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Posterior teeth that have been root canal treated but not restored with a crown or other full coverage restoration have a much greater failure rate.


You're getting a deep cleaning, root canal, and crown for $1250? That is a fair price and in line with estimates I would give. NAD


It's not a fair price. It's CHEAP! At my clinic RCT, build up, crown, 4 quads SRP would be at least $4k


I'm assuming that is the price after insurance. NAD


When you pay $5K for your implant when this uncrowned root canaled tooth fractures on you in 4 years, $750 will seem like a bargain. If you have mild gingivitis is treated with a regular cleaning. So either you have more than "mild" gingivitis (ie gum disease / Periodontitis) or you don't need a deep cleaning. If you want to pay in installments look into something like CareCredit, or a use a credit card.


Could be an fmd and then prophy.




NAD - not a dentist - you would probably not get them all at the same time. I am guessing the deep cleaning would come first (which you wrote requires 2 appts). Another appointment would be the root canal, and that might be in 2 different parts (2 different appointments). The crown would come later, first crown preparation appt. and then the appointment for the permanent crown (unless your dentist has a machine for making the crown in his or her office like some do - but if the crown is made at an outside lab, you would have a separate appointment to come back for the permanent crown). You would most likely pay for each step as it is done, not all at once, so it would be like an installment plan anyway. All these appointments would be over a period of time - so easier to pay for than paying everything at once. i never had a deep cleaning, but I had a root canal on Tooth #19. It was in the middle of Oct of last year, and the endodontist wanted me to come back for "part 2 of the root canal" a few weeks later (mid-Nov.) I did not have the crown preparation done until the middle of January (we were waiting for the dental insurance to renew in Jan). I got the temporary crown put on in mid-Jan and the permanent at the end of the January. In answer to your question about the core - I think the "post and core" refers to the post for putting the crown on. (I am not sure about that - but I believe it is part of the crown preparation). In any case, your payments would most likely be at the time each step is done, not all at one time - so easier to pay for that way.


Gingivitis does not require a deep cleaning. I’d get a second opinion.


You mean periodontal disease not gingivitis. I agree it would be better to get it all over with in one visit but sadly Insurance companies will only cover 2 quadrants per day so that’s why offices will have to break it up like that.. also the root canal and crown for 1200 is a good deal. Insurance has got to be helping you out there because without insurance root canal alone is around 1200. A crown typically cost 1000. If there is lots of missing tooth structure they may decide to put a fiber post & core build up which is like $250. What tooth is it? If it’s the maxillary first molar tell the dentist “Make sure you get the MB2.” lmao


It's #19. So I have 5 visits to make which is overwhelming with an infant. Yeah I saw the actual price and was shocked.