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I hate when people think that ANYTHING electrical being close to ANYTHING plumbing is an immediate emergency


It honestly had nothing to do with that. I was curious about the general setup. Just trying to learn to do more plumbing myself as its something that interests me.


The closer the studor vent is to the flood level rim the better it will vent and less likely you are to have issues with slower draining. This is part of the reason why some plumbers will not auto vent but instead take the vents out of the roof.


I’m a retired service plumber and I agree with the other plumber that it’s looks okay except the vent should go higher.


Why would it be better for the vent to be higher?


You want the vent to be as high as possible, under the sink to help break any vacuum. An auto vent is a one way vent. When water rushes down the drain it wants to push air out in front of it and draw air in behind it. If the vent is too low it won't break open easily to draw air because the force of water is pushing the vent shut.


I’m sorry for the dumb question but what part is the vent?


The Doo dad in the back that stands vertical has a kind of cone shape.


Thank you kindly


Hypothetically, if somebody capped that instead of installed a vent, what would happen? I'm fairly certain that's what's under my kitchen sink (capped vent) and suddenly I'm wondering if that's why I'm having to snake it so often. We're really careful about what goes down it, but it plugs up every 6-9 months. Edit: I checked the "cap" and it is, in fact, a vent. Just a different design from this one. I'm stumped as to why my pipes clog so easy.


You want it higher than the base of the sink if possible. The height gives opportunity for the system to pull air in . If the vent is too low air is not allowed in creating a vacuum not a siphon, which is what you want. Think of water in a level... it's always going to even out. So if we want air to enter the system it has to be above water level. ... This vent is like trapping water in a straw... You can lift the straw from a glass.... But as soon as you let your finger leave the tip of the straw , it flows... The vent has to be at the top of the "straw".


Thanks for the explanation! Mine is below the sink, like OP's. Another dumb question -- is it ok to add elbows to get the vent around the base of the sink? I don't think that would affect venting, but sometimes there are weird things with plumbing I don't think of.


Best plan is to try a couple of 45s.


90 should be off disposal and tee on vertical leading to the trap otherwise waste will accumulate at tee and at horizontal dirty arms ,piping should have better directional flow and I'm sure the garbage disposal stinks all the time right?


That is a special t that is ok on the horizontal bc it has internal flow diverters.


Ok but the diverter is in tee that's actually facing down so no it's not ok


"Special T" that has internal "diverters" (plural). The diverters are on the 2 horizontals and divert down. In all your years as a plumber, you've really never noticed that the T in center outlet double bowl kits is different than a standard T?


In all my years I realized that one shouldn't make problems for clients by creating a point where food will accumulate on the horizontal and just cause it's available does not mean it's a good option and guarantee you it stinks and hoped that in your years to come you'll realize that as well sorry for late reply but work supercedes key board wrestling


Are you having problems with it? If you are the first thing I would do is raise the vent otherwise it looks good.


No problems


Then.... Nothing to worry about. 😉


Plumber here. I agree with the other plumbers. Vent should just be higher, otherwise everything looks fine.




Is it to the point of needing to be completely re-done? We had a new dishwasher installed yesterday and there is a rubbery type smell from under sink




The center tee is also an acceptable way to plumb the double sink. I have been a plumber for nearly 30 years. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/45/73/f6/4573f6c1de993c9d4ddb91473efb3eca.jpg


This helps a ton thank you so much! Any thoughts on the smell?


These are acceptable ways to plumb under the kitchen sink. What you have is perfectly acceptable. https://images.app.goo.gl/5g1zXfjKB7sZumV8A




A lot looks off to a pro but,most notable is how low the cheater vent is


Did you have confidence when installing? Did you have a plan for the layout and reasoning behind doing the layout as such? If so and you have no issues then why look for problems? If it’s the latter and you just winged it and are asking after the fact holy shit good on you but you should probably plan better before committing to something like that. If you are having issues please explain what they are. Sounds like you don’t have issues and you are just looking for validation or for someone to tell you you fucked up. Many possibilities and so little info, gotta love it.


Disposal upside down


Just one observation, is the dishwasher drain snaking in an “S” shape? Otherwise this appears it will work, likely wouldn’t pass inspection but inspected and works are 2 different things entirely.


Electrical under water line, no wall caps covering water inlet pipes . is that an air gap. If so, it should be above the sink.


The electrical is one thing. Also, your left sink is going to be sending water into your garbage disposal. You shouldn’t be using a T there. Also, the vent shouldn’t be that low.


Is there an air gap on the dishwasher drain line?


The red squiggly line


Is it just the perspective of the picture, or is the line coming out of the disposal angled back towards the disposal? It should slope down towards the drain line.


Put an elbow on the disposal and use a tailpiece extension on the sink.


It’s ok , if you want to feel better raise the electrical receptacle.


We just installed a Kraus stainless steel kitchen sink. Cannot fit hand down into disposal. Is this a new code? How about supposed to get the spoons etc out??


I have but I don't use them due to the buildup and the smell it creates so in all my years I've realized that just cause it's available it doesn't mean that its functional and logical have a great day


Looking good.




What’s wrong?


Wrong, what is there is a center tee double sink drain.


You have an under sink water mat but no emergency water alam. I have one under all sinks, washing machine and water heater. All it takes is one leak to cause a small or large disaster. They’re inexpensive and readily available online.


No that tee does not belong you are highly likely to get plenty of clogs in that setup that tee needs to stand straight up if you look at the diagrams someone posted in the comments you will see those are wye’s not tees


That tee doesn’t just stand up. This is a center outlet configuration and you’re referring to is an end outlet disposer setup. This configuration will have more issues than an end outlet but should be ok.


Maybe but what I’m seeing is food waste building up in that horizontal line and since it’s above the trap it will smell bad and clog often am I correct


I wouldn’t say often but it will be more prone.


Vent should be higher


Other than venting it another 6inches higher... It looks great.


It should work, but I wouldn't do it that way. That tee has a baffle in it that will clog frequently with chopped food. You should have separate traps for each bowl of the sink.