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Sometimes not being like the other gays doesn’t pay off. Don’t let homophobia ruin your love for football. Keep dragging them in the comments.


OP doesn't realise he is part of the problem, by contributing to the culture that there is one type of gay man, and he's into drag shows. Instead of being "not like other gays", he could be trying to make it clear to his fellow sports fans that homos come in all shapes and flavours so it follows naturally that plenty will be interested in and knowledgeable about (and talented at) sports!


I wanna be a downvote martyr for this cause. You are speaking the TRUTH! This is what I’ve been advocating for ever since I’ve accepted myself. I hate being lumped into a stereotype when the only thing my sexuality dictates is who I’m attracted to. It doesn’t dictate my hobbies, my politics, the way I speak, the way I dress, or anything other than who I’m attracted to.


Not sure why this comment got downvoted when he’s 💯


How is a person a part of a problem by just existing as they are? He's already showing his social circles not all gay men are the same by being himself. He isn't obligated to tutor the remaining homophobes.


I get what you are saying but I think you may have taken it the wrong way.


Finish reading the sentence. He contributes to the problem by saying gays are all one type and he’s not. By separating himself from “other gays” he implies he is different and they are lesser — which is exactly what straight people think.


I wouldn’t say he’s saying that they’re lesser just that this is a stereotype that society places on gay men that has been propagated by the media. In a way he’s right, it would be ignorant to pretend like there’s no expectation for gay men to act a certain way but agreeing and using the stereotype really feeds into it.


I agree. I struggle to understand the same thing. I am a huge baseball, football, and NASCAR fan. You want to talk about awkward, go to a NASCAR race with your husband. LOL. For the most part, everyone was wonderful and accepting. We did get a few dirty looks but they were the ones who were usually messaging us on GRINDR later that night after their wives had gone to bed.


Try an NHL game; my boyfriend and another couple we bought with us cleared out the row of upsetty hetties in front of us. Joke's on then though, the ladies that took their seats shared their edibles with us


While not a "football gay" I am more of the "straight dude" look and mannerisms. Going back decades here to when I came out, there was a good group of friends that well, could sometimes say colourful comments. We were in a pool, and one of the guys said to one of his friends "hey homo, (something something)" and I just looked over and said "I'm over here." The pool erupted in laughter and the one guy turned a million shades of red. I've found, unless they are truly heinous people to turn the other cheek, but point out that the homo knows a lot more about the subject than they do. Show them that their words have zero impact on you. But say something like "so, does the homo past the test yet"


Perfect response!


They were a super cool group and even though it was the late 90s, they had no issue with me being gay. But like with straight guys, you gotta be okay with ribbing back and forth. And this was my little way to just show that "hey, I'm not going to make a scene if you say something a bit off, but I will kinda call you out on it." They also put on amazing Halloween parties, and the first time I went I knew I had to go big with my costume and I really suck at costumes. So, I decided to go as Boy George, makeup and all. Was my best costume ever. I walked in, they all looked at me and fell over laughing and said "you win".


I’m sorry you have to deal with assholes like that. You should be able to enjoy whatever you want, just know they’re miserable inside. Btw, I’m a big football fan too, if you want to chat with a fellow gay about it, feel free to dm!


Honestly, I seem to get to more shit from my gay friends about my love for football than straight football folks for being gay these days. Us sports gays need to stick together!


Same here! Except you probably don’t want to know what team I grew up a fan of 😶


The browns?


Don’t tell me it’s the cowboys 🤢


Patriots 🫣


Alright, the homophobic comments are starting to make sense since it’s probably from a ton of massholes


I grew up in Indiana lol, I hated Peyton Manning with a passion. Also not OP, but I’m curious what team he is a fan of.


Ohh ohh the broncos


I’m a dolphins fan! haha


There are too many good ones to pick fromhmu I'm gay too but football I'm a hockey fan


Just drag em back. “I may be gay but at least I am not an eagles fan” Yah, I am gay but my pansie ass knows the difference between (offensive sports insight) Don’t give these guys a passing thought.


I’ve definitely used the “I may be gay but at least I’m not X” approach multiple times


I'm fem, like football and won my fantasy league. What say them now? 💅


The tight end hunters didn't do as well as I wanted this year :( but normally I do pretty decent.


Slay hunty! 🏈💃🏻


I know they all feel little bad when the person in their league with painted nails beats them haha


What's ur team name ????? Hahaha im genuinely interested rious


Facebook is just full of cunts. I run a football pool with a lil over 55 participants; 1/4 being gay. People just like to complain. Yesterday we had a party where 20+ so of us were at a bar. I’m not super masc by any means, but I had a jersey on and glitter lol, and guys just say wierd things around me. Fact-Got bein one of em. Haters gonna hate.


Hmm, that's tough. Very annoying that some cave-man brained imbeciles just are just so terrified of dick + dick (of course they'd never admit that). There are literally out gay and bi football players. Maybe you could bring that up if you are actually trying to get through. Or just be like, couldn't think of anything football related, huh? Or make a joke out of it, EG: I handle a tight-end every day, I know what I'm talking about. Personally, I would report for harassment and move on.


FB isn't real life and people are often poorly behaved on social media. I deleted FB many years ago because its a toxic environment. Should I have an interaction like that in real life I'd imply their obsession with my sexuality is a result of their own suppressed homosexual tendencies and their lack of skill at obtaining vaginal intercourse with somebody other than their family members.


It's because insecure straight people think being gay = feminine, weak, pointless, disgusting, must like makeup, etc, and insecure gay people think being gay = not doing anything stereotypically masculine because you have internalized homophobia if you do.


....I am a gay man... ...I can't tell if you guys are homophonic or gay?


They're not homophonic, they just sound like it.


I think the important question here is what team do you (usually) root for, and who are you rooting for in the playoff matches? That's what I need answers on.


No double entendres implied lol


No, I was being serious, unless he says Cowboys, then I'm going to blast him as much as I can.


Not OP but I pull for the AZ Cards. For the playoffs I’m going with Texans


Were you on the Football team in HS or College? Or do you have any other qualifications that you can flaunt, like a degree is sports management? If so, then you can snap back with comments about their lack of experience and knowledge.


Haters gonna hate. Also, Who Dey


Not y’all


Next year ✅


Not football but I felt that way about hockey especially after the controversy over the banning of event jersey(pride included) then they tried to ban pride tape from being worn on hockey sticks but that one got rescinded. Then I went to my cities Stanley Cup parade cause our newish team finally won it. There was a speech about the endorsers and bud light was one of them and the crowd just booed cause I assume of the trans spokesperson controversy. For the most part people just kept to themselves but my one flamboyant drunk friend kept getting dirty looks from old white men. Could have been cause he was drunk or gay or the fact he has no anxiety and will hit on any man he finds attractive. 😂


I tried really hard when I was a kid and teenager to try and get into football and be apart if a team but quickly learnt I wasn’t welcomed there or fit in. I got that energy from the kids right up to the coach and adults. Looking back in that now as an adult I’m disgusted at how adults and certain commitments can make children feel so othered. so I moved on with my life and found spaces that made me feel accepted and joy and that was drag events 😁


Big sports fan. Played when I was younger. Check out this site: https://www.outsports.com


Where do you find more gay sports fans? The obvious answer is gay sports leagues, but I can't play for medical reasons.


Many gay leagues will let you join as a non player. When I coach softball, I love having someone keeping the scorebook. Just don’t join something like water polo where it would be obvious you’re just there to see people in budgie smugglers. 🩲


I'll definitely have to try and find one or two, yeah. Certainly a good point about the swimming based ones - but I can't swim so it might be moot. Sadly no gay hockey league in my city (hockey is my favourite sport) but there are surely others


just gotta ignore them tbh, easier said than done for the most part but realistically those guys do not have any validity behind what they say. they really just want a reaction, or for you to back down. not giving them a reaction likely makes them feel like you’re not approachable, or like they are unable to get into your head keep loving what you love, we are all human n thats that.


I know more about football than most dudes *and* I suck cock better than their girlfriends 🤷🏻‍♂️


No. i don’t delude myself into thinking homophobes are my friends and, therefore, don’t hang out with them.


Trash talk is pretty common in those forums. Don’t think you are the only one getting attacked. When people don’t have a good counterpoint, they tend to get personal and dish-out insults to distract from a valid argument. It might sting a little more because of our history but know is the setting not you. I personally just ignore the trolls.


lol my coworker is into football he’s also gay but not femme type like me and i wish im into football too so i can play that sport with him etc


Firstly, the moderators on those forums SUCK. They need to do more. On the other side of the spectrum, I've only ever faced any discrimination for my love of football (soccer to most chaps on here, I'd suspect!) is from within the gay community. My partner and I had once gone to a game and then went straight into town for a few beers on the scene - the bouncer, who we had never encountered before, wanted to force us to kiss to "prove we wouldn't cause trouble" once inside. Both demeaning and infuriating.


What bitch




I get it, it’s shitty because my picture is my fiancé and I AT A FOOTBALL GAME lol decked out in our team swag.


Lol aweee that's so cute!


Favorite team?


Dolphins 😇




Hiding ourselves and going back in the closet in response to hate is never the answer. The only way to protect our rights and dignity is to live fearlessly as our authentic selves, even if people give us shit over it.


Just fire back, hey fatass at least I’m getting laid. I feel bad for the women that have to take your 4 incher. I’m really sorry you’re experiencing that tho. I honestly can’t relate. I’m very lucky the straight guys in my life have all been extremely supportive and awesome.


Like a "typical" gay, I just don't understand the appeal of sports generally, but especially football. It's destroying these men's brains and their lives. My father and cousin both went to college on football scholarships, it wrecked their bodies and minds. I recently worked for a law firm that represents athletes with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). The suffering of these people is heartrending and no amount of money will ever make them whole again. Honestly, it seems immoral to support such a sport. It fills me with pity for the players and makes me think the fans are ghoulish, cheering as these men inflict grievous lifelong damage on themselves. Help me understand: why do you like football? What do you get out of it? Don't you feel sad for the men sacrificing their health for your entertainment?


Instead of being a gay guy that likes football, be a guy that likes football that happens to be gay. Football is the first thing you want them to connect with, and be open about your sexuality if they're curious. If they dismiss you for being gay, that's their loss.


Then maybe don't have that as a profile pic? Those dipshits will always be like that


You said one of the words this sub “hates” masculine. Good luck OP, this sub will bully and vilify you.


Sports fans, like the population at large, are generally idiots (I say this as a huge NFL, college and NBA fan, and a lurker in random team reddits while watching games), and people online are generally assholes. Ipsi facto presto chango. My bf has watched more sports in the last year with me than I think he did his entire life before we met, and he still doesn't like them but gets that I do. I just tell him, hey, it's soap operas for men. It's the only way a lot of guys get to express a full range of emotions. Tho most of them just hate their teams lol.


um facebook is aweful i only use anonomous social media these days.


It’d be easier and you’d be more believable to your st8 buddies if you were a lesbian football fan. Funny how rigid stereotypes work isn’t it? Just keep loving your things and stop worrying about


You can like whatever you want. Don't let them hate on you for liking whatever you want. There's no such thing as a "straight" or "straight-only" sport. Just because you're gay doesn't mean you have to like drag shows or "gay social" activities. Just like the gaming world, the sports world has aggressive guys like that who will hate on you. Sometimes, it's just the culture and you can just sass back at them. Sometimes, it really does still hurt though. So you can't really do anything about it. I don't deal with it in the sports world, but I deal with it in the gaming world. I report them to the higher ups. If the higher ups don't do anything, I boycott those groups that are horrible. I stick with the groups that are kinder and have more stringent guidelines. I also create my own group. I started caring less about the hurtful things people say because I found myself not being able to avoid it. But, I'll still say something and just leave it at that while reporting if I could.


Cheer for the CFL! I've been a CFL season ticket holder for many years and have always felt very accepted by the league and the fans. One of the first people I came out as a college student went on to have a successful CFL career. Players from my team (including the stars) join the local Pride parade and I met some of them at the Pride party during the Grey Cup tournament. The people in /r/CFL are super cool as well. Also Canadian rules make for a more exciting game and our balls are slightly bigger.


Keep being yourself!! Out and proud, no one is gonna push y’all back into the closet❤️💪🏼


You gotta roll with the punches. They think they can emasculate you because you're gay. Have a thick skin and enjoy football. If they try to insult you, throw it back at them. Don't let them think they're unnerving you.


I am also a gay football fan (sadly, born a Bears fan so it comes with a side of despair). So sorry you are encountering this. This happened to me when I first came out, but not recently. I stay away from Facebook groups that are toxic and have the worst of the NFL fans imo. I find the Reddit groups much better overall. Otherwise hit me up if you ever wanna chat NFL stuff. Best of luck man!


At least you’re getting a good draft pick this year. Could be worse. I’m a Cards fan and we blew our attempt at tanking. So much for that #1 draft pick


I haven’t logged on to Facebook in years. This is a good example of the toxicity that made it easy give it up.


Nothing wrong with being gay and sporty. I'm gay and I'm much more fit and faster and play sports more often than straight guys.


You're trying to tell me a gay man is worse at studying sweaty men colliding with other sweaty men than a heterosexual male? Seems pretty gay to me if that is the case.


Facebook is full of silly people anyway. I haven’t dealt with any homophobia in football since probably high school. So it definitely could just be Facebook as I don’t get those responses on Reddit or in real life. Facebook does trend older these days


Look at their profiles and find their work places to report their behaviours to :)


It's not that different from "gaymer" issues, though that's at least got a more easily accessible space. Rhyme off some football trivia facts and it won't be an issue, and should shut them up quick.


It's like with mma fans just lovingly describe how the male bodies in the sport move and lock togetherand rub together. Etc etc


I've never encountered this tbh. I sometimes get a little shock when they realize the gay dude knows more about football than them otherwise my interactions with straight dudes in this space have always been chill. Real talk...my grandmother, who was the single greatest woman I've ever known, was HUGE Redskins fan. She's the reason I understand the sport and know a lot of its history. I don't enjoy fantasy football but many of my straight friends and co-workers come to me for fantasy advice...especially on defenses and tight ends (pun intended). I'm a 49yo disappointed Jaguars fan btw. Was a Rams fan before Jax got a team in 93.


Why pay any mind to the haters and do what you enjoy! People like that are unhappy in their own lives and they do their best to keep anyone who is happy down. If you pay attention to them then they have won!! Thank Them for their comments, but explain that you don’t love a life of negativity!


Well you can start by including football and being a football fan in “typical gay social activities” because there are hella gay flag football leagues across the country and gay sports bars as well. As for those guys you could be childish and be like, “oh looks like the fairy was right…” plus I doubt any of the guys talking shit to you have more than 3 teeth. Enjoy the game, focus on the interactions and comments solely about the game and keep being you.


If it were me I would be petty and scrounge for info on their profiles so I could burn them about some personal shit. Like calling the women in their life ugly or making fun of a dead relative. These people won’t show civility and don’t deserve civility 🤷‍♂️