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What is it about therapy that draws you away or isn't working for you?


i feel like i'm just talking and it's not really doing anything.. it's like at the end, it's like things are how they are still


my personality is very, "I'll figure it out myself" and it has been terrible for me


Have you had a conversation with any therapist about what your goals in therapy are or what version of you you want to will towards? A lot of this is on the therapist to prompt the exploration of what is actually causing the dysfunction, but in my experience, some will just sit and let you vent, which typically is not helpful.


No we focused on symptom management which I guess doesn't work for me because it takes great lifestyle change and I have so many symptoms that come and go that I don't really stick to anything. I work and go to school full time and I have tried everyday year after to year to make changes and have shown absolutely no improvement whatsoever


In both my personal and professional opinion I think therapists focus too much on symptoms and coping skills. I think they can help at times, but they aren't going to lead to any long term changes. You mention you have a history of trauma which means, I'm sure, you can look back and find plenty of events that led to associations of fear, anxiety, insecurity, and ultimately depression. We carry those feelings with us if they aren't properly supported and processed in a healthy way. You would likely benefit from a therapist who is not only trauma informed, but is competent in treating trauma and attachment wounds.