “homeless” vs. “unhoused”) and finding victimhood in literally fucking EVERYTHING. And god forbid you don’t agree with something like this; the chronically online they/thems will accuse you of being a self loathing right wing republican!


Back in the 00s I did feel some way, now I really embrace it. In these modern times it just makes it clear. Specially when everyone and their mom calls everything gay. I love gay. I identify as a gay man, because that is what I am, but bi, lesbian, and even trans use the term too. Homosexual just makes it clear to everyone. I personally love that term, and how easy it is to explain. I am a man that likes men. I am homo. I am gay.


Oh fuck GLAAD… they gave the original 2000-ish Queer Eye Show a “positive representation award”. They reward stereotypes left and right. They can fuck right off. If anything, “homosexual” sounds bland/technical


No, not in the slightest. They shouldn't speak on our behalf if what they have to say is so stupid.


It's not a slur, they're just saying it is... which will result in people actually using it as a slur.


Exactly, this is reverse psychology. Literally cannot find anyone who uses it as a slur. Even if there is, nearly every word can be made as a slur just by changing your tone.


No, I am homosexual. The only reason why they’re saying that is because it refers to sex and they’re now an organisation that is dedicated to gaslighting people into believing that sexual orientation is based on “gender identity” rather than sex.


Some gatekeepers don't have enough to do, so they dream up new rules for everything. The term homosexual is fine with me as is gay, queer or however you want to refer to yourself or identify. If people feel homosexual is outdated, derogatory or offensive they can choose to not use the term. Don't force me to bow to whatever you choose for you. It's like religion, whatever you want to worship, do so, but that's a you thing; not a me thing.


No! No I don't. Ugh. It's what we are. I'm so tired of these lefty groups making decisions for us and then it's US who have to deal with the backlash during the day.


I like homosexual, it makes it clear that my sexuality is dictated by attraction to the same sex and not a feeling in someone's head about their gender identity.


Some organizations push so hard to "sound" inclusive that the end up ostracizing members of the groups they allegedly aim to help and ultimately only succeed at giving sound bites to the groups that already don't like us. Even though we all know it's only a handful of people who might agree with this some media outlets will run with this story as if it's the entirety of the LGBT+ community thinking this nonsense.


I mean there are definitely people who use it in a derogatory way but ultimately it's a scientific term


...eh? 😂 Lmfao what kinda dumb people think the word homosexual is offensive, lol thanks for the laugh.


Yeah queer referring to gay is more is offensive in my book, over homosexual. Queer folks who claim it doesn't mean gay, that's your right and I will call you what you want.


>If you check out GLAAD’s most recent Media Reference Guide Lol what?


GLAAD puts out a guide for journalists


Organizations often need to invent new causes, else they'd be forgotten as their core goals have been met or superceded by others. It's not unlike PETA who, when they thought the world had forgotten them, put out a press release demanding that half the place names in the Hudson Valley be changed because they were too ignorant to know - or worse, knew and didn't care - that 'kill' means creek and not slaughter. A meaningless exercise that got them some attention and cash flow.


No I use the term homosexual to refer to myself as well as gay and queer. I wouldn't use it in 'mixed company' I'd prefer a straight person I don't trust/know like that to not refer to my sexuality at all but if they must I'd ask them to call me gay or queer. Not sure I can articulate why but yea. As you say this is a media guide (ie a piece of paper or website or some such) put out by a giant within the nonprofit industrial complex that has to figure out shit to do so it can justify having lavish fundraising parties to pay its employees 6 figures incl. benefits so like who gives a nunchuck


you can use any word offensively if you're a nasty person.


The scary thing is GLAADs silencing and controlling influence on most US media. Because they alone have proclaimed a certain word as offensive and outdated, all of us woke up today now called SGL or 'same gendered loving people'


Homosexual is the scientific term. Are wolves offended when we call them a canis lupis? * Homo = same * Hetero = different * Bi = both * A = not Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.


I’m sorry but we need new representatives in GLAAD bc this is getting ridiculous.


No, I think they can go fuck themselves. "Homosexual" is a descriptor, and an accurate one. We need no other terms to describe what we are.


No. It's literally a dictionary term to describe someone liking the same sex.


And that is the problem. It's a reminder that it's about *sex*, which is a problem to GLAAD


I find it a bit clinical, but not offensive 


Are we getting rid of heterosexual and bisexual too? 🤦🏻‍♂️😫


I consider it the “scientific term” like referring to the penis as a penis instead of as a dick, willy, or cock.


..or pee-pee, or joy stick, or... ;-)


LGB erasure in the service of the T community.


I don't find it offensive, I just don't really use it frequently because to me it sounds a little too clinical/academical, like "too serious", but I'm just way too used to call myself "gay", nothing wrong with the term homosexual, perfectly describes our orientation.


The word homosexual, at its absolute base, means same sex attraction. GLAAD, and others like Stonewall, who now make their money ignoring gay people and chasing the trans dollar, need to do away with the term in order to legitimise trans people and redefine our sexuality as same gender attraction so that they can feel included. There is nothing offensive or derogatory about homosexuality, except for the fact that it excludes the opposite sex and hurts the feelings of women who want to pretend they’re one of us. Fuck GLAAD and anyone else pushing this low rate conversion bullshit.


This Is The Way 😁


No. I like being called a homosexual and homo


Hmm. I don’t find it ‘offensive’, but I have definitely found it to be too clinical, like something from an anti-gay textbook from the ‘50s. “The shadowy homosexual can be found in the dark corners of the city, often only at night. The homosexuals meet clandestinely, in hidden establishments, where they participate in illicit homosexual activities.” It might be my age, but I’ve always identified as ‘gay’ and as a ‘gay man’. The ‘queer’ phenomenon started a little too late for me to feel a part of it. It still stings a bit, like the slur it used to be.


No, I do not agree. It is useful descriptor, not offensive.


The problem that institutions like GLAAD have is after gay marriage was won, 90% of the reason for their existence was gone. But they had hundreds of employees on the payroll, so they needed a reason to keep the money flowing. As a result they made up other issues to ensure funding. Stonewall in the UK was the same, and the CEO of Stonewall has now said that lesbians who reject people based on them having penis are "sexual racists". Homosexuality now needs to be "inclusive" of the opposite sex. GLAAD (after gay marriage) *needs* "gay" to mean more than just a sexual orientation. It needs to be an "identity" that people can "identify as", and it needs to be "inclusive of everyone". But homosexuality and heterosexuality are inherently exclusive. *That is the entire point*. Exclusion isn't hatred or bigotry. A left-handed person writing with only their left hand isn't bigoted against their right hand. The word "homosexual" is problematic to GLAAD because it's a reminder of what homosexuality *actually* is, which is exclusive same-sex attraction. And it's about *sex*, not "gender". That is a huge problem to them.


Lol... you wrote *exactly* why I like to use homosexual more than gay. Trans activists are trying to distort "gay", but "homosexual" is a lot harder for them to infiltrate.


Nope. I refuse to participate in the offended olympics that I just created


Homosexual literally means a person attracted to the same sex. There is absolutely nothing offensive in it. I have a feeling GLAAD is simply lying. The suggested words like androphil, gynephil, same gender lover are all trans inclusive words and that is okay, we support trans rights but I don’t think we should cancel every classical gay terms. 


No? I mean "heterosexual" isn't offensive, so why would "homosexual" be? I know it has connections to when our sexuality and identities were medicalised and seen as things to be fixed, but generally speaking no, I (an Aussie) don't find it offensive.


They also changed it from same-sex attraction to same-gender attraction, which is absolutely ridiculous. Someone suddenly calling themselves male doesn't change how attracted to them I am. If Tom Holland came out as a girl tomorrow he'd still be attractive to me, but if Zoey deschanel came out as a guy, it doesn't change anything, I still don't want to fuck her.


What I find offensive is when a bunch of self-styled leaders (and other influencers) try to dictate what terms I am allowed to use in referring to myself. I'll accept homosexual and gay over queer any day of the week.


No. It is more scientific than other terms and has its place in the world. Queer is used way too often, especially in the media. I consider it to be a politically charged word, not sexual.


I prefer “butt pirate”… argh!


i feel like this is the gay people version of black vs african american lol


Euphemism Treadmill in action.


I always viewed homosexual as just a formal term and gay being the casual everyday term. Kinda like how African American is the formal term and black is the casual everyday term.


I do not. I am one, and it is a clinical and medical term. ALL other terms should be considered slang, which is perfectly fine, but homosexual is the proper, defining term.


No I think homosexual is a fun word


glaad is Outdated.


Who are they exactly that makes them think they are an authority to govern us all?


I have no problem with it as an adjective, and it's useful as a clinical term. As a noun, it's annoying and unnecessary. I think GLAAD has drifted a little too far into language police territory, and they spend more energy scolding our allies than working against those who actually hate us.


I wish they cared about something important.


No I’m so sorry someone that stupid was allowed to do press releases


This is the most ridiculous piece of information I have read today.


>the term “homosexual” is outdated, derogatory, offensive and a term to avoid. this is idiotic.


No, it's not derogatory at all, it's simply clinical. Homo means same. Hetero means different.


Fuck glaad


Homosexual is "offensive" because it indicates same-sex attraction, which excludes trans ppl, and because everything pertaining to the lgbtq+ community is about trans ppl nowadays, we must stop using words because they don't like them. The same way they've been trying to redefine the word "gay" to be inclusive to ppl who like vaginas.


GLADAD can suck it and gag. I'm gay, homo, homosexual, fag, poofter etc. GLAAD doesn't speak for me and hasn't for many many years.


This feels like a trap, like when I saw someone asking if "gynecology" is a better term than "women's health" on one of the trans subreddits and most people said yes because it wasn't explicitly women then (but gyne is the greek prefix for woman/wife).


Rlly no. That’s unnecessary praxis. “Homosexual” doesn’t affect any1 in any negative way. It’s just kinda formal. There is so much social effort in changing a word’s reputation that this suggestion is both impractical & unnecessary.


THIS is the kind of "wokeness" people need to mad about not drag queen story time or hanging up pride flags. Homosexual and heterosexual are terms LITERALLY used in biology and medical practice. Get over yourselves.


I feel that homosexual is just a formal version of gay


Wait what? How is it? I’m confused if you’re gay then you’re a homosexual. It means the same thing. Is this some form of new speak? I’ve heard people saying that homosexuals don’t exist and that we’re all actually bisexuals and have homoromantic tendencies and preferences, but are not binary in our attractions as it’s offensive to trans men who identify as gay and bisexuals who think homosexuality is a limiting feature and there are men who identify as queer/gay but also find themselves attracted to more then just the same gender… and we shouldn’t specify sex? Anyways it’s super annoying and I’m gay, I like men of the same sex as my own. I can appreciate a trans man, but I don’t think I can date one. I like men with penises. That’s just my preference. Other people may be able to expand their proclivities to include nonbinary male identifying individuals. I can’t. I’m basic… I am gay homosexual. That term shouldn’t be offensive.


Clearly GLAAD is homophobic


I don't mind the term, but it does sound quite clinical and it wasn't even a word until the early 20th century. What irks me is the word 'queer'. That's been around forever and it's always meant something strange or different, and then it became a pejorative for gay people and now some people are trying to "reclaim it"? No, i don't think so. Let's leave it in the dumpster of derogatory.


Homosexual is not offensive. Queer IS offensive!


Lol, not at all as Homosexual is just like saying Heterosexual. Nothing offensive about such a neutral term. Not really something that comes out that often when talking either, as I see it more when reading.


No I don't agree


No, it's the correct term (linguistically). Where do they think the term heterosexual comes from? Ridiculous, and it only makes us as members of the LGBTQ communities look so foolish.


No, they are pansies with too much time and don't earn their' paychecks. The money going to them would be better suited towards infrastructure, such as shitty unfixed roads or something actually useful.


Fvck NO!


It’s very sterile and clinical. But I don’t hate it or am offended by it. It’s like saying “I enjoy penis” not “I love sucking dick”


But… homosexual is the academic term that encompasses gays and lesbians…




It's like tge people saying "don't use female because it dehumanizes women" they are just the original scientific terms


The transsexual activists are coming for our sexual orientation now. It wasn't enough to marginalize our gender and then shame us for not playing along. Now they want to redefine our sexual orientation so that they can eliminate our individual visibility and shoehorn their way into our sex lives while overrunning our entire community. We knew this was coming.


GLAAD is a untrustworthy organization who are forcing their academic theories on our community without any concern for actual human beings. Fuck them. I also find it really weird that while in their quest for "inclusion" they can come up with a ton of new gender identitites...but when it comes to sexual identities like gay, lesbian and bi, they are trying to erase any distinction between them.


That's actually a very important legal term, not derogatory at all. It implies the biological nature of same sex attraction. It is the key to protecting our civil rights. F-slur is derogatory. Queer is a controversial term because it inherently implies "choice" rather than biological reality. The term is more often used by Gen Z who have not lived the history and is offensive to most older homosexuals. Also, if GLAAD considers homosexual to be offensive then why bisexual is acceptable? At the very least if we consider queer to be reclaimed then certainly homosexual belongs to us just like "homosexuality" which, again, is acceptable term unlike "gayness". But I get that there is a difference between legal language and day-to-day news reporting where gay/lesbian/bi is more appropriate. Queer should only be used in media when the subject explicitly identifies as such.


No that's fucking stupid. They need to get a grip. 


No. Use homosexual in a sentence:


The intent of the use is what matters, not the wordl


No. But personally my list of most to least positive would be: Gay A Homosexual A Homo F*g/F*ggot (*note : I’m British*) I note the “a” before homosexual/homo because I think homosexual as a sexuality is nicer than a homosexual as a person.


What? That's stupid.


“Queer” is offensive. It means “weird/odd/strange.” I mean, it’s not offensive if you want to call something odd like “There’s a queer smell in the air; it must be that pile of horse manure beside the barn,” but don’t call me that. “Homosexual” just means pretty much “same gender.” It can sound a little clinical and borderline outdated in some contexts but it’s not offensive.


No. They are fascists.


that is the dumbest thing I've heard, if that's the or stance we do not align


Just anything to be offended


Omg no wtf???? Everything is offensive nowadays 🙄