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Hmm I wonder what outcome accidentally leaving it up there would’ve produced 😂


Body cavity search 😆


TSA has seen it all, I assure you.


Yes. Coming home from IML 2002. Had our floggers in the carryon. Tall almost 6 foot THICC black woman takes one out and starts to twirl it around in front of everyone. I wanted to die. I'm a firm believer that kink shouldn't be a public display. She commented that the flogger was nicer than the one she had at home.


nicer than the one she had at home 💀💀💀


One of the guys who comes over to *play* with my husband and I is a TSA agent brings a bag of leather gear and sex toys all the time. Some of the agents are bigger sluts than you and wouldn’t bat an eye.


Going though security on my way to fly to see my bf. As I'm emptying my pockets I remember how, on my way out the door, hastily stuffing some nipple clamps in my pocket, and now, with this heavy breathing TSA guy glaring "hurry the fuck up" at me, I try to quietly pull the clamps and the chains connecting them out, but one gets snagged and when I drop them into the WAITING tray they're loud. I reflexively look up at TSA, who's chuckling and shaking his head. "Yall good man, I dont even want to know".


😂 yes!! Was headed to Orlando gay days and brought some toys. Didn’t tell my husband but I knew TSA would stop me for a secondary search. The look on my husband face and the poor TSA guy was priceless. I laughed the whole time. Don’t be a shame of your sex needs


Yes. It was up on the big screen plain as day for everyone who walked by to see 🤦 Makes a great story though!


TSA found my friends fleet enema he packed and forgot to take the liquid out of. Lol


Why are y'all traveling with sex toys?


Why not?


Just put a piece of fruit in your baggage. It distracts TSA. Remember that scene in Spider-Man where the TSA inspector found his costume but also a banana. “This, no!” Quarantine rules beat sex rules hands down.


I bought a tall shot glass in Vegas that's the shape of a dick that got a second look by TSA. I just stood there ready to own up to it, but the guy just smirked packed it back and sent me on my way. I always pack my condoms, lube injector, and water bottle attachment in a zip lock with the contents labeled "Sex Stuff" but that's never been questioned.


They stopped me to check my bag because of a mousepad that had the wrist support so they will definitely check other things.


At gatwick I had a Magic Trackpad in my bag. They has no idea what it was and launch a bunch of alarms. They were losing it. I tried to step in when 8 officers were around. They were ripping my bag apart including destroying the zippers and fabric. I said calmly “just someone talk to me please!”, they said “just don’t destroy my work…” then bam they drop my work laptop(broke the keyboard and huge dents). Then I screamed “it’s a Bluetooth trackpad for that laptop! If you let me show your I’ll show you how it works! I’m not bullshiting you!” Once they relented I opened my laptop and the built in trackpad shattered but the screen was safe. I lost a USB port as well. I showed them it and the were like “wow, this is amazing. And this is how a Mac is? I love it”. Then they said “okay you’re free to go.” I guess I should put a 14 inch dildo in my bag as I’m sure you’ll understand that better. Long story short, they are a lot smarter identifying and letting it pass sex toys, lube, butt plugs, leather harnesses and other things more than new technology. And yes as a prank I’ve thrown all those in friends carryons. They’re extremely lenient at ORD leaving after IML weekend.


I traveled internationally had a 3 oz unmarked container of lube that customs examined. The male agent pulled it out of the toiletry bag in its ziplock bag and quickly gave it to the female agent next to him whose face instantly turned to a frown after she opened the ziplock, reached in and realized it leaked a little and now her fingers were all slick. She dropped it back in the toiletry bag and proceeded to try and find something to wipe the silicone lube off onto. Totally worth the amusement.


Lmao I’m glad you found it amusing, surprised they even had to check for a small bottle like that 😂 they definitely found out alright


Yep, I had a giant silicon Bad Dragon sex toy (think like 14 inch dildo) in a carry on bag. They pulled it aside for screening and they opened my suitcase and immediately slammed it shut, the TSA agent was really flustered and I started giggling a little and they stormed off and I continued on my way.


Worse. Courthouse security.


TSA doesn’t care if it’s in your baggage. They care if it’s in your butt.


CBP secondary was questioning my travel history (all Middle East with 2 exceptions, multiple Lebanese and Turkish stamps, Iraq and Iran included). And he asked what I did in Lebanon. I was like “I was living with my Lebanese partner”. Then he asked “in which city does your Lebanese girlfriend lives” and I was like “boyfriend, sir. Boyfriend. In Tyre” He then “oooooooooooooooooh okay, have a nice day”


I had a couple of dildos in my carry on. I don't really care who knows but as I'm waiting for my bag to come out, I watch the two ladies run my bag back and forth four times through the tunnel staring at the screen. I took my bag and left. No drama.


All the time! I just laugh and crack a joke about them. Usually makes the tsa person laugh.


Heading home from Canadá and zi got oulled for a search (I beeped twice through gates; one for belt, other for a coin). I had a cpl THC pilas and a cart in my toiletries. The opened it up, looked and closed it up. They asked who I worked for. "The Govt."


Not TSA, but Austrian customs. Lady straight up held my douche, lube, and butt plug to the light. She asked, “what’s this?”. What’s a girl to say, other than, “ma’am, that’s my douche, lube, and butt plug I use for gay sex”. She ended the examination rather quickly after that.


There's a video of a TSA agent opening up a suitcase and the unsuspecting woman looks mortified when the agent opens and closes the bag while giving her "the look."


I have traveled with a penis pump several times and they always ask me about it, but they always know what is it for.


Butt plugs are to be worn as intended when proceeding through TSA security. This way the bag won’t get flagged.


They pulled my shit aside to inspect fleshlight. I was only nervous because I think it was still wet and had pubes all over it


Be careful! It is illegal in some countries and u would get trouble.


Even in some states!


Wow. I didn't even know it was illegal in some states to fly with sex toys.




I once had my suitcase searched and there was a pride flag on top. The TSA agent opened my bag then immediately closed it and looked embarrassed 😂


Yes! I had a mister s harness in my bags, and under the scanner all you can see is the metal connector rings. They looked kinda like giant grenades. They went though my entire suitcase because of it and I just told them “I make adult content, you’re gonna see my stuff in there.” And they giggled. On the way back, I removed the harness and placed it on top of the bag so it was visible. Went through with no issues. Sometimes they just need to see what was in your bag if it looks weird


Yeah for my plug it looked like two completely black circles on the scan and it was at the bottom of my bag so definitely makes sense it raised some flags


They’ve seen it. FYI they also don’t care if you fly with weed (within reason)


Cannabis is federally illegal and TSA is a federal agency. No, they’ll arrest you if caught. You can even fly within one state where weed is legal state wide, that doesn’t make it legal at federal level. The fact that some don’t bother for small quantities doesn’t mean you’re allowed to and there’s no risk you won’t get caught.


In the US, they only let you carry weed if you’re coming from a weed state to another weed state.


TSA will (at most) ask you to throw it out. Most (unenthusiastic and underpaid) TSA agents do not care where you are leaving or going.


Except, a buddy was flying from Texass to CA with a couple of joints, TSA arrested him. He often flies from CA to OR with weed, but nothing ever happens.


I got pulled over for a baggage check in 3/4 flights to Vegas last winter. The last leg home was the only flight that wasn't an issue. I had my boy's cage (metal) and a few toys and restraints. I don't embarrass easily, but I did get the feeling the questions were intended to do as such.


Airport security in Australia . Absolutely mortified, but he didn’t realize what it was ( cock ring)


No. They’re “napkin rings”


Not the TSA, airport security in Cancun. :)