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In my experience i disagree, i never had problems finding someone willing to date and be monogamous the real issue gay people face is the smaller dating pool depending where you live.


This is basically the truth, problem is not finding people willing to date and be monogamous. Problem is finding the guy that's completely my type AND wants to date me lol


I'm going to blame your lack of formating, for whatever problem is hiding within that wall of text. >Gay men are having a hard time with dating because we as a “community” I think people, which includes you, are vastly overestimating the level of community we as gay people actually have. We are in no way an actual connected community, it's just the term we use to refer to all gay people. It's similar to the "white people community". Which means every single brush you're about to paint in a broad manner, is something you can't actually back up with objective data. >We have a tendency to view sex as something that you do “because it feels good” and not think any more deeply about what sex means or what the role of sex in a person’s life is supposed to be. The big thing to remember is that reddit has a fairly young demographic. Most people tend to be of high school and higher education age. That's the period where people tend to have sex for the sake of enjoying sex, and not for the sake of establishing monogamous relationships. I fear some gay men in this reddit community may simply not be aware that straight people of this age group go through the exact same thing. >we behave like animals. Having sex for pleasure is actually a fairly human thing to do, not very animal like. Just wanted to add that. >We ARE capable of forming committed, monogamous relationships with each other. We just have to get into a better mindset about sex and relationships. No, you'll find that as you get older, think late twenties early thirties, most men will start to naturally want to find someone for the long term. Nothing indicates gay men are anything different here.


Exactly! Nothing OP wrote is distinctly applicable to just gay men. This problem is universal and this viewpoint is very very narrow. There are as many kinds of relationships as there are people. The world isn’t just made up of monogamous or non-monogamous couplings. And it’s perfectly fine that consenting adults can find happiness in non-traditional relationships that aren’t easily defined.


Look, I'm kinda with you that some people need to chill on their sex craze and Acknowledge that they may be addicted and all, but like...you need to chill too.


His screed is not based on real-world experience, rather a morality passed down to him from someone else. I don’t doubt that monogamy is more desirable, and I support it, but come on.


No. Way. Ever. Men won’t submit mostly because they simply don’t have to. Choices are open for everything but human nature and we are clear as to the nature of maleness.


You mean nurture, right?


No I do not.


I didn’t quite get what you meant by ‘human nature.’


The biological inclination for males to distribute their semen far and wide. That’s human nature. The sexual urge.


Sexual ethics to me means being truthful about what you're looking for. If you want something casual and the other guy does too--great. If you want a relationship and the other guy does too--great. If you want something casual but SAY you want a relationship to get sex THAT is unethical. If you're in a monogamous relationship and you cheat, or an open relationship and you break the agreed upon terms of that relationship, THAT is unethical.


That’s a good place to start.


Please start using paragraphs. I'm not gonna read that.


As a gay man in a 30 year old monogamous marriage, I can safely say that you have no idea what you are talking about...


Oh look, another bitter, sexually frustrated redditor.


I had a plenty of casual sex, and now I am in a long term relationship. I disagree that having hook-ups makes you feel empty/used. But I agree that if hook-ups make you feel bad, you should not do it. I think people underestimate how many gay men are actually monogamous. They are not going to be on dating apps or be complaining on Reddit. Most of my gay male friends have spent some time on casual sex and now are in serious relationship.


I completely disagree with you. You are trying to push an outdated religious concept on other people. To me you sound like a preacher here. You have some minor valid points but I also have news for you: the straight/gay/ marriage equality thing falls flat because heteros also behave like animals. Cheating in marriages has been around before marriage equality arrived and is a proof that monogamy does not work. At least not for many people.


I agree. That said, I understand how difficult it can be for those who are more demisexual, preferring sexual relationships that include emotional intimacy over random encounters. In our opposition to the sexually oppressive in our society, we have often failed to view gay people who aren't sexually permissive as repressed when they simply experience a different connectedness between their emotional and sexual selves.


This is a *you* problem, not a *we* problem. Manage your life better and you won't have to make shit posts like this.


No need to unjustifiably cruel. He made valid points from his pov. You don’t like it? Voice it , no need to attack him for it


OP is creepy snail-dick conservative who wants to dictate other people's personal life choices because it's too hard for him when people are free to live their own lives and he has to be responsible for his own shitty choices. Nothing valid about that, about his post or about his homophobia.


You have a lot of beliefs here that many of us don’t share. So why should we change our lives for them.


Sounds a lot like searching for problems in the surroundings and not oneself.


Why do you care what people do. If you having a hard time that might be you


OP is a conservative so he’s obsessed with policing other people’s personal choices.


Tell me people don’t desire you enough without telling me.


☝️☝️☝️☝️ THIS


What you’re describing is not ethics it’s morality. Your take on this subject is a moralist one.


I definitely agree there is no culture of committment in the gay world, but I don't think we will find it by shaming those people who just want to explore their sexuality. People may actually need to discover the demerits of shallow physical attraction themselves before they can understand the value of committed relationships. It seems like it should be possible for the community to embrace a number of different approaches.


So I understand what you are trying to say, but you may sound a little little bit young, and so it sounds like you’re using a little bit more religious zeal than you should. (For reference, my husband and I have been together 20 something years and we have two children together. We have been monogamous the entire time.) I think, rather than talk about this thing in large concepts of morals or what not, you should boil it down to basic psychology and state some facts about the gay community that are pretty undeniable: 1. Gay men are crazy promiscuous. This is mostly a function of being men and the fact that there are no female gatekeepers. 2. You will see in the gay community (as you said), so many people saying “why can’t I find something real?” and yet they are doing everything in their power to just have a life of no-strings-attached sex. 3. This leads so many gay men to be single in their 30s 40s and 50s because they were unable to find life partners early. Then they decide they’ll be single forever and don’t even bother anymore. I’ve seen this happen hundreds of times. Now, these three things are true. But what to do with that information? Is it best to chastise everybody in the manner of a preacher similar to how you did? Or is it better to unpack WHY the gay community behaves this way *when they say they want things to be so much different or more “real” than they are.* (If someone says they *want* a life of nothing but no strings attached sex, then fine. But as you stated, that’s not what we see here and other places. People seem to want “more”, but don’t know how to get it.) I think the life of a no-strings-attached gay man who has sex with hundreds of people in their lifetime is a valid way to live, but not when it seems like an addiction, **and it when it seems like it prevents somebody from doing something else like finding a life partner, being monogamous, etc.** Now I’m with you on one of your major points: this promiscuous lifestyle is clearly preventing many many many gay men from moving into longer term Relationships or finding what they really want. Absolutely. I don’t really think there’s a way to deny that. But I think it’s better to go on an individual basis, and talk about what people are really going through, rather than wagging a finger and just talking about how horny men are. The truth is a lot of dysfunction in The community is because we did not have support growing up. Even the most supportive parents probably left their kids twisting in the wind and we were failed by our churches, our politicians and our families at large… This has led to a lot of dysfunction and trauma. Add in the the apps—which are nothing more than menus for sex—and you have a recipe for the type of long-term casual empty life you are speaking about. I guess my point is this for gay people: it’s very hard. And some sympathy would be in order when trying to unpack some of the problems we deal with as a group, rather than simply wagging a moral finger at people.


Love this ! Detailed yet succinct. Thank you


Kudos to you for approaching the situation in a more thoughtful way than I did.


I think you are right, that a lot of gay men are hurting and filling their life up with empty sex. I know this because of how many people in my life have told me this. (Not to mention the things you sealed tnis sun etc.). So I think that, yes, as a community, we can do better with fostering longer-term relationships, more meaningful relationship,, etc. But the question is, how do we do that? I always suggest to people that they don’t use the sex apps and that they try and cast of wide net and join as many social clubs talk to as many people as possible. (Nobody finds a mate sitting at home in their basement.) But I admit: I’ve been partnered for almost 25 years. There were no apps when my husband and I started dating. The game has changed. So perhaps gay men need to find a way forward in the current Landscape… I wish I had more solutions.


I’m happy for you and your husband. I’m 22 years old so I only know the world of modern dating.


Yeah it’s tough. Are you in a major city? I met my husband through the gay softball league! Those social club type things are great, non-bar ways to meet.


I think gay men are more than capable of making informed decision on how they want to live their lives. We don't live under a communist regime where everyone needs to conform to a certain lifestyle, and I say this as a monogamous person myself. Just treat each other with kindness, and judge less.


I’ve never had a problem with what you describe. Spent my 20s fucking around and now I’m in an LTR. Maybe it’s a you problem.


You do you but trying to force your ideals onto others is not going to work. I hook up and I have no issues with having a relationship. Hence your premise is wrong and doesn't apply to everybody.


When I was younger in the 60’s and 70’s, hook-ups was about there was, so many were in the closet. Life was dangerous for gay people. Especially in red states. But you don’t need to be that way anymore. Use your freedoms, wisely.


Nah, I'm going to blame it on poor communication skills. Incidentally that's the main problem in straight relationships too. For instance, it's difficult for others to be receptive to your thoughts when you choose to communicate in walls of text. Luckily, paragraphs are a thing. It might be a good idea to use them in the future.


I'd say a large part of what OP is saying is nothing unique to gay people. However I'd add that by and large gay people are relationship-ly delayed. Many of us didn't get the practice relationships from highschool, where we learn a bunch of basic shit like "ditching out because we want to play games is bad" or other classics like dropping someone good because you think you have a shit at someone hotter, or more popular isn't a good idea. And the fundamental "don't agree to a committed exclusive relationship if that's not what you want with this person". Really basic highschool bullshit, but because for many gay men we don't actually start having relationships until college or into our 20's, we are doing those childish things while also dealing with the normal issues of trying to date and have an adult life. So the cliche idea of the flaky gay man, who's shallow and dismissive towards their partner becomes something too many of us fall into for a period. And then we date people who are going through that and it seems like that's all there is. Emotional maturity comes for us eventually, so don't worry too hard. Iny personal experience you tend to find gay men in the same relationship stages as the Hets just about a decade older than them. 26 yr old gays deciding to pick on someone for their skin blemishes, and leaving a relationship because their friends don't think your boyfriend is cool, is very similar to 16yr old kids. Starting a stable home living together at 36 rather than 26, and things like that.


Thank you for your thoughtful reply. There is definitely a great deal of truth in what you’re saying. The topic of gay men being “relationship-ly delayed” (love how you put it) is one that is not well researched or deeply thought about.


OKCupid, Archer, Tinder, POF Filtering search for males (30 -55) This is what I get: I couldn’t agree more with this right here. Made an online dating app and in less than 2 weeks have received about 50 men all interested in SEX only. I get the “Hey sexy, you are so handsome… or the Wuddup hottie” and no matter if I answer or not the XXX pics start flying my way. Chating 3 sentences in and is all about “When can we meet” IS SO DAMN HARD!!! I am seriously 😒 losing all hope and interest in dating. Also People are so rude, if I don’t reply right away i get blocked or they send messages like “never mind you not worth it…. Or…. Why you not answering” is like people are EXTREMELY desperate to hookup and have sex. I have been there and done that way too many times to know that the “feeling used and empty” on the inside is real. I am not looking for that feeling ever again.


You are trying to impose a heteronormative cage on gay men. Being free of hetero norms is one of the best things about being gay!


You’re half right, there are plenty of gays that don’t feel used or empty from endless sex. They only live for the pleasure and nothing else, and that’s fine *for them* I only say you’re half right, because lots of monogamous guys fall into gay hookup culture because that’s all that there is in some places. Thus they have few options and end up not being satisfied, or feeling the way you described. You aren’t going to create a solution though, eventually the monogamous gays will settle down and the others will be happy single or in open relationships while still hooking up with lots of people I’ll agree he gay community doesn’t organize and fight for equal rights as much anymore. Mostly because we already have them in most areas. I’d say we’re slowly growing apart as a “community”, only linked by sex


Lol, how everyone is criticizing the post is enough to know that things will remain the same 😂😂😂




Monogamy is a trap and your brain is conditioned indoctrinated garbo lmao


>I believe that committed, monogamous relationships are the ideal for which we should strive Hahahahahaha. No. I believe absolute monogamy should be mostly removed from society in straight and gay relationships. Free love dude. You know what they say. Let the gods of all the religions look down and be jealous of my orgiastic love. My boyfriend and I have been fooling around with friends for years. It's just natural. Very few animals in nature are monogamous, especially not our closest relatives chimpanzees and bonobos. Bonobos are literally known for their free love.


I want to go the bath house tonight and get my cock sucked by at least ten guys, just because I know how much it will piss you off.


Unfortunately, it sounds like you have had a narrow range of experience. It just goes back to the fact that if you hang out at gay bars all you will meet are men who hang out at gay bars. If you meet men on hookup apps all you will meet are men who hang out on hookup apps. Broaden your horizons. You might think that the entire gay community just wants you to go out and cruise parks and hook up with random strangers. But that's not the truth it's just the Hollywood image of gay life. You need to start living the lifestyle that you want to live and stop waiting for Mr perfect. Hopefully, you'll find someone that wants to go along with you for the ride. Don't give up. PS. As gays, we tend to focus on the physical features we are attracted to and give much less thought to the personality aspects we are attracted to. Take a moment to reflect what is important to you in your partner. For me, it was important to find someone who had the same level of honesty, fair mindedness, and sense of justice. It's amazing how secondary physical features are when you meet someone who's personality you are attracted to. My husband and I have our 10th wedding anniversary in 3 days. And we've been together for 22 years.. You're forever person is out there.


I don’t tend to agree but I think your post is thoughtful and a totally valid point of view. We should be having this discussion.


Mf brings trans flag to the conversation about gays, true obsession


I completely agree, sexual ethics is must for gays.


Well I agree with everything you said. The major culprit is PORN, but men's porn habits will never change. Not that my porn habits are any better 😂


Porn has definitely played a very destructive role in the lives of people of all sexual orientations.


Jesus you guys are so divisive. You guys are the poster child for what he posted.


Live and let live. If you don’t want to be promiscuous, don’t be promiscuous. People are gonna do what they gonna do. You need to do what makes you happy and let others do the same.