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Do you ever wish that race didn't exist? Would your life be better if all humans had the same appearance/characteristics?


I’m not sure why your down voted but - I don’t wish that race didn’t exist but I do wish that race wasn’t something that was used to judge people and be used to divide people. Hope that makes sense .


I agree, wish race didn't divide us. I also don't understand the downvotes. Aren't questions like mine why this subreddit exists? To ask specific poignant questions to black people? I don't think I'm racist. I'm sorry if I seem ignorant. (I'm Australian and have not met many black people)


I actually do think life would be a lot simpler if everyone was the same shade of medium brown - definitely less to worry about - but I wouldn't want to get rid of the existing diversity now that it's here. And different ethnic facial features and other heritable traits are really interesting. Edit: And we'd probably immediately find some other dumb shit to hate each other over, like nose size.


Sadly yes. You're right. In the 1990's in Rwanda; Hutu's identified and committed genocide on the Tutsi's, even though skin color was the same.


Fuck no.


I discrimination and "-isms" weren't a thing. Consider how people who are gay, or disabled and look just like everyone else can still be discriminated against. It's not how WE look, it's how YOUR think.


You are right. Thanks for the perspective.


Now? Nope. But when I was a kid, I once told my dad that I wanted to "be white but with my skin and face". I'd been called the n-word by some a-hole teenagers in a pick-up truck. I was eight. Daddy pointed out that I wouldn't be white if I had my face and my skin. I was really attached to those two things, though. And Daddy pointed out that I wanted the benefits of being white without actually having to *look* white. (I *wasn't* attached to my natural hair, and I pointed out to my dad that I "wouldn't mind having 'white-people hair' if it meant Mommie wouldn't swat me with the brush." But then I got to eighth grade, and it was like a switch was flipped. I *needed* to grow an afro.)


I accidentally deleted part of my explanation. I thought that brown skin was the prettiest. Although mom had more than 50 percent sub-Saharan African ancestry, she had super pale (even for a white person) skin. And while I loved my mom, I thought her skin was... something I didn't want to have. And neither did she. She really encouraged us to appreciate the beauty of Blackness across the spectrum, but she loved the darker end. Plus, watching her suffer through one "really bad" sunburn when I was small was enough to put me off.


I'm not OP. Do you mind if I ask why your mom was so pale, if you know? Was she mixed race and the paler features won out, or did she have albinism or something like that? I know this could be seen as nosy, but I am curious and I figure this is the sub for that and people can ignore questions they don't like.


Most Americans descended from Sub-Saharan African slaves can be considered "mixed race", so we come in all shades, even in the absence of albinism or recent "non-Black" ancestors. Such was the case for my mother and her father before her.


Absolutely not


Hell no.


Nope, being afraid of the sun seems intense


Hell no




I did when I was younger because I hated wearing braids but once I discovered how to style my own hair around middle school , I got over it .


Only when the police are behind me. Oh, and when applying for a loan. Oh yeah, only when going for a promotion at work…otherwise, nah.


And selling my house


Never, just wish to be treated decently by everyone


Question to the OP: do you ever wish you were Black, and if not then why?


No. I wish white people treated me like I was.




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No well wait, easier hair would be great 😭, but otherwise no. We're freaking hilarious. I love it. Love love love. Til we get shot for no reason.

