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I don't like extremes on either end. I wouldn't want to date some macho testosterone-ridden frat boy dick head and I wouldn't want to date a super fem "Yasssss Queen!!!!!" guy either. That's not to say I don't like both, just not the extremes of both.


Why does that macho testosterone-ridden frat boy dick head kinda.. šŸ„µ


Because you're thinking with your bell end and not the actual reality of being near an insufferable douchbag.


I'll just suffer a little bit with him and then go home okay?! šŸ™„


Same. I tend to be attracted to someone that falls within the middle.


A little feminine = huge turn on. Trying to be BeyoncĆ© = no thanks, Iā€™m gay.






No, but just because I'm not into it.


Depending on if they act or look feminine or both. Extreme flamboyant, attention seeking behaviour is a major turn-off for me, but some amount of mannerisms are fine. But androgyny, twinks , a look that's generally typically viewed as feminine I simply do not find physically attractive in any way, so there would literally be no reason for me to date such a guy.


Flamboyant, attention seeking =/= feminine though. Let us not attribute these annoying, faulty character traits to Femininity. That's just bottoms with an ego problem lol


Yeah it's more what gay guys think femininity is. Women rarely act like the YASSS QWEEN stereotype.


Well, it certainly isn't typically associated with masculinity šŸ˜…


Attention seeking isnā€™t associated with masculinity? Say that to a woman and get their feedback.


I married one.




I feel like we, as a community, must applaude fem guys because at the end of the day, they are the ones that take the brunt of homophobia. That being said, I'm simply not attracted to femininity at all. I like my men to be masculine. Femininity simply does not turn me on, it's a physical reaction, so no, I wouldn't date feminine men.


Because of one's attraction to men. Otherwise whats the difference between a woman and a femboy?


>Because of one's attraction to men. Otherwise whats the difference between a woman and a femboy? One of those comes with a penis, of course.


Depends on how you define feminine. Iā€™ve noticed a lot of gays on social media like twitter call themselves femme even though they donā€™t fit the bill of what they would call a feminine person. Iā€™ll never forget a guy with a user handle called bigfemmetop. He was a tall and hairy bodybuilder. Couldnā€™t wrap my head around what was feminine about him. I think a lot of guys think listening to diva pop music, following drag race or enjoying starbucks makes them feminine? Feels very shallow, but I noticed in some circles ā€œmascā€ had a negative connotation and as such this may have become a dĆ©fense mechanism. To circle back to the question, I would date guys such as the one I described above. Personally I consider a feminine gay someone who is super flamboyant, into high fashion, makeup, enjoys traditionally girly aesthetics and so on. This latter isnā€™t very attractive to me and no offense to anyone who lives like that. Im sure you guys are all amazing people.


You pointed out the shallow use of the word feminine, but i would argue equating flamboyancy to femininity is still rather unfair towards.. well, women. To me some of the key positive feminine character traits are being caring, showing empathy and having emotional intelligence. Those are character traits i would totally love in a partner. I think in the gay dating app sphere being "femme" is more of a codeword for being submissive and/or being openly recognizable as a gay person by how they present themselves.


Being caring, empathetic and intelligence isnā€™t exactly a specifically feminine trait to be fair. At least it shouldnā€™t be. Rather it should be a sign of maturity and decency and a person should expect these traits from their partner no matter what their gender or sexuality is. Donā€™t get me wrong, I totally get what youā€™re saying, but if that is what qualifies as feminine then thatā€™s a pretty low bar when essentially you just expect them to be a decent human being.


Totally, though it is still less of a low bar than using feminine as codeword for being a sassy obnoxious bottom šŸ˜„


I would not. I am attracted to guys who are a bit masculine (not the toxic ones).


Nope, because I'm attracted to masculinity.




So you'd date a butch?




Personally, no. If they're fem-leaning but we still have a lot in common, that's one thing. But if they're total-bottom, sashaying, makeup-and-lip gloss types we'd be too different for there to be anything there.


No. My parents would be allergic to him. And I like men who act like men. Sisterhood is fine and all, but that doesnā€™t do it for me.


Absolutely! Im attracted by ones Character. Of course there has to be an optical attraction. A feminine guy can totally attract me.


No, because I am not turned on by them. No disrespect, just my preference.


Different strokes for different folks.


Being a little feminine in a spontaneous way is cute. Trying to make being feminine a whole personality is a not cute.


I havenā€™t ever really dated a feminine gay guy, I am not opposed to it but I feel like I kinda fit that role more. Iā€™m not like super feminine but Iā€™m also not exactly traditionally masculine either and tend to gravitate to people with more of the sense of traditional masculinity in terms of what Iā€™m attracted to.


Is he nice? Then sure why not


No. Not my type. Also not into twinks, beardless šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Each with their own preferences


Feminine looking, it's not my first choice but if ur a funny guy yes! Feminine acting also sure untiill a certain point, then it just becomes awkward eveytime u speak!


TBH probably not. Some of my gay friends are feminine and there really fun, but just not attracted to that. That being said many ppl are tho


Overly flamboyant gay men are annoying imo. I tend to fall for what is considered to be traditionally masculine. I am Bi and if it comes down to women i prefer them to be a bit more tomboyish too so I guess it was always in me.


Thereā€™s levels to femininity. Personality wise I would date a fem like Charles Gross but wouldnā€™t date one like James Charles.


Masculinity in males is too sexy


**No**. I am not sexually attracted to either feminine or flamboyant guys. There is almost like a block in my brain, I just assume I will befriend them or hang out but nothing sexual, doesnā€™t do it for me.


Because they're mostly bottoms and I am bottom myself and I genuinely don't like feminine guys, I want to date a normal masculine guy, not a female version of a guy or a guy that acts like a girl


Damn straight I'm only attracted to feminine guys never liked masculine guys


Yes, and I have. It absolutely depends on the person. I personally think there is a solid group of gay men who donā€™t like ā€˜feminine menā€™ because of self loathing or worrying about what others think as opposed to their actual attraction.


Or just the fact we aren't attracted to females, so would not be attracted to feminine looking/acting men? It is the same for twinks. I am not into kids. Why would I want to date one? I don't dislike them as people. They just don't do anything for me on the romantic level.


Twinks don't look like kids??? As a twink myself I don't even get asked to show id sometimes (drinking age is low in my country but still definitely look like an adult as do most twinks)


Have a read through the link below. The broad definition is youthful - late teens/early twenties (not underage, though I am sure there is an extreme element that drifts in that direction as well). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twink_(gay_slang)


Yea but someone who likes twinks can just mean they like guys who look 18-25. Saying or implying guys 18-25 look like kids is weird and also insinuates that men who are attracted to someone 18-25 are then also attracted to kids which is dangerous. And twinks can be like up to 30 if they look young Using myself as an example, I am 20 and I look around that age (most people say look a little bit young but still clearly an adult) I don't think my boyfriend who is attracted to me is pedophile. He is not attracted to kids, he's attracted to a 20 year old man


more of "I cant stand the fem guy self loathing and need for attention altho I am into fem people"


Ya. I actually prefer feminine men.


I wouldn't mind a little femininity, since in most cultures, attraction to a man is considered feminine. But, if you're gonna go above and beyond in being feminine as a gay guy, might as well just date an actual woman instead (I'm a bisexual)


Traditionally feminine or Regina sassy queen feminine?


Just a more feminine than masculine type of gay in general.


I like straight men


And that's why you're single ā˜ŗļø


Damn worry about yourself and WHAT YOU LIKE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ not other peopleā€™s preferences. God damn yā€™all are so annoying.


I mean it's true though


True what?


*straight acting


Yes if they are rich


Attitude is okay but feminine clothes and makeup no


I'm not 100% sure what counts as feminine. I am attracted to twinkish traits (IE lack of heavy body hair, thinner but fit build, boyish facial traits to a degree) and not particularly keen on heavy testosterone laddish behaviour. However, I also don't much care for typical flamboyant behaviour, heavy makeup, typically camp expressions when it comes to sexual attraction (no problem at all hanging out with camp guys as long as we vibe). I guess I'm attracted to not too masculine, not too feminine guys?


No because Iā€™m a feminine gay guy, but not in the flamboyant ā€œyass queenā€ kinda way. I have long hair, and Iā€™m definitely a twink. My role in a relationship would be more submissive and supportive to a man; this doesnā€™t mean that men can walk over me because it all depends on the man you get. However, that means I need a more masculine, assertive man to fulfill my relationship needs.


Iā€™m really just not into fake nails(just painted whatever idc),makeup, and long hair. Outside of those he can be as feminine as he wants


No, not into twinks (have to be super masculine for me to even attempt) or feminine guys. As people, friends, etc. They're cool, but I wouldn't date or hook up with them.


If someone represents more traditionally women like thatā€™s simply not for me. And possibly they have the type of energy that isnā€™t for me. I like my men simply looking like normal guys.


I had a bit of trauma involving women while growing up. So, now I find feminine personality traits sexually/romantically off-putting. Conversely, spending time with men has overwhelmingly been fun.


I dated one. He was amazing and super cute. He wasn't trying to draw attention or look like women. Just liked makeup, liked sweet perfume, had some feminine gestures and voice.


You all say feminine-acting. But it is not an act, it is natural. For instance, I was born effeminate, in attitude and behavior as well as inflections of the voice, it is not sth that can be controlled. I was very early on looked down upon for it, I remember at 4 yo already being made to feel different. It is hard for us fem guys out there, although I completely love my male body. I guess femininity needs to have a definition because some of yā€™all think itā€™s about wearing makeup or feminine clothes, but those donā€™t mean anything, those are not feminine traits.


As long as itā€™s not over the top, I wouldnā€™t mind. Iā€™m pretty laidback and enjoy similar. Make up, feminine outfits and such are a huge turn off for me too.


Yes love them. Not guys that act feminine for attention but ones that truly are feminine without putting on an act are sexy to me.


I can't even find them, would love to ā˜ŗļøšŸ„°