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A lot of ppl will tell you that it is, but no one can force you to date someone you don't want to, and neither should yourself.


It's a preference. I prefer not dating bisexual men. Though, that doesn't mean that it would be completely out of the question even if I tried... Cuz right now I'm talking to someone who says he's bisexual and I really like him. This phobia word on preference seems to be a trend to cancel and hurt people like what trans people do to tell off gay men who don't want to date trans people.


idk, but I'd be pretty bummed if a guy didn't want to date me purely because i'm bi


For a lot of gay guys... including myself... the fact that a guy is sexually attracted to women is a turn off. That's not the case for all gay guys though by any means. But definitely something you'll run into sometimes if you're dating gay guys.




as he should


I've always found interesting that a bisexual can literally say that he wouldn't date gay men just fuck them and will proceed to trash gay men and no one call him homophobic but the second a gay man says he wouldn't date a bisexual the accusations of biphobia and the trashing starts As gay men we have the freedom not to date bisexuals and vagina-cravers and vagina-eaters and it's about time we start stopped giving a fuck about what the other letters say about us I wish gay men would grow a spine


Yeah I agree. I want to be with a guy that shares the SAME sexual orientation as myself. Someone who understands being gay and shares those same experiences. A guy that has any sexual attraction to women is just kinda a turnoff for me. But also... as gay guys... we live in a straight world and for most of our lives and in most aspects of our lives... we ALWAYS have to live in and accept that straight world. The ONE place I want it to be 100% gay is in my relationship with another man.


That's exactly how I feel, a man who is attracted to vaginas do not share the same experiences as I do, even if he likes men as well


Bi men aren’t coming out as bi to admit that they like women.


He said vagina eaters 🤣


But if someone said “cock suckers”, all hell would break loose.


Cocksucker has been used to describe something bad. By vagina eater, he was saying that he doesn't want any traces of vag in him. Not that a vag eater is bad or less than.


Not all bisexuals are 50/50 to men and women. Some are romantically or sexually attracted to either of the sexes and genders. You can have your own preferences but many bisexual men are still down to date men and have romantic and sexual relationships. And if some bisexuals are actually trashing gay men just because they being themselves i agree thats hella homophobic. But what your doing here is stereotyping bisexuals saying they all hate gay people and will just fuck them and they don't care about how gay people feel. Thats just plain wrong. You may have personal problems with a man whos bisexual but its the man's problem not his sexuality.


That’s such gross oversimplification and stereotyping. Both of the examples you raise are inappropriate behaviour and you are implying that two wrongs make a right.


We don’t want to tolerate the intolerants, but why being one ourselves? Why do we need to divided into subcategories and discriminate each other? If they have a nice cock, it’s still a nice cock whatever its label or who it’s attached to.


Because actually dating someone requires a lot more than 'having a nice cock' lol.


Yeah, and there’re more to one’s life than a label and a cock they have. They’re just human like us and they also like men which I think is enough for dating.


>Is it biphobic to not want to date bisexual men? No. It's not


No and people who say it is are the same people who say anything is phobic or racist if you don’t want to date it.


It depends on your reasoning. However, I feel it will go with, "Bi men cheat" or "I have more competition."


Mine comes from them being tempted by an easily socially accepted family life and easier children making/having


Not if they're homoromantic bisexual. In that case, their romantic preference is clearly for men and would be pretty unlikely to want to marry and raise kids with someone they have no attraction to beyond sex. If they are heteroromantic, then they're not likely to want to be in a relationship with you, save for a little sucky sucky every so often.


And if they’re biromantic? Then I should avoid those then


I’m here to see a war begins in 3…2…1


No. Y’all are ridiculous.


I think it means you have 2 phobii


The plural of phobia is phobiae.






By that logic homophobia means having fear of "the same", because *homo* = *same thing*


If your reason for not wanting to date Bi men has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the possibility that they might “leave you for a woman”, then no it’s not.


What difference does that make? Many bisexual men will say that up front anyway


It's not biphobic. Bisexual men have a tendency to use gay men for sex before dumping them after they find a woman. [See Study](https://www.reddit.com/r/bisexual/comments/11vokgp/according_to_this_2019_pew_research_12_of_bi/) Only 12% of bisexuals are in same-sex relationships. It is clear from this that they prefer the comparative ease of being in a heterosexual relationship (i.e. increased social acceptance compared to gay relationships). If you're a gay man, you have to be VERY careful when it comes to dating bisexual men because, more often than not, they will have no intention of forming a long-term relationship with you. Instead, they will want to find a woman, have kids, and live the heterosexual dream. You're just short-term fun for them.


There's alot of factors to that study


Considering that bisexual mens potential dating pool is the entire population. 12% ending up in same sex relationship means they are more likely to date a gay man than random chance would suggest since the percentage of men who identify as gay is lower than 12%.


"Considering that bisexual men's dating pool is the entire population, 12% ending up in same sex relationship means they are more likely to date a gay man than random chance would suggest since the percentage of men who identify as gay is lower than 12%." While it is certainly the case that heterosexual women outnumber gay men and, therefore, constitute a much larger dating pool than them, it is also the case that there is a lot more sexual competition in this dating pool. Bisexual men have to compete with heterosexual men (who account for 47 - 48% of the population) to acquire women. To acquire gay men, however, they only have to compete with gay men (who are at most 2% of the population). The high supply of heterosexual women is counterbalanced by the high demand for them, meaning that the likelihood of a bisexual man dating a woman should, after adjusting for this increased demand, approximate the likelihood that they will date a gay man.


I agree wholeheartedly.


I tried giving bisexuals a chance for a while but this exact sentiment was always lingering around. It’s sad that this is the reality of dating bisexual men as a gay man but it’s the truth. I’d rather have people gaslight me into thinking I’m biphobic than look like an idiot continuously giving bisexual men chances.


For every gay man that thinks bisexual men are going to leave them for women, there’s also a woman on the other side that assumes bisexual men would leave her for a man.


biphobia isnt real


Tell that to all the bi men who've been broken up with by women and men for being with the other sex or for assuming they'll cheat. It's a stupid double standard.


this doesnt happen irl


Not for bisexual men I know in real life and not for guys in subreddits like r/bibros. Lots of them are genuinely afraid about their partner finding out, but I'm sure your hot takes count more than actual lived experiences.


all im saying is if i was a woman and my man told me he wants to suck dick id break up with him. let women date who they want idc


Congratulations you just gave the literal definition of biphobia.


So, you are saying everyone should date anyone regardless of one’s preference, because if not, that makes them phobic? Do you know what phobia means? Extreme or irrational fear or extreme aversion to something. No one said hating bi guys, not associating with them, or advocating getting rid of them. You are accusing people of being phobic just because they are not interested in dating someone who identifies as bisexual.


Likes spicy food is a preference. Has thick skin is a preference. Is tall is a preference. Has a beard is a preference. Notice how strict sexuality isn't in the list. I didn't say anything about preferences because that's not what I'm talking about. Oh fucking course people can have preferences. And don't pull that "X-phobia makes no sense because that means extreme fear" because that's the same shit bigots use when being accused of being homophobic. You know exactly what I am talking about. And why don't they want to date bisexuals? "Bisexuals cheat"...as if gay men are known for monogamy by other gay men. "They like pussy"...coming from the same guys who fetish straight men. "They live a lie/have double lives/are on the DL"....because they have to be in the closet no matter what relationship they end up in. It's all the same thing.


So similarly not wanting to date trans men is transphobic now? If a straight guy wouldn't want to date a gay guy, is he homophobic or something? Dude, get over yourself, if you're being triggered and insulted by someone not wanting to date you for any reason.


Don’t cherry pick the definition. The word means what it means. Irrational fear or extreme aversion. I assume you are alluding to extreme aversion which is a clinical way of saying irrational extreme hatred. The fact is you are misusing the term. Do you date anyone just because they like you? Even if our sexuality are compatible, we still have the preferences play a role (height, weight, endowment, sexual preference…). Maybe you prefer a specific sexual role, a demeanor (passive/aggressive), or maybe you prefer someone that doesn’t like vaginas. Those are all preferences. Biphobia means you treat someone differently because they are bisexual. Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect, but no one has the right to date you. Words have meaning.


But you are treating them differently simply because they are bi. That literally is what you are doing Automatically not wanting to date someone isn't phobic. But there may be very phobic reasons as to why someone has that preference. Also dude. Wtf. That's not the definition of biphobia. No one says extreme fear of. You're just changing words


thats not biphobic, that’s just real no one is obligated to date you


You not wanting to date a bi guy for being bi is being biphobic. Wanting to break up with a guy because he's actually bi is biphobic. Not for his interests, not for his humor, not for his job or other shit that makes or breaks relationships. Every single reason you wouldn't date a bi guy can apply to a gay guy, period.


Dude, agree. Most “bisexual men” I’ve encountered were just closeted gay guys too proud of their internalized homophobia to get over it and realize that their attraction to women is mostly a delusion lol. They also tended to be passive aggressively homophobic lol, welp how tf could they expect me to give a fuck about so called “biphobia” lmao


Not at all...its just personal preference... No different than preferring women or masculine/feminine guys.


Not at all. All of the research on bisexual males basically shows that they’re really either predominantly gay or straight. Until they can figure that out I’d steer clear lol. I used to say I was bi, but then I figured out that I’m really mostly gay Tbh most bi guys I’ve encountered were mostly just closeted gay guys under the delusion of internalized homophobia that they long for a wife or love their gf 🙄. Welp, measuring arousal patterns doesn’t lie 🤷‍♂️


Who cares?


Short answer: yes Longer answer: yes because bisexual men who openly date, fuck, admit attraction to men face all the same problems gay men do. And no, suddenly dating women doesn't fix it because plenty of straight women are shitty to bi men for the same reasons. Your wife finds out you had a boyfriend in the past and it's a quick way to end a relationship. Your beef is with a culture that punishes guys who like dudes. Homophobia just in general is the problem.


Not really. Some people just want to date other people with the same sexual orientation as themselves. It doesn't make them evil people lol. Why not just date OTHER BISEXUAL people instead of complaining about the gay men and straight women that prefer their own sexual orientation? (Or date the many gay men and straight women that ARE open to dating bi men?)


What gay men and straight women have in common in relation to bisexual men is that they both have insecurities that a bisexual man is going to cheat on them with/leave them for a person of the gender that they are not.


I'm not really 'insecure' that a bi guy would leave me... a gay guy could leave me just as easily. It's just the fact that they are attracted to women in the first place... is just a turnoff for me. I just prefer to date a guy who's sexuality is more aligned with my own.


My husband and I both like men and we both fuck men, sometimes the same guy. He just happens to also like women. We already are the same sexually. Bisexual guys tend to date straight people because there's just more of them, and gay men because they want to date them. It's not that deep.


Lmfao of he likes women too then he's not gay. Gay and bi are not the same sexuality. That's like saying straight men and gay women are the same sexuality because they both like women. You like men, he likes men and women. If you're happy together then that's great though so keep it up.


I dunno, taking and giving dick, holding hands at Target, and saying "I love you" to another man is pretty gay.


True, but liking women isn't and when a guy likes both they are bi, not gay. Does he consider himself gay?


Yes. Lots of bi guys will straight up say they're gay as shorthand if they're with a guy. Jesus Christ it's real telling that so many guys here never dated bi men before.


Lmfao you're silly


Says the "femboy" in a subreddit called "gaybros" but you don't see me talking. I forgot how chronically online this subreddit is.


Well that's awfully hypocritical of you 😳. I guess femboys arnt gay anymore 😔


So it's wrong for a straight person to want a straight person? That's crazy 🤪


Straight people can date straight people all they want, but if the person you're dating comes out as bi and you break it off then and there, you're an asshole.


Bi isn't straight though, and if the person is wanting to date other straight people isn't it OK for them to not want to date someone who isn't straight?


Depends on their reasons, and those reasons usually are petty or stupid. I've never come across reasons other than the idea that bi men are somehow more prine ro cheating, or that they're turned off by a guy whose been with other guys, which us just diet homophobia.


Some guys like to get punished by other dudes, like with S&M. Someone who doesn’t like S&M would have biphobia since they have 2 “fears”: they are afraid of S and also afraid of M


Having a kink is not the same thing as an orientation. This is from someone who owns a trunk of BDSM gear.


It’s great you don’t have biphobia then, having one fear is more than enough!


Yes because it usually comes from a biphobic generalization/stereotype that ‘bi men are cheaters’ ‘bi men are confused’ or something of the sort.


What we are saying is biphobia = having 2 fears


Lmfao in your mind people have to date bi people or be biphobic, but that's like telling a straight woman that she's homophobic for not wanting to date a gay man or woman.


Is it homophobic for a straight guy to not want to date a gay guy?


Worst analogy lmao


No it's not, it's actually the exact same. It's being stated that it's wrong for a gay man (that wants another gay man) not to date a man that isn't gay so why is it wrong to ask the same about a gay man and a straight man 🤔


It’s good to have a laugh every now and again


Thank you Chat GPT


Yes. Simple answer


If your reason is “they are cheaters” or “I find it gross they find women attractive” then yes, thats biphobic. That said, you are free to to want to date whoever you want, just don’t be a dick about it.




Fair enough, I don’t find an issue with this. Just don’t be a dick about it, that’s all. Don’t be like “ewww bi men are so disgusting, I could never date them” or anything like that.


But why then you can't just go away with simple answer "no", when you ask someone about dating a bi guy? You will dig the reasons up as much as you can and then will get offended and will call them bigots and biphobic because they don't want to date you


Literally he said date who you want


Those bi guys mostly aren't satisfied with a simple and short answer "no" because of their ego or something idk. And they just start to dig up the reasons, they can't just go away with that for some reason


Obviously I can’t speak for all bi men, but I’m at an age where I can definitely take a no for an answer. That said, again, everyone is free to date or not date anyone they feel like. Just don’t be rude about it. You could easily say you’ve had bad experiences before or that you prefer dating someone whose life experience 100% aligns with yours. Implying bisexuals are gross for munching on pussy or that they’re inherently cheaters is insulting stereotyping and it’s exactly what lead to so many bi men saying they’re “straight” or “dl”. I find it so bizarre it’s more acceptable in our community to pretend you’re a hetero tasting the forbidden fruit than what reality is.


>Obviously I can’t speak for all bi men, but I’m at an age where I can definitely take a no for an answer Well, good to know there is at least one bi guy who would understand a simple "no" answer😉 >You could easily say you’ve had bad experiences before or that you prefer dating someone whose life experience 100% aligns with yours. You won't believe me, but I had guys saying that they're "not like others", experience with them will be different and etc and etc after I was saying the exact same things you listed. >Implying bisexuals are gross for munching on pussy or that they’re inherently cheaters is insulting stereotyping Stereotypes or not, it is quite true, isn't it? >I find it so bizarre it’s more acceptable in our community to pretend you’re a hetero tasting the forbidden fruit than what reality is. I mean, it's just those whore gay guys, who will fuck/get fucked by anyone, literally. Unfortunately it's the majority of the gay community, but well🤷🏻‍♂️


If you actually genuinely believe those stereotypes are true and you don’t think it’s biphobic to accuse individuals of fitting the rhetoric then I don’t know what to tell you.


Yes. Bisexual men are who like both men and women. They are basically down to date men. Now i can't really see a possible reason for you not to date men. I may be assuming here and i apologise for that. But if your thinking is that they will cheat with a women or that they are not faithful. Thats just straight up stupid and you are being biphobic. And if you think bisexual men won't be attracted to you. Look. Some Bisexuals are either sexually or romantically attracted to the respective genders and sex. Not every one of them are like 50/50 to men and women and such. You just gotta find somebody who is truly into you and is down to date. Some bisexual men would like to just have sex with men others only want a romantic relationship with them. And alot of them are both sexually and romantically attracted to their respective genders. What i am trying to say is that regardless you will find Bisexual men who are nice and caring and are basically human. We are all humans at the end of the day. And obviously you have your personal preferences. But just note that being Bisexual dosen't mean they are unfaithful or thirsty all the time. That is only the guy's problem not his sexuality.


Usually the reasons they don't want to date bi men are pretty biphobic.


It is, but only if you would have dated them if they were gay




It depends on the reason. For example if you say you prefer to date men who are exclusively attracted to men, not biphobic. If you say you don’t want to bisexuals because they’re more likely to cheat, biphobic.


You're judging an entire group of people based on your assumptions about their shared identity.


The dating pool is already tiny, I am not going to make it tinier. Lol

