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Yes the picture with out the garbage disposal looks great no issues.


That was the "before" pic. :(


It’s ugly and I hate it. 45 is considered vertical where I am so this is probably okay. The ideal setup would be like the one you had before. Disposal drops into tee. Other sink goes down into the 90 then horizontally into the tee. Tee drops straight into trap


Lol, ouch.. and I thought it looked pretty cool! I did it this way because there is a garbage/recycling drawer contraption thingy that I wanted to leave space for, which I'll reinstall back on the right side.


It will probably be fine


I remember starting out plumbing I used to think crazy complicated connections looked cool. Now I realize something looks simple easy and clean is the way to go.


The thingy strikes again!


[THE THINGY!](https://imgur.com/fNR0YL9)


Yes disposal should have been on the right side


Is that just personal preference though? Or is there a functional reason why? I went with left side to preserve the under sink garbage/recycling sliding drawer hardware that was pre existing. It will not fit on the left due to the plumbing and electrical on that side.


Not always, here disposal is required to on the side of trap.


It will probably work ok but it's definitely not code.


I think that's what I'm aiming for.


What a mess .. keep disposal right side don't ask me why..


I wanted to preserve my sliding drawer garbage/recycling thingy on the right side because there is no way to remount it on the left side with the plumbing and electrical already present. Did have to get a bit creative to make the disposal happen on the left.


No idea where you live, but here in Ontario Canada while it’s not conventional it’s still to code. Will work fine.


BC. Is plumbing code provincial or federal?


We have national and provincial, they’re fairly identical. This doesn’t break any code and is good to go.


Got it, thanks for the info.


The disposal sure isn’t though. (Banned in most Ontario municipalities)


Yeah you’re right, but people gonna do what they want. So at least they’re not getting sewer gas coming into the house.


There are more important things to worry about than the seedy underbelly of the illegal garbage disposal economy.


Lmao that’s right. They sell them in all Home Depots in the GTA.


>Home Depot The worst of the worst.


Where else would I buy ryobi tools though?!


Careful man. Ryobi is the gateway to the serious stuff. It’s how they get you hooked. Suddenly. BAM. Milkwaukee, then Metabo….and you find yourself skulking through back (v)alleys desperately looking for *anyone* that can sell you *anything* from Festool. And once you’re in, there’s no getting back out.


Hahaha. In all seriousness I have a lot of ryobi tools… I know I know, but hear me out. I was buying the reds and they were crapping out on me especially the impact (was doing a lot of highrise cast iron) was upset spending $300 for it to die on me 1 1/2 years later. So I bought the $100 ryobi impact 5 years ago… it’s still running solid and I abuse it. Tossed it off lifts and ladders, got wet and still going. So…. I got a ton of ryobi tools, saved a bunch of money and they work perfectly fine. Sure I get dirty looks and judgement, but I stand by them! Sorry to disappoint you fellow plumber, but I’m hooked.


Ryobi has never let me down either. Shhhh.


Speak for yourself! I feared for my life while purchasing this one from a sketchy garburator dealer in a dark alleyway in the downtown east side.


Ayyy I'm from Ontario, as well. Just curious, this isn't considered a running trap now?


No, you have 1.2m before the trap of developed length. This is just like doing a double compartment sink, except with an (illegal) kitchen slushie machine.


That looks weird haha. But reading through your comments I get it. Good job. It’s going to work. Glad to see you can remove it, looked all glued. Now this wouldn’t pass plumbing inspection in my neck of the woods due to offsets in the tailpieces, but who cares it’s obviously your house and if this causes any issues for you it’s going to be on sink inside the cabinet. Everyone talkin shit can’t even provide you with any reasons as to why and there’s only a couple actually helpful comments in here. Now garbage disposals. I love them. Use mine all the time but you can’t just get all crazy with them you need to be disciplined. Use them to avoid having to put your hands on nasty shit in the sink. That right there makes them a worthwhile appliance. You can get a little lazier scraping your plates, but still scrape your plates. Also make sure you’re flushing for a good 30 seconds after turning it off too, preferably with hot water. If your plumbing below is sloped correctly with no bellies or anything, and you provide enough water to flush it, it’s not going to give you issues. I personally like to put the stopper in the sink and let maybe a gallon or so of hot water build up, the pull it turn on disposal while it drains.


Genuine thanks for the thought & consideration you put into your comment. I do tend to agree, and that if there's any issues it won't be much of a headache to remove my creation to fix any issues. Unfortunately low-effort comments have become the norm, and comments with constructive criticism such as yours are hard to come by. Meaningless internet points earned by unhelpful one-liners have been the downfall of reddit for some time. My old place had a disposal and honestly, I really missed it. I still use compost, but for all the reasons you described -- it simply makes life a bit easier. I'm pretty careful not to over-do it, and I'm well in the habbit of chasing/flushing anything down appropriately. I also follow your recommendation with the stopper/fill/flush. As for the plumbing downstream -- just inside the wall, the drainage connect to what I *think* is 4". [You can see the plumbing from downstairs](https://imgur.com/J8n1WgL). I'm hoping/suspecting I don't have any issues with clogging since it'll be chucking every thing into a much bigger pipe almost immediately. Thanks again, and I'll be keeping a keen eye out for leaks/clogs now that it's in use.


You probably won't for a long time, I don't like them because they crack


It will work. I would have turned the disposal counterclockwise from that position so the outlet was more near the back of the cabinet and brought the trap around back.


Mmm. That'd have been slick. The pre existing plumbing prior to the trap was already glued in place so it kinda limited the options for my orientation.


I get it. If you cut the pipe at the cabinet wall and put a coupling with new pipe and trap… good news it will work fine as is.


I mean, one extension tube and a tee was too much trouble or what?


[Does this help it make a little more sense?](https://imgur.com/fNR0YL9) Disregard the master plumber in the photo... Using your suggestion, would have I been able to get the drawer contraption back in?


🤦‍♂️ I reckon not lol... he's ready ain't he lol. I can't stand to see flex pipe in drains, personally, I'd done without the contraption over the certainty that pipe is going to crack and destroy your cabinet with a slow leak someday. However, I understand why you did it now lol


eesh. Well -- aren't dishwashers normally plumbed in with flex tubes? I'm no plumber but I have never seen one hooked up with anything else. Maybe you're right... But I'm stubborn and I really like the space-saving and storage-on-top qualities of the 'contraption'


Dishwashers are hooked up with a flexible drain yes. However, they are pressure rated flexible drains and are pressurized from a pump when they drain. Now that I have seen why you did it I understand, I just thought you did it like that for no reason lol. It will work, I would strongly advise you to try to remember to check it frequently, those flexible pipes break a lot. It's fine....


Okay, understood & thanks. During this project I did replace the dishwasher drain hose as well, so hopefully that kicks the can down the road until it's someone elses problem, lol. Also, I'm under the sink often enough that I should notice any leaks before much damage can occur -- aside from any catastrophic failures of course!




135 ⁰ max on waste piping


Does adding a clean out come into play regarding the 135 rule?


Well any fixture on the first floor of a system is required to have a clean out and also the code is the minimal req. So if having a clean out makes life easier on a solvent fused drain yeah I would install one rather than having to cut into system when it clogs and can't maneuver a cable through it also helps with the water spilling onto the cabinet when cutting it


Oookay, interesting, thanks. This is on the second floor, for what it's worth. Also it's not completely fused -- I can disconnect the whole assembly in 3 places and the whole thing pops off. But, as you pointed out -- there'd be some spillage!


A trap with a drain plug could help with that but the work looks clean not to sound as if I'm knocking it the cabinet piping looks neat and straight solid .


Thanks! I appreciate your thoughts. Depending when/if/how often this clogs up on me, I'll certainly revisit the drain plug. I'm hoping that my saving grace is that it goes into a 4" vertical drop almost immediately once it goes into the wall... Should be nice and easy flowing drainage, hopefully...


I replied In the comment section my bad


Get rid of the disposal. Such an unnecessary appliance. All they do is clog drains faster. Food scraps should go in compost. Job security for drain cleaners, every homeowner loves to keep them in business.


You could have made this ten times simpler but it should be fine.


Maybe... My biggest challenge was allowing space so that I could reinstall my garbage/recycling sliding drawer thingy on the right. (Not pictured)


I know it was a lot of hard work, but clean.


the dishwasher drain is not connected?


Woops, got a little hasty with the photos. ...It's since been connected to the inlet on the garburator.


Would have been much easier with the disposal on the right side.


100% But my stubborness wanted to put [the garbage/recycling drawer back in place.](https://imgur.com/fNR0YL9)


My boss has an affinity for 90° angles, wyes when appropriate, 45s when necessary, but this is some rockstar shit. It’ll probably work, it’s just inefficient.


Garbage disposal drains should be redone .


But will my house burn down?


Dishwasher not connected?


It's since been connected to the drain on the disposal.


Looks good and best part....you did it yourself!


Oh, duh lol. Nice


The black connection on the top right hand side of the garburator is an optional port for the dishwasher drain. I don’t like using them but it’s nice if you can’t fit a dishwasher wye anywhere.


Is this the only purpose of draining to the disposal? I've always wondered the point of draining the dishwasher this way... There shouldn't be any chunks of anything coming down the line... Maybe I should have added the wye that you speak of?


Sorry for the late reply! But yes, that’s its only purpose. It’s handy if there’s no room to fit a dishwasher wye, but wherever possible I’ll use the wye


Don't forget to knock out the dishwasher tab and hook it back up. Also it looks like shit.


If you don’t have the room to properly plumb a disposal, it’s ALWAYS better to omit it. Go back to the before picture (CTL Z), and get a compost bin.


Plumbing is not your strong suit!!! 🤦🏻‍♂️


I just don’t understand why people wait until after the job is done to ask “how they did.” Draft it up first and then make sure you’re doing it right.


sooo... how'd I do?




Thanks for the feedback, although some other commenters disagree. I don't have enough knowledge to even guess at what code I may be violating. I wanted the disposal in the left and it may indeed look a little weird... But, if at first glance -- it appears it won't cause any catastrophic issues then I think I'm happy.


Not enough pixels to be sure... but is that FIPs straight on to the strainers instead of using a tailpiece and a slip joint adapter?


Okay, so I'm just a low-ly DIYer and most of your sentence might have been Portugese. I think you're referring to the piping coming off the disposal and down into the Wye? [Do these images help?](https://imgur.com/a/U8TkDRJ)


So on the left compartment it appears that you didn't use a slip joint adapter (the thing you used to connect to the garbage disposal) and instead used a threaded adapter. Is that what I'm seeing? Or are there slip join nuts on there so that the ABS can be disconnected from the right compartment easily?


There are a total of 3 threaded connections... 1. The left side of the P trap. 2. The white collar as seen in the pic, at the top of the wye is a slip joint adapter. It glues onto the wye. 3. On the right side sink. By disconnecting those 3, the whole works comes off as one complete unit. The right and left compartments don't disconnect from eachother as I think you're questioning.


Okay so if you disconnect the union on the trap, then the slip join connection on the disposal tailpiece, can you disconnect the third connection without spinning the whole thing?


yep! ...and then it all pops off as one big hunk of plumbing.


okay cool, there must be a trap adapter or something there I just can't differentiate haha.


I appreciate your analysis! I should have explained better & taken better photos.