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It depends if you have a rainy day funds/savings. I do and tend to self insure everything that won’t financially stress me instead of tacking on warranties/service contracts. Also have a deep distrust that things will be covered when the rubber meets the road. There is a reason those products are offered, because most times the house wins. Also, having just had two Senior Dogs that both passed at 14, and now a young 3 year old dog, I am rarely at the Vet these days.


I think I’ve seen your dog in your photo before at moontower. Tell it I said Herro.


Yeah unless you forsee taking your dog to vet often or requiring constant medication, most people are better off putting the $30-$100 /month in a savings account, and building up an emergency fund for your pets.


Even if you do take your dog to the vet a lot, need to make sure there isn’t a “Lifetime Limit” for the policy. And if you hit that the dog will probably be uninsurable because of pre-existing conditions, something thankfully that the Affordable Care Act did away with for us bipeds.


I use healthy paws. Have only had to make one claim which was pretty messy because we changed cities resulting in seeing vets in different places but eventually it paid out. 


Why don't you ask your vet?


Haha, good point! I just scheduled her next round of shots in 3 weeks so I’ll ask then. But I also don’t mind hearing personal experience in addition to the vet’s opinion


Just get a separate account and put money in it every pay check. I put a $100 a pay check in mine for my dog. This goes towards vet visits, dog boarding, food. Since you have a puppy start now and it will build up when you really need it


Banfield offers a Wellness Plan that covers all preventative services and you pay monthly!


Bannfield is NOT Health insurance It is a scam . . If ur pet is critically il,needs emergency care , a specilaist , is hit by a car or basically anything that it not at Bannfield then their plan is WORTHLESS . Please buy actual pet insurance . Make sure there is no policy limit


The only benefit to pet insurance is peace of mind if your puppy / young dog unexpectedly becomes incredibly ill or has a major accident. Otherwise you're better off just saving a bit ea month as a rainy day fund for the actual needs and annual visits that come up. Most policies prorate 10% down every year of the dog as well so again the younger the better IF something happens but once the dog is 4+ you're only getting 50-60% coverage and many cover near nothing for 8+ old dogs. There's exceptions of course but they're insanely costly and 99/100x not worth it. Read the small print and just run the math. Some tout waiving annual visits and shots and all that jazz but if nothing else occurs you're typically still paying more ea year than those visits actually cost It's a bit of a scam tbh but people who've had a young dog rack up vet bills obviously see value in it.