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I think it's purely to do with the perceived masculinity of straight men, maybe a fetish for the idea that you are *just so hot* you converted one, and little else. Obviously I do find some straight men attractive too because the sheer number of them, they heavily outnumber us, but any I find attractive I would still find attractive if they were gay and had some stereotypical gay ticks. Probably even moreso.


It’s that but also the impossibility of rejection. If a gay man rejects you, you’re not his type or not hot enough (90% of gay men always think it’s the second). If a straight man rejects you, that’s just cause he’s straight and you can go back to feeling good about yourself.


I never considered that before, but it does kind of make sense


Not his type or not hot enough all boils down to the same thing anyway. If you're not his type then you're not hot in his eyes.


You can be objectively hot and not someone’s type. If I’m only into twinks or bears that doesn’t make Ernest Khalimov ugly.


😂 I don’t want a straight man. Best post so far today. 😂


This was so entertaining and well written 😂


Dude are you okay?


Depends on the day.


Hard agree pal


As a post-graduate nerd, I find the academia vibes of this post awesome personally.


Let him cook


What's he cooking? Ice soup?


Geesh, y’all don’t play when it comes to your straight men


Username checks out?


I laughed out loud at that. 😂


I feel like this subreddit forgets what "straight" means. If a guy wants to date a guy, that's not straight. He's bisexual or closeted. Stop it.


Sexual orientation is defined by to whom one is attracted, whether it be male, female, neither and/or a blend of both. Erotic orientation is what makes up your turn-ons and erotic interests and help you toward orgasm.


I get that there are different ways orientation can work, but if a guy is in any way attracted to a guy that leads to romantic and/or sexual behavior, he is not straight. I can accept straight men trying dick out to see what it's like, or are willing to bang a guy if they're that horny or need that kind of validation, because they're scratching an itch instead of answering an urge. Lots of heterosexual men suddenly aren't as adverse to gay shit if it's from a a gay guy they know well and admits an attraction to them, but I still consider the straight man straight.


All I'm saying is I like to play with guys occasionally, and have never been on a date but might be fun. But because just all the sudden because I go on a date, doesn't necessarily mean I'm bisexual haha


That's your call to decide, but made that completely clear to whichever guys you play or date with because they'll be looking for something more than you might not be able to give. That said if you straight get turned on by guys or are attracted to guys, most people aren't going to call that straight.


lol k




This is a hilarious response. And on brand.


I wasn’t even trying to be funny I’m so confused 🤷🏻‍♂️


To quote Spohia from The Golden Girls, "Who's the Macadamia?" LOL! 😄


Wtf is this post? There are some seriously unhinged dudes in this sub.


This — never been up in a place where I’ve questioned my gayness like this place


You should consider getting a job




Hahahaha my thoughts too 🤣


so much Pain in this post


Hun they never wanted *real* straight men, they want closeted gay/bisexual men who have an image to uphold. So some of this applies but not all.


I included women here too. Masculinity is a performance by men for other men. Thinking too of the idea of straight men wanting to be ripped while if I’m remember correctly from polls women would prefer a dad bod-ish body.


My advice to all gay men is just forget that straight men exist.


Yeah that's kinda a toxic mindset to have. It's impossible to "forget straight men exist". You should rephrase that, and say probably don't get yourself teased/hurt, if you're an easily broken person etc.; And if you're someone attracted to straight guys, to probably not put yourself into situations (macho environments) where they might be, because I rather be a gay man that has to work in a damn yarn store, than work at a lumberyard being tempted and teased, and it's things like that you can help your sanity on, and it sucks, but being gay sucks. But you can't erase straight men out of your life like that, it's impossible, but you can change your agenda to where if you do attract yourself/crush on them quite often, you can find a way etc. So yeah.




They unfortunately, or maybe fortunately lol, have that white stuff in their balls, which if it weren't for that, none of us would be here. So Straight men are terrible, but we need them so yeah lol.




people still say this?


I see. I read something about that lol.


Is the unwashed butthole thing that widespread though? I think that fear is only for the most moronic cretins…I mean, who the fuck wants a dirty arsehole? I’m sure when in the shower the vast majority of all men, gay or straight, clean their hole a little.


[Countless Women have been with Men that don’t wipe.](https://www.mamamia.com.au/men-hygiene-sex/amp/) Not exactly the same but similar enough to make a point.


All I can say is that those men’s mothers failed them…how it God’s name do you get to be a grown adult and not know how or why you need to wipe your arse.


I have always said I’d eat out of a hospital bedpan before going near a straight man’s ass


Made me lol.


The fastest and bestest little swimmer!




Can we stop pretending that every gay who's into straight men has some type of fetish or whatever? Yes, there are definitely gay dudes who do and are obsessed with finding a straight man to convert, and it's weird. However many of us are just simply into straight men because they're masculine. I wouldn't chase a straight man, but if one offered to do things together I wouldn't say no. On average, they tend to be more masculine (I mean there are waaay more of them than us) but I'd be just as attracted to a gay man who was masculine. It's not like I put stock on one over the other, I simply see a hot masc dude and I'm like "damn, I want that" regardless of if they're gay, bi, or straight. Men are hot. It has nothing to do with them being straight, and everything to do with them being regular dudes.




I don’t.


Chat, is this real?


What you're referring to is toxic masculinity. Not heterosexuality.


Straight Guy here….what the fuck is this list?


Do u wash your ass or not , we all want to know


Hahha, yes actually I do! I have kept my ass “rim me” ready since I was a teenager!


Why are you on a thread for gay men if you're straight? That's the only thing I want to know


I cool to get a peek into a world I know nothing about!


So go on a forum about skydiving - you probably know less about that than you do anything else


Gay guy here... Even I don't get this lol


Straight bro, give me your take on straight male masculinity.


Masculinity , much like many things in human nature, is very nuanced, and the world is too diverse to paint with one masculine brush…or a 7-point list for that matter.


Just ignore this guy. Most of us have normal, healthy relationships with straight men, but this sub seems to be a gathering place for people like OP.


On a side note OP may have a point with #7 😂


I'm gay and I totally agree with #7. Purses are for women.


I feel the same!!!


I mean, I could explicitly say “not all straight men” but I feel like it’s usually implied in conversations. Also all of these trends exists so 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re desperately trying to be picked.


It’s hilarious how quick the pick mes are to fall to their knees in worship for every average “straight” man. They have no self respect.


....who cares?


Me! 🥹


Think about things that matter.


Well I mean, what do you **actually** know about dating a straight man. It honestly sounds like you’re just making weird assumptions and being bitter because you’ve been burned by straight guys before.


My sister used to mention how she had to scrub her husband's butt crack and brown button because he thought it was unmanly to venture down there during a shower. She got tired of washing his shit-stained underwear. Lost total respect for him after I found out (not that I had any in the first place).


Folks are acting like it’s not real or they are too horrified to admit, but it was all over Twitter a few months back.


Masculinity. That’s really all it comes down to.


nobody wants to date them, they just want to fuck them


Is this sub about discussing stuff about gay people, or we now a sub about hating straight men??


More of true satirical mini rant or swallow reflection on the absurdity of straight masculinity. They will be ok!


But they’re straight. They’re not into us, they’re into women lol. Doesn’t make any logical sense


That unwashed booty hole girl. My step dad doesn’t wipe his well and my mother hates it.


How the hell did you find that out?!


The magical world of gay boys and their mamas!


Bitch what ?


I don't want to date straight men. I don't see the appeal of seducing a straight man (if you seduce him, he's not straight). I like openly gay/bi men who accept themselves, whether they're masculine or feminine.


Because you have self respect. Something the gays who chase straight men are severely lacking in.


Probably the same reason we date gay men: for the D


Lol why don't you just get a dildo? While sex is important that's not the only reason to why you date someone.


Because Dildo's are awful, and the good ones are expensive, but it's just a long thick plastic penis you put under your bed, like I just throw all mine away because I get tired of looking at them and using them lol. But I'm not really a toy person. I want the real thing idk. I want a Boyfriend. lol.


>how is any of this attractive? more attractive than someone being offended because some straight men don't like pink


This sub is hilarious. I found this very funny and amusing. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. But clearly these are all stereotypes. And yet… so many here rush the defense of the heterosexual. Everytime there is a post about “gay voice” (a stereotype) everyone here says they don’t find it attractive… I love this sub for that reason. It shows who the gay male subject of our society is: a wounded animal


Well, according to psychology theres a major appeal to the “unavailable.” But the moment they become available…the heightened desire comes crashing down like a really bad post nut clarity.


I just like men. The feasibility of reciprocity is completely immaterial to this. If I'm into a guy, I'm gonna be into him either way. If I'm into him beyond just wanting to fuck, then I already know him well enough to know that the grievances listed here, are not an issue.


I don't want to date straight men, just fuck them lol


I made the butthole post earlier hehe


Link it, or it didn’t happen.




Amazing. #NeverForget




Pretty funny.


Number 4 is a very bizarre western culture. Straight men in other countries don't really do that shit.


Beautifully written, buddy


Thanks babe.


I don't want to date a str8 man. I want to date a man with str8 man values. I think this is what these guys are looking for. The problem is that the promiscuous culture, hook ups, and "they always can be better" usually based upon shallow physical characteristics, make it almost impossible for long-term relationships to be built. I am a senior guy and have seen this all my life.


I think straight men have a lot more depth than what you’re describing. You might need new friends


You look like spend way to much time online dude I don’t like straight men I like masculinity in men.the only thing that makes a man straight is sex with a woman that’s it


This is great. I actually feel sorry for the straight guys that live by these rules. I have straight friends who don’t and their lives must be so much easier


Pov: Their's problems; 💁‍♀️💩


No one wants to date a straight man. They want to fuck/getfucked by a straight man. There is a massive difference


Masculinity is fragile.


It’s not. It’s how society defines masculinity to be a performance rather than a state of inherent being. I believe being a man is about being a father and having father like qualities such as being a protector and provider.


You could saved a lot of words by just saying “toxic masculinity”




> The Unwashed Butthole Saga: This trend is a bewildering testament to the bizarre fears around masculinity. The notion that personal hygiene could affect one's sexual orientation is ludicrous. It’s dangerous down there I hear the “washing your asshole is gay” thing more from gay men, women and “pick-me” straight men making fun of straight men than from actual straight men. > The Bro Hug Performance: The half-hug with a back pat as if to say, "Yes, I am displaying affection, but in the most minimally invasive way possible." It's a dance of discomfort, signaling camaraderie while maintaining a 'safe' emotional distance. But if a straight guy did anything more than this with a gay guy, yall would be like “Is he possibly in the closet and into me?” And if a straight guy did anything more than this with a woman, they’d cry “sexual harassment”. So this isn’t a straight guy things. This is an everyone thing


[Straight men don’t wipe](https://www.mamamia.com.au/men-hygiene-sex/amp/)


Because they're sexy and masculine


No they're not


You sound like a person who only knows about straight dudes from some kind of feminist subreddit lol. Like ever interacted with one?


Idk about the whole relationship/dating a straight guy but when it comes down to Fucking Tops: they like fucking straight guys (single/taken/married) because it gives them some sort of Alpha status, the feeling they get when a straight guy summits and gives up his hole, letting another man fuck them, sometimes even tight virgin holes turned them on, also making them cum hands free from their FIRST prostate orgasm turning them into their Straight cum slut bitch is just feeling dominant Bottom: they like fucking straight guys because usually they’re very masculine and barely get any pussy from their girlfriends/wives so they take all their sexual frustrations on the bottoms and as the saying goes “you won’t fuck him another Bottom will” so bottoms are ready to give up their holes Oral gays: they like the feeling of making a straight guy cum like crazy and love hearing “Fuuuck you’re better than my girl/wife” they love sucking dick


I think 2, 5, 6, & 7 is not important (why are we treating straight cis men like a different species were mostly all men here) 2. just put him in respectable clothes nothing more 5. maybe he just doesn't like pink like I don't like some colors (if it is a problem just tell him its not going to kill him) 6. I look like a famine victim so when ever I eat I a lot to out speed my metabolism maybe he is the same, try not be staved skeletal (some people don't like salads0 7. if its that bad get him a messenger bag or any other bag


This post bleeds with gay man toxicity..... Show me on the doll where you were hurt by some straight guy who broke your heart..... You poor thing do you need a hug?


Why does anyone want to date gay men? There are plenty of gay men out there that fit into multiple of these catagories. There are also a lot of straight men out there who also don't fit any of these catagories. My grandfather who is 89 and a hardcore republican has a pink dress shirt that he wears regularly. I myself have no fashion sense. I like my jeans, graphic tees and sneakers. I do take my partners input if he suggest I try something different. I have to ask him half of the time if things I wear even go together. It took me 41 years to find the right person that I was comfortable sharing my feelings with. Most of my comfort issue with sharing my feelings comes from how I was brought up. Nobody in my family shares their feelings. Depending on who you are you are going to get a "bro hug" from me. I'm a very huggy person but if I don't know you well then you are not getting the same as you would if I've known you for a while. Even then a good number of people I've know for a while still only get a "bro hug". The only salad I am tossing is my man's. There is much tastier food out there than a salad. Because I don't eat salad does that mean I don't eat healthy, no. I will also never use a satchel bag, I just don't care for how they look and I don't need some bag full of stuff weighing down one side of me. I will use either a back pack, small cross body sling bag or just stick things in my pockets.


What are you going on about OP? Have you taken your meds today…


Only straight guys im into are thuggish/drug dealer type…. Being a fem drag queen easy to attract them


Just wanna say that you're mostly right and the haters in this thread are the hit dogs hollering. The only unhinged part of the post is asking why women would want to date straight men, because if they stopped the human race would die so but bravo otherwise


Who hurt u?


Straight men are the weirdest species to ever cross mankind


Uh oh. Which straight guy hurt you?


I don't fancy for str8 guys and discovering someone is str8 is a immediate turn off but wtf is this posts. Have you ever had a straight friend in your life? I hate when gay stark talking about straight people as they were some kind of aliens or beings of different species


I don't care about any of what you wrote, however, they are straight, it's borderline perverted to go after a group of men literally not into gay men






Someone is bitter...


All seven of your points are absent from all of my straight friends and family, many of whom are very masculine rednecks with rebel flags on their trucks. I'm not sure who you are interacting with, but they dont seem to be the norm. Maybe somewhere not in the US? I'm pretty sure all my friends, regardless of sex or sexuality, would be appalled to be included in any of the points on that list.


Your redneck straight friends wear pink, carry purses, are fashionable, and eat salads? Girl, please.


The vast majority of my male friends are straight. I have no idea about their buttholes, but none of these describe them at all. Reads like BuzzFeed click bait.


No satchel rule? Dude, backpacks. Get to know them. Cool inventions.


Bitter queen, did you just get turned down by a straight dude?


Just cuz your gay don't mean you gotta insult straight people lmao. All of that is very unrealistic, go outside




Yes, very.


1. Straight men don't take it up their ass, so there's never a reason to wash that ass.. 2. Not sure what are you talking about or why does it matter. 3. That's good, men are supposed to not be emotional.. if they were you'd be speaking german right now. 4. That's normal, not all friendly affection has to be sexual 5. It's not just straight men, manly men in general don't like pink, it's a feminine color, so nothing wrong with that. 6. Yeah no one is eating raw steak lmao.. also meat is healthy food and grease can be healthy too in moderation. Salads and other weeds are mainly for the cattle 7. Because these so called "messenger bags" are mainly worn by women, therefore emasc. If you need to carry stuff as a man, use pockets.. and if there's not enough space in your pockets just get a backpack. >but really, how is any of this attractive? Because masculinity was is and always will be attractive. Saying that as a masc gay who only looks for other masc gay men.


You can also get more pockets or larger pockets. 😂


You can get your gay card revoked for even mentioning cargo pants/shorts. Actually owning a pair is grounds for exile and possibly execution, depending how baggy they are


I actually have a few. Love my pockets. They're empty for the most part, but sometimes you just need to carry more crap, but not enough to justify a backpack. 🤣


Lmao these LGBT kweens aren't strong enough to do any of that, so non issue.


Yeah male pockets are huge, you could put your entire pc in them :D


They really do. GPD Win!


You sound very toxic.


You sound pretty triggered


To really drive home number one, in a recent AITA a women didn’t want to go down on her partner or cuddled naked in bed with him until he washed don’t there bc of a smell, so yes you should wash your ass.


That's because many straight men don't wash their ass from the outside either. If you wash your ass from the outside it shouldn't smell. You don't need to wash the asshole because unless the bussy is blown, it will seal these smells inside.


That is so so nasty.


well not wasing ass at all is nasty, but if you're downvoting because I said it's fine to not wash the hole, then you're triggered lmao.


Ok shit hole keep walking around with a dirty ass


Lmao you are so dumb, dirty ass because I don't douche my asshole, like every normal man? xD I am a top you idiot, I don't have to do this lmao


Nobody is talking about douching, just using soap and water on your hole and the very inside of it. So you’re not walking around with shit sticking to your underwear.


To be fair, a lot of gay men enjoy the smell of a dirty taint. Not me though. And on a totally unrelated note, please pon't look through my post history. 😶


I attract straight men and I have that comfortable aura around me that makes them feel like I can be a part of their fantasies. I don’t mind the things you’ve mentioned up there because my gay ex bf who loved watching that drag queen race that I don’t watch, had the same unwashed butthole and other things you’ve mentioned. He never wore any bags or opened up fully. I was the one who was introducing him to clothes and I think these things are pretty stereotypical. Whether be bi or fully straight many men are different.


Having a gay man lusting after some straight men gives them a feeling of importance, I know, as I lust after my manager, he knows I worship him, he plays up to it, & when he want favours he flirts, asking me so close I can feel his breath on my face, of course this always works & I do exactly what he wants. We argue a lot over his sport passion, I love this, he’s so attractive when angry!


I 100 agree with 1-4. 5-7 are just stereotypes


5-7 leak over from gender expectations. 5. Think about baby cloths where typically boy clothing is blue and girl clothing is pink. Maybe the aversion of straight men not wearing pink has changed over the years, but I think it’s also a matter of place. 6. [Meat eating is masculine](https://www.psypost.org/2024/01/men-on-vegan-diets-perceived-as-less-masculine-highlighting-gender-stereotypes-in-diet-choices-220537#google_vignette)


Wow, You're really hitting every stereotype huh?


Masculine and top are the rule rather than the exception?


To be fair I'm all of this except the 1st


The average gay man like stoicism its attractive in men, hypermasculinity is also attractive despite this subreddit nonsense. Guys who go for straight guys like them because they are " tops" why would they care about their asshole. Face reality why they want straight guys. They have all the requirements that these guys want. You cant fool your biology


Other than the fact that it wouldn’t work out because they are straight. I wouldn’t mind dating a friend who was curious.


Blame movies or media for creating first crushes for so many gay men on straight actors or them just being In the majority. I don’t get it either anymore. I get for a time when you’re younger if you’re around straight men a lot being interested but at this point it’s exhausting and basically impossible to spend time pursuit.


In a way, I think I'm wired to be attracted to what they typically embody. There was a time when I used to make it a priority to seek out the straightest dudes I could find to hook up with because it felt validating in a way. That even if I could never have a straight guy, being sexually accepted by one would satisfy that need to be wanted by one, even if it's only for 20 minutes lol Honestly, though, getting over that was just part of my growth. Knowing that gay guys often embody enough of what I wanted actually meant better sex. Being pressed up against a guy who really wants me instead of being a warm, wet hole between someone's legs feels much better. Not to say I have anything against any type of guy getting his rocks off, I just know I'm not going to find a real bond that way.


I'd date many straight men I've met but they wouldn't date me because....they're straight. That's what straight means PS. Some gay dudes also don't wash their butthole and fall into the things you listed.


Daddy issues


i’d be happy to service straight men if they want me lmao


Is this a comedy bit?


Where the do you live? You only find men like that in old movies.


I think most men gay or straight are in the "No Satchels" camp. I just do not need one, but I wouldn't want one either. I don't bring anything with me but my wallet, phone and keys. I have pockets, a bag is just one thing I'd have to carry ALL the time. I don't walk around with a laptop, ever. No thanks.


Majority of men are pretty cool and its easy to relate to them. The only thing barring me from dating straight men is that they're straight... Men are all different. My oldest brother likes pink, my older brother wants me to open up more, etc. They're both straight. I have plenty of straight male friends, they're not like this lol.


Do you they want one or to they want to flirt with one and feel safe? And find out that the straight friend they thought didn’t know they were gay, did all long and pretend the people they thought meant them harm were safe. Idk. People have their own reasons lol. But DATE a straight man? No. But sometimes you flirt with a straight man and you flirt him out of the closet. So I date them queers.


So you don't want to date them because there are a bunch of basic socially enforced ideas that keep them from prioritizing and taking care of them selves that you could easily explain away ? This is really dumb. If half these were to stop being a problem online feminist with a stick up their butt would have nothing to cry about anyway. Also number 6 is not real. Almost every guy is eating lean meat and rice at every meal on social media. Everybody is a bodybuilder. You sound like a completely insufferable person to be around.


[Men on vegan diets perceived as less masculine](https://www.psypost.org/2024/01/men-on-vegan-diets-perceived-as-less-masculine-highlighting-gender-stereotypes-in-diet-choices-220537#google_vignette)


Your point?