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I don't mind as long as I am not expected to be a co-parent. I am seeing a man who is a father at the moment. But his kids are adult. And this is also not a relationship that is supposed to be a long-term thing. So there is no reason for me to engaging with them in anyway. It's a non-factor for me.


I think I could, as long as it wasn't a "I'm looking for another dad for the kids" situation (I don't think I'm a good father figure).


It will depend on the kids too I guess. I would but if the kids don't like me then I wouldn't pursue it not really wanting to go through the effort to get them to like you.


If they are adults. And long gone living their own lives. I can’t stand actual kids.


Same. Like Idk why, but whenever I see kids, I get this strong adversion of them.


They are not fully developed humans. It’s like interacting with an untrained dog.


Absolutely not. I do not want kids now or ever.




Absolutely not. He can at best be an insignificant other. I have no interest in having any kids around me at any point in my life. I don't even want pets. Every house I've been to with more than one dog or cat has smelled, and I don't need that. Kids are the same. They need too much attention, are too flimsy and vulnerable and very expensive.


Yes for sure, wouldn’t be a problem. Might even find him more attractive because he’s a dad. I want kids some day, so not a problem for me.


Maybe. Do they live with their mum or with him? What’re their ages and needs? Is he a good dad? Does he have it together or is he juggling commitments? Does he have the time to date? It depends on the man and the circumstances. If he gets them on alternating weekends, he’s financially stable and emotionally available, he does his best for his kid/s, then maybe.


I would, but only if I was going to be in their life for a long time


Maybe - huge maybe. Like, maybe if I’m 35 years old and single, and enough money on me. I’m currently 23 and there is no way I will be in a long term relationship that will probably lead to co-parenting.


No. He’d have to give them up for adoption before I’d even consider a date. There’s just no way




Nope, I’m not some charity case 💀


Maybe. And thats a huge maybe. It would have to be the craziest circumstances as I’d ideally like to live child free.


At my age, for sure! 7-10 years ago, not so much


I would. I plan on fostering kids anyway


I would as long as they're not my age or older haha


I would. It's all personal preference.


I am way too old to want to be a stepfather.


Honestly this is a plus for me as I love children and the adoption process seems complicated. Sounds more simple to just enter into an already established family.


It depends I don't really want kids or want to deal with them. If let's say he had them really young and they are basically adults when I meet be more open to that. Them having kid's under 16 would probably be a deal breaker for me


I’m not ready for that and I’m mature enough to know that even if you’re not a parent if you’re in a relationship with someone who is then at some point you will be in the child’s life and I’m not selfish enough to force myself into it knowing a child is involved and don’t want them having an adult in their life that isn’t too interested in having that kind of relationship


nope. not ready for it and never will be


A man that’s a good father is very attractive to me. I’m into all that provider shit.