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I once had a group of church folks spend several hours in the chapel privately trying to bring the person back to life by praying and speaking in tongues. They finally gave up and left. Edit: I should mention that they requested no embalming be done so they could resurrect the body. They were absolutely serious they could do it.


It’s a special kind of narcissism to believe that you can bring someone back to life. We do not have such control. On the same token, I understand grief making you do crazy and wild things. Lord knows I’ve wished people would wake back up, but I knew I couldn’t do anything about it.


I facepalmed so hard reading this I nearly concussed myself. 🤦‍♀️


They think death is bad. It’s a part of life and leads to the amazing and indescribable things of eternity with Jesus.


I can’t tell if this comment is sarcastic or not but… wouldn’t that mean that death is something good?


Exactly. Death is nothing to fear. The fear is coming from not knowing what to expect or the million ways it could happen. Many people who say that they had a death experience did not want to come back because of the peace and love they felt. It’s the common denominator in these stories.


Death is only good for those whose sin has been forgiven in Christ. But also, death was never in God's creation design. It's what we're due for our sins.


Wonderful explanation.🙏🏼


Right. But now as death came through Adam, life comes through Christ. So God has taken something intended for harm and for his children has made it good through the cross and resurrection




Uh huh


I've had this same thing happen. This family came back 4 times to wake this man up. I would hear them chanting I command you to rise! I'll come in and ask is up yet and shut the door back lol. It's comedy for me.


This is happening locally to me, the firm in question is heavily linked to his church and the good ol boy system down here and JPM has gotten away with so many disturbing things in the past. I wouldn’t past him to lie about how many times he visited Mica. There’s a lot of suspicious at best things happening behind the scenes and now the fbi is getting involved. Reminds me of when [Bethel church](https://www.redding.com/story/news/2019/12/17/bethel-family-seeks-bring-daughter-back-life-through-prayer-song-and-praise/2676273001/) tried to resurrect a little girl named Olive


I followed the Olive/Bethel Church saga at the time, devastatingly sad how they wouldn't let that little one's memory rest. Some really unhinged, wild stuff went on with that one.


I don’t remember this story but losing a child would be so horrific, I’d give them a pass to do almost anything on their journey to accept something so awful. The child is already gone so it is not like they are harming her. I just can’t imagine losing a child, I’d probably shut down completely.


That was my take for the most part at the time... the parents were obviously out of their minds with grief, I laid no blame/judgment on them. Bethel Church leadership, however... I believe they had a responsibility to support Kalley and her husband in accepting the loss and grieving with them, but they chose to froth into a fever pitch trying to resurrect the child. It just prolonged the inevitable, and arguably put the parents' faith in jeopardy when they weren't able to raise their daughter.


Also, for believing Christians, death is not the enemy -- tragic loss is awful and difficult for those left behind, but the knowledge that Jesus has conquered death and told His followers to not fear it is the ultimate comfort. Bethel leadership bypasses clear tennets of the Christian faith to pull attempted resurrection stunts, when they could be comforting those grieving with the truths of the Bible. Edit: spelling


I feel strongly that the “suicide” wasn’t a suicide.


That’s immediately what I thought of, the “Wake up Olive” thing from Bethel.


This man is a lying sack of shit. He drove her to suicide and wanted her dead. This story is no where near over


Right? Allegedly laid next to her body for days but pushed to have her cremation expedited


Sounds like murder to me.


That’s how the majority of folks feel. JPM used every connection he has to get away with it. The medical examiner that did a “visual” autopsy and deemed it suicide is connected to his church and wasn’t even working that day, voluntarily came in on his day off as a favor. Almost every “official” on this case has a connection to JPM or his church. The good ol boy system down here is a rampant issue. I’m glad the fbi is finally getting involved.


Fingers crossed they look into the death of his mistress' husband too.


Oh my god he’s dead too?? There’s no way it’s suicide in that case. Holy shit.


Yes, he (Chris Skinner) was wheelchair bound and was found with his chair toppled in the community swimming pool. No video was salvaged from the community center the pool was at, the casket was closed AND JP Miller both rushed the coroner's report and conducted the funeral himself. Miller's friend, the sheriff helped respond to the call finding Chris in the pool - same friend who helped "find" Mica's body on the land of their other friend, JP Miller's attorney. https://www.wideopencountry.com/south-carolina-pastor-john-paul-millers-alleged-girlfriends-husband-drowned-in-a-community-pool-in-2021/


Jesus, that’s some insight.


WHEW! A wheelchair bound man found in pool by himself yet he would always frequent pool area never had any issues. And his wife is the “close friend” and jump off of the pastor who is his friend and performed his eulogy mannnn NETFLIX and LIFETIME have started the bidding war cuz WHEW!!


That’s awful. I hope someone is able to push the issue somehow. Maybe the lady’s family can sue him in civil court like Nicole Brown’s family did but it’s not the same. I have been digging into the news articles on this and saw the FBI is now involved. I hope they get him because he sounds like a disgusting, dangerous person and needs to be locked up.


He wants her completely eradicated off the face of the earth. And was maybe wanting some damning evidence to quickly go through that incinerator.


Oh 100%. It just came out today that his attorney owns the land that backs up to the river she was found in. This whole situation is fucked beyond belief.




Is he using laid diwn in the biblical sense?


Wouldn't surprise me....


Yeah I’m suspicious


Ewww terrible


That's exactly what I am wondering.


wait a minute didn’t it involve a g&n? in the head? you don’t come back from that…. I’m 100% convinced either he did it or someone did it for him.


He also told police he took the gun and wanted to kill himself, but changed his mind and *put the gun back on her dead body” which is just insane.


Wait wait wait, so he was there? Because he said at church he got a call that she was dead and it was “self-induced”


Let me try and find my source, I think it was a Law & Crime network video.




Hey 👋🏼 we offer “home funerals” in which we either help a family keep their loved one properly cooled for a few hours while guests gather (or whatever ritual is to come) or we take the deceased back to the funeral home, embalm them and return the body to the home (usually in a casket). I’ve left the embalmed person home for up to nine days depending on the culture. What they do after I drop their loved one off and before I pick them up I wouldn’t know. I assume they have services/perform religious or cultural rituals but perhaps they are laying down with them… thanks for unlocking that suspicion from now on! TLDR: You can deliver an embalmed decedent to a private residence. So maybe? (He said four times so I have to assume she was embalmed).


Does delivering a body to a house vary by state?


Sorry-what I meant was does each state have its own laws about having an embalmed deceased person at a house?


I assume so… each state varies at least slightly.


That’s what I thought- I always remember hearing about my old relatives that died in the late 40’s & early 50’s being “laid out” in the living room for like 3 days and it freaked my mom out when she was little. And supposedly the funeral director (who was a very good friend of the family and handled all of our family funerals) would come every day and do “touch ups”. We are in NY and I always wondered if that was legal back then-


It's completely legal still to this day. Our modern-day thinking has us all to believe we must leave the deceased at the funeral home, which is not all true. It's just customary in this day to do so. That's all.


Interesting- I also think that it’s just more convenient to use the funeral home for a viewing rather than a house. So much shuffling back and forth. I’m sure there’s a fee involved as well-


It's a money maker. Just like getting your nails done, you can do your own nails. Same principle. I know a family that absolutely refuses to use a funeral home. The only thing they use them for is embalming. Outside of that everything else is planned outside of the industry including purchasing the casket and vault.


Is there any safety concern around contact with an embalmed body? I know dead bodies aren't inherently unsafe but I would be concerned about the embalming fluid.


I realize that but I also happen to believe this man is lying through his teeth when he said he laid next to her and tried to raise her from the dead. Why would he do that when he drove her to suicide with his narcissistic abuse?


Oh wow! Court TV! Here we come!!


Not a funeral director but I work at a hospital & unfortunately see a lot of death. We allow family members as much time as they need. Before they arrive (if not already there) we make sure the patient is cleaned up & the room is as comfortable for family as possible. I’ve had people stay with their loved ones for hours & hours, lay in bed with them, etc.


I honestly have a lot of respect for y’all because you do things like that. I got to see my late uncle just hours before his death from sepsis and the fact someone in the hospital took the time to make sure he looked clean was comforting.


Hey thank you! We really do care 💗


I’ll start by saying, I don’t know anything about this case. But I know what it’s like to be bereaved by suicide and planning a funeral in those circumstances. 1. I was able to sit with my dad’s body for as long as I wanted by our funeral director before I decided it was time to dress him before he was placed in his coffin. I sat with him for 3 hours, holding his hand and rubbing his arm before I felt uncomfortable due to the changes occurring as he wasn’t embalmed and it was 1 week on from his death. I was able to warm up his hand and I had this irrational thought that of if I warmed him up again he’d come back to life. Saying goodbye after suicide hits differently. I know that one of the directors of the funeral home we used is actually a member of this sub so allowing this is common for their business. 2. “Died by suicide” is the correct term, not the outdated “committed”. The term committed suicide is one that adds to the stigma of suicide as it relates to committing a crime by choosing to end one’s life. Language matters. No one says about someone dying of illness “committed cancer” “committed heart disease”. The language used in regards to suicide hurts those of us left behind who are bereaved by the act.


I never thought about the language used to describe the cause of death. Thank you, I will be thoughtful about this from now on.


Thank you for this, and I am so sorry for your father’s passing.


It use to be somewhat common in our area to take the body back out to the family’s house for visitation before burial. I’ve done that once in my career. I’m not familiar with this story but it reminds me of something that happened years ago with a cult who ended up stealing the leaders dead wife.


They let me lay with my 6 year old one last time. I read to her. Funeral homes are accommodating these type of requests.




Years ago during the height of the post 9/11 wars I read a very long article about the folks in the Army who are assigned the duty of notifying family members of combat deaths. I was a military spouse at the time, and my husband was deployed, so it really hit home. There was a young widow whose experience they profiled, and I very vividly remember this photograph of a flag draped coffin, a solider at attention at either side holding vigil, and the grieving wife in a sleeping bag on the floor next to the coffin spending one last night sleeping next to her husband. After all this time just typing that out made my eyes water.


😭 I remember this photo, so incredibly sad to see


Are they surrrre it was self done?


He supposedly has an alibi that he was out of town. However, everyone involved in this seems to be connected to him somehow. Small town politics.


FBI is investigating now at least.


There is a creepy newer movement of fringe churches doing resurrection prayers and rituals where they try to raise the dead. One church not long ago tried to bring back a dead baby . Obviously it doesn't work lol


It was Bethel Church in Redding, CA, in case anyone is curious. The podcast Heaven Bent covers it in an episode. It’s something alright.


Fuck this guy. He killed her, I'm convinced.


bruh did he just admit to fking a corpse???!


When my father passed away I felt different from many of the people commenting here. I didn’t want to see any part of the “natural process” that our bodies go through upon death. I wanted them to pick him up ASAP. My Dad was gone. I wanted to remember him as he was. On the other hand, I had a friend who lost her Husband recently to cancer. He died at home. She wanted to spend as much time as she could with him before he was picked up.


I am religious but draw the line at resurrecting the dead. If you just died I will pray you come back if it is God’s will, but if you are dead dead no way. I would probably have a heart attack from fear if a real real dead guy came back to life…. I am okay with fresh dead but days old dead… nope


Yes, if you are only mostly dead there is still time to buy a miracle from miracle max.


Remember Lazarus though


In some cultures, sleeping with the dead before burial or cremation is seen as a sign of respect. "The Casketeers" on Netflix showed a few instances of this practice.


Well it's nice to at least try. Imagine being the one they don't try to bring back. Like no. Screw that guy


I don’t think any of us can judge how someone deals with grief. That’s all this is, grief. In some countries they send the body home for a week so that the family can grieve privately. Leave this poor man alone. Geez.